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Brandon Sanderson AMA 2015


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If you're lucky and they get adressed in the book. -_-

I think you just killed my last couple of optimismspren. :mellow:

On the other hand, I'm mainly asking for the Reckoners RPG, and once we the third book comes out we can revel in all the wildly implausible fanon we want without fear of being directly contradicted.

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I think you just killed my last couple of optimismspren. :mellow:

On the other hand, I'm mainly asking for the Reckoners RPG, and once we the third book comes out we can revel in all the wildly implausible fanon we want without fear of being directly contradicted.

Sorry. :unsure:


True, after book three hits we can let loose. :ph34r:

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Or, or, or! 


We could pretend Reckoners is Cosmere so Sharders who go to signings will actually ask questions about it! :ph34r::P


Wouldn't work. Nobody asks about the other countries on Nalthis or the political climate of modern Scadrial--the Cosmere-focused fans mostly ask questions about obscure traits of Investiture. We'd get a lot of questions about whether or not the Cognitive intent of Epic powers matters, or whether Steelheart's steel can be Soulcasted, or what would happen if you sliced one of Regalia's projections with a Shardblade.


...which would be kind of interesting, actually, but not at all what we need. :P

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Wouldn't work. Nobody asks about the other countries on Nalthis or the political climate of modern Scadrial--the Cosmere-focused fans mostly ask questions about obscure traits of Investiture. We'd get a lot of questions about whether or not the Cognitive intent of Epic powers matters, or whether Steelheart's steel can be Soulcasted, or what would happen if you sliced one of Regalia's projections with a Shardblade.


...which would be kind of interesting, actually, but not at all what we need. :P


So we wouldn't even get anything about the outcome of a Fortuity vs. Vin and Adolin fight? Laaaaaaame. <_<

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So we wouldn't even get anything about the outcome of a Fortuity vs. Vin and Adolin fight? Laaaaaaame. <_<

Talking about fights like this. I have to say that I always found it funny that when asked which of his characters would win in an allout battle royal he kinda evaded by saying that killing a Mistborn with Atium is very hard, causing everyone to take it as an insta win button, but then in Steelheart kills of Fortuity, whose precognition should be at least as good as Atium, rather easily.

Then again people also seem too think that piting Kaladin as he's currently (not even anywhere cose his full potential) against Vin at the end of Mistborn is fair, so whatever. :ph34r: 


However, if we can convince even Brandon of Reckoners being Cosmere, there's a chance of more books, through crossovers. ^_^

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Talking about fights like this. I have to say that I always found it funny that when asked which of his characters would win in an allout battle royal he kinda evaded by saying that killing a Mistborn with Atium is very hard, causing everyone to take it as an insta win button, but then in Steelheart kills of Fortuity, whose precognition should be at least as good as Atium, rather easily.

Then again people also seem too think that piting Kaladin as he's currently (not even anywhere cose his full potential) against Vin at the end of Mistborn is fair, so whatever. :ph34r:


However, if we can convince even Brandon of Reckoners being Cosmere, there's a chance of more books, through crossovers. ^_^


Well Fortuity, unlike atium users, had a very specific weakness (not directly related to precognition) that was being exploited.  Atium users only weakness is other atium users, which doesn't apply in a Mistborn vs non Mistborn battle.

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Well Fortuity, unlike atium users, had a very specific weakness (not directly related to precognition) that was being exploited.  Atium users only weakness is other atium users, which doesn't apply in a Mistborn vs non Mistborn battle.

Your actually wrong on two parts, for one Fortuity's weakness wasn't in effect anymore when he got killed and concerning Atium.

(Well of Ascension) (Nothing plot related just magic mechanics)

Atium can't predict people reacting to it's prediction. Meaning that if the opponent can see the Atium user coming and has time to react he creates a second Atium shadow and as such overcomes the prediction for a moment.

(Word of Radiance)

Meaning that the fighting sense Kaladin has showed should actually be superior to Atium in direct combat as it doesn't relly on the shadows but acts more like enhanced instinct and reflexes.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Not sure if I lke that reason more or less... oh well, might as well tell him my opinion.

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Not sure if I lke that reason more or less... oh well, might as well tell him my opinion.

WoR  spoiler just in case

I agree that his death is essentially certain at that point. The primary difference then is being killed by blunt force trauma as opposed to being killed by a shardblade. We've seen healing in action before plenty of times by this point (and we have seen Kaladin heal shardblade injuries) but there is still a bit of a gap between those two methods of being killed and how easy it might be to heal the person. Oooor that could have nothing to do with his reasoning  :P But it seems to make some sense.

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WoR  spoiler just in case

I agree that his death is essentially certain at that point. The primary difference then is being killed by blunt force trauma as opposed to being killed by a shardblade. We've seen healing in action before plenty of times by this point (and we have seen Kaladin heal shardblade injuries) but there is still a bit of a gap between those two methods of being killed and how easy it might be to heal the person. Oooor that could have nothing to do with his reasoning  :P But it seems to make some sense.

As I replied in the AMA I could see that as the reasoning, if not for the fact that the others being still alive wasn't so obvious to me. Syl has outright been stated in story to not be really dead and Jasnah's body disapeared, she has Stormlight healing and a magic ability called Transportation (although I'm not sure if everyone knew that at that point). Sure, it is less on screen but if anyone complains about Syl and Jasnah returniing I don't see how Szeth "just" falling to his death would reduce the revival counter for them.

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It would probably be more effective to just post a new one altogether.


It's tempting, but I'm not sure how I'd go about phrasing that. "Hi, obsessive fan here. My first post was too long, BUT PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT THE COVEN!!!!1!"   :/

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It's tempting, but I'm not sure how I'd go about phrasing that. "Hi, obsessive fan here. My first post was too long, BUT PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT THE COVEN!!!!1!"   :/

The advice wasn't about length. It's simply that doesn't seem to bother searching down the old post but simply picks some of the new ones. So the content of your post won't matter if you let it sit down there, because Brandon won't even look at it.

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More answers:













These last two are more interesting, I think:

http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2ytg2h/im_novelist_brandon_sanderson_ama/cr9e453?context=3- Lift's weird stormlight-generating is unique to her and she wasn't born with it: essentially reaffirming that she got it because of the Nightwatcher.


http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2ytg2h/im_novelist_brandon_sanderson_ama/crau1qi?context=3- Kobold got some of his wish.


P.S. Anyone can feel free to do the work of copying over and properly formatting the text, I'm just swooshing by with the links for the moment.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Wouldn't work. Nobody asks about the other countries on Nalthis or the political climate of modern Scadrial--the Cosmere-focused fans mostly ask questions about obscure traits of Investiture. We'd get a lot of questions about whether or not the Cognitive intent of Epic powers matters, or whether Steelheart's steel can be Soulcasted, or what would happen if you sliced one of Regalia's projections with a Shardblade.


...which would be kind of interesting, actually, but not at all what we need. :P


I'm more interested in Cosmere than Reckoners, but... most Cosmere questions really are just ridiculous technicalities. FTL, for example, is really just a big RAFO, in the literal sense of "Read and Find Out." I mean... why does it matter when it's not relevant whatsoever to the story at hand? And, of course, we apparently have to ask what every magical metal in existence would do when burnt.


The interesting questions to me are the ones about Worldbuilding, because it's actually pretty impressive how in-depth it is. Where do Scadrians get silk? What's the diameter of the Final Empire? How many Mistborn are there on Scadrial just prior to the Collapse? It's what these signings are for.


Not that I don't have my own list odd questions, I guess.

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I'm more interested in Cosmere than Reckoners, but... most Cosmere questions really are just ridiculous technicalities. FTL, for example, is really just a big RAFO, in the literal sense of "Read and Find Out." I mean... why does it matter when it's not relevant whatsoever to the story at hand? And, of course, we apparently have to ask what every magical metal in existence would do when burnt.


The interesting questions to me are the ones about Worldbuilding, because it's actually pretty impressive how in-depth it is. Where do Scadrians get silk? What's the diameter of the Final Empire? How many Mistborn are there on Scadrial just prior to the Collapse? It's what these signings are for.


Not that I don't have my own list odd questions, I guess.


To be fair, what you're arguing about is really just a matter of personal taste.  Just because the FTL questions don't interest you doesn't mean the same 'why does it matter when its not relevant to the story at hand' couldn't be applied to where Scadrians get silk or what the diameter of the Final Empire is.  The signings are for asking whatever questions fans want to ask.


As for why things like the FTL questions matter so much to so many fans when we know we'll get the answers eventually - in over a decade at minimum....many of us simply enjoy speculation.  We like finding clues, connecting dots, building theories, so that when all ultimately is revealed, we can see how our theories lined up with actuality.  Some of us are just impatient.  There's no right or wrong way to read, theorize, or wish for expansion on the cosmere.  I can understand and sympathize with frustration at missed opportunities when it seems the majority of fans aren't interested in asking the kind of questions you'd like to see answered, but that doesn't make those questions any less valid than your own.

Edited by ROSHtaFARian2.0
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To be fair, what you're arguing about is really just a matter of personal taste.  Just because the FTL questions don't interest you doesn't mean the same 'why does it matter when its not relevant to the story at hand' couldn't be applied to where Scadrians get silk or what the diameter of the Final Empire is.  The signings are for asking whatever questions fans want to ask.


As for why things like the FTL questions matter so much to so many fans when we know we'll get the answers eventually - in over a decade at minimum....many of us simply enjoy speculation.  We like finding clues, connecting dots, building theories, so that when all ultimately is revealed, we can see how our theories lined up with actuality.  Some of us are just impatient.  There's no right or wrong way to read, theorize, or wish for expansion on the cosmere.  I can understand and sympathize with frustration at missed opportunities when it seems the majority of fans aren't interested in asking the kind of questions you'd like to see answered, but that doesn't make those questions any less valid than your own.


I wholeheartedly agree. My frustrations fall into two categories:


  1. I can become a tad flustered that so few questions are asked about the Reckonerverse, leaving the Reckoners RPG to suffer from lack of knowledge. While I have no problem with the esoteric Cosmere questions, sometimes I find myself a bit peeved that so many of them are asked while no one seems to care about asking even the most basic Reckoners question.
  2. On a couple of occasions, my humble requests for signing-goers to ask a few specific Reckonerverse questions have been stealthily downvoted.


I'll be honest: I don't take much interest in the specialized questions about Shadesmar or Cognitive Shadows or the Realmatic Theory of Investiture. I don't find the answers particularly interesting most of the time, and I'd much rather see questions about Cosmere or Reckonerverse worldbuilding than strangely formulated questions about Investiture.


But, I do not begrudge the devoted Cosmere fans their well-formulated questions, and so long as both sets of fans are permitted to post their Master Lists without being antagonized, I'll be perfectly happy. :)

Edited by Kobold King
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A couple of more answers by Brandon.

Some interesting notes, but mostly going into detail of things that are already known or assumed





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