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Cosmere Timeline

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There's a ton of random Cosmere timelines, but I wanted a really clear, concise, and simple one so I made this... Unfortunately, it is horrendously blurry. What did I get wrong? I wanted it to be rather minimalist, but I'm sure the spacing between some books is off. Any feedback?


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First of all, it's wrong in a few places.

Nightblood should be the closest thing to Stormlight Archive (Warbreaker should also be closer to it, probably). Mistborn Era 2 happens either between Stormlight 5 and 6 or is happening concurently with the second Arc. Sixth of the Dusk happens before Mistborn Era 4. We do not know when the AU essays were written.

I made a chronology of the books last year, it's kinda old because I made it from theoryland WoBs (I did not have access to Arcanum then yet) but should be good enough:

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I got everything from this article on Coppermind: 


A rough chronological ordering of current cosmere works is:

Dragonsteel will be the beginning, before the Shattering. Mistborn Era 4, the scifi trilogy is at the end.[157] Nightblood, the Warbreaker sequel, will be set closer to Warbreaker than Stormlight Archive.[188] Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is set before the Stormlight Archive.[189]

The essays written by Khriss about the planetary systems were all written after everything but Mistborn Era 4 and Sixth of the Dusk.[186]


so, according to this, Nightblood is closer to Warbreaker, not Stormlight; and we do know when the arcanum essays are

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22 hours ago, PrinceDusty said:

I got everything from this article on Coppermind:

Always check the sources. Coppermind is not a primary source. Furthermore, sources for this informations are a signing report. They have not been yet updated with verbatim information from the transcripts we've done in Arcanum.

But yeah, I should probably get around to rewriting that timeline sometime... maybe when I'll be updating mine.

22 hours ago, PrinceDusty said:

so, according to this, Nightblood is closer to Warbreaker, not Stormlight

You're mixing two things now: yes, Nightblood is closer to Warbreaker than to Stormlight - which means that time period between Warbreaker and Nightblood is shorter than between Nigtblood and Stormlight.

However, we know that Nightblood is the closest thing there is to Stormlight. That's why Shadows for Silence need to be before it.

22 hours ago, PrinceDusty said:

and we do know when the arcanum essays are

We only know they are much older than Sixth of the Dusk and that they "are contemporary with most of the books right now, not contemporary with all the stories in [Arcanum Unbounded]". Take that as you will.

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You're mostly correct, I'd split Stormlight in two with Mistborn Era 2 in between them, switch Era 4 and Sixth of the Dusk since that's confirmed to be happening during that era but before the actual events of what will be happening and do a ~ on Silence and the Essays since we know where they might be but not as exact as the other stories.

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