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This one is coming to you all the way from September of last year, so apologies for the long wait but we like to give the artists we work with as much time as they need with these commissions - we are under no deadline, and we don't want to impose one either. In this case - and in all other cases - the wait has been worth it, as this illustration turned out beyond great!

Open the post to see the full piece!

The Tress Cup

By Jofwu, in Columns and Features,

Tress of the Emerald Sea is HERE, and over on the Coppermind Wiki we are in crunch mode! The novel dropped on January 1st for Kickstarter backers and today it is now available for anyone to purchase. Between The Lost Metal's release in November and several new books coming in 2023, this is going to be a busy year for the wiki. And we need your help! Veteran editors and newbies are all appreciated!

We're kicking off the first (and only) official Coppermind Tress Cup, in which we'll be trying to knock out as many Tress-related updates as possible. This competition will run for one month--starting today. You can find the list of objectives here. Each objective has been assigned a point value based on how difficult we feel it will be. The person with the most points at the end of the competition is the winner! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a one-time-only Tress Cup Award to show off on their user page! And that's to say nothing of the self-satisfaction I can guarantee as well as the undying gratitude of countless Cosmere fans!

The Coppermind Tress Cup begins NOW! Let's do this!

There was an annual gift exchange tradition in the fandom that went on for several years, and it strangely coincided with our own holiday season. It was known as Secret Sazed, and while this art commission is not involved with this tradition in any way, it is a Sazed piece, and we are revealing it right around the holidays. So it was a secret Sazed, in the sense that... you didn't know it was coming? Look, overabundance of (Christmas) food is the enemy of wit, this as good of an intro you are going to get. Let's talk about the illustration itself.

Spoilers for The Hero of Ages below!

Shardcast: Moonlight's Mentor

By Chaos, in Shardcast,

It's our longest episode ever! If you've read Lost Metal, you know what this episode is about, and there's so so much to discuss. In fact, believe it or not, we probably easily could have talked for two more hours at least on it. In this one, Alyx is a mind-reader and says Realmatic things! We also get talking about the Fused.

Shardcast: Trell

By Jofwu, in Shardcast,

On this episode of Shardcast, we have to finally talk about answers about Trell, which we at last got in The Lost Metal. No spoilers in the description, but if you've read the book, you know what this is about! Big Lost Metal spoilers immediately, and we talk about all sorts of arcane cosmere stuff too.

The Lost Metal, the final Mistborn Era 2 book is out, and you know we have so many full book, spoilery reactions for you this episode of Shardcast! We start with a short spoiler-free section and then go into full spoilers, and it's full cosmere spoilers too! We have so much to say! Also, this has some swanky visual changes for you. It's the end of an era, but beginning of a new one! And don't worry, we barely touched on stuff here, but there is so much analysis still to come!

At the Lost Metal release event, Brandon had an announcement regarding Secret Projects. Tor and Gollancz (Brandon's US and international publishers) will have sale links for the Secret Project physical editions that will appear in bookstores out on Wednesday, November 16th in the US. Each one will release after the Kickstarter, so for Secret Project 1, backers get it in January, but the Tor physical release in April. Secret project 2 will be June 2023, SP3 in October 2023, and SP4 January 2024.

At least in some parts of the world, The Lost Metal, the fourth and final book of Mistborn Era 2, is now out! It's midnight GMT, so that means at least Asia, Oceania, and Europe should have the book by now. Of course, ebooks and audiobooks can appear at different times, so Americans will need to wait a bit longer, potentially, but regardless, very soon the Lost Metal will no longer be lost. Hooray!

The Lost Metal, the fourth and final book of Mistborn Era 2, is finally here. It's been eleven years since the first one of these--the Alloy of law--came out in 2011, so we've been waiting quite a while. There's tons of ground for this book to cover, both in wrapping up Era 2 and setting up Mistborn Era 3, and this is definitely the longest of the Era 2 books by far. So how did it go?

Today we have some exciting news about Arcanum!

If you've never visited, Arcanum - The Brandon Sanderson Archive is a collection of questions and answers about Sanderson's works asked at various signings, releases, and other events.

We've just released a new update to the site, and we want to let everyone know what it's all about. Ultimately, this update is about making it easier for users to discover content and find help. First is a brand new Readings page, which collects all of Brandon's readings into one central hub. There are also several new Help pages, which give assistance on everything from navigating Arcanum to using advanced search or adding new content to the site. While much of this information could be found in the forums, you can now find it right in Arcanum itself. Lastly, you'll find an updated main menu which makes finding all of these pages, and everything else on the site, easier than ever.

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