```metadata title: Mistborn description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` {{frontCover}} # Mistborn ## Player Suppliments ___ {{banner Clover Studios}} {{footnote Player suppliments for a scadrial-based campaign setting }} ![background image](){position:absolute,bottom:0,left:0,height:100%} \page ## The Mistborn {{width:10px}} A small human girl crouches on a windowsill, the night silent behind her. A man walks into the room, and sits down at a desk. He dies a moment later, a knife in his neck. A few gaurds sit around a fire, playing a card game with each other. Suddenly, one of them dissappears into the darkness. His screams are quickly quieted. As the gaurds yell in confision, a small, cloaked figure slips past. A rigid buisnessman stits at his desk, conversing with another man. As the conversation continues, the man begins to soften up. By the end, the mistborn has the buisnessman easily in his clutches. Mistborn burn metals to create powerful effects that allow them to do incredible things. ### Shadows of the Night Mistborn are known to be extremley sneaky, like a shadow. Working as assasins or spies, they often use their unique and powerful abilities to do devestating damage to the enemy. Mistborns are used often as threats or weapons. Do what I say or I will send my mistborn for your throat. Mistbornd thrive in the mist, prowling and owning the streets at night. ### Sweet Emotion Your emotions can never be trusted around a mistborn. They use their powers to shape and reform emotions like clay, all but bending those around them to their will. Mistborn are not only assasins, but also diplomats. They can make people feel and think whatever they want, which is a very powerful tool indeed. ### Sticks and Stones Mistborn use metal not only as tools, but as weapons. And not in the conventional way, either. Mistborn, without touching anything, can affect metal around them, shoving it towards people, pulling it back to them, even using it to leap over buildings and rooftops, giving the appearence of flying. Because of this, it usually isn't wise to use metal weapons when fighting one. Most people opt for stone or wooden weapons instead. ### Creating a Mistborn As you create your mistborn, consider their specialties. Are they more of a diplomat, pushing and pulling on people's emotions? Or do they prefer more blunt means, using powerful combat abilities to attack their foes? Also consider their backstory. Mistborn's powers surface after they "snap," having undergone an extermley painful or taxing ordeal, such as a beating. How did they snap? How did they gain ther powers in the first place? Were they of allomantic decent? or did they gain their powers some other way? \column #### Quick Build You can make a mistborn quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Wisdom and Dexterity your two highest scores. Make Wisdom higher if you plan to focus on mental allomancy, or Dexterity first if you want to be a physical allomancer. Second, choose the charlitain background. Finally, choose Steel, Iron, Brass, and Zinc as your starting metals. \page {{classTable,decoration,frame,wide ##### The Mistborn | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Metals Known | |:-----:|:-----------------:|:---------|:---------------------:| | 1st | +2 | Allomancy | 4 | | 2nd | +2 | Mistborn Archetype Feature| 5 | | 3rd | +2 | Fighting Style | 6 | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvment| 7 | | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Higher Metals| 8 | | 6th | +3 | Mistborn Archetype Feature| 9 | | 7th | +3 | Flare | 10 | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvment| 11 | | 9th | +4 | Weapons Training | 12 | | 10th | +4 | Mistborn Archetype Feature| 13 | | 11th | +4 | Parry, God Metals | 14 | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvment| 15 | | 13th | +5 | Evasion | 16 | | 14th | +5 | Mistborn Archetype Feature| 17 | | 15th | +5 | --- | 18 | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvment| 19 | | 17th | +6 | Extra Attack (2) | 21 | | 18th | +6 | Mistborn Archetype Feature| 22 | | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvment| 23 | | 20th | +6 | Power of the Mists | 24 | }} ## Class Features As a Mistborn, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points **Hit Dice:** :: 1d10 per Mistborn level **Hit Points at 1st Level:** :: 10 + your Constitution modifier **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** :: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Mistborn level after the 1st #### Proficiencies **Armor:** :: Light armor, mistcloaks (see appendix A) **Weapons:** :: Simple weapons, Improvised weapons **Tools:** :: None **Saving Throws:** :: Dexerity, Wisdom **Skills:** :: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - (*a*) two daggers made of glass or (*b*) a shortsword made of obsidian - (*a*) any martial weapon or (*b*) a wooden shield - A shortsword made of obsidian, a mistcloak, and a pouch with 40 cp. \page ### Allomancy *1st level Mistborn feature* Allomancy is the art of burning metals to produce powerful effects, and is what defines the mistborn. Without it, a mistborn simply wouldn't exist. #### Learning Metals {{width:10px}}As a mistborn, you have the ability to "burn" metals. This is when you ingest a powdered metal diffused in liquid, though you can also swallow beads of metal. There are 20 known metals that you can burn, detailed at the end of the class description. At 1st level, you know 4 metals of your choice. This amount incrases as you gain levels as shown on the "Metals Known" column of the Mistborn table. At first through fourth level, you can only learn Basic metals. When you reach 5th level, you can learn Higher metals. Starting at 11th level, you can learn God metals, and at 17th level, you can learn D&D Metals. #### Metallurgy {{width:10px}} During a long rest, you can use your down time in which you aren't sleeping to create metal vials. A metal vial has between 1 and 8 ounces of any combination of metals you know in it. You must spend money per 1 ounce of metal you make, as shown on the Metal Cost table below. God metals must be bought seperatley; you can't make them. ##### Metal Costs |Metal type|Cost per ounce| |:---------|:-------------| |Basic |1 gp | |Higher |5 gp | |God |--- | #### Burning Metals As an action on your turn, you can ingest a vial of metals, and you gain that amount of metal as burnable metal. As a bonus action or reaction, as long as you have burnable metal, you can begin burning a metal you know, or stop burning a metal you are burning. If you no longer have any burnable metal of a given type, it automatically stops burning. While burning, you can activate the metal's burn effect as an action unless the burn effect is continuous. If it is continuous, the burn effect activates when you begin burning the metal and ends when you stop burning the metal. Some metals have multiple burn effects, and you choose between the options avaiable. If a burn effect deals damage, the action it took to activate the burn effect counts as the Attack action. You loose all of a burnable metal if the burn time for that metal runs out. Allomantic effects count as magical.

Some burn effects will call for a saving throw. For those effects, use your Allomantic Save DC. {{text-align:center **Allomantic Save DC:** 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficency bonus }}

#### Metals Left in System When you take a long rest and you still have metal left unburned, refer to the following table for results. ##### Unburned Metal Concequences | Unburned Metal | Results | |:-------------------|:-------------------------| | 0-10 ounces | No negative results | | 11-20 ounces | Add 1 level of exaustion | | 21-50 ounces | Add 2 levels of exaustion| | 51-90 ounces | Add 3 levels of exaustion| | More than 90 ounces| Add 4 levels of exaustion| #### Burn Levels Each metal has multiple burn levels. The metal's base burn time functions normally at the normal burn level. It is halved for the weak burn level, doubled for the strong burn level, and tripled for the flare burn level. You decide what level it is burning at when you start burning it, and you can change the burn level of a metal you are burning as a reaction, bonus action, or action. You can never burn at flare level until 7th level. Different burn levels have stronger or weaker effects. ### Mistborn Archetype *2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level Mistborn feature* Choose a Mistborn Archetype: Physical Allomancer or Mental Allomancer. The archetype of your choice grants features at 2nd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. ### Fighting Style *3rd level Mistborn feature* You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options, You cannot adopt the same style twice even if you have a chance to receive another fighting style. #### Archery You gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls made with a ranged weapon. #### Dueling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. #### Two-Weapon Fighting When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack #### Defense Your AC increases by 1. \page ### Ability Score Improvment *4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level Mistborn feature* You may increase 1 ability score by two, or two ability scores by 1, to a maximum of 20. ### Extra Attack *5th level Mistborn feature* You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This amount increases to three at level 17. ### Weapons Training *9th level Misborn feature* You have trained with weapons to the point where you are proficient with all kinds of weapons. You gain proficency in martial weapons, as well as medium armor, shields, and heavy armor. ### Parry *11th level Mistborn feature* If a creature you can see hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to roll the damage die of a melee weapon you are holding, and add the roll to your AC, possibly deflecting the attack altogether. You can only use this feature a number of times equal to your proficency bonus, and you regain all uses when you finish a long or short rest. ### Evasion *13th level Mistborn feature* Your dexterity allows you to dodge with ease. When you are subjected to an effect that asks you to make a dexterity saving throw and take half damage on a succesful save, you take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a success. ### Power of the Mists *20th level Mistborn feature* As an action, you can draw power from the mists, empowering yourself with Preservation's energy. As an action, you can draw from the mists. In order to use this effect, it must be misty, foggy, or dark out. This effect lasts for 1 minute. While it is active, any hit you make is a critical hit, and you can burn any and all of your metals even if you don't have that metal as a burnable metal. All metals burn at the flare level, but don't deplete during this time period. You can use this feature once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. \page ## Mistborn Specialties Mistborn have all kinds of special effects, powers, and abilities that they can use. Some choose to focus on careful manipulation and deception, using diplomacy and careful manipulation to defeat their foes. Others choose to instaed focus on their body and physical surroundings, using as much finesse as a blunt stick. this approach, however, is just as effective, if more unruly. ### Physical Allomancer Physical allomancers focus on Tin, Pewter, Iron and Steel, the metals that enhance or strengthen your body, or allow you to do damage. Mistborn who use these metals are known for their strength, prowess, and ability to achive incredible feats of physical power. A high Dexterity score is a good choice for these metals. #### Shadows to Hide In *2nd level Physical Allomancer feature* You have advantage on any stealth checks while you are in shadows or other forms of darkness. #### Evasive Reflexes *6th level Physical Allomancer feature* Your reflexes are toned to perfection. You can use your bonus action to take the dodge action. #### Retaliation *10th level Physical Allomancer feature* When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to use a burn effect of either iron or steel with them as the target. You can only use this feature if you are flaring the metal (iron or steel) that you want to use against your target. #### Allomancer's Flight *14th level Physical Allomancer feature* You have grown extremley proficent at using your metals to fly around. While you are in highly populated areas or areas with a lot of metal, you have 30 feet of flying speed. You can't go vertically higher than 20 feet using this ability. #### Physical Mastery *18th level Physical Allomancer feature* You can attack 4 times, instead of 3, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ### Mental Allomancer Mental Allomancers focus on twisting others emotions or using their abilities to hide them selves from others. They burn Copper, Brass, Zinc, and Bronze. Mental allomancers aren't as renowned as physical ones. They prefer to stay in the shadows, manipulating conversations, gathering information, and effecting those around them---even if they didn't know it. Mental Allomancers will need high Wisdom scores. #### Mistborn's Expertise *2nd Level Mental Allomancer feature* As a Mistborn, you have expertise in certain fields. Choose two skills that you are proficent in. You can double your proficency bonus in those skills. #### Copper Cloud Protection *6th level Mental Allomancer feature* When you are burning copper, all allies within the copper cloud have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. #### Sublte Persuasion *10th level Mental Allomancer feature* You can use your metals to persuade people to do what you want in a more powerful way. Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against Zinc and Bronze burn effects that you activate. #### Mental Strength *14th level Mental Allomancer feature* Your mind has become tough and powerful. You gain proficency in Intelligence and Charisma saving throws. #### Unblockable Mind *18th level Mental Allomancer feature* Your allomantic save DC increases by 2. ## Metals The metals that you can burn as an Allomancer. Each metal has three categories, which define it. ### Categories The many categories a metal can fall into. #### Type There are four possible types for a metal.
***Physical.*** Physical metals are metals that enhance your body, making it stronger, or allows you to maniputale other metals.
***Mental.*** Mental metals are metals that can manipulate other's emotions or help you detect magic. They can also hide you from magic.
***Enhancement.*** Enhancement metals can manipulate the other metals you or another person has. They are usless without other magic or metals.
***Temporal.*** Temporal metals mess with time. They can show you past or future versions of people, as well as slowing down or speeding up time.
#### Location A metal can be external or internal.
***External.*** External metals take effect outside of the user, and don't directly effect the allomancer as much.
***Internal.*** Internal metals only affect the user, not directly effecting the outside world.
\page #### Action A metal can push or pull.
***Push.*** A push generally is an exertion of something, pushing something to do something.
***Pull.*** A pull is more careful, has finesse in the way it effects it's target. ## Basic Metals The basic metals that you can burn throughout the campaign. ### Steel *Physical, External, Push*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
Blue lines shoot from the center of your chest to all of the metal within 50 feet of you. Steel allows you to push those objects away from you.
#### Burn Effects
There are two psssible burn effects for Steel. ***Push Large Object.*** You can push an object within range. If the object weighs less than you, you can push it up to the edge of your range. If it weighs more, you are pushed backwards from the object until you are up to your range in feet away. You can use this effect to hover. This object cannot be piercing the skin of another creature, though it can be being held by one. If another creature is in the path of the object, they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take damage determined by the burn level. If the object is being held by a creature, they must make a Strength saving throw. On a success, they nor the object move.
*Normal.* range is 50 feeet. The damage is 2d4.
*Strong.* range is 80 feet and you can push an object weighing up to 45 pounds than you. The damage is 3d4.
*Flare.* range is 100 feet and you can push an object weighing double your weight. The damage is 4d4.
***Fling Small Object.*** You push on a small object nearby you at another creature or object within range, using range described in *Push Large Object.* Make a ranged weapon attack usong Wisdom instead of Dexterity. On a hit, it deals damage based on the burn level.
*Normal.* 1d4 + Wis. modifier
*Strong.* 2d4 + Wis. modifier
*Flare.* 3d6 + Wis modifier ### Iron *Physical, External, Pull*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
Blue lines connect your chest and all the metal within 50 feet. Iron lets you pull on those pieces of metal. #### Burn Effects There are two burn effects for Iron. ***Pull Large Object.*** You can pull an object within range. If the object weighs less than you, you can pull it to any point between you and the object's originating spot. It can end in your hand. If it weighs more, you are pulled to any point between you and the object. This object cannot be piercing the skin of another creature, though it can be being held by one. If another creature is in the path of the object, they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take damage determined by the burn level. If the object is being held by a creature, they must make a Strength saving throw. On a success, they nor the object move.
*Normal.* range is 50 feeet. The damage is 2d4.
*Strong.* range is 80 feet and you can pull an object weighing up to 45 pounds than you. The damage is 3d4.
*Flare.* range is 100 feet and you can pull an object weighing double your weight. The damage is 4d4.
### Pewter *Physical, Internal, Push*
**Time:** 48 seconds per ounce
Your body becomes considerably stronger. #### Burn Effect Pewter has one continuous burn effect. ***Strengthened Body.** Continuous.* While you are burning Pewter, your Strength score increases, and you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. In addition, you count as 1 size larger for determining your carrying capacity.
*Normal.* Your Strength score increases by two, and you gain 1d4 temporary hit points.
*Strong.* Your Strength score increases by two, and you gain 5 temporary hit points.
*Flare.* Your strength score increases by three, and you gain 2d8 temporary hit points.
\page ### Tin *Physical, Internal, Pull*
**Time:** 72 seconds per ounce
Your senses becone sharpened. #### Burn Effect Tin has one continuous burn effect. ***Sharpened Senses.** Continuous.* While you are burning Tin, you have additional feet of darkvision, and you have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks.
*Normal.* You have an additional 60 feet of darkvision, and a +2 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks.
*Strong.* You have an additional 60 feet of darkvision, and you can see invisible creatures within a 10-foot radius.
*Flare.* You have an additional 60 feet of darkvision, and truesight out to a range of 30 feet.
### Zinc *Mental, External, Pull*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You riot a target's emotions, rialing them up. #### Burn Effect Zinc has one burn effect. ***Riot Emotions.*** A target creature with an Intelligence of at least 3 makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, you riot one of their emotions. This can turn them against allies, or make them do something they wouldn't normally do. A few examples.
*Normal.* Effects stay the same.
*Strong.* Creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw.
*Flare.* If the target fails the saving throw, they become incredibly enflamed with emotion, acting as if they were drunk several times over.
Jess the mistborn is facing down two trolls. She riots both of their anger emotions toward each other, and, with a little coaxing, they begin slugging each other out. Gusk the mistborn stands at the front of a crowd, trying to get them to join his cause. He riots their emotions of loyalty and patriotism to get them to join him. \column ### Brass *Mental, External, Push*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You soothe a target's emotions, decreasing suspision. #### Burn Effect Brass has one burn effect. ***Soothe Emotions.*** A target creature with an Intelligence of at least 3 makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, you soothe one of their emotions. This can cause them to become less suspicious, or to wash away fear.
*Normal.* Effects stay the same.
*Strong.* Creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw.
*Flare.* If the target fails the saving throw, the chosen emotion is completley flushed from their body, not allowing them to feel that emotion. Leb senses unrest between two of his companions, and before the two of them can fight each other, he soothes their anger, causing them to be more at ease. ### Copper *Mental, Internal, Pull*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You hide yourself from magical sensors. #### Burn Effect Copper has 1 continous burn effect. ***Hide from Magic.** Continuous.* You and all creatures within 10 feet of you cannot be sensed by divination or scrying sensors, or other magical forms of detection. While burning Copper, you have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
*Normal.* Effects stay the same.
*Strong.* Range extends by 20 feet.
*Flare.* All magic in the area has a 50 percent chance of failing, and having no effect at all.
### Bronze *Mental, Internal, Push*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You can sense other magic. #### Burn Effect Bronze has 1 continous burn effect. ***Sense Magic.** Continuous.* You can sense all magic within range. You can tell the source, and what type of spell or magic item, etc. it is.
*Normal.* Effects stay the same.
*Strong.* Range extends by 20 feet.
*Flare.* You can sense magic, even if it is protected by an effect that says magical divination can't sense it. \page ## Higher Metals You learn Higher metals at 5th level. ### Duralumin *Enhancement, Internal, Push*
**Time:** 30 seconds per ounce
You enhance all the other metals you are burning, making them drastically more powerful. #### Burn Effect Duralumin has 1 burn effect, which activates when you begin burning the metal. ***Enhance Metals.** Continuous.* While you are burning Duralumin and any other metals, your burn time for those metals is quartered, and their burn effects are modified as follows.
**Steel.** Range increases to 200 feet, and damage for large objects increases to 2d12. Damage for small objects increase to 4d12.
**Iron.** Range increses to 200 feet. Damage increases to 2d12. You can pull on up to three things simultaneously.
**Pewter.** Your Strength score increases by 4, your unarmed strikes deal d12's in damage, and you can quadruple your push/drag/lift and your carrying capacity.
**Tin.** You gain darkvision and truesight out to a range of 100 feet. If you are in a well-lit area, you become blinded and deafened for 1 minute.
**Zinc.** The target automatically fails the saving throw, and their emotions become so enflamed, they act as if they were under control of a mad god of chaos.
**Brass.** The target gets no saving throw, and all emotion is completley wiped from their body, leaving them an empty, emotionless shell.
**Copper.** Range extends to 50 feet, and everyone in the range automaticlly succeeds all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
**Bronze.** Range extends to 50 feet, you can sense everything within range. No nook or cranny is safe from your prying bronze senses. You have truesight and darkvision within range, and you sense all magic, dampeners or not.
### Aluminum *Enhancement, Internal, Pull*
**Time:** 1 second per ounce
You wipe your metal reserves. #### Burn Effect Aluminum has 1 burn effect, which activates when you start burning aluminum. ***Wipe Metal Reserves.** Continuous.* All metals you have stored instantly evaporate, dissapperaing with no effect at all. \column ### Gold *Temporal, Internal, Push*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You see a past version of yourself. #### Burn Effect Gold has 1 continuous burn effect. ***View Past Self.*** You view a version of yourself that could have been, if things turned out differently. There is only 1 burn level for gold. After burning gold for 1 minute, you begin to understand yourdelf better. For 1 hour after you finish burning gold, you have advange on all Charisma checks and saving throws. ### Electrum *Temporal, Internal, Pull*
**Time:** 1 minute per ounce
You see your own future. #### Burn Effect Electrum has one continuous burn effect. ***View Future Self.** Continuous.* While you are burning electrum, no attack roll can have advantage against you, and you are immune to opportunity attacks. ### Bendalloy *Temporal, External, Pull*
**Time:** 40 seconds per ounce
You speed up time in a bubble around you. #### Burn Effect Bendalloy has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Speed up Time.** Continuous.* You create a 5-foot shpere around yourself, and time is sped up within that bubble. If projectiles are fired into or out of the barrier of the bubble, they suffer a --10 penalty to the hit. While you are within the bubble, you can talk normally and move around the bubble without anyone outside seeing anything but a blur or hearing indistinct noise. Creatures inside the bubble can take 3 times as many turns as those outside the bubble. The outside world slows almost to stopping while you are burning bendalloy. You cannot move the location of the bubble after you have started burning Bendalloy. \page ### Cadmium *Temporal, External, Push*
**Time:** 40 seconds per ounce
You slow down time in a bubble around you. #### Burn Effect Cadmium has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Slow Down Time.** Continuous.* You create a 5-foot shpere around yourself, and time is slowed down within that bubble. If projectiles are fired into or out of the barrier of the bubble, they suffer a --10 penalty to the hit, as the time change messes with the attack. While you are within the bubble, time passes extremley quickly for everyone else. Creatures outside the bubble can take 3 times as many turns as those inside the bubble. You cannot move the location of the bubble after you have started burning Cadmium. ## God Metals You learn God metals at 11th level. God metals do not have conventional categorizing methods. ### Atium *God, External, Push*
**Time:** 36 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 300 gp per ounce
You see a shadow of a few seconds in the future. #### Burn Effect Atium has 1 burn effect. ***Shadows of the Future.** Continuous.* While burning Atium, as long as your enemies aren't burning Atium or Malatium, you automatically hit all attack rolls, and you can't be hit by attacks. You automatically succeed on all Dexterity saving throws. ### Malatium *God, External, Pull*
**Time:** 42 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 250 gp per ounce
You see a past version of another person. #### Burn Effect Malatium has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Shadows of the Past.** Contiuous.* Each person you see emits a shadow only you can see of a past version of themselves. After a minute of studying someone's Atium shadow, you gain advantage on any Charisma checks to interact with them. \column ## D&D Metals These are metals that are unique to the D&D world. ### Mithril *D&D, External, Push*
**Time:** 30 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 175 gp per ounce
You become invincible. #### Burn Effect Mithril has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Invincibility.** Contiuous.* You gain immunity to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage. ### Vibranium *D&D, External, Pull*
**Time:** 42 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 200 gp per ounce
You become invisible. #### Burn Effect Vibranium has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Invisibility.** Contiuous.* You become invisible. ### Adamentine *D&D, Internal, Pull*
**Time:** 42 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 200 gp per ounce
You become mentally invulnerable. #### Burn Effect Adamentine has 1 continuous burn effect. ***Mental Strength.** Contiuous.* You become immune to psychic, radiant, and any damage dealt by spells of 5th level or lower. ### Nichirin *D&D, Internal, Push*
**Time:** 42 seconds per ounce
**Price:** 200 gp per ounce
You attack another mentally. #### Burn Effects Nichirin has 2 burn effects. ***Mental Attack.*** Target creature makes a Wisdom saving throw, taking 10d10 psychic damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. ***Sense Thoughts.*** You cast *Detect Thoughts.* {{classtable,wide ##### Equipment | Name | Cost | Armor Class | Weight | STR | |:------------------------|:-----:|:------------------|:-------:|:----:| | Mistcloak | --- | 13 + Dex. modifier| 1 lb. | --- | You have advantage on any check to hide in fog or mist while wearing a mistcloak. }} \page {{classTable,decoration,frame,wide ##### The Feruchemist | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Metals Known | |:-----:|:-----------------:|:---------|:---------------------:| | 1st | +2 | Feruchemy | 4 | | 2nd | +2 | --- | 5 | | 3rd | +2 | Feruchemist Specialist Feature| 5 | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvment| 6 | | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 7 | | 6th | +3 | Feruchemist Specialist Feature| 8 | | 7th | +3 | --- | 8 | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvment| 9 | | 9th | +4 | Feruchemist Specialist Feature| 10 | | 10th | +4 | Time-Worn Feruchemy | 11 | | 11th | +4 | --- | 11 | | 12th | +4 | Feruchemist Specialist Feature| 12 | | 13th | +5 | --- | 13 | | 14th | +5 | --- | 14 | | 15th | +5 | Feruchemist Specialist Feature| 15 | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvment| 16 | | 17th | +6 | --- | 17 | | 18th | +6 | --- | 18 | | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvment| 19 | | 20th | +6 | Body of a Feruchemist | 20 | }} \column ## Class Features As a feruchemist, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points **Hit Dice:** :: 1d10 per feruchemist level **Hit Points at 1st Level:** :: 10 + your Constitution modifier **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** :: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per feruchemist level after 1st #### Proficiencies **Armor:** :: Light armor, medium armor, shields **Weapons:** :: Simple weapons, longswords, rapiers, scimitars, shortswords, and longbows **Tools:** :: None **Saving Throws:** :: Constitution, Dexerity **Skills:** :: Choose two from Religion, Animal Handling, Investigation, Deception, Athletics, Persuasion #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - (*a*) a martial weapon and a shield or (*b*) two martial weapons - (*a*) two daggers or (*b*) any simple melee weapon - four metalminds and an explorer's pack \page ### Feruchemy You have the unique ability to store up power in metals for later release. At first level, you know 4 metals of your choice. You gain more metals known at higher levels, as shown on the feruchemist table. Metals are detailed at the end of the class description. You can only learn basic metals. When you reach 8th level, you can learn higher metals. When you reach 17th level, you can learn god metals and D&D metals. #### Storing and Tapping In feruchemy, you draw power from your own body. You can do this by storing certain effects and powers inside of metals, and draw on that power at a later time, when you need it more. It takes 1 hour of storing a given trait to create one charge within a metalmind. A metalmind can hold up to 3 charges, and a metalmind that is full does not allow you to store a trait in it. As a bonus action, you can begin or stop storing. While you are storing, you suffer the effects described in the metal's storing effect. As a bonus action, you can begin or stop tapping. While you are tapping, you can draw from as many charges are in the metalmind, or fewer, if there are more tht one charge. For exapmle, if I am tapping a metalmind with three charges in it, I can choose to choose one, two, or three charges. A session lasts a total of one hour. You can use this all at once, or spread it out into multiple chunks. At the beginning of a session, you choose how many charges to spend, described above. Then, for that hour, you gain the effects of that metal for that many charges. For example, if I am tapping two charges from a metalmind, for that hour I gain the effects listed under "two charges". A metalmind must be touching your body in order to store or tap a trait. A metalmind that is removed then replaced retains all charges. You can't benefit from a metalmind that another feruchemist or ferring has stored. \column ### Feruchemist Focus When you reach 3rd level, choose an Feruchemist Focus: Physical Focus or Metal Focus. The archetype of your choice grants features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, 12th, and 15th levels. ### Ability Score Improvment At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th levels, you can choose to either increase 1 ability score by 2, or 2 ability scores by 1. ### Extra Attack When you reach 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This amount increases to three at 17th level. ### Time-Worn Feruchemy By 10th level, your feruchemy has begun to take effect on your body naturally. Choose one of the following metal options. You must know the metal to gain the effect. These efects are permanent. You may choose another option at 14th level. ***Steel.*** You gain 30 feet of walking speed. ***Iron.*** Your weight increases by 100 pounds. ***Tin.*** You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. ***Pewter.*** Your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. ***Zinc.*** Your Intelligence score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. ***Brass.*** You gain resistance to cold damage. While you are using bronze, you increase any fire damage you take by 15, or double it, whichever results in a lower total damage. ***Copper.*** You have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks. ***Bronze.*** Choose one: short rest or long rest. If you choose short rest, your short rests take only 30 minutes. If you choose long rest, your long rests take only 4 hours, unless your long rests are 4 hours or shorter already. ### Body of a Feruchemist When you reach 20th level, your body has become tuned with all of the feruchemical metals. Choose two additional options from the Time-Worn Feruchemy feature, in addition to the following option. ***Gold.*** Your hit point maximum increases by 15. \page ## Feruchemist Focuses Here are the feruchemist focus you choose from at 3rd level. ### Physical Focus Physical focused feruchemists focus on using their metals along with their own physical abilities to slay their foes. #### Fighting Proficeny *3rd level Physical Focus feature* You gain proficency with heavy armor and martial weapons. #### Fighting Style *6th level Physical Focus feature* You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. ***Archery.*** You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. ***Defense.*** While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. ***Dueling.*** When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. ***Thrown Weapon Fighting.*** You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. ***Great Weapon Fighting.*** When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. #### Additional Fighting Style *9th level Physical Focus feature* You can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature. #### Extra Attack *12th level Physical Focus feature* Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, you can attack three times instead of two. #### Superior Skill *15th level Physical Focus feature* Whenever you make an attack roll while you are tapping Steel, Iron, Tin, or Pewter, that attack roll has advantage. ### Metal Focus Metal focused feruchemists focus on leecing all the possible power out of their metals, using their power for things that aren't normally possible. #### Mental Strength *3rd level Mental Focus feature* You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws whenever you are tapping any metal. #### Enhancing the Physical *6th level Mental Focus feature* You have a + 2 bonus to attack rolls while tapping Iron, Steel, Tin, or Pewter. #### Enhancing the Cognitive *9th level Mental Focus feature* You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks while tapping Zinc, Brass, Copper, or Bronze. #### Enhancing the Hybrid *12th level Mental Focus feature* You have advantage on all saving throws while tapping Cadmium, Bendalloy, Gold, or Electrum. #### Enhancing the Spiritual *15th level Mental Focus feature* While you are tapping Chromium, Nicrosil, Aluminum, or Duralumin, all allies within 15 feet of you have advantage on attack rolls. \page ## Feruchemical Metals Here is the list of metals you will use. These metals are key to using the right abilities, and require contact with the feruchemist's skin. For this reason, many faruchemists have a lor of earrings or other piercings. ## Basic Metals ### Steel You store speed. #### Storing Effect Your speed is halved, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls involving dexterity. #### One Charge Your speed becomes equal to 1.5 times your normal speed, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. #### Two Charges Your speed doubles, and you have advantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws. #### Three Charges Your speed triples, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you can use your bonus action to make an Attack action. ### Iron You store wieght. #### Storing Effect You loose half your weight, and any falling damage you take is reduced by 5d6. #### One Charge Your weight becomes 1.5 times what it normally is, you take an extra 1d6 damage from falling. #### Two Charges Your weight doubles, you take 3d6 additional damage from falling, and you have a +3 bonus to any check to use your weight as leverage, to fall on another person (thus dealing damage to them), or to fall through a floor or similar barrier. #### Three Charges Your weight triples, you take an additional 5d6 damage from falling, and you can easily use your weight to break through doors and windows, fall on other creatures, and other such activities. ### Tin You store senses. #### Storing Effect You have disadvantage on perception checks and loose any darkvision you have. #### One Charge You have a +3 bonus to Perception checks. #### Two Charges You have a +3 bonus to Perception checks and you have darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. #### Three Charges You have advantage on Perception checks and you have 60 feet of darkvision. ### Pewter You store strength. #### Storing Effect Your Strength score becomes 3, if it isn't already 3. You have disadvantage on any checks involving Strength. #### One Charge You have advantage on Strength checks and your Strength score increases by 1. #### Two Charges You have advantage on Strength checks and your Strength score increases by 2. #### Three Charges You have a +8 bonus to Strength checks, and your Strength score increases by 3. ### Zinc You store mental speed. #### Storing Effect Your Intelligence score becomes 3, if it isn't already 3. You have disadvantage on any checks involving Intelligence. #### One Charge You have advantage on Intelligence checks and your Intelligence score increases by 1. #### Two Charges You have advantage on Intelligence checks and your Intelligence score increases by 2. #### Three Charges You have a +8 bonus to Intelligence checks, and your Intelligence score increases by 3. ### Brass You store warmpth. #### Storing Effect You have vulnerability to cold damage. #### One Charge You take 5 less damage then you normally would from cold damage. #### Two Charges You have resistance to cold damage. \page #### Three Charges You have resistance to cold damage and can live normally in cold tempuratures without wearing any gear. ### Copper You store memories. #### Storing Effect When storing memories, choose either an hour long memory or hour's worth of information, or record memories that are happening in real time, up to an hour total. You instantly forget these memories. #### One Charge You easily recall those memories, without having to make any kind of check or saving throw. #### Two and Three Charges If you activate more than one charge of Copper, the effects are the same as if you had activated one charge. ### Bronze You store wakefulness. #### Storing Effect You can only use this effect if you store it for one (or more) hours straight. You must spend this hour taking a short rest, however, you gain no benefits from this short rest. You can only tap this metal when you are beginning a short or long rest. #### One Charge Your rest takes 40 minutes shorter than usual. #### Two Charges Your rest takes one hour less then usual. #### Three Charges Your rest takes one hour less than usual, and you gain the following benefits if it was a short rest: * You can use an amount of hit dice up to your proficency bonus without spending them. * You regain one ability you normally have to wait until after a long rest to regain, such as the Tiefling's Infernal Legacy trait. ## Higher Metals ### Chromium You store fortune. #### Storing Effect While you are storing Chromium, all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks you make have disadvantage, and all attack rolls made against you and saving throws or ability checks against effects you create have advantage. #### One Charge All attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks you make have a + 3 bonus to attack rolls made against you and saving throws or ability checks against effects you create have advantage. #### Two Charges You don't have to eat food at all during the day you use two charges of this metal. #### Three Charges You dont't have to eat food on the day, or for 2 addtional days afterward, when you use 3 charges of Chromium. ### Nicrosil You store investiture. #### Storing Effect While storing investiture, you can't tap or store any metals. In addition, you can't use any magic or magic items. #### One Charge You are able to tap and store feruchemical metals. #### Two Charges You are able to tap and store feruchemical metals, and you can ignore attunement and prerequisuites for magic items. #### Three Charges You are able to tap and store feruchemical metals, you can ignore attunement and prerequisuites for magic items. You also know 4 cantrips from the wizard spell list, and you know 3 first level spells from the same spell list. You have 3 first level spell slots. See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the wizard spell list and spell descriptions. A non--feruchemist can tap nicrosil. ### Aluminum You store identity. #### Storing Effect While storing aluminum, you can store another metal. If you do this, a person with at least one spell slot or another feruchemist can tap that metalmind. #### One Charge You can't use magic items or magic granted to you by someone else. \page ### Duralumin You store connection. #### Storing Effect Your Charisma score is reduced to 8, if it isn't already 8 or lower. You can't speak any languages or communicate telepathically with anyone. #### One Charge Your Charisma score increases to 14, if it isn't already 14 or higher. #### Two Charges Your Charisma score increases to 16, if it isn't already 16 or higher. In addition, you can speak the primary languages of whatever country or city you are in. Duralumin connects you with the land, and allows you to thus connedct with its people. #### Three Charges Your Charisma score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. You also benefit from the effects of a "comprehend languages" spell while you are tapping 3 charges of duralumin. ### Cadmium You store breath. #### Storing Effect You have to hyperventilate in order to breathe, which requires maintining concentration. If you loose concentration, you stop storing and instantly loose any charges you had in the metalmind in which you were storing. #### One Charge You need to breathe only a little, giving you a + 3 bonus to Stealth checks. #### Two Charges You need to breathe only once every 20 minutes, giving you advantage on stealth checks and better focus. You have a + 2 bonus to ranged attack rolls. #### Three Charges You don't need to breathe whatsoever, and you have advantage on stealth checks and ranged attack rolls. ### Bendalloy You store energy. #### Storing Effect For each Bendalloy charge you store, you must eat one additional ration for that day. For example, if you store two charges on a given day, you have to eat three rations for that day. #### One Charge You only have to eat a little bit of food the day you expend this charge; only a few berries and a sip of water, for example. #### Two Charges You don't have to eat food at all during the day you use two charges of this metal. #### Three Charges You don't have to eat food on the day, or for 2 addtional days afterward, when you use 3 charges of Bendalloy. ### Gold You store health. #### Storing Effect You are poisoned, and your hit point maximum drops to 10, if it isn't already 10 or lower. #### One Charge You instantly heal 4d4 + 4 hit points and you can't be poisoned or deseased. Any poison or desease you had when you tapped this metal is postponed, not eradicated. #### Two Charges You heal 6d4 + 6 hit points instantly and instantly loose one condition of your choice. You are immune to poison and desease. #### Three Charges You regain 8d8 + 8 hit points instantly loose all contitions that are negativley affecting you. You are immune to poison and desease. ### Electrum You store determination. #### Storing Effect You become frightened by any and all obstacles and hostile forces nearby. #### One Charge Your Charisma score increases by 1, and you are more willing to do crazy things that other people are. #### Two Charges Your Charisma score increases by 2, and you are immune to being frightened. #### Three Charges Your Charisma score increases by 3, you are immune to being frightened, and your determination gives you a + 2 bonus to melee attack rolls. \page ## D&D Metals ### Mithril You store physical invincibility. #### Storing Effect You become vulnerable to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage. #### One Charge You can subtract your Constitution modifier or 3 (whichever is higher) from ant piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing damage you take. #### Two Charges You are resistant to piercing, blugeoning, and slashing damage. #### Three Charges You are immune to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. ### Vibranium You store fighting skill. #### Storing Effect All of your attack rolls have disadvantage, and all damage rolls you make are reduced by 5 or to 1 damage, whichever is higher. #### One Charge You have advantage on all attack rolls. #### Two Charges You have advantage on all attack rolls, and your damage rolls have a +5 bonus. #### Three Charges You have advantage on all attack rolls, and you deal max damage, as well as having a + 3 to damage rolls. \column ### Adamentine You store mental invincibility. #### Storing Effect You become vulnerable to psychic, radiant, and damage dealt by spells of 5th level or lower. #### One Charge You can subtract your Wisdom modifier or 3 (whichever is higher) from any psychic, radiant, and damage dealt by spells of 5th level or lower you take. #### Two Charges You are resistant to psychic, radiant, and damage dealt by spells of 5th level or lower. #### Three Charges You are immune to psychic, radiant, and damage dealt by spells of 5th level or lower. ### Nichirin You store feruchemical skill. #### Storing Effect You can only store in one other metalmind, and it takes you twice as long to store charges in metalminds that aren't Nichirin. #### One Charge It takes you onle 45 minutes to store a charge in another metalmind. #### Two Charges It takes you only 15 minutes to store a charge, and you have advantage on all checks while tapping a metalmind that isn't Nichirin. #### Three Charges It takes you only 15 minutes to store a charge, and it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to spend a charge stored while tapping Nichirin. \page ## The Hemalurgist *Inspired and based off of Daniel S.' work* A figure robed in black stands at the back of a crowd. Onstage, a political figure makes a speech, talking about the peace and unity his rule will bring. Quick as a flash, the figure throws something shiny at the man. His speech drops off, and the man stumbles back, a spike protruding from his chest. A look of shock is on his face. Just as quickly, the metal spike flies out of his chest and arcs into the robed figure's grasp. The mysterious man is gone as suddenly as he had come. A loud, boisterous bar is filled with laughing, talking people. Everyone's enjoying themselves. Suddenly, a loud bang shocks everyone as the door almost falls off its hinges from the force of it opening. A man stands in the doorway, face shadowed. A grizzly scar runs across his face, and a single metal spike is where his eye should have been. Conversations die and the fun comes to an end. Them man walks up to a table, grabs a man by his collar, and drags him out wothout saying a word. The bar is silent. A man drags a small girl into an alleyway where no prying eyes are there to see what happens. The girl is unconsious and the man throws her down to the side of a building. He then takes a long, metal spike from his pocket and uses a hammer to pund it into the poor girl's flesh. Then, even more gruesome, he rips the spike out and, after carefully consulting a piece of paper, pounds the spike into his own forearm. H sands, leaving the girl's corpse to rot in the mire. Hemalurgists are grizzly, gruesome people who use the powers and abilities of others to fuel their magic. They use spikes to leech poer from other creatures and give it to themselves. It's a horrid, gruesome art that requires the practitioner to be of strong resolve. This practice, however, can also be benificial, allowing the user to gain unique and powerful abilities. ### No Choice but Death Hemalurgists leave many a skeleton in the closet. They use metal spikes imbued with the power of others to give themsleves additional power. However, this art has many bad side effects. One of the most important is that taking this power from someone else always results in the target's death. This is an undesired, but still important side effect. ### Can't Steal what isn't There Hemalurgists have to choose who they spike wisley, mostly because they can only steal something that's there to begin with. They like to attack magic or invested creatures as their main targets, but they will steal from anyonewho's powerful enough. Many thing that hemalurgy is an atrocious, horrid act, but those who use it see it only as a means of surviving. \page ### Creating a Hemalurgist A hemalurgist not only has to have a driving motive for their grizzly art, but a backstory that impresses why they turned to such measures. Were they harrassed as a child? How did they get brought into to hemalurgy? Why do they practic hemalurgy? Why are they an adventurer? Do they seek more power, or are they looking for a little zest in life? Perhaps they aren't so bad but rely on hemalurgy for survival because it's the only way. #### Quick Build You can make a hemalurgist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest score, followed by Strength or Dexterity. If you plan to be a cognitive hemalurgist, make Charisma your next-highest score. Second, choose the Haunted One background.Third, choose an iron spike if you plan to focus on fighting, or steel if you care more about spellcasting. ## Class Features As a hemalurgist, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points **Hit Dice:** :: 1d10 per hemalurgist level **Hit Points at 1st Level:** :: 10 + your Constitution modifier **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** :: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per hemalurgist level after 1st #### Proficiencies **Armor:** :: All armor, shields **Weapons:** :: Simple, martial **Tools:** :: Hemalurgist's spikes **Saving Throws:** :: Intelligence **Skills:** :: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Sleight of Hand, and Survival #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a martial weapon and a shield or *(b)* two martial weapons - *(a)* leather armor or *(b)* scale mail - a wooden hammer, and one metal spike {{classTable,frame,decoration ##### Hemalurgist | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features |Metals Understood| Maximum Spikes | |:-----:|:-----------------:|:------------|:---------------:|:--------------:| | 1st | +2 | Hemalurgy | 1 |1| | 2nd | +2 | --- | 1 |2| | 3rd | +2 | Hemalurgic Expertise | 2 |3| | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement| 2 |4| | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack (2) | 3 |5| | 6th | +3 | --- | 3 |6| | 7th | +3 | Hemalurgic Expertise | 4 |7| | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement| 5 |8| | 9th | +4 | Steelsight | 6 |9| | 10th | +4 | Hemalurgic Expertise | 7 |10| | 11th | +4 | --- | 8 |11| | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement| 9 |12| | 13th | +5 | Extra Attack (3) | 10 |13| | 14th | +5 | Hemalurgic Expertise | 11 |14| | 15th | +5 | --- | 12 |15| | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement| 13 |16| | 17th | +6 | Magic Savant | 14 |17| | 18th | +6 | --- | 15 |18| | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement| 16 |19| | 20th | +6 | Sucker of Life | 17 |20| }} \page ### Hemalurgy *1st level Hemalurgist feature* Hemalurgy involves killing someone with a spike of metal, and then piercing yourself with that spike in a specific location. As an action, you can attack a creature with a spike. When used in this way, spike is considered a simple melee weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, the spike becomes Invested. An Invested spike is considered magical. Depending on what metal you used and any powers or abilities your adversary has, the spike becomes Invested differently. You can only Invest spikes that are made of a metal you understand. You can use an Invested spike to invest yourself. You do this by using the spike to pierce yourself in a certain location on your body, and you then gain the powers listed at the end of the class description. #### Using Invested Spikes When you pierce yourself at a cretain point on your body with an Invested spike, you gain a certain power that that spike was invested with. Use the following Investiture table and the spike descriptions for this. Your mortal body can't handle an overload of investiture at one time. See the hemalurgist table for the maximum spikes column. If you ever have more than your maximum amount of spikes at one time, your soul becomes poisoned. While in this condidion, your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to your level + your proficency bonus. Inaddition, you become vulnerable to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. #### Degration Over time, if an invested spike is left unattended, it looses some of its power. In each spikes description, there is listed degration effects that occur if the spike isn't in a human body for the specified length of time. If you keep a spike submerged in blood, it doesn't suffer from degration effects while in the blood. #### Steelsight If you have Invested spiked placed in both of your eye socket bind points, you can't dicern colors; everything is the same shade of blue to you. #### Bind Points In order for a spike to work properly, it must be placed correctly. The possible bind points for each spike are listed below. You suffer no negative effect from having the spikes in your body, as long as they are in the correct location. In order to correctly spike yourself or someone else, you must know the proper bind point. Then you can make a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to properly place the spike. If you fail this check, you misplace the spike and deal 2d6 slashing damage to the target. Each location on the body only has a certain number of spikes it can hold. For example, you only have two eye sockets, so only two spikes can go into those bind points. See chart below. {{wide ##### Investiture | Metal | Power Gained | Bind Point | |:------------------|:-------------|:------------------| | Iron | Strength or Constitution | Ribcage, thighs | | Steel | Evocation magic or physical allomancy | Eye sockets, ribcage| | Pewter | Transmutation magic or physical feruchemy | Heart, ribcage | | Tin | Senses or Dexterity | Ribcage, thighs | | Zinc | Wisdom | Ribcage, shoulders| | Brass | Illusion magic or cognitive feruchemy | Ribcage, thighs, shoulders| | Copper | Intelligence | Ribcage, shoulders| | Bronze | Enchantment magic or mental allomancy | Ribcage, thighs, shoulders| | Chromium | Destiny | Abdomen, forearm | | Nicrosil | Magic | Abdomen, forearm | | Aluminum | Removes all powers from target | Forearm, calf | | Duralumin | Charisma | Forearm, calf | | Gold | Conjuration magic or hybrid feruchemy | Abdomen, calf | | Electrum | Necromancy magic or enhancment allomancy | Abdomen, calf | | Bendalloy | Abjuration magic or spiritual feruchemy | Abdomen, forearm, calf| | Cadmium | Divination magic or temporal allomancy | Abdomen, forearm, calf| }} | Location on Body | Bind Points | |:------------------|:-----------:| | Ribcage | 8 | | Eye sockets | 2 | | Thighs | 4 | | Heart | 1 | | Shoulders | 2 | | Forearms | 4 | | Calves | 6 | | Abdomen | 6 | \page #### Stealing Magic You can steal cetrain types of magic from other creatures who have it. As a hemalurgist, you have 8 tiers of magic. You gain a tier whenever you Invest yourself with a spike that contained a schools of magic investment. Each time you Invest yourself with a new school, you gain one spellcasting tier. In addition, whenever youn Invest yourself with such a spike, you learn all of the spells that the creature who you took the magic from knew. This is your only way to learn additional spells. You only learn the spells that the target had that were of the school of magic that the spike was for. Your spellcasting ability is Wisdom, you must use whatever spellcasting focuses those you stole the powers from used. {{classTable,wide ##### Hemalurgist Spellcasting | Tier | Cantrips | --- Spell Slots Per Spell Level ---||||||||| | ^| Known ^|1st |2nd |3rd |4th |5th |6th |7th |8th |9th | |:-----:|:--------:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| | 1st | 1 | 2 | 1 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | 2nd | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — | — | — | — | | 3rd | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — | — | — | — | | 4th | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — | — | — | | 5th | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — | | 6th | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | — | — | | 7th | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 8th | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | }} ### Heamlurgic Expertise *3rd, 7th, 10th, and 14th level Hemalurgist feature* You have grown to be very talented at a certain type of hemalurgy. Choose an expertise: Physical, Cognitive, or Temporal. You must understand at least one metal in one of these categories to take its expertise. ### Ability Score Improvement *4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level Hemalurgist feature* You can increase one of your ability scores by two, or two ability scores by one. As usual, you can't increase a score above 20 using this feature. ### Extra Attack *5th level Hemalurgist feature* You can make two attacks whenever you take the Attack action, instead of one. When you reach 13th level in this class, this amount increases to three. ### Steelsight *9th level Hemalurgist feature* If you have an Invested spike in one or both of your eye socket bind points, you can use the steelsight feature. While you have steelsight, you can see invisible creatures and you have darkvision. ### Magic Savant *17th level Hemalurgist feature* You have begun to pick up some of your own magical ability from all of your stealing from others. You learn up to six new spells from the Wizard spell list. They must be of a level you can cast. ### Sucker of Life *20th level Hemalurgist feature* Your spikes have grown so powerful that they drain the target of life. When you hit a creature with an attack from a spike, that creature dies if it had 100 hit points or fewer, and Invests the spike. If it has more than 100 hit points, the attack does its normal damage. You can use this feature only once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. \page ## Spikes The spike is the backbone of a hemalurgist's powers. They gain their power from the ability to leech power from other people using hemalurgy. Here are the descriptions for the spikes. ### Spike Properties Each spike has properties that help it be unique and identifiable. It can be in one of four categories: Physical, Cognitive, Spiritual, or Temporal. ### Physical Metals Physical metals deal specifically with things that directly effect the outside world or the user in a physical way, such as strength or senses. #### Steel You steal evocation magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the evocation spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a steel spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Iron You steal strength. When you invest yourself, you add half the target's Strength modifier to your Strength score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. Alternitavley, you can steal Constitution. You add half the target's Constitution modifier to your Constitution score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an iron spike is degrading, the ability score bonus it's invested with is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. #### Pewter You steal transmutation magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the transmutation spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a pewter spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Tin You steal senses. The spike becomes invested with darkvision, if the target had it. When you invest yourself with this spike, your passive Perception score increases by an amount equal to half the target's Wisdom modifier, rounded down, to a minimum of 0. Alternitavley, you can steal dexterity. When you invest yourself, you add half the target's Dexterity modifier to your Dexterity score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an dexterity spike is degrading, the ability score bonus or passive Perception it's invested with is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. After a week of degration, a tin spike looses any darkvision or other senses it's invested with. ### Cognitive Metals Cognitive metals deal directly with mental fortitude and emotions. Using cognitive metals, you can steal mental traits of ther creatures. #### Zinc You steal wisdom. When you invest yourself, you add half the target's Wisdom modifier to your Wisdom score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an zinc spike is degrading, the ability score bonus it's invested with is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. #### Brass You steal illusion magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the illusion spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a brass spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Copper You steal intelligence. When you invest yourself, you add half the target's Intelligence modifier to your Intelligence score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an copper spike is degrading, the ability score bonus it's invested with is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. #### Bronze You steal enchantment magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the enchantment spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a bronze spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. ### Spiritual Metals Spirtual metals are little known of or used. They focus on mystical effects that steal verious abilities from their owners. #### Chromium You steal destiny. When you spike someone, their personality traits, bonds, ideals, and flaws are stored in the spike. When you invest yourself, you gain those personality traits, bonds, ideals, and flaws in addition to your own traits. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a chromium spike is degrading, it looses one trait in this order: personality traits, ideals, bonds, flaws. \page #### Nicrosil You steal magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the spells of one school of magic of your choice the target did. You don't gain a spellcasting tier by investing yourself with nicrosil. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a nicrosil spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Aluminum You drain all powers from the target. When you spike somebody, the spells they knew and all the levels in any classes they had are stored in the spike. When you invest somebody, they loose all the spells they knew that were also stored in the spike. In addition, they loose an amount of levels equal to the amount of levels stored in the spike for each equivalent class. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an aluminum spike is degrading, it looses its highest level stored, as well as it's highest level spell. #### Duralumin You steal charisma. When you invest yourself, you add half the target's Charisma modifier to your Charisma score rounded down, with a minumum of 0. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an duralumin spike is degrading, the ability score bonus it's invested with is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. ### Temporal The temporal metals steal specific spellcasting abilities. Many of the allomantic and feruchemical pwers they steal relate to time. #### Gold You steal conjuration magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the conjuration spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a gold spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Electrum You steal necromancy magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the necromancy spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day an electrum spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Bendalloy You steal abjuration magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the abjuration spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a bendalloy spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. #### Cadmium You steal divination magic. When you spike somebody, they are drained of the ability do to magic. When you invest youself, you learn all of the divination spells the target did, and you gain a spellcasting tier. ***Degration Effects.*** For each day a cadmium spike is degrading, it looses the highest level spell that it's invested with. \page {{monster,frame ## Coinshot *Medium humanoid (any race), any alingment* ___ **Armor Class** :: 14 (Leather armor, shield) **Hit Points** :: 28 (4d12 + 4) **Speed** :: 35ft. ___ | STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |13 (+1)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)| ___ **Senses** :: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 **Languages** :: Common and one other language **Challenge** :: 1 (100 XP) ___ ***Metal Manipulator*** Attacks against the Coinshot have disadvantage if they are made with metal weapons. : ### Actions ***Obsidian-tipped Spear.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage. : ***Coin.** Ranged Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, range 130/200, one target. *Hit* 12 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. }} --- {{monster,frame ## Lurcher *Medium humanoid (any race), any alingment* ___ **Armor Class** :: 14 (Leather armor, shield) **Hit Points** :: 28 (4d12 + 4) **Speed** :: 35ft. ___ | STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |13 (+1)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)| ___ **Senses** :: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 **Languages** :: Common and one other language **Challenge** :: 1 (100 XP) ___ ***Metal Manipulator*** Attacks against the Lurcher have disadvantage if they are made with metal weapons. : ### Actions ***Obsidian-tipped Spear.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage. : ***Pull Metal.*** The lurcher chooses a source of metal, and pulls it towards himself. Any creatures the object hits must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw take 12 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The lurcher does not take this damage, and can grab the object when it is within reach. }} {{monster,frame ## Thug (Pewterarm) *Medium humanoid (any race), any alingment* ___ **Armor Class** :: 14 (Leather armor) **Hit Points** :: 28 (4d12 + 4) **Speed** :: 35ft. ___ | STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |18 (+4)|16 (+3)|15 (+2)|9 (-1)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)| ___ **Senses** :: darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 10 **Languages** :: Common and one other language **Challenge** :: 1 (100 XP) ___ ***Peak Physical Ability.*** The Thug has advantage on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. : ***Powerful Punch.*** Thugs have advantage on unarmed attack rolls, and their unarmed attacks, in addition to dealing 1d4 damage, instead of 1, deal an extra 2 bludgeoning damage. ### Actions ***Quarterstaff.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. : ***Punch.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d4 + 6) bludgeoning damage. }} {{imageMaskCorner31,--offsetX:-50%,--offsetY:-30%,--rotation:0 ![](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.6vLY3mWPWvPd4HXgffqR?w=270&h=270&c=6&r=0&o=5&pid=ImgGn){height:60%} }} \page {{monster,frame ## Tineye *Medium humanoid (any race), any alingment* ___ **Armor Class** :: 14 (Leather armor, shield) **Hit Points** :: 28 (4d12 + 4) **Speed** :: 35ft. ___ | STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |13 (+1)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)| ___ **Senses** :: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 **Languages** :: Common and one other language **Challenge** :: 1 (100 XP) ___ ***Tin Encancments.*** The tineye has advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks : ***Quick Reflexes.*** The tineye has advantage on attack rolls against creatures it can see and hear. ### Actions ***Spear.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage. : }} ## Mental Allomancers Mental mistings have only one stat block, but you choose a different metal for each one.:: =========================================== #### Copper Within a 20-foot sphere, magic cannot be divined or sensed by and casters casting within the sphere. #### Bronze The misting can cast *Detect Magic* at will. \column {{monster,frame ## Mental Misting *Medium humanoid (any race), any alingment* ___ **Armor Class** :: 14 (Leather armor, shield) **Hit Points** :: 28 (4d12 + 4) **Speed** :: 35ft. ___ | STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |11 (+0)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|13 (+1)|14 (+2)| ___ **Senses** :: darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11 **Languages** :: Common and one other language **Challenge** :: 1 (100 XP) ___ ***Metal.*** Choose a metal, detailed seperatley. The misting gains that ability. : ### Actions ***Spear.** Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage. : ***Shortbow.** Ranged Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, range 130/200, one target. *Hit:* 9 (2d8 + 1) piercing damage. }} ## Metals The different metals a misting can have. #### Zinc The misting can riot emotions, giving it a +3 bonus to Charisma checks to enflame emotions of those around it. #### Brass The misting can soothe emotions, giving it a +3 bonus to Charisma checks to calm emotions of those around it. {{imageMaskEdge4,--offset:15%,--rotation:0 ![](https://designerapp.officeapps.live.com/designerapp/document.ashx?path=/ecd55bce-92a6-4b1e-928e-b1633ced9bc9/Thumbnails/59dd1cec-4120-47cc-851a-95eb1fac3491.jpg&dcHint=EastUS&fileToken=8702cf9c-3623-4301-ba37-7efaafd8970a9){height:41%} }} \page ## Playing Mistings You can be a misting, but only for certain races. Mistborn and ferruchemists cannot play mistings. ### Half-Orc Variant: Pewterarm Instead of the Ability Score Imporvment, Darkvision, and Relentless Endurance traits in favor of the following ones. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** You Strength and Dexterity increase by 1. ***Pewter.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of pewter, or you can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of pewter as an action. That pewter turns into pewter reserves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning pewter. While you are burning pewter, your Strength score increases by 3, to a maximum of 20. You also have advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. ### Human Variant: Coinshot Instead of the Ability Score Improvment human feature, you can take the following features. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** Your Dexterity score increases by 2. ***Steel.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of steel, or you can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of steel as an action. That steel turns into steel reserves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning steel. While you are burning steel, blue lines only you can see point to all sources of metal within 30 feet of you. As an action, you can push on one of those sources, activiating one of the following effects. #### Push Small Object The source, which must be Small or smaller, is pushed toward a point within range, regardless of obstructions (which may stop it). If it would a creature or would move through a creature, that creature makes a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. The DC increases by 1, and the damage increases by 1d4 at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels. #### Push Large Object You push the source, which must be Large or smaller, to a point further away from you, in a line, within range. If the object is heavier that you, you are instead flung back the designated distace. Any creatures obstructing the way must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. ### Elf Subrace: Soother Instead of the other subraces offered for the elf, you can choose this one. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** Your Charisma score increases by 1. ***Brass.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of brass, or you can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of brass as an action. That brass turns into zinc reserves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning brass. While you are burning brass, as an action you can target a creature with an intelligence of at least 3, and you soothe their emotions. You can soothe away suspicion, fear, anger, and other such emotions. You usually will have significant increases in Charisma checks when you do this. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. ### Variant Tiefling: Rioter Instead of taking the Infernal Legacy trait, you can take this one. ***Zinc.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of zinc, or you can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of zinc as an action. That zinc turns into zinc reserves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning zinc. While you are burning zinc, as an action you can target a creature with an intelligence of at least 3, and you riot their emotions. You can riot up loyalty, anger, fear and other such emotions. You usually will have significant increases in Charisma checks when you do this. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. ### Human Variant: Leecher Instead of the Ability Score Improvment human feature, you can take the following features. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** Two ability scores of your choice increase by 1. ***Chromium.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of chromium can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of chromium as an action. That chromium turns into chromium reverves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning chromium. While you are burning chromium, you can touch a creature within reach as an action. If the target is concentrating on a spell, their concentration breaks. They also loose any spell slots of 4th level and lower. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. \page ### Halfling Subrace: Slider Instead of choosing one of the subraces already provided for the Halfling, you can choose this one. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** Your Intelligence score increases by 1. ***Bendalloy.*** It costs 5 sp to get an ounce of bendalloy or you can get it from alternate sources. You can then consume up to 4 ounces of bendalloy as an action. That bendalloy turns into bendalloy reverves. As a bonus action, you can begin burning bendalloy. While you are burning bendalloy, you and all creatures within 5 feet of you are in a speed bubble. If you are in a speed bubble, you can take 3 tmes as many turns as those not in a speed bubble. A speed bubble cannot be moved when it is erected, and any projectiles fired through the walls of the speed bubble have a -5 penalty to attack rolls. An ounce of this metal's reserves dissapate after burning it for 30 seconds. \page \column ## Koloss *"We will kill you. Take your cities. Then we will be human."* --Human the Koloss Koloss are enormous brutes of huge sizes. They have immense strength, but have nearly no intelligence at all. ### Strong but Dumb Koloss are very strong, and they hav huge muscles. They are proficent at fighting, but they are generally not very smart. Koloss are known for their brutality. ### Uncontrolled Growth Koloss skin does not grow. Instead, they have loose, baggy skin when they are made, and as they grow, that skin tightens. When they reach the end of their lives, their skin pulls taught across their forms, breaking and beginning to bleed. Many Koloss die from destroying their skin prematurley. ### Made From Humans Koloss are created by killing five humans. Metal spikes are driven through four of them, and placed strategically on the fifth, killing them but creating a new being: a Koloss. They tend to attack villages to regrow their numbers. ### Brutal Packs Living in pack of tens of thousands, Koloss like to sit around fires and fight. They fight one another to prove their worthiness. This tends to dwindle their numbers, however they have no problem replenishing at a nearby village to create greater numbers. ### Koloss Features As a Koloss, you gain the following features. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Strength score increases by 3, to a maximum of 20. ***Alignment.*** Koloss vary greatly in their alignments, however they tend to lean toward the chaotic side. ***Size.*** You size is medium. As you grow in age, your body grows, but not your skin, resulting in bleeding tears of skin at an older age. ***Age.*** Due to their rapid growth, Koloss generally don't live longer than 13 years. Due to this, they are mature throughout their lives. ***Hulking Form.*** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying and push/drag/pull capacity. ***Brute.*** You roll an additional damage die when you hit with a melee weapon. ***Tough to Kill.*** Whenever you drop to 0 hit points, you instantly regain 1d6 + your proficency bonus hit points. You can only use this feature once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. {{imageMaskEdge5,--offset:0%,--rotation:90 ![](https://designerapp.officeapps.live.com/designerapp/document.ashx?path=/78efcb5b-e40d-4b76-ae1a-8f75a51c27fe/Thumbnails/bf994b51-0956-47dc-97fc-fd00f893f125.jpg&dcHint=EastUS&fileToken=42140e1c-0a01-43d7-a7f5-c2c6e3f93fde){height:100%} }} \page ## Kandra *"They were of Preservation all along."* --Sazed, AKA Harmony, on the Kandra. The Kandra are a society of people that can change form by ingesting the bones of a creature and using their identity. ### Follow the Contract The Kandra are loyal to something called a contract. This is an agreement that puts a kandra under the authority of another, usually a master. Some, of course, choose to reject this path. ### Blessings Equal Life The Kanrdra used to be mistwraiths: lifless blobs of mass ingesting whatever bones they come across and itserting it randomly into their anatomy. Blessings give them life. These blessings come in the form of powers the kandra gain; increased senses, strength, intelligence, and mental fortitude. ### Facless Wanderers The Kanrda generally assume many forms of different creatures, changing from face to face. They are never stagnant, instead taking the face of many of those around them. \column ### Kandra Features As a Kandra, you gain the following features. ***Ability Score Improvment.*** Your Charisma score increases by 2. ***Swallow Bones.*** You can ingest the bones of a dead creature. By spending an hour doing this, you can assume the form, an exact replica, and leave behind the other bones. This is not magical. ***Alter Form.*** You can change your form in sleight ways. You can store up to four tiny items, two small items or one medium item inside your body, and open your body later and take those out. You can also o things like changing your voice, allowing for a voice as an animal, and other such small alterations. ***Subrace.*** Choose a subrace: Blessing of Awareness, Blessing of Potency, Blessing of Presence, or Blessing of Stability. #### Blessing of Awareness The blessing of awarness grants heightened senses. ***Darkvision.*** You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. ***Perceptive.*** You have advantage on all perception checks. #### Blessing of Potency The blessing of potency gives you increased strength. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Strength score increases by 1. ***Powerful Form.*** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying and push/drag/pull capacity. #### Blessing of Presence The blessing of presence grants you increased mental capacity. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Intelligence score increases by 1. ***Keen Memeory.*** You are proficent in two skills of your choice from the following list: Arcana, Nature, History or Religeon. #### Blessing of Stability The blessing of stability gives you enhanced mental fortitude. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Wisdom score increases by 1. ***Mental Fortitude.*** You have a +2 bonus to Wisdom saving throws. {{imageMaskCorner35,--offsetX:-50%,--offsetY:-49%,--rotation:40 ![](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.zRnBZwEWPD1opoIlMaKi?w=270&h=270&c=6&r=0&o=5&pid=ImgGn){height:50%} }} \page ## Appendix A: