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Chapter 35

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 35 (The Strength of a Soldier) Epigraph: no comment...oh, except that I’m now wondering if this advice to keep shard and vessel “separate in our minds” is general or targeted specifically at the Vessels themselves (since it was apparently given to Sazed) for the purpose of self knowledge and relationships with each other. Is it advice for handling the Shards and their interaction? Or is it just the munda




Shards, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I dusted off my markers today and finally finished this piece of Caden and Acalia Praetorium from Masquerade. 

Chapter 34

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 34 (A Flame Never Extinguished)  Epigraph: “Since we are all essentially infinite, he needs no more power.” That is certainly one way to view it, but it feels bizarre to me. Infinite doesn’t seem like the right word to describe shards, in almost any respect. I’d like to get Sazed to expand on what he means and on what infinite means to him (or what he thinks it means to Odium). They got Stump to hel



Chapter 33

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 33 (Understanding)  Epigraph: We already knew Odium’s goal, but I think that was all from WoB and piecing together things from across the cosmere. Here we get it stated in plain text, even if couched in Sazed’s supposition. It feels like a lame reveal, but it’s good to have it out there for the less fanatical of fans. Kaladin realizing (i.e. internalizing) that advocating for someone and protecting



Chapter 32

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 32 (Of Three Minds)  Epigraph: Yes, Sazed, we know you’re stuck. Thanks, Adolin. Now we have something about Zu to be suspicious of. As if there wasn't enough suspicion going around in this plot thread. She says she can shape stone, which makes sense for her being a Stoneward, but is the obsidian ground of Shadesmar “stone” enough for that to work? What about if someone wanted to soulcast an it



Chapter 31

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 31 (Daughter of Traitors) Title: As a Venli chapter, this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The listeners weren’t ever characterized as traitors, as far as I recall. Yes, they rejected the Fused and Unmade, but that hasn’t been treated as betrayal so far. Not to say it won’t be… The other possibility is that it’s talking about Timbre, since there was a mention of the spren betraying/abandoning the liste



Chapter 30

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 30 (The Betrayal) Sorry to leave everyone hanging for *checks* five weeks. This is ridiculous that I’m taking such a long time to get through a Stormlight book. Doing these liveblog entries is enough of a barrier though that I don’t tend to read unless I have a sufficient chunk of time available and my wife is at work. (I’ve also been working on some writing this month, which has filled a few of the time




I don't know why I made this entry. I wonder what its lifespan will be before blogs are killed. Chaos, Paleo, if you see this, I apologize for my randomness  



Warrior Maiden

Here's some art I drew for my friend on her birthday. It's inspired by that one scene from WoR (I think) where Shallan draws Gaz the way that he could be, all cleaned up and noble. I drew Eliana the way I see her and I'm super proud of it. 

Stormlight Archive Timeline (v2.4.12)

Small updates to the timeline published tonight: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zq5bJoKE83ggDCjH43i1hZi0CIpB2iAx7v37zQPVFK0/edit#gid=856252766 Changelog: Added crude spoiler filter for References sheet. (So if you set the book filter on the Timeline sheet it will hide the events here as well. But note that it's not discriminatory about where sources come from, so people picky about spoilers should not rely on this.)   Updated Instructions sheet.   Fixed



The Matronly Narrator

AGH THIS IS TURING OUT SO STORMING WELL. This is a portrait of Star in Castle Celeste and I will ink and color it but it’s just looking so good already. I love how proud and full of love she looks. She is a mother and a queen and a very powerful woman and she knows it.

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium


If these are going to be deleted at the next site update I can put whatever I want here and in a couple years nobody new will know what it said.  testing some features  also Truth ily if you see this 



Rebel Girl

May I present Miss Pearl Blaze! It's a much more simple drawing than I'm used to, at least in terms of clothes (I got done with it and I was like, "... ... okay, I guess it's done now.") but I'm proud of it.  I titled it "Rebel Girl" 'cause this is when she's about 15 and just has a super sucky relationship with her mom, Star.  I cut off her feet, 'cause... I just wasn't feelin' it.  I might go back and put them in later, but it's unlikely I will. The most fun part of this drawing was her s

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

Chapter 29

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 29 (Cage Without Bars) Epigraph: Sazed is looking for a “sword” (or perhaps a champion?) who can act for him when he by his nature cannot. Is this talking about Wax? I would imagine not, since one of the recent books--I think it was Bands--talked about Wax being his hand of Ruin, while someone else would be his hand of Preservation. I don’t think “both protect and kill” is talking about the same dilemma



Shallan's Sketchbook - Part II

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Cryptics (image here) Before anything else, I have to say how much I love the little sketch at the bottom of the page.”I’ve never seen a cryptic running. I expect they would look very silly.” Indeed, yes. I’m sure Ben had a great time drawing that one, and I like it as a moment of lighter-humored Shallan layered on top of her naturalist observations. Their hands being only obsidian or marble, black or white



Chapter 28

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 28 (Heresies) Icons: Chana and Pailiah, representing obedience and learning, are appropriate to the title--which presumably means we’ll be dealing with the ardentia this chapter. Epigraph: “Other shards I cannot identify, and are hidden to me.” Does that mean that the foregoing portion of the letter is exhaustive of the list that Sazed has been able to contact? Or is he skipping some over? I’ll need



Chapter 27

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 27 (Banners) Epigraph: How can there be “a wound upon the Spiritual Realm where Ambition, Mercy, and Odium clashed” anyway? The Spiritual Realm is supposed to be divorced from location and even time. How would a breach in the Spiritual Realm be localized to Threnody? Or maybe it’s just saying that the other two realms were damaged in such a way that the Spiritual Realm bled through? It doesn’t sound like



Chapter 26

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 26 (A Little Espionage) Epigraph: Devotion and Dominion are dead, their power shattered. Yes, yes, news at 11.  Shallan surrounded by cryptics every time she breaks out the sketchpad :-) All the other Lightweavers must be jealous-- “No, I can be artistic too, I swear. Come back Pattern… no, not you, my Pattern. The one with the fractally, no, not you. Pattern! Stop ignoring me.” Hm, yeah, maybe



Chapter 25

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 25 (Devotary of Mercy) Epigraph: Great Googly Moogly! More shard names? What inspired Brandon to give us this sudden windfall? Whimsy, Mercy, and Valor now, in addition to Invention from the previous chapter. Not much information about them beyond hints, though I really want to see what kind of magic system Whimsy inspires. (Maybe that’s the magic kite story that was mentioned in the State of the Sand



Chapter 24

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers Chapter 24(Full of Awe)  Epigraph: Invention--that’s a new shard that I haven’t heard of before. It’s possible it popped up in some of the WoBs I missed in the past year, but I’m gonna guess this is the first mention. S/he is hiding or otherwise unreachable, which makes me think of the mystery shard that just ‘wants to hide and survive,” though that’s pretty tenuous. Endowment isn’t ignoring Harmony, which sounds



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