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Chapter 23

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 23 (Binding Wounds) Epigraph: Nothing to say. Once again a good depiction of depression in its various stages and forms. Also a nod to chronic pain as experienced by Mil.  Syl reading Kaladin’s book for him is cute.  Jasnah takes time to soulcast medicine? That’s awesome, and a level of specificity/precision I might not have expected of soulcasting. I can’t wait for someone to bring that a



Chapter 22

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers Chapter 22 (No Use Talking) Epigraph: These letter segments are too short. It does sound like Sazed may be more open to helping than he seemed from the last correspondence. Alright, this has nothing to do with the chapter at hand, but I was thinking about how Mraize was bugging Shallan about getting the Ghostblood tattoo. She was rightly hesitant, and correctly pointed out that it probably wouldn’t stick. Bu



Shallan's Sketchbook - Part I

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers Urithiru The first Urithiru sketch already featured in Oathbringer, but the scale of this place is insane. Very worthy of its mythic stature. I do like the cutaway sketches that give a sense of the internal space as well as how it would be used. I can really imagine those inward-facing balconies becoming a thriving neighborhood community. It’s interesting to me that the main atrium at least does not close off bet



Navani's Notebook - Part I

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Okay, so first I want to say that the key I was using switched the L and R characters in the Alethi women’s script, which made this transliteration much more difficult to puzzle out until I’d realized the error.  It is interesting to see what sounds are used phonetically and which English spellings are directly transliterated (e.g. the C in “space” uses the K/C letter, while the one in “entrance” uses an S) b




Whooo, my first post on the art blog, this is exciting!  This is Heather and Pearl, Star's daughters. Heather is 18 and she's adopted, Pearl looks like she'd be like 2 in this picture. I find this picture quite anecdotal, to be honest. Little kids, however adorable, are not my cup of tea. I'm happy to say though, that Heather and Pearl do get along pretty well eventually. Heather just needs to get used to sharing her mother. 

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

Chapter 21

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 21 (The Seething Knot) Epigraph: Oh, nope this is Sazed after all. Presumably a second letter, then. Has Hoid been contacting everyone again, or just the people he thinks are most likely to be sympathetic? Adolin is delightful. I love how he’s justifying his fashion obsession with an appeal to Alethi manliness. “Oh, yes. Picking the right outfit is exactly like fighting a duel, with the same prepara



Chapter 20

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 20 (The Unseen Court) Epigraph: A letter! Who is this one from? Relative youth, but not Sazed since we heard from him in the last book. So I’m guessing this one isn’t a Vessel. The first letters were to/from Frost, also not a vessel, so that’s not unprecedented. Without knowing more I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this is the president of Silverlight University. Seems as likely as anything else I



Internal Art: Map of Shadesmar

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. A Portion of the Southern Sea of Souls Map image here. I want to reiterate that Nazh is a gem. He’s much more present on this map than some of the others, with lots of annotations. I love it.  First of all, what is that creature in the top left?! It looks reminiscent of a larkin but is clearly a creature of the Cognitive Realm and looks awesome. A less fanciful rendition of this absolutely has to appear i



Interlude I-3

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Interlude I-3 Taravangian. Yes, this is definitely new header art.  Title: “Into The Fire” Just going by what Odium said in the last chapter, this is probably a reference to being called up to actually do some betrayal. Dun dun dun. Is this the usual form of deviation from his initial prediction, caused by multiplied butterflies, or is it a larger divergence now that at least one Shard is actively parti



Interlude I-2

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Interlude I-2 Sja-Anat. Huzzah! I am really excited for this one. I spent a long time during Oathbringer trying to translate the Keeper of Secrets text, and we still only got ~60% of it worked out. Plus, she’s a fascinating character that we need more insight into, and who recently accepted an offer from the Ghostbloods. Secrets, here I come! Odium trapped the Unmade in “a halfway existence” fully in neithe



Interlude I-1

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Interlude I-I Sylphrena! Hooray for spren interludes. (Sprenterludes?) First thing first, have to acknowledge the chapter header art with an interesting depiction of Syl. I’m pretty sure that even in Oathbringer the non-recurring characters didn’t get unique chapter art, right? With respect to this piece, it isn’t very similar to most of the fanart I’ve seen, even accounting for the consistent style across



Chapter 19

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 19 (Garnets) Title: I really don’t remember what garnets do in fabrials. Are they the opposing-motion counterpart to spanreed rubies? I know they soulcast blood, but that’s not the association we care about for a Navani chapter. Epigraph: Open exchange of scientific research? Looks like Jasnah isn’t the only one shaking up cultural norms and having a huge impact on Rosharan society. Industrial Revol



Chapter 18

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 18 (Surgeon) Title: I’m expecting more disappointment from Lirin this chapter. Maybe Kal will ask if he can go back to a healing role? I can imagine the response would not be encouraging. Epigraph: The Fused have a “stormlight draining” fabrial that relies on a second unknown metal (i.e. not the aluminum alloy used for blocking blades). By the analogies we’ve seen so far to the metallic arts it seem



Chapter 17

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 17 (A Proposal) Header: Navani chapter, with kalak. Significance: someone has bad breath? Yeah, not sure why I’m even noting the herald icons. Epigraph: learnin’ about Aluminum. Or, whatever alloy of it is being used in the Fused weapons. We know from Shallan’s necklace that aluminum is a known material on Roshar, and I would have expected the scholars studying this stuff to figure out that connecti



Chapter 16

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers.   Chapter 16 (An Unknown Song) Oh, hey. This is the first time seeing Navani’s chapter-header symbol. I like that shining gem.  Incidentally, I also paged back through to look at the herald symbols gracing each chapter, and much like Oathbringer all of the chapters so far have 4 of a kind (in contrast to WoK in which usually there were two heralds per chapter). I’m not great at analyzing the heraldic attr



Chapter 15

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers.   Chapter 15 (The Light and the Music) Finally! On to the next chapter! Title: This is a Kaladin chapter, so I’m guessing it’s a reference to the things other people enjoy that he can’t because his life is suffering and depression. Sorry, Kal. Epigraph: So logicspren can reproduce any Boolean operation, timing gate, or similar mechanism based on the design of the fabrial they are used in. I see compu



Back Cover Copy

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Back Cover Before jumping into this, I want to share something very cool that I learned this week. Did you know that the Coppermind has implemented a time machine function where you can access the articles as they appeared prior to the release of a particular book? That means you don’t have to avoid the wiki entirely if you are trying to stay spoiler free. Props to the Coppermind staff and contributors for ma



Rhythm of War Statistical Analysis

I took the time to update the statistical analysis of Rhythm of War today and wanted to share some fun charts! SPOILERS FOR RHYTHM OF WAR! Word Count by Character Self explanatory. Kaladin, Shallan, and Dalinar lead the pack in that order, as I think most people would assume. Word Count by Character (excluding the big 3) Zooming in a bit better on all the characters besides Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar... Navani and Venli both leaped up tremendously in Rhythm of War. Ado



Internal Art (Part II)

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Internal Art (Part II) Nale. Darkness. Oh, yes. His detached expression really works for what we know about his emotionless approach to things, while at the same time that eyes-closed transcendence looks almost rapturous despite the internal focus. He’s centering himself like a completely self-assured Javert from Les Mis.  Also, he’s floating in a very defying-gravity sort of way, which is appropriate. A



Stormlight Archive Timeline (v2.4.11)

I've updated my timeline for Dawnshard and Rhythm of War! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zq5bJoKE83ggDCjH43i1hZi0CIpB2iAx7v37zQPVFK0/edit Dawnshard and RoW spoiler below! Dawnshard's timeline is fairly loose. The middle of their voyage was 6 months after OB, based on Rysn's conversation with Vstim in chapter 9. Nailing down the beginning date of the story involves a long trail of events back through Rysn's interlude, when Szeth became a Truthless, and when Gavilar was mur



Internal Art (Part 1)

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Internal Art (Part 1) The book is out! Hooray! I imagine that all of you did the same thing I did, which was immediately open to the endpages to pore over the beautiful Herald images. This post will be my reactions to those images, as well as the sketchbook pages that accompanied the chapters I’ve already read. Before that, though, a brief note about my current plan. I will continue to liveblog Rhyt



Chapter 14

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 14 (Voice) Title: I got nothing. My pie-in-the-sky hope is that this is about Maya finally having something to say, but there’s no possible way that happens until something far more dramatic on Adolin’s end plays out. It’s not Part 1 material. I guess it might be more Venli stuff? Just spitballing here. Epigraph: Come on, Navani. Don’t just give us inanities and then drop that logicspren are importa



Fall Progress Update

Social Media Total: 100% (2211/2211) Theoryland Review: 84% (997/1184) Events and Signings Review: 0% (0/397) So, turns out it was not clear by September. And it's not really clear by October, either. Such is life. But do have enough free time to get back on top of WoBs; Arcanum is completely up to date on the latest stuff, Theoryland review is well on its way to being done (I expect it will be completely done by the time Rhythm of War comes out), and I'm planning to use some of my ev



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