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Roshar Physical Characteristics and Areas

Some calculations I did a while back. Was planning to do more with the moons, but I just haven't had time and figured it was worth going ahead and posting this here as is. Given Surface gravity on Roshar is 0.7 g (source: Arcanum Unbounded) Roshar's radius is 5663 km (source: JordanCon 2018) This map of Roshar (minor WoR spioler) gives both latitude and longitude lines. The planet can be broken into 200 "squares" horizontally and 100 "squares" verti



Rosharan Time Measurements

Roshar has 50 minutes/hour, 20 hours/day, 5 days/week, 10 weeks/month (50-day months), 10 months/year (500-day years). Brandon and Peter have said that a Rosharan year is 1.10 Earth years and that a Rosharan hour is shorter than an Earth hour. (This suggests we should assume the 1.10 number is precise.) The definition of a year is somewhat ambiguous. The Rosharan year above clearly refers to a solar year, so we will assume that the 1.10 number compares solar years. An Earth solar year is 36



August Progress Update

TWG 33%: Brandon 100% (113/113), Peter 0% (0/113), Isaac 0% (0/75), Ben 0% (0/38) 17s 0%: Brandon 0% (0/91), Peter 0% (0/97), Isaac 0% (0/97), Ben 0% (0/86) Reddit 40%: Brandon 99% (119/120), Peter 0% (0/93), Isaac 0% (0/11), Ben 0% (0/74), Adam 0% (0/2) Twitter 29%: Brandon 99% (112/113), Peter 0% (0/113), Isaac % (0/120), Adam 0%(0/45) Blog 99%: Brandon 99% (170/171) Social Media Total: 33% (514/1572) Theoryland Total Review: 0% (5/1183) Events and Signings review: TBD What is this? A p



It's Been Fun

Here we are: the finish line. I've completed my review of all of Brandon's TWG posts. I decided not to review Peter's at this time; the one thing I knew I wanted to find was the Dragonsteel excerpt that Peter had posted there once, but it was part of the recently released chapters, so I don't feel the need to dig for it anymore. That closes out the last thing I wanted to review of Brandon's social media; I haven't gotten it all into Arcanum yet (the new WoB Archive, in case any of you haven't he



October Progress Update

Reddit: 100% Twitter: 100% Blog: 100% TWG: Brandon 20% (49/249 pages), Peter 0% (0/326 pages) The review of the blog is done. And now I slog through the TWG. It's a little weird, going through Brandon's musings about music and movies and lingerie (really). Most of it isn't relevant in the slightest, but there are some rare gems. I posted the Aether stuff I found a couple months ago; those are the sort of things I'm looking for. Even though it's a couple thousand posts between Brandon and Pe



September Progress Update

WoB Count: 4419 Reddit: 100% Twitter: 100% Blog: 79%, 114/145 pages TWG: 0% Making up for lost time on these updates, since I was able to complete a lot of work in the last week. I had four solid days where I was rained in during Hurricane Harvey, and I was able to import nearly my entire database into the new Shard archive, and finish up my Twitter review while I was at it. (Well, everything in Twitter from 2015 on had already been taken care of, so I didn't have to do as much as I thought



August Progress Update

Well, I warned you all. No progress. But that is all going to change. After a few weeks without internet and really bad cell reception in my new apartment, I finally have everything set up and ready to. I plan on spending a good chunk of time this weekend working on getting my Reddit stuff into the Shard's new database; things should go pretty quick, since I have my new dual-monitor system that will make it a breeze. And I have no friends down here yet to distract me. And there's a hurrican



July Progress Update

No progress to report, unfortunately. I had said that this would be a very unproductive couple of months for WoB archive stuff. But quite productive in other areas of my life: Sidewalk 2, Pagerunner 3 (OT). These sorts of "no update" updates are still important, though. This project isn't off my radar, and neither is the new WoB database project. I just don't have any time to devote to them. I did buy some new hardware to make this work go easier, but I haven't found time to use it yet (it'




Prompt: A Genie offers you one wish, and you modestly wish to have a very productive 2017. The genie misunderstands, and for the rest of your life, every 20:17 you become impossibly productive for just 60 seconds.     “Well, it was a nice day.” You kiss your sweetheart gently on the forehead and sigh as the last remaining seconds of 20:16 tick away. “See you at 8:18,” you say.  Then it happens. Every ounce of fatigue or hunger leaves your body. The face of your beloved is per



June Progress Update

WoB Count: 998 Reddit: 100% Twitter: 29%, 28/97 months Blog: 79%, 114/145 pages Interviews: 2%, 8/485 So, big news this past month for WoBs. The Shard admins finally announced their new database. I posted all my Reddit WoBs, because I got tired of people asking me to find something for them. Good times. As you might not be surprised to hear, I have been tapped as one of the beta users for the new WoB system. I'll be adding what I have while seeing if I can break the system, and make an



May Progress Update

WoB Count: 759 Reddit: 100% Twitter: 9%, 9/97 months Blog: 53%,  77/145 pages Interviews: 0%, 0/484 Welcome back, everyone. Things are still moving along - as you can see, I am 100% up to date on Reddit! (Well, as much as I can be. There will probably be some other snippets I'll pull in that are listed on their own in Theoryland or in their own topics on the Shard.) Right now, I'm still working my way through the blog and through Twitter chronologically. I'm actually pretty much at the same



April Progress Report

WoB Count: 699 Reddit: 86% Twitter: 0%, 0/93 months Blog: 29%,  42/144 pages Interviews: 0%, 0/475 April comes after February, right? No update for last month... sorry about that, but I was very busy with important work. Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. I'm pretty much done with that for now, so I can get back to working on the database. Biggest news, I've worked through the old Reddit backlog. Unfortunately, there was another AMA, so I've got a new Reddit backlog. It won't be as l



Rainy Days

I can really appreciate rainy days. Sometimes the sun is too harsh Or the snow too bitter. Give me days where the clouds,           like my eyes, Are overcast and the fog,           like my shoulders, Hang low. Something about bleak colors Cold earth, speckled windshields, That I embody. Melancholy Sympathizing with  Worms drowning in puddles Lacking the energy to save them. Empty bottles kicked beneath feet Only to be forgotten and left Sinking in the mud Ind



February Progress Report

WoB Count: 405 Reddit: 15% Twitter: 0%, 0/93 months Blog: 22%,  31/144 pages Interviews: 0%, 0/475 Okay, so here's my first structured update. I've made posts pretty frequently this last week and a half, but I'll probably shoot for once a month now that I've gotten things rolling. Two major differences from what I said I was gonna do. First, I've added Brandon's blog. A lot of them were included in Theoryland's interview database, but I spun them off into their own category. There's no



Front End - Interface

In my last post, I talked about the kinds of information I'm gathering and how it's structured. But the interface you saw there isn't very conducive to quick browsing – the WoB text field would need to be obscenely wide, there are some fields we don't particularly care about most of the time, and the information was spread across several tabs. Thankfully, there's a better way built into Access to view information in a table: Forms. In an Access form, you basically view a single row at a t



Back End - Database

So, let's learn some more details about exactly what I'm gathering and how I'm structuring it. First, we'll start with the actual tables and relationships that I used to construct the database. (A Microsoft Access database is, at its core, a collection of tables. Lines from the different tables can be linked together, to reflect connections among those tables. Microsoft actually provides some pretty good training videos, if you don't know anything about Access. ) So, the centerpiece of the



Here We Go

Hey, I've made a blog, and it has a very specific purpose in mind. I'm been toying around with creating my own Word of Brandon database for about a year to collect cosmere-related tidbits, and I finally got the ball rolling in some key ways and like what's going on with it. I'm gonna try and use this blog to make monthly updates, for two reasons: Structured updates are a great way to make sure I keep working on a project, and if anyone's interested in following/helping it can give them an



GHOSTS @wildfairy via tumblr

we’re still my favorite ghost story / even if neither of us died / when we wanted to / but the red still drips / the blue still seethes / i never looked good in purple / but the morphine is steady / i’m a quiet unraveling / you don’t know how to break / with an audience’s eyes on you / i sleep and / the static crackles / you sleep / and the wind settles over us / and the sky is more forgiving / than i ever learned to be / and i bet she’s real pretty / and her fist never curls / and the witch wea



Harry Potter Fan Fic (Not even sorry for posting this) (@maedhrys via tumblr)

the man keeps a flower, one that he picks after Harry gets up, in his breast pocket. he brings it home and it’s not wilted, so he sticks it in a book to preserve and press it. as he gets older, he goes back to that book - one on history, focusing on wars, and sees exactly where he put it. in the section about coming home and the joys of victory. he thinks about it every day until he meets Harry again at that white kings cross station, holding that flower out to him.   http://caramel-in



untitled (@rustyvoices via tumblr)

the story starts with a window. it’s late and I’m waving. the people I love come back home (one by one or altogether, it doesn’t matter). airports aren’t a sad thing anymore. every plane lands in my backyard and I get back what’s lost. I throw a party to celebrate the way my heart’s acting like a heart again. the flowers stop wilting because they want to stay alive to see this. the long dead plant comes back to life because it’s heard the news. the bad stuff never really happened. we dreamed it



Prompt 1 (@kittenwiskers via tumblr)

PROMPT: You’re in charge of assigning every child on Earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to him/her to quit. You decide to assign yourself.  



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