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Words of Radiance Reaction

Last night I finally finished the book and I was blown away. That was an excellent read and I am left extremely satisfied. I'm going to stop the review right there because I have lots of comments and questions that will sum up my thoughts, so I don't want to repeat myself. This blog is going to be where I keep track of my WoR questions as well as just general comments on the book, the series, and the 17th Shard website itself. SPOILERS! Yes, they will be in this blog. Don't read past here if yo




Preamble Firstly, I was somewhat surprised, but very happy, to know that some people read the last entry I posted Thankyou. So, for anyone who isn't aware, Shelldry is a game in the world of the mistborn series. It is mentioned a couple of times at most, but from when it is mentioned we can gather that it is some form of gambling card game. Partly to play with my MAG groups and partly just for the fun of it I decided to create a version of shelldry. It isn't complete yet so everything here is



Steel Alphabet Font

I am working on multiple mistborn fan projects and I will post updates and details of them here as I go. I don't know if anyone will actually read this but I think it will be helpful to me to keep a blog of what I am doing and may help me be more consistent with the work I put in. I currently have four mistborn projects: -The Steel Alphabet Font (which will be the focus of this post) -A version of Shelldry (More on that soon) -A character generator for the Mistborn Adventure



Interview 24 Sept. 13

https://soundcloud.com/chris-king-128/brandon-sanderson-interview https://soundcloud.com/chris-king-128/brandon-sanderson-interview-2 This is an interview I did with Brandon on the 24th of September. Thank you to Weiry for transcribing the audio into a text format. So the first one we have here is: We’ve seen some hints of the over-arching cosmere story arc, what was the inspiration behind that originally? I had an idea for a book when I was fifteen, just getting into fantasy novels--just ge



Story Ideas List

About once a week I think of an idea for a story. Here's a list of some of my favorites that I'd love to develop 1. Billions of years in the future humans have conquered death. In fact, they have done everything that they could ever think of. The biggest problem is boredom. Every idea has been fleshed out. Every invention has been invented. How does a race of people exist if there is nothing left to do? 2. A sect of magical beings have dedicated their lives to pouring energy into a globe



Sanderson Reading Log

Here's my "read" list so far: Mistborn Trilogy Alloy of Law The Way of Kings The Wheel of Time series Elantris Warbreaker Infinity Blade I & II Legion Emperor's Soul Firstborn Defending Elysium Any suggestions on what should be next on this list?



Retiring this mirror blog

I'm retiring this mirror blog, after the launch of my new website. I'm pretty sure very few people actually followed this mirror. My new blog is right on my new site's front page, and it has a new RSS feed. You can also get more frequent updates from me on Twitter and Facebook.

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Retiring this mirror blog

I'm retiring this mirror blog, after the launch of my new website. I'm pretty sure very few people actually followed this mirror. My new blog is right on my new site's front page, and it has a new RSS feed. You can also get more frequent updates from me on Twitter and Facebook. <a href="http://mistborn.blogspot.com/2013/09/retiring-this-mirror-blog.html">Source</a>

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

<p>If you haven't seen the <em>Steelheart</em> ...

If you haven't seen the Steelheart book trailer, the prologue, or the teaser chapters (Chapter Ten and Chapter Eleven), please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. Weller Book Works has a few signed & numbered copies left. You can also come to the release event at the Orem Barnes & Noble on September 24th. (More details later.) Mysterious Galaxy and Shawn Speakman's The Signed Page will also have signed

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Website redesign launch

My website debuted a major redesign yesterday. I kick it off with a post about winning two Hugo Awards this past weekend. <a href="http://mistborn.blogspot.com/2013/09/website-redesign-launch.html">Source</a>

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Infinity Blade: Redemption + Updates

Hey, all! I had an exciting time at Worldcon, as you might have heard. I'm working on a long blog post about the experience, and it will go up tomorrow. (Actually, be sure to check my site tomorrow, regardless...) For today, though, I wanted to announce the release of my second and final Infinity Blade novella! It's out now on the iBookstore, with a short exclusive period for them. It will move to other ebook platforms next week. If you aren't familiar with this project, these are based on a

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Infinity Blade: Redemption + Updates

Hey, all! I had an exciting time at Worldcon, as you might have heard. I'm working on a long blog post about the experience, and it will go up tomorrow. (Actually, be sure to check my site tomorrow, regardless...) For today, though, I wanted to announce the release of my second and final Infinity Blade novella! It's out now on the iBookstore, with a short exclusive period for them. It will move to other ebook platforms next week. If you aren't familiar with this project, these are based on a g

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Spokane 2015

Hey, all. This is a post that may not be relevant for everyone, but I thought it was an important one to make anyway. I had the pleasure of being Guest of Honor a few weeks back at SpoCon, a sf/fantasy convention in Spokane, Washington. Well, it turns out that the same group who run SpoCon have a bid out for Worldcon in 2015. The voting will happen this weekend at Worldcon in San Antonio, which I'm attending. (Though kind of last-minute.) Voting costs $40, and unfortunately it's too late to

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Spokane 2015

Hey, all. This is a post that may not be relevant for everyone, but I thought it was an important one to make anyway. I had the pleasure of being Guest of Honor a few weeks back at SpoCon, a sf/fantasy convention in Spokane, Washington. Well, it turns out that the same group who run SpoCon have a bid out for Worldcon in 2015. The voting will happen this weekend at Worldcon in San Antonio, which I'm attending. (Though kind of last-minute.) Voting costs $40, and unfortunately it's too late to ma

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Worldcon This Weekend

Worldcon in San Antonio (LoneStarCon 3) starts tomorrow. Here's my schedule! There are hundreds of industry luminaries at the convention, so be sure to check out all the great programming. World Science Fiction Convention, San Antonio Place: LoneStarCon 3 Address: Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center 200 E Market St San Antonio, TX 78205 Schedule: August 29th–September 2nd, 2013 SATURDAY 6:00–7:00 p.m., 006A Brandon Sanderson Reading SUNDAY 1:00–2:00 p.m., Autographing Area Autograp

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Worldcon This Weekend

Worldcon in San Antonio (LoneStarCon 3) starts tomorrow. Here's my schedule! There are hundreds of industry luminaries at the convention, so be sure to check out all the great programming. World Science Fiction Convention, San Antonio Place: LoneStarCon 3 Address: Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center 200 E Market St San Antonio, TX 78205 Schedule: August 29th–September 2nd, 2013 SATURDAY 6:00–7:00 p.m., 006A Brandon Sanderson Reading SUNDAY 1:00–2:00 p.m., Autographing Area Autographing: J

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Steelheart Preorders from Weller Book Works Start Today + My Gen Con Schedule

Tomorrow and Saturday I'll be at Gen Con. My schedule is below. See you there! But first, if you haven't seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accepting orders TODAY for delivery on or ve

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Steelheart Preorders from Weller Book Works Start Today + My Gen Con Schedule

Tomorrow and Saturday I'll be at Gen Con. My schedule is below. See you there! But first, if you haven't seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accepting orders TODAY for delivery on or ve

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates

Some quick updates today. But first, if you haven't seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accepting orders on August 15th for delivery on or very shortly after September 24th. Mysterious

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates

Some quick updates today. But first, if you haven't seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accepting orders on August 15th for delivery on or very shortly after September 24th. Mysterious

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners

It's time to announce the winners of the STEELHEART Mega Vault Fan Art contest. First, if you haven't seen the teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters for STEELHEART, please go give them a look! STEELHEART Preorders The release date for STEELHEART is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accep

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners

It's time to announce the winners of the STEELHEART Mega Vault Fan Art contest. First, if you haven't seen the teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters for STEELHEART, please go give them a look! STEELHEART Preorders The release date for STEELHEART is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin acce

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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