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Spokane this week!

Tomorrow I'm heading out to Spokane for SpoCon, and I'll also be signing at Barnes & Noble. Details are below. There's no signing listed at SpoCon itself, but I will sign books if you find me between panels. See you there! Barnes & Noble, Spokane Date: Thursday August 8th, 2013 Time: 5:30–7:30 p.m. Place: Barnes & Noble Booksellers – Northtown Mall Address: 4750 North Division Street Spokane, WA 99207 Phone: (509) 482-4235 Notes: This signing is in conjunction with SpoCon, but you

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Spokane this week!

Tomorrow I'm heading out to Spokane for SpoCon, and I'll also be signing at Barnes & Noble. Details are below. There's no signing listed at SpoCon itself, but I will sign books if you find me between panels. See you there! Barnes & Noble, Spokane Date: Thursday August 8th, 2013 Time: 5:30–7:30 p.m. Place: Barnes & Noble Booksellers – Northtown Mall Address: 4750 North Division Street Spokane, WA 99207 Phone: (509) 482-4235 Notes: This signing is in conjunction with SpoCon, but you

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates Catch-Up + Michael Whelan Stormlight 2 Cover

Playing catch-up with the Writing Excuses podcast, we did episodes on both Writing Reluctant Characters and Combining Dialogue, Blocking, and Description. We also did a Q&A session at the Out of Excuses Retreat that touches on these questions: To Dan: How did you go about selling your first trilogy in Germany before selling it in the US? To Howard: did you consider doing a separate storyline on Sunday strips? Why or why not? Have you transitioned between outlining and discovery writing?

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates Catch-Up + Michael Whelan Stormlight 2 Cover

Playing catch-up with the Writing Excuses podcast, we did episodes on both Writing Reluctant Characters and Combining Dialogue, Blocking, and Description. We also did a Q&A session at the Out of Excuses Retreat that touches on these questions: To Dan: How did you go about selling your first trilogy in Germany before selling it in the US? To Howard: did you consider doing a separate storyline on Sunday strips? Why or why not? Have you transitioned between outlining and discovery writing?

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

MTG: Fblthp

Fblthp is a creature featured on a couple of the "Magic: The Gathering" cards. (Totally Lost and Doorkeeper). He's very cute, and I fell in love with him pretty much from the first time I saw a picture. So, I decided to crochet one! Do instructions in [brackets] in one stitch FINGERS (make 4) 1: Magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: sc, in, sc 4: inc, sc, inc, sc 5-6: sc around THUMBS (make 2) 1: magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: inc, sc, inc 4: sc around 5: sc, inc, sc, inc, sc 6: sc aroun



Hugo Awards Voting Deadline is July 31, 2013

The Hugos are one of the most prestigious awards in our field, and they are given out by the readers themselves. The deadline for voting for the Hugo Awards is approaching quickly. Less than a week left! For a ballot to be counted, it needs to be in by Wednesday, July 31, 2013 before midnight, Texas time. So, if you were considering joining Worldcon to vote, you don't have a lot of time left. (Full disclosure, The Emperor's Soul by yours truly is up for an award in the novella category. Also,

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Hugo Awards Voting Deadline is July 31, 2013

The Hugos are one of the most prestigious awards in our field, and they are given out by the readers themselves. The deadline for voting for the Hugo Awards is approaching quickly. Less than a week left! For a ballot to be counted, it needs to be in by Wednesday, July 31, 2013 before midnight, Texas time. So, if you were considering joining Worldcon to vote, you don't have a lot of time left. (Full disclosure, The Emperor's Soul by yours truly is up for an award in the novella category. Also,

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

State of the Sanderson

It has been quite a busy time these last six or seven months. Too busy, maybe? A lot of great experiences, but it has cut into my time to be at home writing. Let me give you a little update of what I’m doing writing-wise. First off, of course, is Words of Radiance. If you weren’t watching, I finished the rough draft of this book (the second book of the Stormlight Archive, and sequel to The Way of Kings) late June. I sent it off to my agent and editor for commentary and advice. I got back my ed

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

State of the Sanderson

It has been quite a busy time these last six or seven months. Too busy, maybe? A lot of great experiences, but it has cut into my time to be at home writing. Let me give you a little update of what I’m doing writing-wise. First off, of course, is Words of Radiance. If you weren’t watching, I finished the rough draft of this book (the second book of the Stormlight Archive, and sequel to The Way of Kings) late June. I sent it off to my agent and editor for commentary and advice. I got back my ed

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Mike Wazowski coin pouch

Okay, so I've made this for a couple of reasons, but it's really pretty easy. The most difficult part is how tight the arms and legs are. Hook used: US G Supplies: -Yarns: Green (body, legs, arms), (small amounts of): deep green, black, white, tan -Needle Terms: sc=single crochet, hdc=half double crochet, dc=double crochet, sl=slip stitch, mgr"X"= Magic ring with the number for starting, dec=decrease stitch, inc=increase, blo=work stitches in back loop only instructions in [ ] are done



Read preview #2 of STEELHEART, STEELHEART poster, STEELHEART book trailer!

So, I'm at Comic-Con in San Diego right now. You can see my schedule here. Among the other things I'm doing at the con is an interview with MTV Geek. That's not a public event at the convention, but they will be streaming it live on their site on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. And as part of the interview livestream, MTV Geek will be premiering the book trailer that Delacorte made for STEELHEART. It will be exciting, so set your alarms for 1:00 p.m. Pacific in two days. (Right now their coun

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Read preview #2 of STEELHEART, STEELHEART poster, STEELHEART book trailer!

So, I'm at Comic-Con in San Diego right now. You can see my schedule here. Among the other things I'm doing at the con is an interview with MTV Geek. That's not a public event at the convention, but they will be streaming it live on their site on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. And as part of the interview livestream, MTV Geek will be premiering the book trailer that Delacorte made for STEELHEART. It will be exciting, so set your alarms for 1:00 p.m. Pacific in two days. (Right now their cou

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My San Diego Comic-Con International Schedule

I'm leaving today for Comic-Con, and I'll be there Friday through Sunday. See you there! There will also be a Steelheart trailer reveal online on Sunday with MTV Geek; I'll add the link later. Date: July 19–21, 2013 Place: San Diego Convention Center Address: 111 West Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Schedule: Friday, July 19th 11:00–11:30 a.m., booth 1915 DC Entertainment Signing with John Van Fleet Signing exclusive Steelheart poster prints by John Van Fleet 2:30–3:30 p.m., Room 24

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My San Diego Comic-Con International Schedule

I'm leaving today for Comic-Con, and I'll be there Friday through Sunday. See you there! There will also be a Steelheart trailer reveal online on Sunday with MTV Geek; I'll add the link later. Date: July 19–21, 2013 Place: San Diego Convention Center Address: 111 West Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Schedule: Friday, July 19th 11:00–11:30 a.m., booth 1915 DC Entertainment Signing with John Van Fleet Signing exclusive Steelheart poster prints by John Van Fleet 2:30–3:30 p.m., Room 24ABC Ep

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


Recently I got back from The Rithmatist tour, so it's time for me to post some pictures of some of the cool things I saw and some of the neat things you all gave me. I appreciate the time and thought put into the gifts. Take a look at this Steel Inquisitor sculpture Meghan Etzel-Hardman gave me. Wow! You can take a look at more of her work at her site. These awesome Mistborn costumes came from the hard work of Sarah Levinson, who came with her pals to Phoenix Comicon. From left to right: Karen

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


Recently I got back from The Rithmatist tour, so it's time for me to post some pictures of some of the cool things I saw and some of the neat things you all gave me. I appreciate the time and thought put into the gifts. Take a look at this Steel Inquisitor sculpture Meghan Etzel-Hardman gave me. Wow! You can take a look at more of her work at her site. These awesome Mistborn costumes came from the hard work of Sarah Levinson, who came with her pals to Phoenix Comicon. From left to right: Ka

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death

The anthology THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, sequel to THE MACHINE OF DEATH, was released today. I don't have a story in it (I was considering submitting something, but I'm way too busy), but my friend and alpha reader Karen Stay Ahlstrom (who happens to be married to my assistant Peter Ahlstrom) does have a story in the volume. I was surprised when she submitted her story to our writing group, since she usually participates as a reader rather than a writer, but it was a great story and I think the anthol

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death

The anthology THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, sequel to THE MACHINE OF DEATH, was released today. I don't have a story in it (I was considering submitting something, but I'm way too busy), but my friend and alpha reader Karen Stay Ahlstrom (who happens to be married to my assistant Peter Ahlstrom) does have a story in the volume. I was surprised when she submitted her story to our writing group, since she usually participates as a reader rather than a writer, but it was a great story and I think the anthol

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

STEELHEART fan art contest ends tonight + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is entitled "Your First Contract" and it's about exactly that! We're not lawyers so don't consider this to be legal advice, but as a writer you're a a small business owner who should be thinking about this sort of thing. The STEELHEART fan art contest ends tonight at midnight (probably Mountain Time). There are over 30 entries so far. Fantastic work, folks! I'm looking forward to seeing what else gets submitted before the deadline. Note: This contest

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

STEELHEART fan art contest ends tonight + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is entitled "Your First Contract" and it's about exactly that! We're not lawyers so don't consider this to be legal advice, but as a writer you're a a small business owner who should be thinking about this sort of thing. The STEELHEART fan art contest ends tonight at midnight (probably Mountain Time). There are over 30 entries so far. Fantastic work, folks! I'm looking forward to seeing what else gets submitted before the deadline. Note: This contest

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My ConnectiCon Schedule

I'm in Connecticut this weekend for ConnectiCon. Below is my schedule! But also, the STEELHEART fanart contest (you can win books!) is still ongoing, with a deadline of this Friday. Details here, and the first entries from readers are up here. ConnectiCon, Hartford Place: ConnectiCon Address: Connecticut Convention Center 100 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, CT 06103 Phone: 860-249-6000 Type: Convention Schedule: July 12th–14th, 2013 Friday 1:00–2:00 p.m. Brandon Sanderson Autograph Session Sign

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My ConnectiCon Schedule

I'm in Connecticut this weekend for ConnectiCon. Below is my schedule! But also, the STEELHEART fanart contest (you can win books!) is still ongoing, with a deadline of this Friday. Details here, and the first entries from readers are up here. ConnectiCon, Hartford Place: ConnectiCon Address: Connecticut Convention Center 100 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, CT 06103 Phone: 860-249-6000 Type: Convention Schedule: July 12th–14th, 2013 Friday 1:00–2:00 p.m. Brandon Sanderson Autograph Session

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Random House Mega Vault Contest + Updates

Below I have info on a contest that's Steelheart-related (sorry, for the US and Canada only). But first some updates. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode covers chapter breakdowns—what determines our chapter breaks? How do we handle POV shifts, scene/sequel balance, and other considerations when we're carving our stories into chapters? My assistant Peter has uploaded another Twitter posts archive, this one covering the past month. And Tor.com has put up another Ecology of Roshar post,

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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