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Marcus Ashborn

Marcus sighed as the student fell asleep on the other side of his desk. It was not a pleasant activity, interplanar travel, but this was the most efficient way he had found. Standing up, he slid a bookshelf aside revealing what used to be an unfinished storage space, similar to an attic. Now there was a large smooth slate in the middle, and three sleeping people laid on the side of the room. Then deliberately walking around his desk, he picked up the student and carried her through the doorway l



The Silver Knight, Part 3

The Silver Knight stared at the ______. For all that his friend had told him, he'd expected something... different. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she said now behind him, as if on cue. The Silver Knight simply continued to stare. Was she seeing something that he wasn't? When he looked at the ______, all he felt was... confused.  "Hey," the young woman said, her voice suddenly concerned. "You're shivering." All of a sudden, Silver realized he'd started to rub his arms without thinking. "Y



Chapter 5

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. Chapter 5 I only just now paid attention to the allomantic symbols heading the chapters, and it took me far too long to confirm that they are indeed just numeric. I recognize those symbols far less than I do the various glyphs and scripts of stormlight, and they are just too similar to one another for me to commit many to memory without more meaning ascribed to them than numerals. The “seal of the city” style b



The Silver Knight, Part 2

The Silver Knight felt the nightmare coming before it arrived. It started as it always did- a burst of sudden dizziness. His vision narrowed, the world seeming to spin around him. He tried to stand up, but the ground was rocking beneath his feet like a ship in a storm. Someone grabbed his arm, steadying him - thank you, Black - but his vision was already starting to darken. The world around him dimmed as though covered in thick black fog. As his consciousness drifted away, he could hear the



The Silver Knight, Part 1

Clang. Clang. Clang. It was dusk. The two men had been fighting for hours, ringing their weapons against each other under the slowly setting sun. Or at least, it had felt like hours; time was strange here, in this land of dreams and shadows. As far as they knew, it had always been dusk. To anyone watching, it was clear that the taller of the two was winning. Clad in all black, and wielding a spear to match, he swung as though he had only just begun to fight. Each movemen



Chapters 3-4

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. Chapter 3 Ah, yes. The primary benefit of trousers.  I like how Marasi’s daydream about the Survivor’s Cradle is cut short with an “oh yeah, Wax has been there.” It’s got to be a disjointed experience to live alongside the larger than life figures that are cosmere protagonists, even taking into account her own impressive accomplishments in these adventures. Wayne hasn’t even noticed the footprint



Broadsheet part 1

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. BROADSHEET part 1 I’d forgotten how frustrating it was to get the broadsheet split into quadrants like this. For the moment I’ll read and comment on them individually as they appear, but it’s tempting to just wait and do the whole thing at once when it’s available. Title: The Two What?? Going by the subtitle/quote thing it’s Seasons, which I suppose means that Elendel is equatorial? I don’t really rememb



A Thing - Artificial Gravity

You could say that I'm getting ahead of myself here. You could also say that I haven't posted in months and should get back to my weird context things. Whatever. This is what I'm thinking about right now, so this is what I'm going to talk about. Artificial Gravity is a thing that exists. Or... well, rather, it doesn't. Not yet. It shows up time and again in science fiction without any explanation whatsoever, which is honestly fine by me. You don't have to explain to me why Obi-Wan Keno

Channelknight Fadran

Channelknight Fadran

Chapter 2

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. Chapter 2 Steris is getting him ready using a prepared list, which matches my expectations. But from the way he’s stowing evidence for probable dramatic reveal, I get the sense he’s preparing for a courtroom, which very much does not match my expectations. He’s always been a lawman, but I didn’t think he’d ever be that sort of lawman. Oh, maybe not. He’s in “his senator’s chamber in the House of Proceeding



Chapter 1

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. Chapter 1 Yay Marasi! I’ve missed these people. And wow, that’s a good opening description because I can absolutely feel the rush of adrenaline as you almost fall–even if the consequences are only horrible and not deadly. Walking alone through the sewer with a map in one hand…is she auditioning to be Nazh’s understudy? I feel like he could use a kindred spirit (or a grad student to delegate to). Oh, w




Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. Prologue Well, that’s the Tinweight mystery solved. Baby Wayne grew up there.  I was going to say that young Wayne sounds too much like adult Wayne, but after a paragraph or two, I can see the difference. He’s a bit more carefree here in his narration, or perhaps candid. At least, that’s my initial impression. “One-window home” is a clever descriptor. It gets the message across, and also hints at both




Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Intro post here, beware of spoilers. MAPS! We have maps, people.  I don’t remember the maps super well from the previous books, but it looks like the map of the Elendel Basin hasn’t changed. The rail lines might be longer? And I don’t recognize the name Tinweight Settlement, so it and a few other locations may be newly noted. Then again, I could just be failing to recall the last version. The map of the City of Elendel definitely has new n



Introductory Post

Welcome to my liveblog of The Lost Metal! Join me as I make terrible predictions, overanalyze everything, geek out about magic, and generally enjoy my time on Scadrial.  I’ve previously liveblogged The Rhythm of War here on 17S, and my reactions to both Oathbringer and Starsight are also available in Google Doc format. As with Rhythm of War, I’ve kept myself spoiler free for this book, so I’ll be going in with a lot less knowledge than some…especially since I ran out of time and haven’



Mac's dream

Mac dreamt of Darkness. He dreamt of the darkness of night. He dreamt of pinpricks of light, hanging far above tall forests of dangling vines. He dreamt of moonlit paths winding through the trees and underbrush, and he was happy.  But like all things in his world, dreams do not last. Their decay is quick in the face of a ringing clock. As the tension rose in his shoulders, and the dream fled to memory, he arose to a complete darkness. This darkness lacked the clarity of night, but inst



Measurements, Part Two: Electric Boogaloo

To those whom it may concern: I wasn't planning on making a sequel to this post. Frankly, I didn't think there was much else to say. But then I was reading What If? 2 by Randall Munroe. This is not a paid promotion or an advertisement, but GO FRIGGIN READ IT. And the first one, for that matter. In one of the sections, he brings up in a footnote that the distance light travels in one nanosecond is roughly 11.8 inches: a distance, he notes, that is "frustratingly close to a foot," and t

Channelknight Fadran

Channelknight Fadran

Haskalah and Enlightenment

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m Trutharchivist, your rambler for today. And I want to talk about a specific point in the history of Judaism: the Age of Enlightenment onward, to this very day. I include about two or three centuries in the last period in the history of Judaism, because I think that some topics which rose at this era are still points of argument to this very day. At first, I thought to write on it all in one essay; then I realized that it’s going to be too much to talk abou

An Older Ember

Gosh, I haven't posted here in a while. Sorry, guys! To be fair, I have not been doing very much art since school started. But I do have this drawing of Ember from the summer.  Have a zu-bop of a day! )

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

Eyes and Ives and words and durds.

The Clocktower was admittedly a nice find. Not many people know about it simply because they fear missing it! Ives was safe from devious scientists trying to find him.  And HR. Cant forget HR. Some how those insane folk are still kicking around being annoying and stupid and weird and stupid-  Clocktower yes. His clocktower.  He made it way to the base of it, his padded moccasins barely making a sound against the cobblestones of the plaza he found himself in. The splintered wood of the



Endnote and Ars Arcanum

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Endnote I’ll admit I don’t really get this ketek. I’m going to have to think about it for a bit. It’s disturbing that it’s written by El, who in this case is noted to be a/the “Fused scholar of human art forms.” Is this endnote by Nazh? Who else would be collecting the keteks and writing commentary about singer interpretation of Alethi poetic styles? The typeface isn’t different, so we can’t positively iden




Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Epilogue (Dirty Tricks) Icons: Jester and Ash (mirrored) –Wit the lightweaver, naturally Design is the sort of audience member Wit needs: unimpressed and… I want to say snarky but she’s more genuine than that. Willing to object. Wit, on considering Sja-Anat’s expanding influence. This is striking because Sja-Anat has been shown to be working for the benefit of Roshar and against Odium. Is there somet



Chapter 117

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 117 (One Final Gift) Icons: Kalak and Jez, mirrored. Okay, I’m a little conflicted here. I need to admit that I read this chapter twice, since I mostly neglected to take notes on it the first time through. The strange thing is, the first read-through I was annoyed at the placement of the chapter. I thought, “why wait until now to show us Eshonai’s death? Wouldn’t it have been better at the end of Wo



Space Travel - Lightspeed and Beyond

So I didn't actually explain how we'd get to Lightspeed in the last article. And I certainly didn't go beyond it. Should I make this a part two, maybe? Or is it a little late for that? Screw it. If Incredibles can have a fourteen-year gap between the original and the sequel, then I can make a sequel after a long month or so. Lightspeed and Beyond 2, Electric Boogaloo: Time Hijinks We have a couple options here. Option one is simple and effective, but makes for a terrible

Channelknight Fadran

Channelknight Fadran

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