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THE RITHMATIST Cover Art + Updates

I sent out a newsletter over the last couple of weeks, which you can see here. If you want to be on the mailing list (I send maybe three or four of these per year), sign up here. And if you want me to email you when I'm signing near where you live, be sure to tell me your city. One of the things I mentioned in the newsletter is that my young adult book THE RITHMATIST is coming out next year. You may remember that I finished the first draft of this book (formerly known as SCRIBBLER) way back in

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

LEGION ebook available now!

As I write this, my novella LEGION is being uploaded to the various ebook stores. It should now be for sale everywhere at $2.99. Check out the beautiful cover of the ebook version by the talented Isaac Stewart (also known for his work on the maps and symbols for many of my books). Read the beginning. Buy it here (DRM-free): Kindle (US)(UK) Nook iBooks (US)(CA)(UK)(AU)(IE) Kobo Dragonmount Subterranean hardcover (+free ebook, see below) LEGION is a slightly different type of story for

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

League of Utah Writers Roundup This Weekend

The most recent Writing Excuses episode is entitled "Pantsing." In it, Howard, Mary, Dan and I talk about discovery writing (a.k.a. "seat-of-your-pants" writing). Check it out. I'm doing two events on Saturday at this weekend's Roundup in Park City. First at 12:00 noon, Pemberly and I will join Howard and Sandra Tayler to present a panel discussion entitled "Writing, the Family Business." We'll talk about what to do when a writer in the family becomes the family business. Next at 2:30 p.m. I w

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Excuses Parsec + A MEMORY OF LIGHT Excerpt

In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Mary, Howard, and I help Dan brainstorm ideas for a military thriller short story. The working title is "I.E.Demon" and you can hear us hash it out. This past weekend, at the Parsec Awards ceremony at Dragon*Con, Writing Excuses was awarded the Parsec for Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation. We're honored! And at Worldcon we came up short in the Hugo voting for Best Related Work for the second year in a row, losing to The E

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Magic with Brandon at Dragon*Con + LEGION out now

Hey, all! This is kind of late and all, but here are the details on this year's Dragon*Con Magic draft. I think we'll go ahead and go with the 8:30 time on Friday. The location is the WoT track room—Roswell 1–2 in the Westin. (Same place as Are You a Darkfriend.) I'm going to pick up cards earlier in the day. I'm not sure what the price exactly will be—depends on how much the boxes are selling for—but I'm going to say $15 to be safe. I have room for fifteen players or so. I was toying with doi

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My Dragon*Con Schedule

This week's Writing Excuses episode was recorded live at Gen Con and features Monte Cook talking with Mary, Howard, and me about writing gaming fiction. On a related topic, this weekend we will learn the fate of the two awards Writing Excuses has been nominated for: the Hugo Award in the Best Related Work category, and the Parsec Award in the Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation category. Mary and Howard will be at the Hugo Awards ceremony at Worldcon in Chicago, and I will at

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My Albuquerque Bubonicon Schedule

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is titled "How to Start the Next One." Dan, Mary, Howard, and I talk about how to move from writing one project to another, specifically something that's not a sequel or is very different in tone from your previous book. Tomorrow I'm flying out to Albuquerque to be Guest of Honor at Bubonicon, which is a great small convention with a large number of big-name pros. My schedule is below. I'll be at Dragon*Con next week. Dates: August 24–26, 2012<br/

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My Gen Con Schedule

I'm heading to Indianapolis for Gen Con today, and my full schedule is below. This con runs quite a bit differently from other conventions I've been to. For one thing, each event or panel is individually ticketed (though the book signings are not ticketed). And since the panels I am on are popular ones, tickets for most of them have been sold out for weeks (not that those tickets actually cost anything). Right now, there are 29 ($0—free) tickets still available for the Passing the Torch panel, b

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Feruchemical Table Prints Wednesday

Isaac and Kara at InkWing have news about the Feruchemical Table prints and Szeth shirts. I'll just quote from their blog post here. First, and most important: The Feruchemical Fine Art Print will be available for Pre-order WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2012 AT NOON (MST). Things to be aware of and excited about: This is a limited run of 300 prints MINUS what was sold at Comic-Con (many of the numbers between 101 and 200). A smaller version fine art print and/or 4-color offset poster will be made

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THE WAY OF KINGS Deleted Scene + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode with Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and me focuses on writing authentic emotion. Give it a listen. Since the ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotations are all posted now, I'm running out of bonus content to show you. If you aren't aware, my website also has chapter-by-chapter annotations of ELANTRIS, the Mistborn trilogy, WARBREAKER, and "Defending Elysium." Additionally, the Library page has lots of sample chapters, the entire

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

August Conventions, LEGION & Updates

A reminder about the conventions I'll be attending this month. I'll be in Indianapolis for Gen Con August 16th through 19th, Albuquerque for Bubonicon the 24th through 26th, and Atlanta for Dragon*Con the 31st through September 3rd. I'll put up more details and my full schedule as each convention approaches. My novella LEGION comes out from Subterranean Press at the end of this month. I've talked about this before, but if you want to have one of the leatherbound limited editions when the book c

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Mistborn Adventure Game Release Event in Provo Saturday

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Game Den in Provo is going to throw a release event on August 4th (tomorrow) for the Mistborn Adventure Game from Crafty Games, and I will be there signing. Hopefully you called them to preorder a copy—they will only have a handful of extras for sale at the event. Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012<br/>Time: 7:00–9:00 p.m.<br/>Place: Game Den<br/>2255 N. University Parkway #43<br/>Provo Utah 84604<br/>Phone: 801-852-4123 I hope to

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Today I got up, and I did not have a Wheel of Time book to work on.

I finished the final revision on A Memory of Light early in the morning Saturday, then sent it off to Team Jordan. And I was done. Team Jordan will handle the copyedits and proofreads; I might have a chime-in now and then on how a passage should be tweaked or how a continuity issue should be addressed, but essentially, my involvement as a writer in the Wheel of Time has come to an end. Now, that doesn't mean my involvement with Wheel of Time fandom is over. I'll have my appearance at Dragon*Con

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Hugo Voting Deadline Tomorrow + Updates

Somehow I missed announcing that Writing Excuses Season Six was nominated for a Hugo Award in the Best Related Work category. The voting deadline is tomorrow (Tuesday the 31st), and you can vote if you are a supporting or attending member of this year's World Science Fiction convention in Chicago. Other nominations from the Writing Excuses crew in the various categories are Mary Robinette Kowal's novella "Kiss Me Twice" and Howard Tayler's Schlock Mercenary graphic story volume Force Multiplicat

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My Chattanooga LibertyCon Schedule This Weekend

Today I'm flying out to Chattanooga to be Literary Guest of Honor for LibertyCon this weekend. Below is my schedule. See you there! And remember that I'll be at Gen Con, Bubonicon, and Dragon*Con in August. Date: July 20–22, 2012<br/>Place: LibertyCon 25<br/>Address: The Chattanooga Choo-Choo<br/>1400 Market Street<br/>Chattanooga, TN 37402<br/>Phone: (800) 872-2529 FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 p.m., Dealer's Room<br/>Autograph Session, Brandon Sanderson 5:00–6:00 p.m

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Mistborn Adventure Game Release Event in Provo

The printed version of the Mistborn Adventure Game from Crafty Games has finally shipped, and everyone who preordered should have received their copy by now or should receive it very soon. Gam Den in Provo is going to throw a release event on August 4th for the book, and I will be there signing copies. If you didn't already order the hardcover, this is your last chance to order one, because only the trade paperback will be available in gaming stores. PREORDERS REQUIRED! See below for details.

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Interviews + Updates

The most recent ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation covers the penultimate chapter, including the meaning of the name "Rashid" as in the Sands of Rashid. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode with Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, and me talks about the villain problem. By that we mean when the hero is less active than the villain and spends most of the book reacting to the cool things the villain does. We discuss what a writer can do about this issue. There have

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

San Diego Comic Con!

(NOTE: Scroll all the way down for my booth schedule.) This is the first year I've been a Special Guest at SDCC. On top of that, Gen Con has me as their Author Guest of Honor and Dragon*Con is bringing me in (for the third time) as an invited guest. With this conflux of awesome conventions happening, I wanted to do some special things. For years, I've wanted to do con exclusives—something to make it worth the effort for people to go out of their way to come see me. And so, this year, we have s

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Final 2012 Creative Writing Lecture + Updates

There's a new ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation on the site. There are only three left after this one, which mentions that the end of a book is the best and worst part, among other things. My assistant has also uploaded another Twitter posts archive. Two more Writing Excuses podcast episodes are up. The first covers what we call the problem of originality: Is it possible to be too original? Do we overvalue originality? Then the second episode is another one of our "project in depth

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

WoK summary Part 3

Chapter 14: Kaladin POV: Kaladin wakes up and tries to wake up the bridgemen. He then tries to get them to get out of the barracks, but when they go back to sleep, he pulls Moash out of bed and carries him out of the barracks. The bridgemen follow him out of the barracks, but when Kaladin tells them they're going to train, they ask Gaz if they have to do what Kaladin says, then leave when Gaz says no. Kaladin finds Gaz and collects his pay, five infused marks, then bribes Gaz with one of them



My Comic-Con Schedule

I'm a Special Guest at Comic-Con International in San Diego next week. My schedule is below. I'll also have a table in Artist's Alley (#II-10) where I will often hang out (and maybe play some Magic if it's feasible) when I don't have a scheduled event. Kara and Isaac from InkWing will be manning my table even when I'm not there, selling books and T-shirts. We're also going to have a convention exclusive hardcover (details to be announced later), so be sure to stop by. Comic-Con International, S

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THE HOLLOW CITY Release Party Tonight

My good friend and Writing Excuses cohost Dan Wells' new book THE HOLLOW CITY is out today. The release party is tonight at Weller Book Works (the bookstore formerly known as Sam Weller's, at their new location, which has parking!) in Trolley Square. Mary, Howard, and I are going to be there, and Dan hopes to see many of you there as well to get the new book (or any other book of his) signed. This is also one of the last chances to see Dan before he and his family move to Germany for a year. De

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Way of King Summaries Part 2

Chapter 13: Dalinar POV: Dalinar races toward the chasmfiend, a massive thirty foot tall monster, with barbed mandibles, crustacean, and four wicked foreclaws in broad shoulders. Dalinar has his soldiers start distracting the creature in order to protect the innocent. Dalinar summons his Shardblade, which he's had since he was twenty. Sadeas begins loading the Grandbow, and Adolin comes with his Ryshadium, Sureblood. Dalinar has Elhokar stay back as he and Adolin begin to weaken it. As soldie



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