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The Well Of Ascension Chapters 47-48

I have, at long last, reached the conclusion to the fourth Part, and I have even more questions than when I started it. Part Four Chapter 47 Vin stands on her balcony, disturbed by how un-bothered she sometimes is by all the lives she's taken. Bemoaning how complicated everything has become. She's stretched herself too thin, so she's had trouble succeeding in anything she's set out to accomplish recently. She doesn't even know what's right any more, and the Well is still out there, pulsing ev

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Taiwan Trip Haul

Hey, all! I had a wonderful time in Taiwan, and I thought I'd post some of the things I came home with. I always mean to do this following a tour, and hopefully I'll make a habit of it from here out. First up, I wanted to show a few of the letters I got. We got a lot of these, and I can't show them all, but the thing I loved was how many of them were illustrated in some way. (Note, that's Kaladin and Wit in the first one.) Some of the letters are blurred, since I can't verify they don't say any

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Newsletter + Updates

This is just a quick update as I recover from my Taiwan trip and get back into the swing of the second draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT. First off, this week's ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation talks about the dedication page. The most recent Writing Excuses episode draws back the curtain and talks about how Writing Excuses got started. It's horribly indulgent, but you may enjoy it anyway. My assistant Peter sent out a newsletter late last week, mostly covering my 2012 convention appear

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 45-46

Part 4 Chapter 45 Sazed and Tindwyl are still at it. They've been at it for weeks now, and Tindwyl has been awake for practically the entire time. Just one more example of the awesome practicality of feruchemy. They've made some pretty decent progress. The mention of the names "Rabzeen" and "Anamnesor" in the rubbings have given them a link between Kwaan's inscribings and the histories from their Tinminds. The Rabzeen was apparently fortold to be of Khlennium, and he was supposed to either f

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

New novella "Legion" up for preorder at Subterranean Press

"Legion" is a novella I wrote on the flight home from France last summer. It came from an idea I'd been kicking around in my head for a few months, and the time seemed right to explore it on paper. As it turned out very well, I sent it out to my agent—and we had a Hollywood option by the end of the year. Immediately, readers started to ask when they would see it. The thing is, it wasn't long enough for me to do as a full Tor release, and I didn't have time (while working on A MEMORY OF LIGHT) t

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Superstars Writing Seminar Prize Drawing

The upcoming Superstars Writing Seminar in Las Vegas that I'll be an instructor for at the end of April/beginning of May is having a drawing. For details, I'll just quote their press release below. The first time I taught at this seminar, I was blown away by how awesome an experience it was. It was an all-around incredible mixing of creativity, information, and fun. I think it was not only worthwhile, but a bargain. Dave, Kevin, Rebecca, and Eric know a ton about this business. And having only b

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

2012 Conventions: Taiwan, Orem, Australia Australia Australia, Las Vegas, BayCon, SDCC, Chattanooga, Gen Con Indy, Albuquerque, Dragon*Con

Peter here filling in for Brandon since he's on a flight to Taiwan for the book expo. Below you'll find most of Brandon's convention schedule for 2012. There might be a couple more one-day stop-ins with Utah conferences, and we're waiting to hear back about an invitation to an autumn convention somewhere in Canada. April will be Brandon's first visit to Australia. Swancon and Supanova have pooled resources to fly him out, so we hope Australian readers can send them the message that this was a g

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 43-44

Ah, the bitter taste of shame, defeat, and betrayal. Part Four Chapter 43 Vin stands over Elend's sleeping form with Oreseur at her side. She has been informed of what he did, and she is not pleased, to say the least. In fact, she seems to on the brink of a full on anxiety attack. Her hands shake uncontrolably, and her mind races at the speed of...thought... Erm. It has become clear to Vin that she is incapable of protecting Elend from every infinitsimal threat that comes near him. She under

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 41-42

In these next two chapters are completely Elend centered. Resolutions are come to, friendships are broken, and a man is made... sort of. Part Four Chapter 41 Sazed's doing what he's been doing all day every day for the past week; Studying with Tindwyl. While reading one of Kwaan's notes, they discover a rather shocking fact. Kwaan was Rashek's uncle. That's right, Kwaan sent his nephew with instructions to mislead and kill the supposed Hero of Ages. He succeeded. Hhe It's pretty clear that s

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Alcatraz Annotations + Updates

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Mary, Howard, and I talk about brevity. Since all the chapters of my abandoned novel MYTHWALKER have now been uploaded, it's time to start dishing out something else for your weekly bonus content. So my assistant has put up the first annotation for ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS. This one talks about the process of coming up with the title for the book, with the various (and often ridiculously long) options that were considered. If you'

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Magic Dark Ascension Prerelease

Hey, all. The new Magic the Gathering set is coming out in a little while, and the prerelease is this weekend. Dan and I had a lot of fun at the prerelease last time, so we’re going to be doing it again—with a twist. Like for Innistrad, we’ll be going to Epic Puzzles & Games in West Valley at midnight on Friday. However, to shake things up, instead of drafting we’ll be doing a sealed deck tournament. (If you aren’t familiar with this, you get six packs and build a deck out of those packs.)

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapter 39-40

Finally starting the fourth Part. It begins with one short chapter, followed by a really long one. I'm not complaining, though. Part Four Chapter 39 Tis chapter commences with Straff riding in carriage, and Zane walking alongside him. Straff is not at all pleased with the results of his sons' assassination attempt. Yes, I imagine that he was seething with impotent rage when he heard the news of their colossal failure. Apparently those six allomancers were one third of his secret misting pro

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Signed, leatherbound THE GATHERING STORM and TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT auction for Worldbuilders charity

Every year for the past several years, NAME OF THE WIND and THE WISE MAN'S FEAR author (and good buddy of mine) Patrick Rothfuss has run a charity drive where he matches at 50% donations to Heifer International through his Worldbuilders team page. Everyone who enters the general drawing gets a chance at a huge number of prizes. There are also individual auctions on several of the most desirable items. Pat explains it best. I've donated various books to the prize pool before, and this year I and

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Sanderson's Second Law + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode covers more on fauna and flora. Check it out. My assistant Peter has uploaded a new Twitter posts archive and the final chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. He's also put up my Sanderson's Second Law article, which was first printed in the June 2011 issue of LEADING EDGE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY. The failure of MYTHWALKER was a contributing factor that led me to develop the Second Law. A few years back, I wrote an essay on creating ma

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapter 37-38

Two more chapters down. Part Three Chapter 37 Sazed has been studying all night with Tindwyl, who seems to have become quite dedicated to expanding his research now that she's finally taken a look at it. Good for her. They've apparently spent some time studying together before. I guess this is to be expected, with them both being keepers. Sazed actually used to be member of synod before his rebellious phase, so the responsibility fell on him to share with Tindwyl the thirty-or so years worth

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapter 36

Greetings, and happy belated New Years! It's been... Wow. It has been too long since my last post. How typical. I say I'll read more often, and then hardly get to read at all. Oh well, I'm sure you all don't mind. Right? Right? Part Three Chapter 36 This one's a Sazed chapter. He and Breeze are visiting with the Skaa refugees from one of Jastes's Koloss raids. These skaa are being housed in a large warehouse. It's the very building that armed the first successful Skaa rebellion. I would've t

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Updates + Hugo-Eligible Works & Gemmell Award Nomination

My assistant put up another chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. This one is exciting. There's just one chapter left. In this week's Writing Excuses episode, Dan, Mary, Howard and I talk about worldbuilding flora and fauna. Check it out. It's award nomination season again, so here's a quick reminder of what I've released that's eligible this year. Eligible in the category Best Related Work: Writing Excuses Season Six Eligible in the category Best Novel: The Alloy of Law Eligib

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Soulcaster Fan Jewelry, Writing Excuses Season 7 & MYTHWALKER

Forum member FeatherWriter posted this image of the Soulcaster that her mother made her for Christmas. Cool! Season 7 of the writing advice podcast Writing Excuses that I do with Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells has just kicked off. In the first episode, we talk about when good characters go bad. My assistant also uploaded another chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. There are three chapters left. Source

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 34-35

Part 3 Chapter 34 This chapter starts from Elend's perspective. He is with most of the Crew and Sazed, pointing out to Ham how utterly stupendous his suggestion to vote all of the merchants off of the assembly is. When I was a kid, I used to think "stupendous" meant "really, really stupid". Tindwyl is here too, but, as keepers aren't allowed to take sides, she isn't lifting another finger to help Elend regain his throne. Not that she needs to; it's clear as rain on a sunny day what Elend nee

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

First Draft Finished + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses episode is titled "Help, I Can't End My Book!" This is the final podcast of this season for Howard, Mary, Dan, and me. Check it out. There's a new chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER up. My assistant has put up a new Twitter posts collection that includes my live-Tweeting of finishing the first draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT. If you want to cut to the chase, the part you really want to read is here below. I'll post more details later. BrandSanderson Wed Dec 2

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 31-33

Part 3 Chapter 31 Meet Master Philen: Wealthy merchant, respected member of the Luthadel Assembly, former master peddler of illegal goods, and, most importantly, orchestrator of the first deposition in Luthadel's short history. He is, regrettably, still looked down on by the nobles, but he himself does not, and never did, see himself as skaa like the noblemen do. In fact, he looks down on the skaa workers and thinks that they need to be put in their place. He's already coming across as a bit o

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 28-30

Part 3 Chapter 28 After that little shocker at the end of the previous chapter, Elend and the Crew--Tindwyl included--have decided to have a meting. Tindwyl seems to be having a bit of trouble grasping how they've gotten themselves into the position they're in right now. Yes, I know. It's hilarious. The assembly deposed him with the power HE vested in them. Is that ironic, or is there another, more fitting, word for this situation? Despite Elend's excellent reasoning behind giving the Assemb

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Mistborn Adventure Game Out Now + Updates

My assistant has uploaded another chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. He also put up a new Twitter posts archive. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode features Mary, Dan, Howard, and I talking about character foils. Give it a listen. The biggest news for this week is that the long-awaited Mistborn Adventure Game tabletop RPG from Crafty Games is now available in ebook form. The hardcover and paperback copies will come next month or so, and we are planning a local release part

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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