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The Principle of Intent

You are going to love this theory. I guarantee it. I was reading Andrew's article the other day, and that got me thinking about what makes magic work on a fundamental level in the cosmere. This will be somewhat of a rebuttal to you, Andrew, because this direction is far more fruitful. But it's much more than a rebuttal. In my opinion, this is quite a paradigm shift. In any given Shardworld, magic is directly tied to a Shard. Everyone has pieces of Shards inside them. In Mistborn, everyone has




First some updates. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode features Sherrilyn Kenyon talking about how to make your readers fear for your characters. The newest WARBREAKER annotation is on a climactic moment in the Siri/Susebron relationship. And there's a new batch of Twitter posts up, covering the past month. Review of THE WISE MAN'S FEAR by Patrick Rothfuss In case you haven’t heard, today is the release day of the long-awaited sequel to The Name of the Wind, a delightful debut fantas

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

French Interview + Updates

While I was at the Utopiales convention I sat down for an interview with the great folks at Elbakin.net. (They're the same ones who gave MISTBORN an award; see pictures in my convention report.) Well, they've now posted the interview in French, and it covers a ton of different topics. (There's also an English version for those of you who don't read French.) Kevin J. Anderson joins Dan, Howard, and me in the latest podcast episode of Writing Excuses to discuss writing in other people's universe

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Another Writing Excuses Video & WARBREAKER Annotation

We've got another Writing Excuses video up for you. This week's podcast episode covers using holidays in fantasy and science fiction, and Mary Robinette Kowal and Dave Wolverton/David Farland one again join Dan and Howard to discuss the topic. Moses Siregar III of Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing filmed it, and the video is up . There's also another WARBREAKER annotation up. This one covers the end of Vivenna's stint on the street and talks about how being a Drab affects her. It also discusse

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Excuses Video + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode covers film considerations, and Mary Robinette Kowal and Dave Wolverton/David Farland join Dan and Howard to discuss the topic. Appropriately, this episode was also filmed by Moses Siregar III of Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing, and the video is up . The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Siri bullying Treledees and getting her hair color under control. It also explains something about the God King's tongue that's a big spoiler to anyone who

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

For Your Nomination Consideration + Worldcon Deadline

Hugo Award nomination season began this month, so I thought I'd let you know what categories my works are eligible in. If you don't know what the Hugo Awards are or how nominating and voting works, I also talk about that below. If you want to nominate, the registration deadline is January 31st. (You can also use this list when considering nominations for any other award that's out there, but for the purposes of this post I'm focusing on the Hugos.) ELIGIBLE IN CATEGORY: BEST RELATED WORK Wri

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates + Tweets January 17–20

This week's episode of Writing Excuses is one of those that was recorded during the Superstars Writing Seminar, and it's on alternate history. I was doing a panel at the time, but Eric Flint and Mary Robinette Kowal were there with Howard and Dan to shed light on the topic. Check it out! The newest WARBREAKER annotation covers Vivenna begging on the street. I also talk about influences from Les Misérables, which you may have noticed. And there's yet another collection of my recent Twitter po

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates + Tweets January 10–17

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Howard, and I go over more dialogue writing exercises. By the way, we recorded seven great episodes at this past weekend's Superstars Writing Seminar, with guests Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kevin J. Anderson, Eric Flint, David Farland, and Mary Robinette Kowal, so you have those to look forward to. The next seminar will be in April 2012 in Las Vegas (the weekend and venue should be nailed down this week), and early bird pricing is available. The most

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates, Tor.com Q&A, and Tweets January 6-10

In this week's Writing Excuses episode, we talk about fulfilling promises to your readers, and we give specific examples from our own stories and others'. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Vivenna's character arc hitting rock bottom. I also talk about how to give your Breath away one at a time. Tor.com put out an open call for questions for me a while back, and today they put up the first batch of answers. Warning: contains spoilers for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, THE WAY OF KINGS, MISTBO

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Tweets January 3–6

<style type="text/css"> div.brantweets p {min-height:58px} div.brantweets img {float:left;border:0;margin:5px 5px 0 0;height:48px;width:48px} p.brtw {background:url(http://brandonsanderson.com/images/Llama_Face.png) no-repeat 0px 5px;padding:0 0 0 53px;} </style> <div class="brantweets"> <p class="brtw"><a href='http://twitter.com/BrandonSandrson/status/22003950412636160'><b>BrandonSandrson</b></a> Mon Jan 03<br/> Happy New Year, all. I

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Wrapping Up My Time Off

As I stated in a blog post in the early fall, I took the months of September–December inclusive off from major projects. I do this to give myself some breathing room creatively and work on projects I don’t have a contract for. I also like to do writing exercises, try new things, and generally relax and let myself be creative without deadlines or expectations. Sometimes the projects I work on during times like this turn out really well. Sometimes they flop hardcore. Often it’s something in betw

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Tweets December 14–31

BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 You guys want to do a writing exercise together? I've been wanting to do some dialogue practice. We could each do 5 pages on a theme, and... BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 ...and I could post my five for you to see, then look at some of the better ones on writing excuses and talk over strengths/weaknesses. BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 Write a 5-10 page two character dialogue with no tags or blocking. Dialogue only. Try to evoke character, conflict, and plot with this onl

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates + THE WAY OF KINGS in the UK

This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode with Dan Wells and Howard Tayler is called Offending Your Readers—and specifically covers various ways you might offend your readers and how to avoid it. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation is about chapter 36, which is one of the most flirtatious and calm of the Siri chapters. It also talks about Susebron's taste buds. Finally, THE WAY OF KINGS is officially out in the UK now, including the ebook. So if you're in the UK and have been waiting to

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Superstars Writing Seminar Panel Schedule, January 13–15

Here's the schedule of panels for the next Superstars Writing Seminar, which will be held in Salt Lake City this coming month. As you can see from the list of topics, this three-day seminar is packed with great stuff, no-nonsense and practical material taught by six bestselling authors. Sessions begin in three weeks. If you've signed up already, I'll see you there! If not, now's a good time to sign up. THURSDAY 8:30 AMIntro, seminar overview, introduce speakers (Kevin) 9:00Econ 201 for Wr

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Your writing exercises and mine: "I Hate Dragons"

For those who are following along, here's what I did for my writing exercise. I actually managed to make it something of a self-contained story. If you want to read up on the rules, I posted them here. We did some analysis of other people's writing on Writing Excuses here. If you did one of these and want more feedback, you might be able to post it in the Writing Group section of the TWG Forums and get some feedback. (Or you might be able to read some other posts and let people know what you tho

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Interviews, Gemmell Award Nominations, Annotation

There are two new interviews with me out there. First is this one at The Fringe, which covers some familiar ground with a few new questions. And then here's one at Stormblessed, which sheds some new light on details in THE WAY OF KINGS. Both THE WAY OF KINGS and TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT are on the long nominees list for the 2010/2011 David Gemmell Legend Award. Last year, THE GATHERING STORM and WARBREAKER were both voted into the short list and ended up losing the final ballot to EMPIRE by Graham M

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Annotations, Writing Excuses, & Superstars Special

The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Lightsong's line, "My dear, did you just try to prove the existence of God with your cleavage?" among other topics. You may notice a bit of a slowdown in annotations from this point forward; weeks where only one annotation gets posted will be more common. The reason for this is that I'm running out of material, and I haven't yet written the annotations for THE WAY OF KINGS. (I'll do that after I finish writing A MEMORY OF LIGHT, during a reread in pre

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Exercise: Dialogue

You guys want to do a writing exercise together? I've been wanting to do some dialogue practice. We could each do five pages on a theme, and I could post my five for you to see, then look at some of the better ones on Writing Excuses and talk over strengths/weaknesses. Write a five- to ten-page two-character dialogue with no tags or blocking. Try to evoke character, conflict, and plot using only dialogue. Include: a problem, two distinct individuals, a fantasy/sf element. Avoid: long monologue

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Tweets December 2–14

BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02 Yes, "mistborn" on reddit is me. I can't respond to everyone, but--like on twitter and Facebook--I should be able to reply once in a while. joelcorriveau Thu Dec 02@BrandonSandrson "A Making" got me choked up. As a 20-something, spinning my wheels, testing/resisting my destiny. #ToM has been hearty. BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02 @joelcorriveau Thank you. 17thshard Wed Dec 01@PeterAhlstrom @BrandonSandrson Has the title of Scribbler been changed to "The Rithmatist

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Excuses Podcast Award Nomination, Worldbuilders Charity Drive + Updates

Writing Excuses has been nominated for a Podcast Award in the Education category. We're up against stiff competition from the likes of Radio Lab and Grammar Girl, so if you think we'd be a deserving recipient, go over there and vote. Apparently you can vote once every day, and the voting deadline is Wednesday, December 15th, at midnight. In the most recent episode of the aforementioned award-nominated podcast, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and I offer writing advice to our younger selves, includin

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Final holiday shipping deadline

Peter here. Brandon's other assistant Becky wanted me to make one more blog post about signed book shipping. So that books shipped inside the U.S. by Priority Mail may arrive in time for Christmas, all orders must be in by midnight the night of December 12th. Becky will get Brandon to sign everything the next day, after which she will ship all orders. She'll also ship out standard Media Mail orders at that time, but Christmas Eve delivery on those can't be guaranteed. And it's basically too la

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Questions, 30% Off Sale, Signings, Awards & Updates

Do you have a question for me? Tor.com is soliciting questions for the next three days which they'll then compile and send my way. I'm also taking questions on Goodreads's Fantasy Book Club this month. They have one thread for questions about THE WAY OF KINGS and another thread for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. I'll probably start answering them this week. The Dragons & Fairy Tales bookstore has a 30% off sale on all Brandon Sanderson books through December 17th. They have copies of almost all of my

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Alcatraz Four Release + Michael Whelan Prints

One important bit of news is that the fourth Alcatraz book, ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SHATTERED LENS, was released officially in stores this week. I had reports of it being found on store shelves as early as last week, maybe even the week before. So it’s around. I’m very proud of this book. I think it’s the best in the series so far. You may remember a tweet from me a while back about a book where the dialogue in one chapter is entirely quotes from Shakespeare. That’s this book. It’s off-the-wall,

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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