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Interlude I-7

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Interlude I-7 (Szeth) Interludes! I have to say I am super thrilled that Chiri-Chiri gets the next interlude after this one, though I’m concerned about continuity and spoilers since I haven’t read Dawnshard yet. Oh well, that’s for later. At the moment it is time for Szeth… Hold up. Szeth-son-Honor? That is a changeup and a half. Someone’s internalized identity has been making leaps and bounds of progress s



Shallan's Sketchbook - Part VI

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Shallan’s Sketchbook Part VI Highspren, art here. This page has less content than the other spren pages, probably due to the “enigmatic” nature of highspren. I’m left with a few specific questions, though. Perhaps most trivially: What is up with the branch in the bottom left corner? From the coloration I was going to guess that it was a growth in the cognitive realm, but that little ghostly spren floating



Chapter 72

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 72 (Outmatched) Title: If this is a taunting reference to the way authorship of the Rhythm of War is a confusing mess, I’m going to be very mad. More likely it is simply a comment on the degree of the Sibling’s corruption. Oh, wait. I misread the title, thought it said “MISMATCHED”. Outmatched is much more straightforward–the Fused played Navani and she lost. Icons: double Palah. Reference to “learn



Chapter 71

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 71 (Rider of Storms) Icons: Jezrien for Stormfather, Ishar for guiding? That’s mostly based on the fact this is a Dalinar chapter, and I thought in the last one that we were overdue for some tactical intel from the Stormfather. Epigraph: This feels like it should be deep and meaningful, but it’s kinda rambly. I guess I just have to wait for the last chapter to deliver the meaning (though at a guess



Chapter 70

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 70 (Well) Icons: Double Shash. Based on my suspicion at the end of the last chapter, I’m going to guess that this indicates a trap or ploy on someone’s part, in line with the illusions created by Lightweavers. (Alternatively it could indicate violence based on the garnet=blood essence connection, but I find that less likely) Epigraph: I dunno. I got nothing. We’re back to research note mode, but the



Chapter 69

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 69 (Pure Tones of Roshar) Epigraph: What the heck? Who is even the audience of this book? Up to this point it was self-directed research notes and musings, but now she’s addressing someone directly? It seems like something Ulim might have said as a taunt, but he’s waaay down the list of possible contributing authors. I am so confused right now about the framework and context of these words.  Hm, not



Soft Worldbuilding is Awesome

So this is Brandon Sanderson's fansite. Talk to most young authors nowadays: chances are they're a hard worldbuilder. They can throw together the foundations for a decent universe on the fly without a pen or pencil in just a few minutes. Chances are also likely that they read Brandon Sanderson--let's face it, who doesn't? Is there a correlation here? ... Yes. Yes, there is. The answer is yes. Which is fine. Hard Worldbuiding is great; I would know. I'm a hard worldbuilde

Channelknight Fadran

Channelknight Fadran

Chapter 68

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 68 (One Family) Title: I can’t help but think of the song from Tarzan, “Two Worlds, One Family” That’s creepy–the listeners had tales of “souls of the dead said to wander the storms, searching for gemhearts to inhabit.” That’s remarkably accurate compared to most of what was handed down from pre-Recreance days. Unfortunately, it is very much true. Jaxlim bugging Eshonai for grandchildren is gre



Chapter 67

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 67 (Song of Stones) Icons: Double Kak–we’re getting Willshaper shenanigans! Yay! Can I hope for power training for Venli? Epigraph: Who are you addressing? This is getting disturbing. Who is trying to prove intent with this? Am I being unreasonable to expect the escaped listeners to show up again? It’s been close to two years since the Everstorm was summoned, and you’d think that at least Odium



Chapter 66

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 66 (Bearer of Agonies) Icons: Why Jez and Ishar, not Taln? Isn’t the title one of Taln’s primary epithets? Epigraph: Oh, lovely. Now we have an indication that the author of the main text and the undertext are probably the same person after all! Gah! Why is this so convoluted? I am really failing in my author sleuthing. Why would Connection be the thing that Honor neutered about the Bondsmith a



Chapter 65

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 65 (Hypothesis) Icon: I’ve got no idea why Vev is here. Doesn’t connect to the title in any way I can see. Epigraph: Wait, what? This doesn’t sound like any of the people that I have postulated as authors of the main text. Who would be thinking of God in this way? Not Venli, not Raboniel. Not Jasnah, obviously, but I’m still favoring her for the undertext so that’s not an issue. Navani possibly, but sh



Chapter 64

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 64 (Personal Reminder) Icons: Wit’s around somewhere. Epigraph: Maybe the undertext is Jasnah, rather than Navani? The writer can’t leave Greater Roshar, implying a spren bond. She also has access to Wit’s insight on artifacts like the one she describes. I’m a bit lost about what the chain might be, though. It’s from the “lands of the dead” which makes me think of Threnody first, though it could be Sel



Chapter 63

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 63 (Practice) Title: I presume Kaladin will be practicing with the glove? Icons: double Chach. Obedience? Following instructions to practice? I dunno. Epigraph: Oh, that kind of sand. I’m not sure why Venli or Navani would have access to sand from Taldain, or who would have told Navani about how it works. Vasher maybe? There’s people around with the knowledge if they felt like sharing, and her schola



Chapter 62

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 62 (Keeper of Forms) Alright, let’s see what this El dude is up to. Oh, not yet. Looks like we’re starting with Eshonai. So is warform achieved via painspren? I find it hard to believe that over the years of listeners going out into violent, deadly storms, not one has ended up attracting a painspren from injury on their way to change forms. This isn’t a form that should have stayed lost if it’s reall



Chapter 61

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 61 (Oil and Water) Title: I presume this is about the stormlight/voidlight/lifelight that Navani is going to discover don’t mix well?  Icons: Betab and Shash, associated with the essences of oil- and water-based liquids this may be the most straightforward one we’ve had yet. Epigraph: Why are we talking about sand now? It’s the sand itself that’s interesting so it’s not anything to do with cymatics.



Shallan's Sketchbook - Part V & Fashion Folio

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Shallan’s Sketchbook Part V (Reachers) See image here. I’ve gotta say that this spren in particular does not match what I would have expected. It’s very a different appearance than I feel matches my mental image for Timbre. In fact, I don’t have a problem at all with the descriptions of Reachers working on the ships etc. It’s merely the association with the physical realm form that creates the disconnect for m




Storms in the morning, but the rain stopped falling around the afternoon.



Chapter 60

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 60 (Essai) Epigraph: Oh look at that. Confirmation that the undertext is written by someone else. Presumably a human. Hello, Navani. Man, I have danced all around this thing. She's happy to see Rlain! But, because we can't have nice things, he's very much not happy to see Venli, if he even recognizes her. Also, a quick aside to remind everyone that "Mazish" sounds a whole lot like "Moash" so re



Chapter 59

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 59 (The Lattice of a Growing Crystal) Title: Growing, huh? I misread it as glowing at first glance. Icons: Not sure what Vev is doing, but Nale is there so I’m guessing Kaladin is in for a tough fight. Epigraph: I feel stupid for my comments on the last chapter’s epigraph. This one makes it obvious that I was right about this being Venli’s early research journal. Presumably from the title and subject



Chapter 58

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 58 (Spanreeds) Icons: Jez and Chach...a Windrunner stealing a ruby-powered fabrial. That fits. Epigraph: Modern scientific theory, huh? Thousands of years of tradition. Well, at least the undertext of Rhythm of War is authored by a human. And one working with Raboniel at that, which leaves Navani (duh) or one of her staff (unlikely). So much for my recent change in theory. Is there any reason to think



Chapter 57

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 57 (Child of Odium) “All song and no crescendo” is one of the few idioms that really doesn’t work for me so far. Its parts don’t fit the role they’re given in that phrase, and it feels like it’s an attempt to port a familiar phrase into another culture by simple substitution. I’m gonna give this one a thumbs down. That’s uncomfortable how Eshonai is fitting into the blindspot humans have for their p



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