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Chapter 56

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 56 (Nodes) Epigraph: You know, I’ve been blithely assuming that if the in-world Rhythm of War text is modern that it would be written during the events of the current book, but there’s no reason that must be the case. If Venli is the author then this might well be her research notes from the Shattered Plains when she was working toward Stormform. Going by my (admittedly spotty) memory of the epigraphs so



Chapter 55

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 55 (Friendship with the Open Sky) Epigraph: Yes, between this one and the last one, I’m heavily leaning toward Raboniel as our mystery author. Disturbing. “Spren are immortal, even if you kill them.” Thanks for the cheery thought, Syl. Is this the first time we’ve gotten a name for Syl’s previous Radiant? I don’t remember reading the name Relador before, but I’ve also been going through this book



Chapter 54

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 54 (The Future Become Dust) Icons: Palah and Chach, truthtelling and destruction. Matches the title well. Epigraph: Combining Voidlight and Stormlight, and realizing they aren’t antitheses of one another… I want to say that this feels too scientific/scholarly for Venli, but the previous flashback just reminded us that was precisely her position before she set off the listener apocalypse, so it would be



Chapter 53

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 53 (Compassion) Header icons: Jez and Vav. Protecting and Healing. That matches the title, at least. Epigraph: Welp, this very nearly rules out a human author for the epigraphs. Not entirely, though, since the undertext isn’t necessarily written by the same author as the main text (as far as I remember it’s sometimes something akin to footnotes not intended to be read aloud, but sometimes also a not



Chapter 52

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 52 (A Path Toward Saving) It's cool that Venli is devising a written language for the listeners from scratch. I forgot that she was basically their head scholar before all this. Oh dear. The senility is setting in, and it's so much more apparent in someone whose role in the community is to remember the oral tradition.  That contrast of the sisters standing on the scout tower is a good image. Very symbol



Chapter 51

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Note: Hey hey! Look who’s back after a ridiculous hiatus. Yes, it’s me! Hopefully the next chapter reaction will be delayed by days rather than months. But you aren’t here to read excuses, so let’s get right back into it.  Chapter 51 (To Sing Hopeless Songs)  Epigraph: Maybe it’s just Venli’s chapter icon sitting above this one, but the epigraph is feeling more like a singer/listener than Navani. Still a




Wow, I haven't drawn Tamika in a while... She's the main character of my duology, much beloved by people who've read it. She is called the most beautiful woman in the world and I'm afraid I don't do her justice. 

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

Why Random Stuff Matters

How much of this universe actually matters to you? Try putting a number on it: twenty percent? Thirty percent? Ninety percent? Do you care about what you know, or do you think about all that we don’t? We haven’t explored the vast majority of our own oceans, let alone everything beneath the crust, or any sizeable portion of another planet, or any meaningful fragment of the universe. Statistically speaking you’re going to be stuck on this one bead of lava and sediment for your entire life, and eve

Channelknight Fadran

Channelknight Fadran

Chapter 50

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers.   (Side note: Many apologies for the long delay. Between an intense work schedule and spending time on writing, it took me forever to get back to this. Hopefully I'll be able to make meaningful progress and not keep you waiting forever. Also, I want to actually read through this book. It's honestly a weird feeling to take this long to get through a cosmere book. I feel like I'm going to miss out on all of the



Masquerade Poster

Finished another drawing! I've been working on this one for weeks and I'm so glad I can finally hang it up. I'm gonna do three more posters like this for other RPs. Characters include Riva, Caden, Maverick, Allivia, Fischer, Nicolae, Wendy, Ivian, and Arabella. 

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

"Come At Me"

I finally got my drawing back! I really like this piece, it shows Star's strength. But I REALLY like it because I haven't really been able to draw in two months. 

Zephrun’s Imperium

Zephrun’s Imperium

8-3-21 9:55 PM

The skies have been relatively clear this evening. If you look up, you may be able to see the stars!



8-2-21 9:45 PM

It's been pretty cloudy this evening, but we've begun to see some sky poking through. Things are still mostly overcast, however.



Chapter 49

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 49 (Soul of Discovery) Epigraph: Yes, I would expect someone in your situation to have trouble focusing on the right knowledge, when everything is so tangled and obfuscated, and you must hide your discoveries. Good luck, Navani, I believe in you! Busywork to buy yourself time to think and get organized. Makes sense, but Raboniel will anticipate this. I vote for boldness! Is Navani mistaking Ven



Chapter 48

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 48 (Scent of Death, Scent of Life) Flashback time :-) Still 9 years ago, by the heading.  I love that Eshonai describes the humans as living relics. That perspective is utterly at odds with the human conception of things, not only in the ethnocentrism each side brings with them, but also because the listeners have an oral history that tells them about the humans, while the opposite is obviously no




Well. It's done. I thought this project would take me like a month but, surprise, it didn't! Aaaaand now I'm all burned out with art. 'XD Which is unfortunate, because I've got a ton of meet-ups next month and I gotta do a lot of art for give-aways. And I say that, but I drew the bones of a drawing today in like 20 minutes. I've been missing anatomy a LOT. Too much coloring!!! So without further ado, "Comfort!" If you don't know what this drawing is, check out the previous blog entry, it ex

Chapter 47

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 47 (A Cage of Forced Spirits) Epigraph: and now we’re citing the undertext. This really convinces me that despite the title we are dealing with a human author rather than a listener. New working theory: this is Navani’s research notes while working under Raboniel. The comment here about “answers are all that should matter” is her own doublespeak and misdirection while working under the enemy; the prev



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