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Chapter 13

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 13 (Another Hunt) Title: Is this a Ghostblood chapter? I want a Ghostblood chapter. Epigraph: Did we see any flamespren in their shadesmar forms? Did they appear more divisible, either by being composed of multiple parts or by being more symmetric? I wonder what happens to spren that aren’t susceptible to splitting in this fashion. Does the attempt to do so injure them at all? Have the artifabrians



Chapter 12

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 12 (A Way to Help) Title: Kal looks for a new job. Epigraph: Yeah, industrialization is not going to work as well when everything is locked up in trade secrets and fabrials are designed specifically to make reverse engineering them more difficult. Then again, without a system of intellectual property protection you may have a hard time encouraging artifabrians to contribute to the Kholin war machine



Chapter 11

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 11 (Passion and Courage) Title: I’m immediately looking at this as a reference to the Passions (thus a Venli chapter or a focus on the forces of Odium), but in the last chapter Dalinar very conspicuously called Kaladin passionate as a compliment. This just after Vyre’s emotional emptiness is shown to be an exploitable weakness seems to emphasize that Odium’s forces are robbed of their passion. So this co



Chapter 10

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 10 (A Single Casualty) Well, that’s an ominous title. Who’s gonna bite it in this chapter? Epigraph: Tin cage in this case is operating in its opposition to pewter, as a diminishing effect, rather than anything related to its allomantic or feruchemic properties. The next bit is also significant:  This is making it sound much more complex with factors such as cage shape and contact points avai



Chapter 9

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers.   Chapter 9 (Contradictions) Epigraph: Pewter cages. Nothing revelatory here. I do wonder what a duralumin cage would do, since the pewter version seems to be a fast and hot expenditure of stormlight. Would it really be near-instantaneous? Is there a way to control such a device without the more mental control of allomancy or other internally directed magics? By extension to a related metal, is it poss



Chapter 8

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Index post here. Beware of spoilers.   Chapter 8 (Surrender) Epigraph: Bronze for the seeking fabrials makes obvious sense. Heliodor is associated with (checks the cheat sheet) Ishar and the Bondsmiths, with a soulcasting property of flesh. It’s the obvious choice if you want to be alerted to people nearby, as we saw in Rysn’s interlude in Shinovar, but this epigraph confirms that you can use other gems in the same type of cage to detect other



Chapter 7

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 7 (The Rarest Vintage) Just a guess that this title is hinting at my hidden larkin prediction for the Ialai scene. Endangered animal all but relegated to myth = rare vintage. Epigraph: zinc and brass as opposing metals. I wonder where I’ve seen that before… Interesting that they influence the strength of the spren’s effect, when a subset of spren are manifestations of emotions, and the metals cor



Chapter 6

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 6 (A Loose Thread) Epigraph: Confirmation that the type of metal is important to the fabrial effect. Glad that we have a term for the metallic portion of a fabrial now (“cage”). Our terminology has been seriously lacking in this department.  Ooo, secret passageways inside the chasms! Sneaky, but that sounds like a real maintenance issue. Flooding would be atrocious. I hope not too many slaves died m



Chapter 5

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 5 (Broken Spears) Epigraph: Oh, interesting. I thought the spren would enter the gem, then be trapped there when the stormlight ran dry. Instead, it’s more like you create a sudden vacuum, pulling the spren inside. That can’t be a pleasant process on the spren’s side.  Although, I really have to wonder who first discovered this phenomenon. Was this a chance discovery when a larkin was feeding and happene



Chapter 4

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 4 (Architects of the Future) Epigraph: I thought you just said these methods were secret and proprietary. I guess you’re the queen mother and the lecturer, so you can disclose what you like. It does look like the speed of stormlight consumption/removal is important for entrapping the spren. Another mention of radiant abilities, this time lightweaving, as belonging to Shallan as distinct from Veil or



Chapter 3

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 3 (The Fourth Bridge) Epigraph: So unless the stormlight is removed, the spren has an escape route. Which is interesting, because we know that fabrials must be infused to function, so it’s not an easily reversible process. I’m not sure I’m ready to speculate on the mechanics of how removing the extra investiture congeals the spren into a frozen space, but there’s some very suggestive principles there tha



Chapter 2

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 2 (Severed Cords) Epigraph:I wonder why the gem can't be fully infused. Does the Stormlight take up too much space that the spren needs to occupy? In addition does the Stormlight sustain the spren or merely make it more comfortable? (Side note: apparently my dictation tool recognizes “Stormlight.” That will be useful.) A Kal chapter? No, a Syl chapter! Huzzah! In the first book Syl was my very fav



Chapter 1

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. Chapter 1 (Calluses) Epigraph: not much of interest here, except for the word choice to “calm” the spren prior to capture with something it knows and loves. I wonder if failing to do so is really the result of agitation on the spren’s part. It’s clearly not bait, since the gem itself seems to serve that function. Maybe a matter of hypnosis/getting the spren to let its guard down? Alternatively, it may ju



Cover and Prologue

Welcome to my liveblog of Rhythm of War! Intro post here. Beware of spoilers. COVER We have cover art! Michael Whelan does it again and the release on tor.com of the new cover art for Rhythm of War means I have the impetus to go ahead and start this live blog.  I know that multiple chapters have already been released, but I've been busy with other things and haven't made time to enjoy the hype.  In addition I have tried to keep myself spoiler-free. It's worth noting that the artwo



Liveblog Introduction

Hello fellow Sanderfans!  When Oathbringer released I tried liveblogging my reactions (link to Google Docs), and found that it greatly enhanced my enjoyment of the book. Since then I’ve liveblogged a few other books with similar results, including one other Sanderson work (Starsight). I’m eager to do the same thing now with Rhythm of War, and this week the first preview chapters arrived on Tor.com.  In contrast to Oathbringer and Words of Radiance, I have kept myself unspoiled from all



Summer Progress Update

Social Media Total: 100% (2159/2160) Theoryland Review: 40% (473/1184) Events and Signings Review: 0% (0/397) I'm still here, trucking along. I spent some time away playing video games and reading Star Wars books and writing fanfiction to celebrate my 2000th post, but now I'm back with a vengeance. I'd left quite a bit of backlog on the Livestream transcriptions, but nobody else was really going for those even after 6 months, so now I'll try to stay a little more on top of them. The The



Wyn Talks Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Here's less of a review of FMAB, but more of a character analysis on 3 of the show's most interesting protagonists. I would say, if you haven't watched this show, and want to go in entirely blind, there are some very mild general spoilers (Nothing specific). You have been forewarned.  



When I comment on your theory

Hey, so sometimes you post a theory and I comment on it, seemingly trying to dismantle it or saying I like it but then pointing out its faults. I understand how it might look and why you might find it annoying but please remember that just because I'm commenting on it and not simply saying that I agree with it doesn't have to mean that I'm opposing the theory. Just because I'm against it doesn't mean I'm trying to dismantle it. And absolutely none of them mean I'm trying to attack you perso



Wyn Talks Anime: My Hero Academia Season 1

Hey all you good folks, I want to provide a brief introduction to what I hope will be a somewhat consistent series here on this blog. Introducing "Wyn talks Anime", a place for me to write about my favorite anime, or review ones that I'm currently watching, hopefully with a little bit of me talking storytelling in general. So today we've got my spoiler-free thoughts on My Hero Academia season 1, alongside my musings on what makes an excellent first season of a show. Spoilers for length



Topics that I want to create

1) Thoughts on Kelsier* [bland] Enough with "monstrous" Kelsier* [Pros: follows the theme of a previous thread "Enough with the Moash thing". Cons: tacky, currently intend to focus on two other characters for comparison rather than just Kelsier, not a reference, possibly coming across as prescriptive] I don't know if I am just very late into Mistborn characters' morality discussions if these things were really just sadly overlooked. While Stormlight characters have multiple topics



Shardiversary Update

I just want you all to know, before I begin, that I’ve been hyped about writing this literally since I posted the last one. I’ve mulled over what to say, tried to remember parts...yeah. So that’s fun.  (Despite this, I’m still managing to write most of this way too late at night.)  I’m posting it both in a status update and in my blog as a way of transitioning this tradition to my blog in the future. I’ve only done it once before, so does it need a transition and can I call it a tradition y




I took out some of the quotes in my About Me as part of revising it, figured I'd dump them here in case anyone wonders which ones.   "The Voidspammer sneered at me. "Do you actually think you can beat the mighty ToysRUs, human?"" - Me "I give up it's Fred his name is Fred." - Arlin Me in PMs: Me: Let's make this a roleplay! Some random Sharder: Wait, but this is an Oathbringer summary PM - Me: ROLEPLAY. "GAH! You're having an emotio



I got another one for you :D

If you do this, you absolutely must tell me the first few or at least the first one that you get, it is a rule. (I got energy matter manipulation, which sounds awesome, and solar vision, which as far as I can tell I see literally just seeing normally or looking at the sun or sunlight and being able to see anything.)  These Are Your Superpowers 



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