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The Well Of Ascension Chapter 27

Part 2 Chapter 27 Elend decides not to make a strike, and Straff's having trouble finding any reason not to put him to death right now. The ruler that takes his place will probably be much more accommodating, and he claims that he and Cett have already made a treaty anyway. Elend thinks he's bluffing, but, try as he may, he still cannot get Straff to budge. Why is the being so stubborn? Straff says he won't let Elend have the city because home is where the heart is, and his home is in Luthade

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 24-26

Three more chapters into my leisurely read through of the book. Part 2 Chapter 24 The chapter opens with Vin sitting atop keep venture, pondering the relationship between the Misty Doom and the deaths Sazed spoke of. Pondering alone what they all should have pondered together. If any lives are lost thanks to her bloody secrecy... Was there any good reason not to bring it up back then? Goodness, man! She can still hear can also hear that thumping coming from the mountains. I'm guessing this i

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Utah Signings This Week

I'll be signing twice in Utah this week in the run-up to Christmas. Details are below. Sorry, Idaho Falls folks, but I don't currently plan to go there as I usually would this time of year. I need to keep buckling down here and finish writing A MEMORY OF LIGHT. As always, you can tell me your city and I'll email you when I'm visiting nearby. And check my events calendar to see my current schedule for next year. Barnes & Noble, West Jordan, UT Date: Thursday, 12.15.11 Time: 6:30 pm–8:30 pm&

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Where to buy signed copies of THE ALLOY OF LAW + Updates

First some updates. The naming rights auction for a Stormlight (or other) character that I talked about last week ends in 38 hours, as do most of Orion's other auctions benefiting the UK charity Samaritans. My assistant Peter has put up another chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. Quite a bit happens in this one. And he also put together another Twitter posts archive. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode features Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman talking with Mary and Dan at the

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 22-23

To more chapters into the book. Thanks to my laptop's treachery and my own incompetence, I was forced to write this blog twice, so I'm sorry if this one's even more poorly written that usual. Heh. Part 2 Chapter 22 It is a dark and misty night. Ham finds himself leaving the the Venture keep. Walking out into the darkness without so much as a torch to light his way. His duty this evening is to check up on the guard towers surrounding the keep. Mere moments after he leaves the protective illumi

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 20-21

Y'know, I just now realized I've been spelling the Terris woman's name wrong all this time. It's "Tindwyl," not "Tyndwyl." My eyes have been lowered by this shameful error. Part 2 Chapter 20 Elend is having another gathering with the Crew(and Tindwyl). He has decided on a course of action that is mindbogglingly moronic. In spite of the Crew's opposition to the idea, he's actually planning on accepting Straff's terms for the meet. I know Elend wants Straff to think he's desperate, but this is

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 18-19

Part 2 Chapter 18 This chapter starts with a...Zane PoV? Well. Didn't see that coming. I get to see into the soul of the Creepiest of Creepies? I'm not sure I know how to feel about this... At the very start of the chapter it's revealed that Zane is in fact Elend's bastard brother! He's is hanging in the mists, watching Elend through opened balcony doors. God is speaking to him; commanding him to put an end to his half brother once and for all. Yes, he hears the voice of god. Does this make

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Stormlight (or other) Naming Rights Charity Auction

I know we just finished one of these for A MEMORY OF LIGHT and JordanCon, but while I was in the UK, Marcus from Gollancz/Orion told me about the charity auctions they were going to be doing. 100% of their proceeds go to the Samaritans charity there in the UK, and they're auctioning off items like getting thousands of words of your writing reviewed and edited by specific Gollancz editors, lunch with editors and an author, every Gollancz proof or ARC for 2012, etc. Anyway, it seemed like a good c

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Darrell Sweet

For those who do not know, Darrell Sweet—illustrator of all of the Wheel of Time covers—has passed away. The first of his covers I can remember seeing was his beautiful cover for THE EYE OF THE WORLD. I’m sure it wasn’t actually the first, however. Mr. Sweet was one of the premier fantasy artists for many years in the business. I have a healthy appreciation of what he accomplished, and I’m not sure many new readers realize just how influential and important he was as an illustrator. We’ve gone

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Interview, Giveaways, Ordering Deadline & Updates

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Mary, Howard, and I build fantasy settings that you can use. It was a bit of an experimental episode; I hope you enjoy it. The deadline to order signed books and have them shipped to U.S. addresses in time for the holidays is in about an hour. Of course you can order anytime year-round, but we can't guarantee on-time arrival if an order comes after the deadline. I've put two new Utah signings on my events calendar for next week. There's also

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 15-17

I'm back with three more chapters of my Well of Ascension readthrough. Yay! Part 2 Chapter 15 This one's another Sazed chapter, which basically means it's gonna be either really short or really awesome. It begins with Sazed awakening from slumber to find himself completely alone. He and Marsh have apparently been traveling for eight days so far. I wonder what would cause Marsh to just up and leave after more than a week of traveling. I mean, if he had a different destination from Sazed, why

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Magic with Brandon, Monday the 5th Edition

So, I’m going to be heading up to Epic Games on Monday to do a spot on Dungeon Crawlers Radio. (Listen live from 6:00 to 7:00 on Monday. Details below.) I realized that if I’m going to be in a game store, I must play some Magic! I also feel like it would be a nice treat following three weeks of pretty brutal touring. However, I realize it’s short notice. So this time, instead of just doing a “Come if you want to play!” shout out, we’ll reserve spots for those who email me. That way, we’ll know

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters13-14

I'm back again, with a couple more of my increasingly infrequent chapters of of Mistborn book Two! I haven't been reading very much recently because I've been, uh, busy. Yeah, busy. That's it... On to the book! Part 2 Chapter 13 This one starts with a Vin PoV. She's having a "conversation" with Oreseur. Pfah! More like an interrogation! Vin's trying to find a way to discover who the Kandra impostor may be, so she's asking Oreseur a few quite personal questions. His answers prove pretty intri

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Official NaNoWriMo Pep Talk + Updates

My assistant Peter has uploaded a new Twitter posts collection and another MYTHWALKER chapter. This is a novel that I abandoned back in 2001, but I cannibalized the parts that were working into WARBREAKER when I started writing that. This chapter contains the first scene that another scene in WARBREAKER parallels, though I rewrote it entirely from scratch. In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode we discuss mystery plotting. We also recently put out very short pep talks for people partici

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Well of Ascension chapter 12

Salutations. I've completed Part 1, it's time to move on to Part 2! It looks like this is the longest Part in the book, so hopefully that means it's the best too...wait! Actually, scratch that. I hope Part 6 is the best part. Part 2 : Ghosts in the Mists Chapter 12 This one's another Sazed chapter, and I'll just say right now that it is definitely my favorite chapter so far. Sazed and Marsh have finally made it to the Conventical of Sarand. Now that I think about it, the book doesn't really

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 10-11

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to read my blog. Here we are, at the end of Part 1, but it feels like the book is just beginning. I'm really looking forward to what comes next, so, let's get going. Part 1 Chapter 10 This chapter starts from Vin's point-of-view. Elend is having a meeting with the assembly. He's finally going to present his proposal to them. Vin is sitting with Ham at the back of the stage. The two of them are in charge of security for this event. Vin doesn't seem to like the

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 8-9

I've just now noticed that, unlike in the Wheel of Time, the chapters are unnamed. Part 1 Chapter 8 Vin is flying around in the mists like she does every night. The only difference is that Oreseur's with her this time, and she's deliberately trying to make it difficult for him to keep up time. Thanks in part to his new canine senses, the kandra able to follow her with very little difficulty. I'm still not entirely clear on what exactly Vin does when she's out here. Does she just run around

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Mistborn & Stormlight gamer bags + Updates

In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Mary, Howard, and I talk about characters who do dumb things. There are a lot of traps that writers fall into involving this, and we talk about how to avoid them. InkWing has a limited number of Mistborn- and Stormlight-themed gamer bags for sale. They're also running another T-shirt giveaway contest. This week's chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER features Siri's wedding. And there's a new Twitter posts archive uploaded. Seve

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 6-7

I'm back with two more chapters of the second Mistborn book! Part 1 Chapter 6 Even though Elend said he was "too busy" to join them, he ends up watching Vin and Ham's pewter-enhanced sparring session anyway. I guess he really did just want to avoid getting his chull kicked by a little girl. Clubs shows up and bets on Vin winning the sparring match, thereby giving Elend no choice but to bet against her--not a good idea! What's Vin gonna think about this if she finds out? Has he forgotten that

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

The Well Of Ascension Chapters 4-5

I'm two chapters further into my readthrough of Mistborn book 2. Moving along nicely, eh? Part 1 Chapter 4 Yay! Sazed gets to be a PoV character in this book! Now that the Lord Ruler has been removed, Sazed has traveled south to complete his solemn duty as a keeper. It seems like he's been sidetracked, though, because as the chapter begins he's busy investigating the death of some skaa farmer named Jed. Eyewitnesses testimonies claim that there was mist during the day, and when it envelope

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Well Of Ascension Chapters 2-3

Part 1 Chapter 2 Yeah, I've changed my mind about that whole bet thing. Y-You know I was joking, right? It turns out those coins weren't thrown by the watcher after all, but by a crew of eight misting assassins. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to finally see this "Watcher" for myself, right? Wrong. In the middle of Vin's battle with the assassins, the Watcher shows up, gazing down on them from some rooftop...this guy kinda gives me the creeps. I can just picture his creepy litt

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

Well Of Ascension Chapter 1

Greetings! Welcome! I finished The Final Empire a few days ago, and I enjoyed it so much that I've decided to blog about books 2 and 3 when I read them. So, without further ado... Part 1 Chapter 1 Ash fell from.the sky... I wonder if all the books will start with these words. The book begins with an Elend Venture PoV. He's having a conversation with Ham. Apparently it's been a year since the Aspect Emperor---I mean Lord Ruler's demise. Over the past twelve months Elend has manag

Child Bahkbar

Child Bahkbar

ALLOY illustrations, Blood and Bloody Ashes Shirt + Updates

I'm in the middle of my tour for THE ALLOY OF LAW right now; I'm in Houston today and will be in London by Saturday. If you want email reminders when I'll be near you, sign up and tell me your city. Meanwhile this year's Great Hunt continues, and readers have gone a long way toward deciphering the encoded file from Robert Jordan's notes. By the way, THE ALLOY OF LAW was one of five write-in candidates to be added in its category as a 2011 Goodreads Choice Award semifinalist. If you think it des

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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