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France Schedule + Mary Robinette Kowal Joins Writing Excuses

The rest of my France schedule is below. But first a couple of updates. Writing Excuses enters its sixth season with an exciting announcement: Mary Robinette Kowal joins Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and me as our fourth full-time cast member. For the first episode of the sixth season we revisit our very first (unreleased) episode, Can Creativity Be Taught?. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation is another one on the avalanche that is the climax. It covers chapter 53. Dance, dance, dance. Fantasy

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


This week, I’m going to do something a little different. I’m going to take a bit of a break from my usual fare to talk about something other than Brandon or the Cosmere. This week, it's all about Harvey, my boxer puppy, and he is coming home with me today. This is really exciting for me for a few different reasons. As of now, I live alone. I don’t really feel lonely, but there are times where I feel like something is missing. Harvey is also my first dog that’s mine, not the family’s dog. It



Signing in Oslo Tomorrow

Today my flight out of Strasbourg was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight to Oslo in Amsterdam. The result of that was an eight-hour wait in Amsterdam before the next flight, so I got to hang out with some of the local fans while eating pancakes and fries. If you're in Amsterdam and you missed it, that's probably because you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook. Sorry for the really short notice, everyone, but you can't really plan missing a flight like that. I do hope to return to the N

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

I'm going to France, Norway, the UK, and France again

This morning my plane took off for the first leg of my European tour. The flight was delayed, but I have a long layover in Cincinnati, so I'll still get there in time for my connection. Anyway, here is my schedule of events. Les Imaginales, Épinal, France, May 26–29 THU MAY 263:00 p.m. panel "Brandon Sanderson contre les infâmes bibliothécaires" ("Brandon Sanderson vs the Evil Librarians") followed by book signing. FRI MAY 2711:00 a.m. panel "La Fantasy" followed by book signing.2:00 p.m. pan

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Updates + Hugo Voter Packet

We've got a few more parts of the website working. The percentage bars on the left column are now functional again, and my assistant was able to put up another Twitter posts collection. New annotations and library items will have to wait for later though. There are two new Writing Excuses episodes up. First, Howard and I sat down with Jim Hines to discuss parody and satire. Then we talked with John Scalzi about dialogue. Both episodes were recorded at Penguicon. This past weekend at the Scienc

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

The Pick of the Litter

I come into contact with a lot of people who are looking for a good book. Of course, being the nerd I am, Brandon immediately comes to mind, and I recommend him to most everyone I meet. Many of those people go on to start their own pockets of nerdom, finding a new passion in Brandon’s books. It’s always fun for my friends and I to discuss which book is our favorite. My answer has always been the same: Mistborn. I love Mistborn as a series, and tend to treat it like one big book with three pa



Brandonitis- Be careful! It's contagious!

It should come as no surprise to you that I am something of a nerd. It’s a humbling experience to be so closely associated with the object of your fandom. I’m willing to bet a large number of you have met Brandon in person at least once, and he is an awesome guy, to say the least. It’s been a neat experience, getting to see him grow as an author. I’ve been a big SanderFan from almost the beginning (See blog post # 1 for a more detailed account), and I like to think I have a closer relationsh



Lose the Freshman 15: Easy, Rapid Weight Loss with CESTODES!

This is an article I wrote as a submission to a contest in the Waggie, the vet school newspaper. Essay guidelines were write a 500-word humor article relating to vet school. So here's a sample of how dorky and weird I get. xD ---------------- Many new veterinary students struggle with gaining unwanted pounds during their stressful first year. Juggling the rigorous curriculum and the emotional demand of a veterinary education with a new nonexistent social life, coupled with easy, unlimited acce



Gemmell Award Nominations + Updates

The short list of six nominees for the David Gemmell Legend Award is out, and for the second year in a row I have two books on the list. Towers of Midnight and The Way of Kings join Brent Weeks's The Black Prism, Pierre Pevel's The Alchemist in the Shadows, Peter V. Brett's The Desert Spear, and Markus Heitz's The War of the Dwarves. Once again I'm honored to have two books nominated for the award named for David Gemmell, as he was such a fantastic author. (My favorite of Mr. Gemmell's titles i

More of "I Hate Dragons"

Thank you all for helping me out with the Delta situation (and for helping my brother win his goofy contest.) I wanted to do something nice, so I dredged up the chapters I wrote of "I Hate Dragons" as a writing exercise a few months back. I had originally written these as part of a dialogue exercise, writing no narrative. After I finished them, as a second part of the exercise, I went back and added narrative to fill them out. (Though they're still heavily dialogue.) Enjoy! Source

The Big Debate

I think it’s safe to assume that most everyone reading this blog has also read Mistborn. If you have an overactive imagination like I do, I’m willing to bet that you’ve fantasized about lifting a car while burning pewter, flying through the darkness wearing a mistcloak, or overhearing a private conversation with the use of tin. These fun little daydreams invade my daily life. My inner child yearns for the powers of a mistborn. However, even in the world of Scadrial, mistborn are rare, so the y



Anyone out there work for Delta Air Lines?

Two big updates for today. The first is related to a tweet I made last night. I'm scheduled to fly to France later this month, and that trip is going to be smack-dab in the middle of working on the last WoT book. I worry that the trip is going to throw me out of my momentum writing the book. I was really hoping to be able to spend my skymiles to get myself a business class seat, where I could work the entire way and not worry about my laptop running dry or the seating keeping me from working. U

How it all began

Hello my dear readers, My name is Austin (aka Nehex), and I'll be your blogger for today. I've been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, and finally decided to do it. Seeing as this is Brandon Sanderson's official fansite, I think it's fitting for me to write about about the first time I picked up a Brandon book. Sherman, set the Way-Back machine to 2006. I was in my junior year of high school, and obsessed with fanfiction. At the time, I was writing a Sonic the Hedgehog/Young Wiz



My Penguicon Schedule

This weekend I'm a guest of honor at Penguicon, which is a hybrid convention for science fiction/fantasy and open source software. Howard Tayler is the toastmaster, so it should be a lot of fun. If you're in the Detroit area, consider registering at the door if you haven't preregistered. PenguiconTroy Marriott200 W Big Beaver RdTroy, MI 48084 FRIDAY 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Dennison 1Attack of the Plot!Ferrett Steinmetz, Brandon Sanderson, Christian Klaver, Charles ZaglanisHow authors attack th

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Excuses Nominated for a Hugo Award

First off, there's a new Warbreaker annotation that covers Vasher sneaking into the God King's palace. It also talks about why one character doesn't just kill another character. This week's Writing Excuses episode, season 5 episode 34, covers story bibles. Dan, Howard, and I talk about different ways to collect the background information on your story that you need in order to keep things straight as you're writing it (or the sequel). Give it a listen. The big news is that the previous season

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Stormlight Archive Name Auction Winner, T-Shirts + Updates

Last week I talked about the charity auction to get your name in the next Stormlight Archive book. Well, the auction is now over. The winner is Jason Lynn Pittman, and his winning bid was $1,825, which will go to support Utah's science fiction and fantasy symposium Life, the Universe, and Everything. Once I sit down to plan out the book (after I've written the first draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT), I'll figure out where Jason's character will fit in and how to adapt his name to Roshar. If you're in

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My JordanCon Schedule + Updates

Tomorrow my assistant Peter and I are off to JordanCon in Atlanta. Their full schedule is listed here. My panels are below. Please pay special attention to the details of the Magic draft on Friday night, if you want to participate. There are also a couple of other updates. TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT has made it to the semifinals of Audible's Tournament of Audiobooks, but it is currently behind in votes to MATTERHORN by Karl Marlantes. If you liked the TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT audiobook, consider giving it yo

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Appear in the Sequel to THE WAY OF KINGS

Ever since I started announcing on Twitter the names of fans that I was adapting to go into THE GATHERING STORM and TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, readers have been asking me how to get their names put into the next book. Well, there will be another oppoturnity to participate in a charity drive and have a chance to get your name put into A MEMORY OF LIGHT, but that's not what I'm talking about today. Instead, I'm talking about how one person can get his or her name (or most likely a variation thereof; see

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

NaPoWriMo Day 7: Smorgasbord Prompt Day

Here is today's prompt. I'm going to give it a shot: Today’s prompt is a bit of a smorgasbord, and reflects the fact that we are at day seven. It asks you to write a poem with seven different phrases, ideas, or just plain old “things” in it. These are: 1) an example of synasthetic metaphor — one that describes one sensory perception using adjectives more naturally suited to a different sense (e.g., “a red noise,” or a “a bitter touch”) 2) a fruit 3) the name (first or last) of someone you k

Darth Squirrely

Darth Squirrely

NaPo Day 6: The Villanelle

When I was in high school, I took an AP English course. In our poetry section, I was introduced to the villanelle, an interesting poetic form. The poem we read was "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas. It remains, to this day, my favorite poem ever. We also were given the assignment of writing our own villanelles; everyone liked mine but I lost it ages ago, and anyway I should write a fresh one as it's NaPoWriMo, not "Show off Poems You Wrote Ages Ago Month." So here I g

Darth Squirrely

Darth Squirrely


If you're in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand and have been wondering how the cover art of Gollancz's version of the next Mistborn book will appear, look no further. If you missed the US Tor cover and the cover flap synopsis, head over to Tor.com to see both. The book comes out in November. Amazon is currently saying November 8th in the US/Canada and November 17th in the UK (and I assume Australia and New Zealand). This could shift around by a week or so by the time November rolls around.

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

NaPoWriMo Day 5: 5 Poems Written Today

Poem 1: Much Younger Men I don't see how Age matters in the end Isn't it maturity That makes all the difference? If that's the case, Then I'm not a cougar Because everybody knows I'm the least mature of all. Poem 2: Treetops Sunshine, warm and bright Birdspecks lofting high Wondrous is the sight Of trees beneath the sky Poem 3: Delicious Terror This delicious terror Welling up in me Tastes of adrenaline Of racing breath, Pounding heart, Fear of life-ending death; Thrilling

Darth Squirrely

Darth Squirrely

Name Auction Coming, Music + Updates

Want your name to appear as a character in the Stormlight Archive? There's going to be an auction for just that starting on Wednesday to benefit the Life, the Universe, & Everything (LTUE) symposium. I'll post more details when the auction begins. This year's LTUE hosted the recording of a number of episodes of the Writing Excuses podcast, one of which aired this week. In it, Dan and Howard are joined by Robison Wells and Sarah Eden to talk about writing romance. The most recent WARBREAKER

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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