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Why Random Stuff Matters

Channelknight Fadran


How much of this universe actually matters to you? Try putting a number on it: twenty percent? Thirty percent? Ninety percent? Do you care about what you know, or do you think about all that we don’t? We haven’t explored the vast majority of our own oceans, let alone everything beneath the crust, or any sizeable portion of another planet, or any meaningful fragment of the universe. Statistically speaking you’re going to be stuck on this one bead of lava and sediment for your entire life, and even then you can’t possibly see all of it.

So if you only care about the stuff that you can observe, then you’re limiting yourself. Go beyond.

I have a friend whose mindset is very similar to my own in terms of knowledge. With so much stuff out there, isn’t it a little mean that we only get a few decades to look at it? He’s of a firm belief that if something exists, then it can be experienced; and he wants to experience it all. I’m of the same mind, learning all I can about whatever I can. I’m not quite as good at it as he is, but overall I think I do pretty well.

That’s why I decided that this thing should exist: so I can just talk about the stuff and why it matters. With so many things out there in their infinite complexity, there’s so much that we can miss. And to be completely honest, I don’t want to miss any of it.

I plan to talk about scientific discoveries, laws, and theories. I plan to talk about the arts and why they matter. Broad-scale anthropology, styles of society, types of cultures; The implications of everyday things on the level of generations; Growth, change, learning, knowledge itself; Philosophical ideologies and processes; literally anything that I can think of that seems to matter—which is everything.

So welcome to Unnecessarily Overcomplicated!


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