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TLT/CBST Metaphysics Lesson #1



It starts with two axes: Order-Chaos and Light-Dark.


Order is the concept of stability and structure.
Chaos is the concept of change and renewal.
Light is the concept of existence and life.
Dark is the concept of non-existence and death.

The two axes orthogonize to produce four fundamental classes of energy: order-light, order-dark, chaos-light, and chaos-dark.

Ordered Light:

Primary users: Luxsprites

The myriad universes of the Vibrant Threads are built on a foundation of ordered light. This power is what holds back the weight of the Void and allows for existence to be. It also enables interaction between realities that would otherwise be incompatible. Junctions between universes are likewise defined by ordered light, allowing for travel in some cases and restricting it in others.

The primary users and creators of ordered-light energy are- well, were - the luxsprites. They were the ones who built the foundation of the Vibrant Threads in the Time Before. All save one were killed in the Dies Luxfrang, so the magic system of ordered-light is no longer in use.

The fundamental substance associated with order-light is luxite.

Ordered Dark:

Primary users: Ennullers (also known as mimes)

The Ennulers manipulate the power of Silence. This power is what forms the Wall that keeps the wider universe safe from the dangerous excesses of the Narrators and the withergeists. It can subdue energy, erase memory, and delete existence. This order rose up in the aftermath of the Dies Luxfrang to prevent all of reality from coming to an end.

The fundamental substance associated with order-dark is nullite.

Chaotic Light:

Primary users: Narrators (also known as dream artists)

Much of what composes the actual substance of the universes is made from chaotic light. Narrators manipulate this energy to create characters, worlds, and tales as they so desire. It has by far the widest range of possible forms; in fact, it is nearly impossible for any two dream artists to share exactly the same abilities/specializations.

Once an individual achieves enough power to rewrite reality in any way they please, they become a Narrator. It is at this point of transition that the defenses of the Wall activate and seal them away, before they can cause harm to the worlds outside the Wall.

Chaotic light energy was rare prior to the Dies Luxfrang, but it is arguably the most common now.

The fundamental substance associated with chaotic-light is prismite (also known as Narrativium).

Chaotic Dark:

Primary users: Withergeists

The power of chaotic dark is that of destruction and decay. The withergeists are citizens of the Void. To them, reality is a constant blaring, irritating presence that they would love nothing more than to be rid of. However, the foundation of the universe is too well-put together for them to destroy directly. And so, they sneak through the cracks, finding beings who will open their souls to them in exchange for power. It was they who caused the Dies Luxfrang and ended the reign of the luxsprites.

The fundamental substance associated with chaotic-dark is mordite.


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