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  • Member Title
    Kobold's Mom
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  • Interests
    weightlifting, yoga, comparative religion

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  1. Me: [looking at recipes online] Oooh. I want this. KK: What is it? Me: Chicken in mustard cream sauce. It has heavy cream, wine, and butter. KK: Those are some of your favorite things. Me: I KNOW! Right?! ---------- Kobold Princess: [age 6, looking at a book] This little girl is a smart patootie. [pause] Well, she is a little violent... The book is Hansel and Gretel. According to my daughter, Gretel is "a little violent" when she pushes a witch into a stove. She may watch too much anime. ---------- KK: When I was young, I got the Iraqis and the Iroquois confused. I also thought Al Capone was a middle-eastern terrorist. He also invented a character named Sheriff Marshall, and he didn't get it. And for a brief time, he thought Canada won the Civil War. ---------- Kobold Father: You WILL give me a hug before I leave... KK: [sighing] Okay. KF: ...NOT just allow me to hug you. KK: Dang it! ---------- Kobold Minion 2: [age 13, ALMOST 14] Hey, they're making a live action Tick. Me: A second one. One came out years ago, but Jared decided that y'all couldn't watch it. He got up and turned it off. KK: Yeah, I've always been more strict about stuff like that... Me: [shame-faced] ...than me, since I let you watch Fight Club when you were pretty young. KK: I'd like to watch that again, actually. Me: Okay, we can do that while the others are gone. I think [KM2] is old enough to see it now. KK: [just looks at me] Me: What?! ---------- KK: [after doing something foolish] You knew that was going to happen, didn't you? Me: Yep. KK: You could have said something. Me: You don't like it when I mother you. KK: Seriously? Me: Hey, I'm just giving you what you want...
  2. Me: [to husband, who whispered something across the room] I don't even know what that is. Husband: I don't either actually. Don't look it up! Me: Incognito mode... Husband: Yeah, don't want that showing up in ads! Me: Oh, my. Oh, my! KK: Is that an appalled "oh, my" or a George Takei "oh, my"? ---------- Me: [to Kobold Minion 2] Whatever floats your boat. Kobold Princess: [age 6] Floats your boat. Yeah, whatever floats your boat...and makes you not drown. ---------- KK: Hey, where's my donut? I didn't have my donut! Me: [calming tone] They're in the fridge. KK: Okay. In this house, you have to check. Me: In this house, YOU are the one most likely to eat someone else's donut! KK: [laughing] Okay, well...
  3. Liam Neeson and Uma Thurman starred in the 1998 movie. Honest to goodness, this is the first time I've ever heard of a Les Mis musical. Now you've made me feel like I'm missing out. We read Hunchback instead of Les Mis in high school. I hope I can gather up the attention span to read it this year. I've started it, and I find it enjoyable but hard.
  4. @Kaymyth, I really enjoyed this. A few years ago, the fact that it differed from my own beliefs would have bothered me, but I've worked on not being attached to my idea of Truth since then, and I find it makes me more open to hearing Truth from others. (I still believe that capital-T Truth exists, but I no longer believe that I, personally, can actually grasp it. I've found that it's a much more comfortable place to sit, for me.) I find your Truth a helpful way to view things. I clicked your link and read it a week or two ago, and I keep finding my mind going back to it.
  5. Seldom are people who lick odd things considered geniuses. Just sayin'.
  6. Our children range in age from 6 to almost 21. There are times when verbal grouping is necessary, or at least helpful. YES. Exactly. And one of the cats plays with it, too.
  7. I'm married to an ENTP. It makes things...interesting. Instead of taking the test himself, I had to call out the questions with him telling me his answers. It really explained a lot. We're alike in the ways that cause friction, and we're different in the ways that cause friction. And we've been together for close to three decades. Go figure.
  8. Ah. Thanks! It's been a while since I read that one, and sometimes I forget my children's names. It's probably hilarious to hear me try to talk about my favorite anime shows when I haven't seen them in a couple of months. *sigh* Now how do you pronounce it? War priest. Booyah! I can rock that.
  9. I read that as "causal fan" and was rather confused. I don't have that level of dedication for anything. Well, not for fictional universes, anyway. I do occasionally go full on geek on other topics. I do enjoy going in the opposite direction, like pretending that I have too many children to remember all their names. That never gets old.
  10. Me: I have 200 reputation points now. I'm a... I'm not sure what I am. Is that /GI-orn/? Or /JI-orn/? Or /GE-orn/ or /JE-orn/? Perhaps the G is silent and I'm a /yorn/. KK: Maybe the G and the Y cancel each other out and you're an /orn/. You are orn-ery. ---------- KK: So, if you had an argument with you in the past, she'd automatically win because she is the bigger woman. Me: No fat jokes about me, past or present. ---------- Looking at the FB page for a local political group... KK: Why is the top picture of a cow's butt? Me: It's still Texas, son. ---------- Me: So you want to read Les Mis with us this year? KK: What's it about? Me: The miserables--that's the title. KK: Sounds depressing. Me: It's about Jean Val Jean. I don't know. I haven't read it yet. I just saw the movie. KK: Oh, yeah. It had Hugh Jackman, right? Me: [glare, because Liam Neeson, and he knows it] Anyway, we're reading it this year, and you should read it with us. You should start it, and then if you hate it, you can stop reading if you hate it since I can't compell you to... KK: [smirks] Me: ...though I could make things uncomfortable for you, but I won't because I respect that you're now an "adult"... ---------- Husband: Where are the littles? Me: They're playing outside. And since I'm about to leave and you'll be in charge of my children, I'm rather concerned that you just noticed that they were missing. Husband: I'm working. Jared's in charge. [I look at Jared. He's licking his fidget spinner; he notices me watching him and laughs. I'm not sure I'm leaving the house again until my youngest children don't need supervision anymore.]
  11. I can indeed. @Kobold King goes all Beast Boy with the braces and pocket protector. The boy's a natural born liar--he can go on for five minutes making things up with a straight face. I had him demonstrate for my sister once. His brother gave him the subject of bubbles, and he just opened his mouth and let the hot air escape. Though in this case, I see he just imitated the source material.
  12. Hasn't shown up YET. I still have hopes.
  13. When I mentioned he, he said that he hadn't noticed. But he also didn't notice when I lost more than 60 pounds. Observant, he is not--at least not about events in the household. He can probably tell you more about the average Doctor Who companion than about me.
  14. I'm rather clumsy, so I hit my head pretty hard quite regularly. I think I just chilled a bit, though I'm sure I didn't chill enough for that image.
  15. Okay, yeah, this post was on the second page, really old. However, I was bored today, so I took the test. I am INFP, the Mediator. Except two years ago, I was ISFJ, the Defender. I find this...weird. I know I've changed quite a bit over the last, oh, probably six and a half years. But it still seems odd to me that I may have actually changed my basic personality type, even if only by two letters. Also, what is up with the flaky, barefoot avatar for INFP? She has butterflies circling her head, for crying out loud. I sometimes refer to myself as a hippie, and I have a child named River, but that image suggests a level of flakiness that I associate with people who are, well, flakier than I am. No aura reading or crystals here, though I'm totally cool with other people doing what makes them comfortable and happy. Especially since, according to that image, aura readers and crystal users are my people.
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