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Shadows of Self tour: Brookline, MA

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My wife Rachel and I are coming up from Allentown, so we'll probably be staying the night at a hotel or a relative's house that night. I'm thinking that if people are interested in hanging out after the signing at a diner or something and discussing the Cosmere into the wee hours of the night, I'd love to do that. Anyone from the Boston area, or others that are staying overnight and want to hang out?

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  • 1 month later...

My schedule changed, and it looks like I won't arrive in MA until several days after the signing. It is now very unlikely that I will be at the event. :-( 

I hope those going have a good time and get to meet up. I will update here if my plans change to allow me to attend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be going...I haven't read sos yet as i am getting my copy at the event so if anyone has a sos question that i can understand (spoilers ok) let me know and I'll try to blurt it out...


also- i don't think I've seen this but i may have missed it...has anyone ever asked about the stones kaladin's brother picks up in wok? i have always wondered if they are significant. is this a question that has been asked/answered? or is it too idiotic a question? I was thinking of asking it...

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I'll be going...I haven't read sos yet as i am getting my copy at the event so if anyone has a sos question that i can understand (spoilers ok) let me know and I'll try to blurt it out...


also- i don't think I've seen this but i may have missed it...has anyone ever asked about the stones kaladin's brother picks up in wok? i have always wondered if they are significant. is this a question that has been asked/answered? or is it too idiotic a question? I was thinking of asking it...


I am having trouble finding the relevent WoB, but I vaguely remember reading one that said they had no significance other than they were important to Tien and by extension important to Kaladin since they came from  Tien.

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If you need questions to ask you can also look through the Ultimate List.  (That list was updated just before SoS was released so you don't have to worry about spoilers from that, though there are plenty for other books).

Yes - I am definitely going through- I just am having trouble picking....suggestions for most urgent are welcome!

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What interests you?


One thing, for example, I am curious about is whether Hemalurgically spiking an unSnapped Misting or Mistborn causes them to Snap, either from the spike or from its removal.

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Greyhound tickets purchased! I'm leaving from Allentown tonight at 8, hanging around NYC until 4am, then arriving in Boston at 8:30 am. I'm going to spend the day in town, any other 17thers going to be wandering aimlessly all day? Maybe we can meet up for lunch, or supper, or just to hang out somewhere. I'll be the big bearded guy in a kilt. I might also spend a few hours hanging out at the bookstore trying to strike up Cosmere-centric conversations. I've also been working on developing a Mistborn Duel strategy game, a two player game not entirely unlike chess, if there are people who'd enjoy test-playing it. My bus back home leaves at 1 am.

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I mentioned this in the the Lansing thread, but I'm really curious about the timeframe the Ars Arcanum are written in-world. We know they are written by a Cosmere knowledgeable person in-world and they are all written by the same person, but the time frame is murky. Are they written from some point in the future (space Mistborn) or are they written concurrently with the action in the novel they appear? If so, that means the author is several hundred years old. Elantris to Stormlight is at least 700-800 years, I think. If there is a way you can ask about this, I'd be grateful.

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What interests you?


One thing, for example, I am curious about is whether Hemalurgically spiking an unSnapped Misting or Mistborn causes them to Snap, either from the spike or from its removal.


Argent, I'll make sure I ask Brandon about this for you. I really like this question.

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What interests you?


One thing, for example, I am curious about is whether Hemalurgically spiking an unSnapped Misting or Mistborn causes them to Snap, either from the spike or from its removal.


I'm interested at the moment on how belief, observation and perception influence spren and magic on Roshar and how that relates to the physics of it as we saw in the scholars part...and Parshendi :)


Ok since Iron Eyes is asking for you I am trying to frame a question around observation/perception/belief. But I am having troubles....


Robot Aztec - I will try and get that in but since I haven't reread ahead (didn't know I'd be able to go) and haven't read SoS yet you will have to refresh me on that - feel free to inbox me - as to what you are getting at and I will be happy to ask if I can get more than one or two in! (I may stutter and trip over myself). Please forgive my out of dateness on spiking theories I have to read Sos and then reread the first four since it has been awhile and I have a very faulty memory lately.


Am also looking through the ultimate list....


Really looking forward to this since it is my first signing!

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We are fairly confident they are pretty contemporary. Not necessarily being written during exactly in the same timeframe as the events in the books, but pretty close (within a few years, I'd say). 


Has this been discussed already? I wasn't able to find anything about it.

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Elantris to Stormlight is at least 700-800 years, I think.

Actually a little over 300 years, unless something has changed within the last half a year or so.


It goes along the lines of:


>Elantris/Warbreaker/original Mistborn trilogy occurring around the same rough timeframe

Then the 3xx year gap

>Stormlight/Alloy books


As far as major novels go so far.

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Unless you have a quote Kythis, I disagree with you. I've never seen Brandon state that Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, and Warbreaker happen concurrently. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's a significant gap between Elantris and Mistborn. Did I miss something? Brandon's mostly stopped talking about timelines over the past couple years anyway.

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