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Leeds Signing 22/10/15


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I'm heading to meet Brandon later and I'm nervous but excited. Due to a lifelong panic disorder and social phobia I've never had chance to do anything like this before. Brandon will be the first famous person I've ever seen in the flesh let alone spoken to!

Anyway my point is I'm so focused on my anxiety that I haven't had chance to think of any decent questions to ask him, or what personalisation I'd like in my book. So I thought I'd come here and get advice and suggestions, although granted it is a bit last-minute. Hope someone can help give me direction :)

Will anyone from here be at Leeds later?

What do I do / say!?

Edited by Maffu17
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Good luck!

You can check out the ultimate list of questions doc over in the Cosmere Theories topic

I can offer a few;

Are we getting a sketch of Urithiru for SA3?

Can you define the Ars Arcanum Author's term Initiate?

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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Good luck!


If you have some extra question to do, you may ask this:

"Must the Splinters to be sentient to be considerate as such?"

the Spren must be sentient to be considered as such ?
the Spren must be sentient to be considered as such ?
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I was wondering if someone could ask if a Shard has to be Splintered for humans to have access to it and use the magic system. So far we have seen magic systems from worlds where the Shards have been Splintered by an outside force, or of their own volition, but I don't think we've seen a human using powers associated with unSplintered Shards...

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I was wondering if someone could ask if a Shard has to be Splintered for humans to have access to it and use the magic system. So far we have seen magic systems from worlds where the Shards have been Splintered by an outside force, or of their own volition, but I don't think we've seen a human using powers associated with unSplintered Shards...

Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy=Ruin & Preservation? Awakening=Endowment?

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I went to pieces, sorry folks! He said initiation was deliberately vague and didn't define it, I was too flustered to probe deeper.

However he did clarify that Splinters don't have to be sentient to be Splinters.

He put "Hands all red" in my copy of Shadows of Self which, crazily, is exactly the part of the audiobook I was listening to on my drive to Leeds!! (He's a witch!)

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He put "Hands all red" in my copy of Shadows of Self which, crazily, is exactly the part of the audiobook I was listening to on my drive to Leeds!! (He's a witch!)

Funny, I always pictured Brandon as more of a Sorcerer than a witch/wizard. Not sure why but I just assume he would cast spontaneously.

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I really enjoyed the visual evocation in that scene, the description of red gloves really brought the scene to life for me. I haven't finished SoS yet so can't theorise as to the importance of the hint.

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It seems he's been writing "Hands all red" in a number of the books he signs. He must be hinting that there's more to that scene than we assume...


He said it was because the phrase captured the mood of the book well.

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Hey there, I was also at the Leeds signing, and he wrote the same thing in my SoS copy too! I misread the information about the event—thought there would be a talk too, but I still really enjoyed it! There was a great atmosphere there, with lots of people chatting with each other while in line. I found it interesting hearing how many of Brandon's books people had read and their reactions to them, and I even got the chance to nudge people towards being more cosmere aware.

While getting my books signed I asked Brandon whether kandra could replicate parshendi carapace and he said they couldn't. I asked whether or not it was to do with the same thing as hair and if that was the reason why, and he said sort of, yes. I think someone else should try to clarify this more because I feel that I could have asked it a bit clearer.

I also asked Brandon about that part in the Wandersail chapter of WoK, where Syl leaves Kaladin before he meets Hoid because she gets a bad feeling. I wanted to know whether this related to why Vin decided to not meet Hoid in HoA. He said that they both got a certain impression from him, but wouldn't say whether or not it was the same thing, and stated I would have to RAFO what that was exactly.

The last question I asked was if anyone had tried to include allomantic metals in cooking. Brandon said that other than Wax putting steel in whisky, he didn't think so. I told him the reason I asked was because I was wondering what an allomantic food fight would be like, and that I also really liked the sound of allomantic duck. He seemed to find the idea funny, so hopefully that could be a thing at some point...

Anyway, all in all it was great fun, I always enjoy talking in person with other fans, and I look forward to the next time I get to meet Brandon again (which I'm guessing will be after stormlight 3 comes out) :D

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