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Idaho Falls is coming up!


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As the holidays are in full swing, it seems out dear Brandon will be in Idaho Falls again.

Barnes and Noble tells me he is doing a signing on Saturday the 28th at 4pm.


So. Pick some fun questions from the Big List, and let me have 'em.

I so enjoy this every year. Kinda makes me feel like a bigger part of the board!



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Here's one I just thought up:


Nightwatcher gave Lift her ability to convert food to Stormlight before Wyndle bonded her. If Wyndle dies (Almighty forbid!), will Lift still be able to use her food-based Stormlight in any way? For example, to heal herself?

Edited by skaa
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Two other ones I just thought of: 


Is the Dor a renewable resource? (May be RAFO bait)


You've commented before on the difficulty of quantifying the number of magic systems there are in various places in the cosmere, as on one hand they're all the same magic system (Investiture) but on the other they're a whole mess of different magic systems (there are 16 different Allomantic metals, for instance, all with their own imparted power).  At the level of focus that recognizes the Metallic Arts as 3 separate systems, how many magics can Hoid use?  (Definitely RAFO bait, but hey, it's worth a shot.)

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Two other ones I just thought of: 


Is the Dor a renewable resource? (May be RAFO bait)


You've commented before on the difficulty of quantifying the number of magic systems there are in various places in the cosmere, as on one hand they're all the same magic system (Investiture) but on the other they're a whole mess of different magic systems (there are 16 different Allomantic metals, for instance, all with their own imparted power).  At the level of focus that recognizes the Metallic Arts as 3 separate systems, how many magics can Hoid use?  (Definitely RAFO bait, but hey, it's worth a shot.)


1. I believe all magic is renewable - conservation of (magical) energy and all that.


2. I can't imagine the answer to this becoming known in the next 15 years... Minimum.

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1. I believe all magic is renewable - conservation of (magical) energy and all that.


2. I can't imagine the answer to this becoming known in the next 15 years... Minimum.


1.  Possibly.  Upon further reflection, Honor's death didn't stop the Highstorms or the distribution of Stormlight, so there's no reason to assume that Devotion and Dominion's deaths turned the Dor into a finite resource.  It'd just be good to nail down for certain.  


2.  It might be good to get a number, though.  Just for purposes of counting how many we haven't seen yet.  

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