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Orem Christmas B&N Signing


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So! Brandon's going to be signing today at the Barnes and Nobles in Orem, Utah, starting at 2. I bet he'll probably be there till 6. B&N is handing out tickets for the line, starting now, so if you want to swing by and snag one, you won't have to wait as long. 


Also I was there last night, and it seems like they have a limited stock of Brandon Sanderson. From what I remember, they had a handfull of hardcovers for Mistborn 1 & 3, and Warbreaker. The rest have a handful of paper back copies, but there's no Firefly at all there. 


There's a chance that they have more copies that they're saving for today, but don't count on being able to buy hardcover books there. 


I will be there for probably the whole thing, and I'll be recording it. I may or may not be in my Pattern costume, but if not, I'll bring the head so people can take pictures with it. 


Hope to see y'all there!


EDIT- I also didn't see any Alloy of Law or Shadows of Self. 

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It was all good! It ends up they had pulled a lot of Brandon's book over to the signer section that I hadn't seen, and almost all of Brandon's books were there in their various formats (including Firefly). There were a good number of people there. Brandon and Jason Denzel (one of the people from Dragonmount) both read from their books. Jason just released a book called Mystic a few weeks ago and read an unreleased prologue from that, and Brandon read the Dalinar flashback that he's been reading all tour. 


Then I set up my recording and caught about 2 hours before I had to leave. I'll post that on here tonight, but there was some interesting things about Harmony, Vasher, Shai, Seons (and Splinters in general), the Spiritual Realm, a little bit on bubbles, and, of course, some RAFOs. I know other people from around here also came through the line, so if they want to post what they found first, that'd be great!

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He's getting ALL SORTS of requests to do writing. First Minecraft, than Marvel, now this. I'm just glad he accepted to do it. Although I was surprised by how light it was. It's almost like it wasn't even there! 


Oh, and Firefight was also there. 

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chasmfriend on tumblr was at this signing and gave the following report:

I went to the Brandon Sanderson signing today at B&N, and I learned a lot. Sort of.

I also earned my first RAFO card. And got more RAFOs, some of which genuinely surprised me.

Here’s a very paraphrased summary of what my group asked, and Brandon’s answers.

My eldest kid is the champion at getting answers to Nightblood questions:

Q: Is there a finite amount of Investiture?
Brandon: Yes.
Q: So, is Nightblood reducing the amount of Investiture in the cosmere?
Brandon: Yes. At a very slow rate, but yes.

My friend asked for Brandon to write something about Harmony in her Alloy of Law.

He wrote: “Harmony could go by another name, if he was not as good at controlling both of the Shards.”
Brandon: And some of you might already be able to figure out what that would be.

We later speculated about what the opposite name would be, and people far smarter than me thought it might be Discord, since it’s the opposite of Harmony.

The question I asked to be written in my copy of Warbreaker:

Q: Why did Vasher Return? What did he want to accomplish?
Brandon: …You know what I’m going to write, don’t you?
Me: Oh no, I think so…
Brandon: *writes RAFO in my book* And you get one of these. *hands me a card*
Me: But, it’s about the past, why not–
Brandon: Well, it’s very relevant to the future books.

I am decidedly not the champion of getting answers. 

So I tried an easy question.

Q: Who is Lady Truth?
Brandon: *stares intensely* Who do you think it is?
Me: Um, I want it to be Tindwyl…
Brandon: *looks at me with wide eyes and closed mouth*
[At this point I got mad because I was NOT expecting THAT question to not be answered. My friend said, “No, wait, he’s going to answer–” but he didn’t.]
Me [frustrated]: Why is THAT a secret?!
Brandon: It’s not a secret, exactly, but it’s [my memory fails me here, and I can’t remember exactly what excuse he gave for not answering that very simple question. More information is apparently forthcoming about Lady Truth.]

I’m still stunned that he wouldn’t answer. I had no idea that this was something we aren’t supposed to know yet.

My daughter asked another simple question:

Q: What does Glys look like?
Brandon: I can’t tell you. What Glys looks like is important. 

I was getting pretty disconcerted. I honestly thought that all of these were very easy questions that would get straightforward answers. 
My friend asked:

Q: How many planets has Vasher visited?
Brandon: He has visited fewer than six.
Me [interjecting]: That’s a squirrelly answer!
Brandon: I’ve already given you lots of information!
Isaac Stewart [also interjecting] [something about how Brandon’s answers are often squirrelly]

I don’t feel like I have enough information to come to any real conclusions about any of this. Overall it feels like just as much was revealed from what he didn’t answer as what he did, at least indicating that many of the things I thought were fairly idle questions, are more weighty than I realized.

My emotions were high during all of this, and I’m sure it’s colored my recollection of events. I may update with a real transcription later, since it was recorded, and there are certainly things I didn’t hear or didn’t absorb.

The only thing I’m certain of is that, after a total of 1 single answer out of the 5 questions I have ever personally asked Brandon, I have freaking earned that RAFO card.

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After that "finite amount of Investiture" answer, I feel that my question about the Dor should probably be revisited.  Mainly because that becomes rather relevant to Sel in general.  


For reference:



Is the Dor a renewable resource? (May be RAFO bait)

Edited by Landis963
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Thanks Weiry!



Questioner: Could a Forgery re-write their history to adjust the [kind of metal they can burn as an Allomancer?]

Brandon: They could, but it actually wouldn’t do anything, because the magic would not be able to replicate the other magic.

Questioner: [so they would not be able to re-write history in the necessary way?]

Brandon: They would not be able to.  I mean they could, but it wouldn’t have an effect, does that make sense?  It would do nothing, it would be like you can create the stamp, the stamp would look like it was working but you would not end up with Allomancy.


Did Brandon misinterpret this to mean "Can a Forger make a stamp to turn into an Allomancer?" I don't know if he thought it was clear that it was about a Forger who was ALREADY an Allomancer.

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Thanks Weiry!



Questioner: Could a Forgery re-write their history to adjust the [kind of metal they can burn as an Allomancer?]

Brandon: They could, but it actually wouldn’t do anything, because the magic would not be able to replicate the other magic.

Questioner: [so they would not be able to re-write history in the necessary way?]

Brandon: They would not be able to.  I mean they could, but it wouldn’t have an effect, does that make sense?  It would do nothing, it would be like you can create the stamp, the stamp would look like it was working but you would not end up with Allomancy.


Did Brandon misinterpret this to mean "Can a Forger make a stamp to turn into an Allomancer?" I don't know if he thought it was clear that it was about a Forger who was ALREADY an Allomancer.


I'm not entirely sure I was quite able to parse the question correctly, so take the stuff in brackets with a grain of salt at this point.

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Give my thanks to your sister, Zas. :)


We already knew most of that about time bubbles, but the stuff on emotional allomancy going "over the top" is definitely new. She sounds like someone who might be interested in my somewhat absurd "everything we know about time bubbles" thread (note: I'm waiting on updating it for the new SoS info until after BoM comes out).


Also, the bit on the Spiritual Realm being entirely time/space independent, while not entirely new, hasn't been stated quite so clearly that I can recall.

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After the initial round of Shadows of Self Q&As, I've been craving me some WoBs.


Nightblood actually destroying Investiture is... disturbing. I've been treating Awakening is the most harmless magic system in the Cosmere, but it's ability to create a mini-Galactus is starting to become a little worrisome. 


Harmony's alternative name... Discord would work, but I like Chaos better.


I am also really confused by why the identity of Lady Truth is such a secret. chasmfriend must be a RAFO-magnet...

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Harmony's alternative name... Discord would work, but I like Chaos better.


I'd thought Brandon was suggesting "Balance" as the alternate name, when a Shardholder couldn't get the parts to actually work together and was just stuck doing nothing, instead of Sazed's "not as much as I'd like".

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Nightblood actually destroying Investiture is... disturbing. I've been treating Awakening is the most harmless magic system in the Cosmere, but it's ability to create a mini-Galactus is starting to become a little worrisome. 

To me Nightblood doesn't "destroy" Investiture but simply release it not usable by anyone.

Maybe really (as I supposed time ago) it overwrite the Investiture's Intent and the released Investiture without Intent can't be claim by anyone.

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It’s really based-- it’s Kalak, which is the Storm-- not really the Stormfather but people y’know.  Most of the names you’ll find are based off one of the Heralds in some way.  So he’s KALA + DIN, Kalak and din is a suffix.


Is this saying that there is a kalak glyph and it means "storm"?


On the topic of destroyed Investiture, Brandon is saying that Nightblood is actually reducing the overall amount of Investiture in the universe. Which breaks my mind in so many ways...

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Is this saying that there is a kalak glyph and it means "storm"?

On the topic of destroyed Investiture, Brandon is saying that Nightblood is actually reducing the overall amount of Investiture in the universe. Which breaks my mind in so many ways...

No he was starting to say "Kalak is the Stormfather" (which I think he was confused as it is Jezrien that Vorins conflate with the Stormfather)

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So he’s KALA + DIN, Kalak and din is a suffix.
Isaac: We do have a meaning for it.  Can I tell them the meaning?
Brandon: Ehhh, have we canonized it?
Isaac: We have canonized it, and we have told people before.
Brandon: Then yeah.


Isaac: It means “Born unto Eternity”.
This is neat though.
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Hello all, I'm chasmfriend on tumblr. First post here, which I've been hesitant to do because I usually feel so far out of my depth. This place is a little intimidating.


But my ramblings after the signing are here, so I am too. I'm glad that even with all our RAFOs, we were able to find out some things.


I am also really confused by why the identity of Lady Truth is such a secret. chasmfriend must be a RAFO-magnet...


I really am a RAFO-magnet. That Nightblood question was initially mine too, but I gave it to my kid, thinking that maybe it had a better chance to be answered - my kids get answers, but I don't. And it worked. (The only question I've not been RAFO'd for was the Ghostbloods symbol, which Isaac showed me at the SoS release. It will be in Book 3.)


The Lady Truth RAFO was completely unexpected. My thought in the moment was that I wanted at least one answer, so I picked the easiest question from my list. The one I was sure would be nearly a throwaway. Instead, it got a long explanation about why he wouldn't reveal it.


Really, I might be cursed. Someone else should ask this one.


On the topic of destroyed Investiture, Brandon is saying that Nightblood is actually reducing the overall amount of Investiture in the universe. Which breaks my mind in so many ways...


Yes! That was what he was saying. (The question was "is Nightblood consuming" the Investiture - I updated the wording on the transcript.) Brandon emphasized that it was happening very slowly, so my impression is that NB's appetite is not having a huge impact on the total amount. 

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(The only question I've not been RAFO'd for was the Ghostbloods symbol, which Isaac showed me at the SoS release. It will be in Book 3.)

good job on the questions and answers. Have an upvote.


On another note, do you think you can draw for us the Ghostblood symbol, as the forum has been trying to figure it out for years (if Isaac and Brandon said it was ok of course).

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Dude. Even with all the RAFOs, you still got more answers than anyone who doesn't make it a point to harass Brandon after an event. And if your kid can get a Nightblood answers like that, I am sorry, but you need to breed more :P


On a different note


Questioner: So like with Spook when he got spiked, [where was the Intent?]

Brandon: The person who was driving that spike was being influenced by Ruin, and the Intent was there.
Questioner: So unless you knew what you were trying to do with a Hemalurgic spike, you couldn’t do Hemalurgy?
Brandon: You could not steal attributes no.

You can't do Hemalurgy unless you actively want to? I mean, it makes sense, but it's interesting that two people can perform exactly the same physical action (drive a spike at a marked location), yet one could steal a trait while the other would just kill somebody.

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Yes! That was what he was saying. (The question was "is Nightblood consuming" the Investiture - I updated the wording on the transcript.) Brandon emphasized that it was happening very slowly, so my impression is that NB's appetite is not having a huge impact on the total amount. 

Well, given the cost involved people also generally do not use Nightblood much, so he might actually be a lot more dangerous if someone would just toss him out in the open to start eating the planet.


Dude. Even with all the RAFOs, you still got more answers than anyone who doesn't make it a point to harass Brandon after an event. And if your kid can get a Nightblood answers like that, I am sorry, but you need to breed more :P


On a different note

You can't do Hemalurgy unless you actively want to? I mean, it makes sense, but it's interesting that two people can perform exactly the same physical action (drive a spike at a marked location), yet one could steal a trait while the other would just kill somebody.

Didn't we know that already? Apart from that, I'm also pretty sure this is the reason the Lord Rulers experiments with Hemalurgy didn't deliver any meaningful results.

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We may have known it. It was implied, if nothing else. But I am pretty sure we have Sazed's epigraphed word that the reason Rashek couldn't create another Hemalurgic construct in the millennium after his ascension was because Hemalurgy is such an incredibly complicated Metallic Art, he needed the Well to understand it.

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good job on the questions and answers. Have an upvote.


On another note, do you think you can draw for us the Ghostblood symbol, as the forum has been trying to figure it out for years (if Isaac and Brandon said it was ok of course).


Thank you! And thank you for the upvote! 


I've tried to replicate the symbol, but honestly I have not been able to. Isaac's drawing of it was so elegant and striking, and my attempts always look utterly clumsy and uneven. And the symmetry is one of the best parts of it! I cannot do it justice. But I can try to explain it so you have at least an idea of what it looks like.


Draw three diamonds side by side, elongated lengthwise, with the middle diamond touching the others at its side corners. They are lined up like latticework. Where the diamonds touch, erase just a little on opposite sides of the corners, so you have one long line (forming the top angle of the left diamond and the bottom angle of the one beside it) instead of four intersecting lines. The other line is interrupted where it would have crossed the long line.


Do the same to the other intersection, so that you have two continuous lines that are parallel to each other and two lines perpendicular to them that are missing little pieces where they would have touched the two long lines. The main lines remind me of two Zs turned at an angle. The diamonds are all mostly whole, minus those little gaps. No lines intersect.


Does that help, or am I making it worse?  :unsure:

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You can't do Hemalurgy unless you actively want to? I mean, it makes sense, but it's interesting that two people can perform exactly the same physical action (drive a spike at a marked location), yet one could steal a trait while the other would just kill somebody.

I guess you were thinking (maybe subconsciously) that the spikes are pre-programmed on creation to do one thing only when "triggered" by a certain action. Instead, it actually takes intent + action to activate them. I'd guess that the "intent" doesn't have to come from the person making the action either - ie Ruin's intent via someone he's influenced works as well.

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