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Herald Glyphs Construction

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So I was looking at the glyph for the Herald Shalash and I realized that the blade of the "sword" Looks an awful lot like a warped version of the unnamed garnet glyph. So I tested my theory out.


And low and behold it seemed to work. So I decided to test it out with the other herald sword glyphs.


Some needed to be warped a little more than others, but the pattern seems to hold true. I'm hoping to be able to figure out how to do a time lapse video of me editing the knights radiant glyphs and unnamed glyphs so they line up correctly with the herald glyphs.

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Corrupted Herald Glyphs! Here's a theory! All the Heralds have an evil version, and the normal one.

Actually the person who gave me the files has those glyphs named them the shadesmar glyphs. I think it is much more likely that they represent the spren. So the garnet one represents the cryptics, the sapphire are honor spren.

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