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Definition of Odium

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So I’m pretty sure that Odium is the only shard name any one has had to look up. We got Honor, Autonomy, Devotion, Preservation . . . and Odium. Sure everyone knows that it’s hatred but there’s so much more to it than just hatred and I don’t think Brandon would pick such a different and unique word without a lot of thought. And so I introduce to you some definitions of Odium

From Merrium-Webster  

1the state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
2hatred and condemnation accompanied by loathing or contempt DETESTATION
3disrepute or infamy attached to something OPPROBRIUM
From Vocabulary.com
That shivery feeling of disgust and hatred that you get when you see something senseless and horrible is called odium.
From Oxford
General or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a result of their actions.
To me this shows that not only does he hate but he is hated. Now your probably thinking “of course he’s hated, he’s the bad guy” but Odium is the name of the Shard, whatever he is he the most hated and disgusting and terrifying part of the being known as Adonalsium. He is, for lack of a better word, the scapegoat of the Shards, all of the bad so they can be left with the good. Thoughts?
Edited by Truthwatcher_17.5
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Oxford: General or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a RESULT of THEIR ACTIONS.

Scapegoats are being punished for someone else’s misdeeds, I believe..

Odium is contriving the circumstances for his own punishment.

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2 minutes ago, IllNsickly said:

Oxford: General or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a RESULT of THEIR ACTIONS.

Scapegoats are being punished for someone else’s misdeeds, I believe..

Odium is contriving the circumstances for his own punishment.

Fair point, but the shards could definitely be described (at least in part) as the different aspects of Adonalsium’s personality. In that sense he is the odium (lowercase on purpose) of Adonalsium and with the split the other pieces could blame everything on Odium even though a part of the fault would be theirs.

And please don’t take this as sarcasm, it’s not, but to clarify you believe Odium is taking on the odium willingly?

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I am making assumptions.

Since we haven’t seen the Shattering In Cosmere, yet...

Rayse, I believe? Is currently holding Odium. The Shards are what they are, unequivocally. Without a transcription of the Shattering, I am going to assume that everyone present was forced to simply take what they were given.

There is a WoB, but I am not very good at finding and linking them... semi-from memory-WoB- The holder of a Shard will eventually take on the Characteristics of the Shard they hold.

Regardless of who initially picked up the Shard, its influence has had plenty more than enough time to insinuate and corrupt his everystuff.

Edited by IllNsickly
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Answered my own question, here’s a WoB.

Brandon Sanderson

Odium just wants to be top dog. And your two ways to be top dog are to climb higher, or to lower everyone else. And he's like, we're gonna lower everyone else. Because I know, if I combine, it stops being me, is what his opinion is. I would no longer be the person I am. I would change into someone else. And then that person gets to rule, and I don't want that person to rule. I want to.

This definitely implies Odium likes be Odium which is a big hole in my theory.

Edit: posted this about 3 seconds after your reply popped up.

Edited by Truthwatcher_17.5
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Frost sums it up nicely.

"He bears the weight of God's own divine hatred, seperated from the virtues that gave it context. He is what we made him to be, old friend. And that is what he, unfortunately, wished to become."

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7 hours ago, IllNsickly said:


I am making assumptions.

Since we haven’t seen the Shattering In Cosmere, yet...

Rayse, I believe? Is currently holding Odium. The Shards are what they are, unequivocally. Without a transcription of the Shattering, I am going to assume that everyone present was forced to simply take what they were given.

There is a WoB, but I am not very good at finding and linking them... semi-from memory-WoB- The holder of a Shard will eventually take on the Characteristics of the Shard they hold.

Regardless of who initially picked up the Shard, its influence has had plenty more than enough time to insinuate and corrupt his everystuff.

Yes, there are also the epigraphs from Way of Kings which say that Ati was a kind and generous man before taking on the Shard of Ruin, and we all say what became of him in Mistborn. Though I do believe that some of their original personality may be slightly left, which even so, isn't great for Odium as Hoid described Rayse as being one of the most crafty, dangerous and loathsome individuals he had ever met. So Odium, if still with a part of Rayse's personality, will not only be Hatred personified, but will also have a master plan more complex than Ruin's.

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If we’re looking at this from an Adonalsium point of view, it makes perfect sense that his name would be Odium instead of simply Hatred.  If Adonalsium was similar (which to me at least he appears to be) to our worlds general definition of “God,” then there would be a lot of people who hated him because of the things he did.  So it seems like this shard would be a combination of the hatred that “God” would feel for things like sin, as well as the hatred that people would feel towards him for allowing some terrible things to happen.

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On 7/11/2019 at 9:51 PM, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:
To me this shows that not only does he hate but he is hated. Now your probably thinking “of course he’s hated, he’s the bad guy” but Odium is the name of the Shard, whatever he is he the most hated and disgusting and terrifying part of the being known as Adonalsium. He is, for lack of a better word, the scapegoat of the Shards, all of the bad so they can be left with the good. Thoughts?

Well, not all of the bad, Ruin is pretty destructive, Dominion includes tyranny, etc.

But I think there is definitely something interesting here, with the concept of Odium as somewhat the 'outcast' or 'pariah' of the Shards...

In the Letter (WOK epigraphs), Hoid mentions his "grudge against Rayse and Bavadin". Bavadin is Autonomy's Vessel - what does he have to do with anything in Stormlight? His mention here has got to be significant to something. Well, if Odium is an outcast/pariah shard, it might make sense that Autonomy would be the only shard willing to work with him...

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