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Ask a Facepalm anything!

Szeth's Facepalm

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Here's a few to start

Favorite piano guys song?

Favorite video game?

Cats or dogs?

Favorite cosmere sanderson creature?

Favorite science?

Favorite breed of cat?

Favorite breed of dog?

Favorite breed of frog?

Do you think that toads exist and Angela is right?

Frogs or Toads?

Favorite animal?

Favorite books genre?

What do you think about the Khezu? Warning: may contain very mild horror elements. Disclaimer: very easy to kill.

Favorite thread?


Is this enough questions?

What animal would you transform into if you could turn into a animal?

What of sanderson's cosmere creatures would you be if you could be one of them?

Edit: I am not one to be out done either. *Cracks everything*

Who would you save Garfiled, Odie, or John?

Favorite sanderson book?

Favorite nintendo game?

Favorite zelda game?

Favorite Robert Jordan book?

Favorite fan art ever?

Favorite fan fiction ever?

Favorite language, can be a coding language?

What do you think of these jokes?

What is brown and sticky? A STICK

What grade did the computer get? C++

What note did the computer play? C#

Are there more questions than Elf's questions?

Favorite instrument?

Who would you save? Saruman or Count Doku

How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Fu Panda?

Are you going to answer these questions?

Chortlism or Wafflism?

Are you going to answer before this gets out of hand?

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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i am not one to be outdone 

favourite book ever?

favorite colour?

favourite youtube channel?

english or american english?

have u read six of crows yet?

save one- noah, gansey, adam

would you like to be in cabeswater?

would you rather be a pyschic like blue or a dreamer like ronan?

favourite tv show?

do u like science?

do u like maths?

do u read classical literature?

save one- kaladin, adolin, shallan

fav bird?

do u wear specatcles?

vampires, werewolves or banshees

have u seen the witcher?

are therse more questions than the wandering wizard's?

darry or dramione?

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On 5/31/2022 at 2:48 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Are you going to answer before this gets out of hand?

Clearly not :blink:

Anyway, i'll probably answer these in batches lol cause they're so long.

First batch:

Q: Favorite piano guys song?

A: i don't listen to a lot of their stuff (funnily enough) but i like the fight song one.

Q: Favorite video game?

A: my parents are dead-set against video games ;-; if i did play them, my favorite would definitely be delta rune though.

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: dogggs dogs dogs dogs :D

Q: Favorite cosmere sanderson creature?

A: Larkins!

Q: Favorite science?

A: psychology.

Q: Favorite breed of cat?

A: Uhhhhh..... tabby? Idk any cat breeds

Q: Favorite breed of dog?

A: yorkies!!!

Q: Favorite breed of frog?

A: Treefrog :D

Q: Do you think that toads exist and Angela is right?

A: i feel like i should understand this question.

Q: Frogs or Toads?

A: frogs !!

Q: Favorite animal?

A: frogs.

Q: Favorite books genre?

A: fantasy, duh.

@Elf's batch:

Q: favourite book ever?

A: hmmmmmmmm that's too hard. It's a mashup between Percy Jackson, The Raven Cycle, and Wax & Wayne.

Q: favorite colour?

A: honestly.... i don't know. I thought it was green, but then i realized i was just saying that because i thought it fit the personality i showed to the world. But now i have no idea.

... :ph34r:

Q: favourite youtube channel?

A: BDG !!!! Brian David Gilbert !!!

Q: english or american english?

A: umm, probably American lol

Q: have u read six of crows yet?

A: noooooo i'll get to it i promise

Q: save one- noah, gansey, adam


Noah doesn't need to be saved, but i just can't choose between the other two D:



Q: would you like to be in cabeswater?

Q: yaaaaaassssa

Q: would you rather be a pyschic like blue or a dreamer like ronan?

A: dreamer, they are way more powerful.

Q: favourite tv show?

A: i don't watch a ton of tv, but prolly arcane or the owl house.

I know this isn't how it works, but a question for u now, elf, have you read the dreamer books yet? They are so good :3

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@Elf's second batch:

Q: favourite tv show?

A: Tie between arcane, stranger things, and Gravity Falls.

Q: do u like science?

A: not particularly, though i don't hate it.

Q: do u like maths?

A: absolutely not.

Q: do u read classical literature?

A: i've read some, not really my thing but i like Little Women.

Q: save one- kaladin, adolin, shallan


Kaladin. No, Adolin. GAH I HATE THIS

Q: fav bird?

A: peacocks :D

Q: do u wear specatcles?

A: i have some, but i never wear them.

Q: vampires, werewolves or banshees

A: uhhh, depends on the kind. Definitely not banchees, but are we talking about twilight vampires and werewolves or harry potter vampires and werewolves? Probably werewolves though.

Q: have u seen the witcher?

A: noooo, should i?

Q: are therse more questions than the wandering wizard's?

A: not at the moment lol

Q: darry or dramione?

A: drarry <3

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  • 1 month later...

Favorite kind of music?

What's something that blows your mind to think about?

Secret to life? (you did say philosophical questions were allowed :))

Would you rather be happy for a year then sad for a year in a never-ending cycle or stay in the middle always and never experience either?

Close-knit friends or large friend group? 

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10 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Favorite kind of music?

What's something that blows your mind to think about?

Secret to life? (you did say philosophical questions were allowed :))

Would you rather be happy for a year then sad for a year in a never-ending cycle or stay in the middle always and never experience either?

Close-knit friends or large friend group? 

1. Probably pop, indie and classical. Also whatever genre Dream Sweet in Sea Major is. Horror?

2. The size of the universe.

3. If you find it, tell me :(

4. In the middle. Especially if i hadn't experienced either before.

5. Tbh any close friends at all would be nice, but probably big friend group.

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On 5/31/2022 at 7:48 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

What do you think about the Khezu? Warning: may contain very mild horror elements. Disclaimer: very easy to kill.

Favorite thread?


Is this enough questions?

What animal would you transform into if you could turn into a animal?

What of sanderson's cosmere creatures would you be if you could be one of them?

Edit: I am not one to be out done either. *Cracks everything*

Who would you save Garfiled, Odie, or John?

Favorite sanderson book?

Favorite nintendo game?

Favorite zelda game?

Favorite Robert Jordan book?

Favorite fan art ever?

Favorite fan fiction ever?

Favorite language, can be a coding language?

What do you think of these jokes?

What is brown and sticky? A STICK

What grade did the computer get? C++

What note did the computer play? C#

Are there more questions than Elf's questions?

Favorite instrument?

Who would you save? Saruman or Count Doku

How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Fu Panda?

Are you going to answer these questions?

Chortlism or Wafflism?

Are you going to answer before this gets out of hand?

Here's all my questions you didn't answer, if you still want to answer them.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/31/2022 at 8:48 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

1. Favorite fan art ever?

2. Favorite fan fiction ever?

3. Favorite instrument?

4. How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Fu Panda?

5. Are you going to answer before this gets out of hand?


12 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

It's been nearly two months. :P. You have time now?


Unfortunately i do not have time to answer all, but i shall answer the ones above (as well as robin's and elfs):

1. There's a fan animation of The Magnus Archives that i consider the epitome of my existence.

2. This Raven Cycle fan-fiction called "Petitions Solve Everything" (elf, tell me when you read it :D it's the one i put in that SU about fanficion lmao.)

3. Def ukulele.

4. How To Train your Dragon, no contest for me

5. Clearly not :blink:

On 8/26/2022 at 9:49 PM, Robin Sedai said:

Who's your favourite character from Neverwhere?

OML YES FELLOW NEVERWHERE FAN?? I gotta say The Marquis de Carabas. Love that dude.

12 hours ago, Elf said:

How many books have you read till now this year? What's your favourite book out of all that you have read?

1. Including re-reads, probably around 90-100. not including re-reads... like, 70? 2. You already know.... RAVEN CYCLE! But other than that, it's a tie between Burn by Patrick Ness and Neverwhere (though Neverwhere wins lol).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry to double post but it's my thread and you can't add quotes in edits)

On 9/8/2022 at 9:46 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

1. Including re-reads, probably around 90-100. not including re-reads... like, 70? 2. You already know.... RAVEN CYCLE! But other than that, it's a tie between Burn by Patrick Ness and Neverwhere (though Neverwhere wins lol).

Idk what i was thinking, i had NOT read 100 books at that point lmao ;-;

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3 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

(Sorry to double post but it's my thread and you can't add quotes in edits)

On 9/8/2022 at 8:46 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

You can add quotes, if you quote it, then you click on the quote while it's in the to be posted, copy it, and then paste it into the editor. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you like Lana Del Rey? 

How long have you been playing cello? 

I'm 4 feet and 9 inches and people are telling me not to pick up the cello because it will be bigger than me. is this true? 

Favourite childhood book? 

Have you started Six of Crows yet? : P 

Do you like makeup? 

Who's you favourite musical artist? 

Kaladin, Ronan, and Gansey- save one : )

Have you watched Veronica Mars?

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