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Szeth's Facepalm

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32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Do you like Lana Del Rey? 

Can't say I do. Full disclosure, I do not get the hype. People are literally in love with her but her voice just sounds kind of average to me and her music is mid. but i don't knnow, i seem to be the only one. And Sweet Carolina is very nice, especially cause it's about her sister. But in general i don't get the hype.

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

How long have you been playing cello?

Since I was five or six.

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

I'm 4 feet and 9 inches and people are telling me not to pick up the cello because it will be bigger than me. is this true? 

There are actually lots different sizes of cellos! I started with a 1/4th size when i was much shorter than 4'9, and i now have a full size, which is as big as it gets. in between those two i had a 1/2 size cello, but i skipped the 3/4 size. If you want to play cello, size definitely doesn't have to be a limiting factor! a 3/4 size would probably be best for 4'9, though you should go to a shop and try out different sizes. Just keep in mind that the cello is not an easy instrument, and also, since you played the violin, it would take a lot of work to get your fingers trained to be able to play on a cello fingerboard. But if you think you can, you totally should!

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Favourite childhood book?

hmmm... when i was 0-3, this book called something like "babies", and it had all these adorable little watercolor drawings of babies doing things like sitting in gardens and having mini baby thanksgivings and stuff. (lol.) 4-6, magic tree house books. 7-8, harry potter. 9-10, percy jackson.

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Have you started Six of Crows yet? : P

ok, here's the reason i haven't read it yet: it's really hard for me to find time for books that don't have audiobooks, and the audiobook version of SoC isn't available for free anywhere, you have to buy it on audible, and i can't spend money on stuff right now (for... reasons). but i asked for it for my birthday and did not receive, so maybe i'll get it for Christmas?

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Do you like makeup? 

Sure! Makeup is fun.

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Who's you favourite musical artist? 

hmmmmmmmmmmmm... hard... it's a tie between mitski and MARINA, but probably MARINA cause almost all her songs are incredible while mitski's can be a little hit or miss. (luv u mitski i'm sorry)

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Kaladin, Ronan, and Gansey- save one : )

WHA_ NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... i'm sorry i can't.

32 minutes ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

Have you watched Veronica Mars?

can't say that i have. what's it about?

Edited by Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat
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its about this 17 year old girl, veronica mars, who is the daughter of a PI and she does PI stuff too and basically theres a sort of new mystery every episode, but the overarching arc is this- 

a year ago, her best firend lilly kane, was murdered. her father (who was the Sheriff back then) accused lilly's own father of being the culprit. he eventually got run out of office because lilly;s father was this big shot guy, and veronica became an outcast too because she supported her father. im not explaining this well, but the major thing of season 1 is of what actually happened to lilly 

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  • 1 month later...

Do you smile often?

How fast can you tie a shoelace?

Which Cosmere book has the coolest cover?

Who’s hotter?  Timothee Chalamet or Zendaya? 

Have you ever gotten you face shoved into flour?

Would you rather be caught in an avalanche or a tsunami?

Favourite surge?

Can you ask me some questions?


Edited by Cinnamon
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4 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

How often daily do you scream (or have the words screamed at you), “YOU STORMING CODFISH I SWEAR IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!”?

hmmmm...... i cannot say that i have ever heard this phrase in my life before.

Sorry, i will answer all questions tomorrow during break, or lunch, or after school, or after my cello lesson, or something lol, i have to do hw now. But i'll get to them, promise :D (specially the dune ones. i have opinions on dune.)

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On 1/11/2023 at 6:08 PM, Cinnamon said:

1. Do you smile often?

2. How fast can you tie a shoelace?

3. Which Cosmere book has the coolest cover?

4. Who’s hotter?  Timothee Chalamet or Zendaya? 

5. Have you ever gotten you face shoved into flour?

6. Would you rather be caught in an avalanche or a tsunami?

7. Favourite surge?

8. Can you ask me some questions?

1. I dunno... i don't really pay attention to how much I smile...

2. hmmm maybe 3 seconds.

3. oooo gotta love that words of radience cover. but the rithmatist with the clockwork horse is pretty great too.

4. Dude how is that even a question?? What do you think???

... Timothee is kind of cute too... but like Zendaya no contest

5. Can't say i have, but it'd be pretty fun!

6. I don't wanna answer that cause then im paranoid i'm gonna get caught in one ;-;

7. FLYYIINNNGGG!!!!! But second is division.

8. i did! 

On 1/11/2023 at 6:18 PM, The Bookwyrm said:


In all seriousness, to go off one of Cinnamon's questions, have you seen Dune? And if so, what is your opinion of it?

And to go off of that, have you seen Inception, Interstellar, Tenet, and/or Arrival and if so what are your opinions of them?

Dune was awesome! I watched it for Zendaya, so i was sad that she was only in it for like two minutes, but it was still pretty great. really good plot.

and i have neither seen nor heard of any of those other things.

On 1/11/2023 at 6:29 PM, Aes Sedai said:

Also, have you read Dune? 

I have... i liked some parts of it, but for most of it i had no idea what was going on... the movie helped me figure it out... but i do not think i will be reading the rest of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you like poetry? If so, what's your favourite poem? If not, why not?

What's your favourite place to read books in?

Apart from the Shard, are you active in any fandoms?

Favourite musicians?

On a scale of 1-10 how bad is your memory?

Any tips for not procrastinating? I'm currently procrastinating homework, it's just so boring...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/25/2023 at 9:52 PM, Robin Sedai said:

1. Do you like poetry? If so, what's your favourite poem? If not, why not?

2. What's your favourite place to read books in?

3. Apart from the Shard, are you active in any fandoms?

4. Favourite musicians?

5. On a scale of 1-10 how bad is your memory?

6. Any tips for not procrastinating? I'm currently procrastinating homework, it's just so boring...

1. i have to be honest. i do not like poetry. i do like the "i wandered lonely as a cloud" poem, because i had to memorize it as a kid, but otherwise dude i'm sorry i just don't understand it ;-; if you have any recommendations for beginners, i'd love to hear them :D

2. my basement :lol:

3. i'm not totally sure what it means to be active in a fandom lol. but i reeeaaaallly really like the magnus archives and the raven cycle, as well as the owl house (but not to the same degree).

4. hm dee dm. gotta say Taimane Gardener. I am quite good at the ukulele (if i do say so myself) but she makes me wanna quit every time i hear her playing cause i'm never ever gonna be even a fraction as incredible as she is ;-;

5. hmmmm maybe a six. a bit above average.

6. hmmm no tips. i too am procrastinating atm.


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  • 2 months later...

Oookay let's see. I didn't read through any of these so sorry if I repeat 

What's the best TRC quote? 

What is your favorite type of weather? 

What are your feelings on potatoes?

Which animal do you wish to be? ONLY ABNORMAL ANSWERS ALLOWED!!

What is the most superior form of a tree? 

Now you should go ask me some questions :D

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  • 6 months later...

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