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#1 Taln Fan

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You are such a kind and welcoming person. You are super fun to talk to and you listen to my book reccomendations :ph34r: 

You are a slytherin so...nods...I approve *insert thumbs up emoji*

You made me feel super welcome when i first joined and i am grateful for that. we seem to share tastes in books so obviously you are a person of culture hahah

You are a truly good friend and a good musician, meaning you are smart and creative too 

Also that profile pic is super adorable :wub:

Edited by Elf
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@Elf you're super thoughtful, you seem really confident, and i love every interaction we have <3

(P.S. six of crows is next on my list!! Well, technically it's third, because i need to re-read the dreamer trilogy because the third book is coming out in october, and then i need to re-read W&W since the fourth book's coming out in November, and then i need to read Song of Achilles, but then i'm gonna read Six of Crows lolll.)

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@Szeth's Facepalm, first off, I love your PHROG pfp. It makes me smile everytime I see it... SO ADORABLE!

Second, from what I've seen, you seem like someone who genuinely cares about others and wants to help them in any way you can. I haven't interacted with you too much, but you seem like so much fun to be around, and I absolutely cannot wait to get to know you a little better.

And speaking of cheering up others, just now, in the member title thread, I really appreciated your post to help cheer me up- it made me smile. Perfect example of what I talked about above ^_^

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2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@CalanoCorvus, you're an amazing person! You've contributed so much to the community here on the shard, and have made good friends with many people. (One need only look at your list of Shardbuddies for proof.) You've definitely changed this place for the better!

it's strange for me to think that at one point, I got bored of this place, and ignored it for a few months! Which DID happen! I did ignore this place until a while ago!

And now to compliment you!

You're awesome, and you're super good at making TLT interesting in brilliant and engaging ways. I'm glad to be your shardbuddy, and I hope we can continue to be friends.

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Well, guess I'm writing two cause I had already started when Bookwyrm Calano posted for the second time (Lol! :lol:)

@CalanoCorvus, you're an all-around amazing guy! I love reading your writing on your thread- you're got talent!

I also relish your occasionally random enthusiasm on the shard-makes me laugh and really sets a good vibe. I've had lots of fun getting to know you during my fairly short stay here so far, and I look forward to many more crazy interactions.

@The Bookwyrm, thanks for being so cool! Your admiration for space is extraordinary and absolutely infectious. You were one of the first people who I saw around a lot when I first joined and really helped me feel welcome.

And also, everytime I see your profile I notice that you joined a day after my birthday, so that means we're absolutely friends! I love looking at your profile's background! Space is beautiful. Stick around, I look forward to getting to know you better!

Edited by Shining Silhouette
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@Shining Silhouette! I’m glad I get to be the one who does this. Okay *deep breath* You’re really funny. Sometimes when I read what you post I just start laughing or smiling and then the people around me look at me like I’m weird. Also, you’re super creative, be it in poems or songs. You understand and have the spark that allows you to do great things. You’re very humble but I will say that you need to... tell yourself what a storming good person and improviser you are. Because you are. You’re also really nice—you listen to everyone, and make them feel appreciated. You have an enthusiasm for things that most people don’t have. You deal with a lot of stuff but always keep a grin on your face. You try really hard on the things that you do and that lets you be really, really good at them. It’s really admirable. You have a drive and a passion for music and math and boggle and lots and lots of activities and subjects and I know that if you put your mind to something you’re going to succeed. Everyone should be able to see what a genuine and genuinely good person you are. Most of all I’m thankful to the Shard because we were able to meet here :).

now I kind of feel like a teacher. But what I said is all true. 

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@The Wandering Wizard, you were literally the first person I saw on here my first day here, and I'm so thankful for your part in welcoming me to this community! From my first moment here I could tell that you're well liked and popular here, and I've had lots of fun interacting with you in lots all of the forum games! Thanks for being my first ever Shardbuddy, Wiz! You're a wonderful guy!


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@Robin Sedai You're relatively new to the community, but I like how you just jumped straight in and have quickly become one of the most active people! You always have nice things to add to people's posts. Also you're one of my 3 twitter followers, so that's cool too. :P

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@SymphonianBookworm, first off, thank you for being such an amazing friend. My experience with the Shard would be so different without you here. You've been an incredible support for me, and you're really good at making me smile when I need to most. You're a great writer- I love reading the stories you come up with, even if they do have incredibly tragic endings, and I'm grateful that you shared that with me. I've also had tons of fun RPing with you! We seem to have many of the same interactions in different threads- my character the arrogant strongarm vs your persuasive, motivated orator- which I find hilarious. You always find a way to put my characters in their rightful places. You're driven, you're empathetic, and you truly care about the people you meet. You have a talent for listening and understanding, which is something I'm always trying to work on myself. I can confidently say that you've made the Shard a better place. Thanks for being a wonderful Shardbuddy, Symph :D

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@Shining Silhouette, you're incredible. Listening to what you've made on your improv music thread is amazing. I don't know how you gained such a great talent, but it must have come through some very hard work and dedication.

You've contributed so much to the community here. I've had lots of fun with you in TLT and the Insanity Clinic. You're creative, skilled, and amazing. Thank you for being my Shardbuddy!

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For my 300th post, I want to thank all my Shardbuddies (in no particular order)!

@The Wandering Wizard Thank you for being my first Shardbuddy! When I first came to the Shard I was very nervous but you helped me find my place here. You're very active and always have fun things to say on the Forum Games and Random Stuff.

@The Bookwyrm It really awesome how much you care about space. You know what it's like to love something. You're a fan of punctuation (so therefore have earned my respect). I love all of your Contact Methods, and you have a strong personality (waffles). Thanks for being my Shardbuddy!

@CalanoCorvus You post everywhere, you're a hopeless romantic, you're kind, and honestly just a good person. It's really sweet how much you care about your girlfriend. Both of you are lucky to have each other! Your analysis of songs and the things you write are both creative and interesting. 

@Lilien Kholin I'm always very happy to find another Jasnahoid shipper! I feel that there's less and less of us... but we know that Jasnah and Wit are the best thing ever, don't we? >:} You're enthusiastic about books, and it's always a pleasure to talk to you!

@Lotus Blossom You're simply the best. Thanks for being my friend. I went to a new school, you were there to greet me, and if I had to transfer just to meet you, I would! You're fun to talk to, and we're so similar... I can't wait to see you when school starts! 

@HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES Hoid... sometimes it feels like we're the only ones roleplaying in the Alleyverse and in Trune... ;)   You're a great roleplayer and you can do super awesome things like freaking making chainmail... It was super fun starting our detective agency, and I hope we can get some cases soon!

@Morningtide Kind of like with Lotus, we're really similar. Most people definitely don't like all the books I like, but you seem to! Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo, Brandon Sanderson (of course)... and we also both do taekwondo! I'm glad I met you.

@Shining Silhouette Ah, Silho. I will be forever thankful for the day you reached out and asked to be Shardbuddies. Whether we're talking in the morning, night, or during the day, you're always supportive, kind, humble, and storms you're just... incredible :). You get me in a way few do. The power of The Music of the Night nighttime creativity. Just knowing that I can text you whenever and that you'll be there and will answer makes me really happy.

Thank you all so much! You make the Shard a better place. :D:wub:^_^

Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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