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I wanna hear your stories

mentally ill

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10 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

thank you thank you thank you. this was written in like 10 minutes after listening to Circle Of Life by Whitesand, so it is quite rushed and not my best but thank you :>

Ahhhhh thanks Thaidakar!!

your welcome Doomie!

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If I could keep my motivation, I'd excel at short stories, so here's a concept for one that so far hasn't really gone anywhere:

A random collection of aliens and humans on a spaceship, that may be carrying slightly illegal cargo, and none of them would be there, except they were all escaping from a space station attack.  The story itself isn't actually about the whole war thing going on; it would be an exploration of respect, obligation, ethics/morality, and cultural differences and how those intertwine in a certain scenario.

There's a reason this one hasn't gone anywhere, now that I think about it; the story would be pretty harsh, and could stand to make readers mad with whatever my protagonist decides, and I have a crippling fear of making people mad.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/29/2022 at 7:53 PM, Stormblessed0421 said:

Soooooo I haven't really written a story yet because I'm terrible at plot but I did kinda build an entire universe with a really epic cosmic history...?

Enjoy if you have the time to read :P

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Before the beginning of reality, there was nothing but an energy that permeated the nothing it existed with. This energy would eventually become known as Inheritance. Inheritance created for itself from itself 3 extremely powerful beings, dividing itself evenly between them. The first was called Space, tasked with creating the plane of existence that we experience reality on. The second, called Time, was tasked with creating time, a separate plane of existence that we experience in accordance with Space. The third was given the title Arbiter of Reality, tasked with ensuring that Space and Time remained close enough to stay tethered to each other, but far enough away that they didn’t merge back together. 

Space and Time lived in harmony for an unthinkable amount of time. It was such a long time, in fact, that the Arbiter itself began to grow lax, confident in its Prime Inheritance to separate reality. In his neglect, strands of Space and Time began to cross over the barrier of separation, creating small rifts in Space and Time that allowed the opposite to leak through.

One such rift appeared in a cave in a valley on a distant planet so old that by now, its sun has almost certainly collapsed, consuming the planet in its wake. In this valley near this cave, a tribe of humans made their home in the lush foliage of the valley. A young man, ignorant to the monumental achievement he was about to make, decided in his primitive, instinct-driven mind that he wanted to explore the frightening cave near his home. As he drew near, he noticed something off. A strange green glow to the air around him. His instincts would have told him to run, but something stronger drew him in. He entered the mouth of the cave and walked towards the back, where he sensed the strange allure. As he walked, he had the strangest experience: his thoughts began to speed up, instinctual desires transforming into complex ideas, and then something clicked. He felt something he had never felt before: wonder. He was filled with awe at this strange phenomenon, and decided with his newfound logical mind, that the rest of his family needed this too.

Over the course of the millenia following the dawn of sentience, the human mind expanded to match the speed of the Inheritance it held. This was a phenomenon that the Arbiter never anticipated. The combination of Inheritance across reality caused human intelligence to be elevated to a level around 0.1% of that of the 3, a much bigger portion than would have been allowed. On top of that, the phenomenon that gave Inheritance its name began to take place: whenever a human died, its Inheritance, that held its memories, moved on to another human, creating a race of supersmart, ultra-wise beings ready to break the bonds of their home planet. They developed space-age tech that wasn’t needed for very long, as they soon made another incredible discovery: the Kronadimes. The Kronadimes were a race of sentient creatures that existed in Time’s domain. They underwent the same process of gaining sentience as humans, through exposure to opposite Inheritance. Eventually, humanity made contact with a Kronadime through the rift that the first sentient human found. The human that contacted the Kronadime ended up fusing with it, creating a joint being that spanned spacetime, allowing for free movement throughout both, with the minds of both beings merged into one immortal elevated mind. This formed the first Inheritance Bond.

Humanity fully utilized this new connection, with almost every human casting off their physical form to be elevated into a being made of Prime Inheritance. After millions of years of humanity expanding across the universe and progressing in their partnership with the Kronadimes, reality began to break. Each Inheritance Bond created a permanent bridge between Space and Time, which caused the Arbiter to lose control. Too many bonds formed, and reality started to collapse, eventually caving in on itself in a sort of “big crunch.” Right before the end of everything, however, a human absorbed the Inheritance of all humanity ever, becoming for an instant an omnipotent, omniscient being, possessing all the wisdom of humanity. This instant did not go to waste, however. He used his power to keep reality from falling apart, severing the connection between space and time, casting off the inheritance to a remote location where humanity was never supposed to find it. The Arbiter did not appreciate a human doing its job for it.

The human relinquished his power back to the Arbiter, but he didn’t die. Instead he became the universe, a powerless observer of all things that happen. He did have some influence over his domain, however, through the Arbiter. He pleaded with the Arbiter to rebuild humanity, and it agreed on one condition: they may have their former intelligence, but they won't have inheritance, lest history repeat itself. Humanity was planted on a paradise near the center of new reality (not Earth). It developed for an incredibly long time, eventually developing space age tech and creating a civilization spanning 3 star systems. However, it was only a matter of time before they discovered a way to achieve FTL travel and communication using tiny traces of Time that were left behind during the Reconception. They developed FTL ships and communicators that allowed them to expand their empire throughout a large portion of their galaxy, creating a supermassive civilization over a course of a few hundred thousand years. At that point, they started sending expeditions to other galaxies within their cluster, expanding into each of them with high-tech terraforming and life support equipment. Technology at the time had advanced far enough to lengthen the human lifespan significantly, and everyone lived at least 500 years, allowing for long-term exploration and colonization, and eventually, expansion.

Inevitably, they began to fight with each other, dividing into factions and arguing over ethical and practical issues, such as the ethics of genetically altering the body for longer life, or wiping out all life on planets in the name of expansion. Eventually, the galaxy cluster divided into two main factions: the Progressive and Limited factions, each with their own noble causes. After years of unrest, with each party ignoring the outcries of the other, all-out war began. This devastated entire star systems as the factions detonated stars and destroyed life on a massive scale. 

A group formed during the war, dedicated to the preservation of humanity but also preserving as much as they could of the planets they inhabited. They sent exploration groups to the far reaches of the known universe, planting groups of primitive humanity to be left as a fail-safe in case the two factions ended up destroying one another. But the Limited faction found the sanctuaries and destroyed them, saying that they “disrupted the balance of their planets’ nature.” The Preservers knew that humanity’s nature was to fight, and this war with this technology would spell its end. So they launched one last fleet to a new and final sanctuary, terraformed it into a paradise for humanity’s rebirth, and sent a group of voluntarily memory-wiped humans to develop and populate their paradise. At the very center of the planet, the Preservers placed a capsule containing a human to observe the progress of humanity while his body was in kronostasis, with the ability to wake himself if any world-ending events occurred. Humanity grew and developed for 10,000 years on their new home, Earth, while in the stars, it nearly came to an end, humanity scattering across the universe in small, nomadic groups.



wow i've been really inactive on my page for a while but :000 this is some really cool lore!!! i have the same problem, honestly, with plotting specific plotpoints and stuff :))

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On 1/10/2022 at 10:13 AM, Mystic Syn said:

Here's a better question: What do you want to hear? I have a bit that I never do with :pp


On 3/29/2022 at 1:00 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

I'm gonna revive this thread because I have a story I'd like to share.

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The child slept soundly in his cradle.

The boy watched with wonder and amazement as his brother slept.

The mother watched her sons, and smiled.

The mother reached forwards, and rested her hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“Will, do you know what this is?”

The boy looked up inquisitively at his mother.

“My brother?”

The mother smiled at her son's innocence.

“Yes. It is also more than that.”

“Your son…?”

“It is my Genesis. My creation. My great work.”

The child shifted.

The boy wondered.

The mother’s smile dwindled.


The boy looked up at his mother, eyes alight with childish wonder and curiosity.

“Will, I need you to promise me something. When the time is right, tell him why his mother wasn’t around. Tell him why he dreamed of a woman in black. Tell him why the woman in his dreams seemed so familiar.”

The boy cocked his head, confused.

“Tell him why his mother became a goddess.”

“You’re not a goddess, Mother.”

“Not yet. But I’m fading.”

“What do you mean?” Asked the boy.

“It means,” Said the mother, “I’m dying.”

The wonder vanished from the boy's eyes, blinked away, replaced by wordless questions. The confusion and fear in the boy’s eyes was… it was…


The mother reached out, and hugged the boy.

The boy began to cry, although he did not know why.

The child slept on.


The boy looked up at his mother, sad and hurt and afraid.

“Your father has discovered a way for me to live past death.”

The boy sniffed, tears falling gently down his face, like a trickling stream.

“I will not die, I will become Death.”

“Will you be coming back?” The boy asked.

“I will try to come and see you. Your brother will be very scared and confused, but you remember what I told you, right?”


“I love you, Will. I love you forever. I love you forever.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

The boy cried.

The mother cried.

The child slept on.



wowww ive gotta say, this is really beautiful!!

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6 minutes ago, mentally ill said:

wowww ive gotta say, this is really beautiful!!

Thanks :D

go observe the post i made right after posting that :)

it has that one, and then like 17 other scenes i wrote

so ye Corvus' Short Scenes is the name

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On 2/19/2022 at 8:49 PM, mentally ill said:

ok well it's like a few months later and i have a better idea of what my story looks like so here we go (also i just wanna share this with people becuase i dont know a lot of people who i can share this with face to face lol)

bear in mind that all of this is constantly changing in my mind, and most of this has never been written down and like 99% of it isn't fleshed out. 

So in short for the setup, basically there are 5 families in this world who pass down powers that were given to them by some form of god? (honestly none of them have god level powers but idk what else to call them deities i guess) and those powers can be transferred 1 of 2 ways- either by the owner deliberately passing down the power or being killed by somebody else (so the power goes to their killer). So one family/clan who has a special power wants more power to show to other people that they are superior (this does sound a little cheesy believe me ik). That family's power is basically brainwashing or mind control. So what they end up doing is brainwashing one member of another clan/royal family that has a power (our MC, vath also she is really young and ) and having her kill most of her family so that she would come into possession of the family power. Their full plan was to kidnap her and then kill her so it would be easier to obtain the power. Welp enter in Vath's brother, Dagen, who gets her to kinda snap out of the mind control thingy and he helps them escape. 

So theyre on the run at this point and are stowaways on different trade ships you know as the chiche goes. They end up both getting hired by some high end thieves who do big oceans 11 sort of jobs for people . They are sailing (i dont think i mentioned but one of the common ways of transport is by treasure planet-esk ships that can sail on oceans or fly) and trying to getaway from some people who they just stole a lot of money from and have to cut across waters that have a superstition among sailors about them. (some people think that if you sail into those waters a sea demon will devour you or some spooky campfire story like that) the captain of the ship discards the stories and sails straight into them. Well that wasnt a great idea becuase (as it normally goes) the stories were true and everybody on the ship got eaten but for reasons i don't know yet vath and her brother survived, but at a price. They ended up getting cursed and that basically means that they are given a clue to find some treasure to set them free. If they do not find that treasure before they die, then they have to spend eternity in hell? (again names for stuff haven't been figured out yet but its like eternal slavery? its is still very unclear.) I think when normal people die they get to see people who theyve loved that have died and then they get to rest. But a pro that comes along with getting cursed is you also get a power to help you out. So i havent decided on vath's brother's power yet but i know that vath can manipulate gravity in a certain area (not make things weightless)

anyways some time passes and vath works as a professional theif and pirate-for-hire and meets this girl her age who also got cursed named zara and they both help eachother out and decide to team up and enter in best friend and eventually found family trope.

so i think ive written way too much and this is all mostly setup and backstory. the real plot begins a little while after Vath meets Zara. Basically, this entire story is a big mess of interesting ideas and magic systems and places i can think of. i think that this isn't as fleshed out as some of my other stories because I have written down not a lot of it and i just draw all of the characters and scenarios in it a lot because as i mentioned earlier I am an "aritst" (well not professionally but eh) also im not going to go back and do spell check cuz i spelled so much wrong lol

anyways this was too long and if you made it this far then tysm and have a plesant evening

edit: its been a while and this is partially all not true anymore, i've updated my canon!! so i guess here's a (probably not) more concise and up to date version of the lore that i'm planning :P


ok so there's also essentially this council of 8 powerful space people (who in normal terms could technically be classified as 'gods' but i want to find another name for them) who each rule over their own element of the galaxy. (they control one general element, like water, space, earth, etc., with a more general power, like controlling space with gravity powers, or water with matter manipulation, its not just *magic*) im not sure where they originally came from, but they all have a hard time with each other and wars tend to start between them, because the eight are never really 'balanced'. they all don't age, and the only way that they can lose their place in power is if somebody kills them. they also can't kill themselves. thats just the basic idea of these guys. however, they are not the most prevalent existence of magic users in this world. Since they start wars with eachother a lot, they need soldiers. they aren't allowed to abduct people unwillingly for manpower, though. to obtain soldiers, they have the ability to curse an aspect of their part of reality, so that if a person comes in contact with it, they automatically become a part of that 'god's' army. in addition, they also get a cool power that has to do with the specific god that cursed them's element. there is one way to escape this fate, becuase the person who is cursed is also given a clue to find an object that can reverse what has been done to them. if they come in contact with that element, the bond is broken and they are free. 

okay that was very confusing even to me. i'm trying to figure this out further, and work the characters into it more. 


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3 hours ago, mentally ill said:

council of 8 powerful space people (who in normal terms could technically be classified as 'gods' but i want to find another name for them) who each rule over their own element of the galaxy.

what about governors or somethin like that?

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BTW the mods frown upon double posts

You can edit stuff into your previous post, and the plus thing next to the Quote button lets you go do other things for a bit and come back and still have all your selected quotes

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  • 2 months later...

I've been writing a story lately, I'm about halfway done writing it. It's about a girl Callie who's grown up an orphan. The thing is she has three powers, and she's been hiding them as long as she can remember. One day she has the bright idea to search up her powers online to see if she can get answers. unbeknownst to her the Lorians (A magical species I invented) watch the internet. They send someone to check out why Callie was searching these things up, and they're suprised to discover Callie is actually a Lorian. Callie ends up going to a school to learn how to use her powers, there she makes friends, enemies and has to decide what to do when a mysterious note claims to have known her parents. Callie ends up in the middle of three massively powerful warring groups and starts to break from the stress of it all.  

I finished the story!

Edited by FlowerGirl
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On 8/27/2022 at 9:42 AM, FlowerGirl said:

I've been writing a story lately, I'm about halfway done writing it. It's about a girl Callie who's grown up an orphan. The thing is she has three powers, and she's been hiding them as long as she can remember. One day she has the bright idea to search up her powers online to see if she can get answers. unbeknownst to her the Lorians (A magical species I invented) watch the internet. They send someone to check out why Callie was searching these things up, and they're suprised to discover Callie is actually a Lorian. Callie ends up going to a school to learn how to use her powers, there she makes friends, enemies and has to decide what to do when a mysterious note claims to have known her parents. Callie ends up in the middle of three massively powerful warring groups and starts to break from the stress of it all.  

im intrigued...

modern world plus fantasy is an interesting mix, and insanely difficult to accomplish.

I'd like to see it.

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9 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

im intrigued...

modern world plus fantasy is an interesting mix, and insanely difficult to accomplish.

I'd like to see it.

Here's the link if you'd like to check it out, It's not quite finished yet, and I don't know if it's any good or not, but I'd love to hear what you think. Btw the writing gets better as the book goes on, the first few chapters aren't my best. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DsfHHt79M4YM5-V3NrbF7F0RKwPMVCeCE0nIwAMfpGQ/edit?usp=sharing

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2 minutes ago, FlowerGirl said:


Here's the link if you'd like to check it out, It's not quite finished yet, and I don't know if it's any good or not, but I'd love to hear what you think. Btw the writing gets better as the book goes on, the first few chapters aren't my best. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DsfHHt79M4YM5-V3NrbF7F0RKwPMVCeCE0nIwAMfpGQ/edit?usp=sharing

ight i'm at school, but I'll open this with my personal account later (bc i dont wanna completely dox myself :skull:) and give it a read. it's long, but I can do it.

I'll get back to you probably.

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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

ight i'm at school, but I'll open this with my personal account later (bc i dont wanna completely dox myself :skull:) and give it a read. it's long, but I can do it.

I'll get back to you probably.

Ok, can't wait to hear what you think, but no worries if you don't finish it.

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Definitely check out the second draft of Masquerade by Fadran and me. It's a little rough, but it's gonna be awesome once it's finished. (we're on the third draft rn BTW)


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