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Feruchemical Weight Loss


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I was thinking on my to class about Feruchemy, and when would be good times to store different things. When I got to thinking about storing energy, I realized that you may be able to store stuff you're not currently eating. This would mean that you could store fat, and dehydrate yourself at will. I'm not sure what benefits being dehydrated would give you, other than maybe making a more convincing disguise in some cases, but the first one is obviously useful. You could add some chub to disguise yourself as a rich person, and take off a lot for a poor person. Or, you could just lose weight. Either way, it would be really useful, if it is possible.

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This could be a possibility. I don't really know about Feruchemy to judge. It's the magic system I need to learn the most about. Who I instantly thought of was Lift. 

37 minutes ago, Mazman said:

I realized that you may be able to store stuff you're not currently eating.

Would this mean that Lift could eat food, store the resulting energy, and then convert it into Stormlight later? Or, if she found an unkeyed metalmind full of food energy, would she be able to turn that into Stormlight? 

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Yes, she would be able to do all the things you say. This could be a potential way for her to carry around Lifelight (she uses Lifelight, not Stormlight), without it leaking out of gems, although she would need to become at least a Ferring, or carry a medallion.

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This has been a topic of discussion a few times in the past. The general conclusion has been that if lift became a bendalloy compounder, she'd basically be an extremely powerful engine to convert investiture from one system to another, as well as be able to benefit from being fully charged with lifelight at all times. In other words, it would be a really big deal, especially as we're uncovering some of major properties of lifelight. If nothing else, then her own powers of Progression mean she'd be able to convert Ruin's and Preservation's (I guess at this point technically Harmony's) investiture into Cultivations, and then use that to endlessly grow plants, turning that Investiture into a significant physical change in the world.

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  • 1 year later...

Bendalloy ferring / compounder with sand mastery or Lift, or any other things out there that are fueled by food / water would be bananas.  

The disguise idea is exactly how it works for compounding in the MAG.  With other magic systems bendalloy compounding has become a top contender for my favorite character builds. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/12/2022 at 7:06 PM, Mazman said:

I was thinking on my to class about Feruchemy, and when would be good times to store different things. When I got to thinking about storing energy, I realized that you may be able to store stuff you're not currently eating. This would mean that you could store fat, and dehydrate yourself at will. I'm not sure what benefits being dehydrated would give you, other than maybe making a more convincing disguise in some cases, but the first one is obviously useful. You could add some chub to disguise yourself as a rich person, and take off a lot for a poor person. Or, you could just lose weight. Either way, it would be really useful, if it is possible.

I think that should Work. After all, Lift is able to transform body fat into Lifelight, so a Consumer Ferring turning body fat into Metalmind Investiture doesn't seem like too far of a stretch.

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On 4/18/2023 at 8:02 AM, drunkenbotanist said:

Just a note lift doesn't turn body fat into lifelight she turns food into lifelight and is constantly nearly starving because she isn't actually eating

She is metabolizing parts of her food into Lifelight directly, instead of sugars. She still would be metabolizing the lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and some more complex carbohydrates. This is why high sugar foods give her Lifelight more quickly. But, it can be inferred that if she doesn't consume the Lifelight, that it functions much as sugar would for a time, as it burns away after a while. 

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On 4/19/2023 at 5:02 PM, JohnnyKaizen said:

She is metabolizing parts of her food into Lifelight directly, instead of sugars. She still would be metabolizing the lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and some more complex carbohydrates. This is why high sugar foods give her Lifelight more quickly. But, it can be inferred that if she doesn't consume the Lifelight, that it functions much as sugar would for a time, as it burns away after a while. 

Is this the quote you're referring to?


Firefight Chicago signing - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


Does Lift turn food into Investiture directly or is it similar to the metals on--

Brandon Sanderson

Similar to the metals.


So like a gate?

Brandon Sanderson



Okay, that's good to know.

Brandon Sanderson

She can metabolize-- She can draw-- It's not actually the food, it's-- It's not like the metals, not exactly. It's not-- What she can do is she can metabolize into Investiture instead of sugar. Does that make sense?



Brandon Sanderson

We metabolize food into sugar. She can metabolize it into Investiture. Does that make sense?


That makes a lot of sense. So if she eats--

Brandon Sanderson

She's got to have a blood sugar spike.


So if she eats like a cake it will give her more Investiture--

Brandon Sanderson

Faster. It will give her faster.


Whereas if she eats a vegetable...

Brandon Sanderson

Vegetable... More calories is going to equal more. But the better comparison would be a sausage and bread. Because bread is a fast blood sugar spike and the sausage is not. And that's how I'm working in my head. It's kind of a magical version of a blood sugar spike and I have it happen to her faster than it could happen. Like normally you eat a piece of bread and your blood sugar spikes in a half hour, it's going to go faster for Lift.


Hers is like five minutes.

Brandon Sanderson

Hers is like five minutes, but a sausage would be slower.


On 4/18/2023 at 8:02 AM, drunkenbotanist said:

Just a note lift doesn't turn body fat into lifelight she turns food into lifelight and is constantly nearly starving because she isn't actually eating

In WoR Wyndle mentions that Lift becomes malnourished when she tries to use her power too much while not having enough food inside her, suggesting that she can use her fat stores in place of recently eaten food.

I think that this supports the idea that Ferucehmical bendalloy could be used to store bodyfat potentially, allowing for quick weight loss.

Edited by Trusk'our
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On 4/23/2023 at 10:33 PM, Trusk'our said:

Is this the quote you're referring to?

It's been busy week at work, and I'm just getting back to catch up, but yes. That is the WoB I was thinking of. Thank you for posting it. I am not good at finding the specific ones a lot of the time.

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2 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

It's been busy week at work, and I'm just getting back to catch up, but yes. That is the WoB I was thinking of. Thank you for posting it. I am not good at finding the specific ones a lot of the time.

It can definitely be difficult sometimes. 

Half the time I want to use a quote, I spend fifteen minutes searching the Arcanum and don't find it. I give up, then try to settle for deductive reasoning without concrete proof.

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  • 1 month later...

We now have 3 distinct (maybe) examples of investiture usage off of things that can be stored in Bendalloy.  Between Sand Mastery, Lifts gift, and the Aetherbound, I think it is safe to say that Bendalloy medallions will be worth a bit of something throughout the cosmere soon enough.  

A bendalloy compounder with any of these 3 abilities would be bonkers.  Imagine an Aetherbound walking around with Miles level storage... I don't know how it will compare the bottle of purified Dor but I am sure Twinsoul could run his golem suit for a good while with some time and bendalloy compounding.  

Even Lift's ability to use food as Lifelight would be bonkers with Bendalloy.  Not to mention you become more efficient the more oaths you swear.  She could easily carry around bags and bags of spheres worth stored on her.  

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10 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Even Lift's ability to use food as Lifelight would be bonkers with Bendalloy.  Not to mention you become more efficient the more oaths you swear.  She could easily carry around bags and bags of spheres worth stored on her. 

or just a few perfect gemstones that are capable of holding far more investiture than would be considered reasonable, by Roshar's educated.

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1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

or just a few perfect gemstones that are capable of holding far more investiture than would be considered reasonable, by Roshar's educated.

I am not sure exactly how much they give but I think Lift has given us some decent examples what a simple roll can offer.  How many rolls do you think can be stored in a bracer sized metalmind?  And then burned in the act of compounding.  

For every 1 roll stored you get 10 back via compounding. It could take a compounder a week or two and have more calories stored up than Lift has used in her life.  Burning and eating and storing.  

Golden corral for a day or two would be enough Lifelight to be awesome for months and months... compounding would be literally limitless so long as you have the bendalloy to do it. (Imagine Lifts gift as a soulcaster)

Edited by Tamriel Wolfsbaine
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4 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I am not sure exactly how much they give but I think Lift has given us some decent examples what a simple roll can offer.  How many rolls do you think can be stored in a bracer sized metalmind?  And then burned in the act of compounding.  

For every 1 roll stored you get 10 back via compounding. It could take a compounder a week or two and have more calories stored up than Lift has used in her life.  Burning and eating and storing.  

Golden corral for a day or two would be enough Lifelight to be awesome for months and months... compounding would be literally limitless so long as you have the bendalloy to do it. (Imagine Lifts gift as a soulcaster)

Isn't she metabolizing food into investiture instead of sugar? She could just drink a lot of Mountain Dew or Coke and store some pretty high-volume amounts of investiture. That said, she does love to eat, so a buffet would probably be right up her alley.

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5 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

Isn't she metabolizing food into investiture instead of sugar? She could just drink a lot of Mountain Dew or Coke and store some pretty high-volume amounts of investiture. That said, she does love to eat, so a buffet would probably be right up her alley.

Likely drinking it would work great. Even at that... 1 coke turns into 10 with the help of bendalloy compounding.  And, like you said.  Its essentially stored in perfect gemstones. 

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On 6/7/2023 at 8:53 AM, elijahkrieger4 said:

Hey, that's an exciting idea about Feruchemy and weight loss! Storing energy and controlling your body's fat storage sounds intriguing. While it's an excellent concept to consider, it's important to remember that Feruchemy is a fictional concept from the Mistborn series. 

Chat gpt?... why? What.

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On 6/12/2023 at 8:59 AM, laldamn said:

Storing energy and controlling your body's fat storage sounds intriguing. While it's an excellent concept to consider, it's important to remember that Feruchemy is a fictional concept from the Mistborn series. I suggest using reliable resources for losing weight, like this course https://reverse.health/.

This is chat gpt?

reads like an ai wrote it...
especially the "it's important to remember that Feruchemy is a fictional concept from the Mistborn series"


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  • 9 months later...
10 hours ago, GianaHubbard said:

Hey @Mazman, it's incredible how your thoughts on Feruchemical weight management still spark curiosity after two years. The idea of storing energy and manipulating body composition through Feruchemy opens up a realm of possibilities. Besides altering appearance for disguise, the concept could have profound implications for health and well-being.
Exploring resources like those found at https://thenutritioninsider.com/wellness/ might shed further light on the topic, even now. Keep delving into these fascinating discussions!

God what is it with this thread and weird bots. 

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1 hour ago, Argenti said:

God what is it with this thread and weird bots. 

What? You don't buy all of your health supplements based of a razor thin connection between vitamins and Feruchemy? Come on nerd, all us cool kids are doing it. Plus I hear if you just recruit a few other people to the pyramid..I mean Feruchemy Club, then you'll make lots of money with little to no effort. Kind of like storing attributes in your metal minds. Seeeeee? It ALLLLLLL connects. 

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1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

What? You don't buy all of your health supplements based of a razor thin connection between vitamins and Feruchemy? Come on nerd, all us cool kids are doing it. Plus I hear if you just recruit a few other people to the pyramid..I mean Feruchemy Club, then you'll make lots of money with little to no effort. Kind of like storing attributes in your metal minds. Seeeeee? It ALLLLLLL connects. 

You're so very right! Where can I buy these Feruchemical Vitamins? 

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On 3/20/2024 at 10:46 AM, Argenti said:

You're so very right! Where can I buy these Feruchemical Vitamins? 

Just send me you social secruity number, all credit card numbers, and bank account numbers and I'll take care of everything. You can trust me, because I love the Cosmere just like you. Or you can always click this link to get started http://www.definitelynotascamtotallylegit.com

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  • 3 months later...

The idea of using Feruchemy for weight loss is pretty cool. Imagine being able to store fat when you don't need it and then use it whenever you want to lose weight. You could even change your appearance quickly by adding or losing weight.
For real-life weight management and fitness, personal training Glen Park could be a great option. I think that a personal trainer can help you reach your goals in a way that works for you, even if Feruchemical weight loss isn't real.

Edited by Glyphiate
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Fun Fact that came up in another thread: Tapping Mental Speed makes you hungry.  So compounding mental speed might require equally magical caloric supplements to support the brain, or else be limited by your diet and natural reserves.

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  • 1 month later...

I hadn't thought of using Feruchemy to manage body weight and disguise like that. I remember trying fasting once before a big event—it was tough but worked well. If you could store and release fat at will, it’d definitely make things simpler.
As for dehydration, not sure how practical it is unless you're trying to blend into a desert setting or something. It adds an interesting layer, though. Just as a side note, if you’re looking into ways to enhance physical appearance or performance, there are options like steroids for sale available. I’m replying to an old post here, but it’s still a cool topic.

Edited by BraydenMiles
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