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Technology in the cosmere



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Well here's the thing about that. Taldain was really far ahead for a very long time thanks to TLR's freeze on technology, just like you'd expect, except they kind of stagnated for a while over there. Autonomy shut the gates, no one in or out. Autonomy also is very hands-off, where Harmony is very much wanting to make sure his people go far in their collective lives. Brandon has confirmed that they were on track to be first into space, but that got disrupted by events, and then he RAFO'd whether they'd still be the first or if it would be Scadrians.
So it's a lot closer than it used to be. Scadrial's magic is a lot closer to being able to do cool things like that though, so they'd have solid money for my part.

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8 hours ago, Invocation said:

Scadrial's magic is a lot closer to being able to do cool things like that though

that's true. But now you're making me wonder whether Taldainians could figure out something very similar to Solar Tech, if they find a way to use Investiture to power things or mechanisms. Once they reach space, it should be very possible to establish Space Stations and such using the Investiture from their Sun. Atleast in the local solar system.

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1 hour ago, Benkinsky said:

that's true. But now you're making me wonder whether Taldainians could figure out something very similar to Solar Tech, if they find a way to use Investiture to power things or mechanisms. Once they reach space, it should be very possible to establish Space Stations and such using the Investiture from their Sun. Atleast in the local solar system.

If they would be able to seed sand microorganisms on other things (other than Sand) they can have very cool force able to move machines very efficiently. And I dont know about DarkSide magic, what is capable of.

Also not forget Sel. Elantris is much earlier than Mistborn, so who knows what they have.

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3 hours ago, Benkinsky said:

that's true. But now you're making me wonder whether Taldainians could figure out something very similar to Solar Tech, if they find a way to use Investiture to power things or mechanisms. Once they reach space, it should be very possible to establish Space Stations and such using the Investiture from their Sun. Atleast in the local solar system.

They probably could find a way to do it, but it would also probably take a lot of effort for not a lot of payoff. Compared to automated steelpushes and ettmetal-anchored speedbubbles, it would take a lot to get that kind of thing going into other systems. 

2 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

And I dont know about DarkSide magic, what is capable of.

Something about magic tattoos, I think it was? 

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For conventional tec smart money says scadrial.  Roshar seems ahead on magitec though.  Of course the IRE and Silverlight both have greater theoretical understandings of magic and this sometimes does means better tec although calling it tec can be a bit misleading.

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Wlcome to the forums.

10 hours ago, Mephistopheles said:

I agree with you that Taldain's Darkside has shown some promising signs of technological advancement. The fact that they had firearms during a period when Scadrial was still under the yoke of the Lord Ruler speaks volumes about their scientific progress.

To be fair, we don't know exactly how far before the events of Mistborn:The Final Empire that White Sand takes place. Scadrial also had firearms before The Deepness and Rashek's use of the Well; however, the tech was new and he quashed in the first two centuries or so of his reign. So, the pre-Industrial society on Darkside could very well have been a millenium or more before Mistborn Era 1. WoBs



If I may ask another thing, did you decide what come earlier in the Cosmere's Timeline between Elantris and White Sand ?

Brandon Sanderson

White Sand is earlier. I was pretty sure on this, but I wanted to be able to glance at the timeline and make sure I hadn't made any changes. (And I haven't.) It's pretty solidly locked into that place because of certain events around the cosmere, so you can assume it won't change.



[The events of the Mistborn trilogy, obviously the … of people hopping worlds] Where does that happen in reference to the events of Stormlight?

Brandon Sanderson

The further we get along, the closer the series are happening together. Stormlight is centuries from Mistborn, but new Mistborn and Stormlight are happening closer together. And the further I go the closer these things will get together in time, because that’s when we have really starting to have people influence one another, and things like that. White Sand, which is actually the first one we’ve released chronologically, is really pretty far back. Elantris and Mistborn, we’re getting closer and closer together.


HoA Epigraph to Ch 28:

however, he suppressed technological advancements. Gunpowder, for instance, was so frowned upon by Rashek that knowledge of its use disappeared almost as quickly as knowledge of the Terris religion.



Edited by Treamayne
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