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I think I also fundamentally believe that if Mat and Stick are both Village, it's something that could be worked out over time without necessitating a flip. Things like proving / keeping track of Mat's role, getting Stick involved in more discussions, etc. I really don't think being an exe candidate means you need to be exed eventually. If there's more reasoning, sure, but I wouldn't go into C2 gunning for Mat all over again.

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Aman: Maybe it's silly of me to put the two multiquote people in my v tier, but I liked Aman's analysis. It was for the most part true, and I do not often see (as a villager) accusations against me that I legitimately agree with, and I majorly respect that. Perhaps after Hyena this is a dumb+1000 move, but /shrug. From what I've seen, I'm ok with this. Tying the vote a few pages ago instead of staying on me was a v move imo

Kas: See: Everything I said about Aman. See also Kas' repeated claims that he can't elim and while I haven't actually seen any proof of that, I haven't seen a single reason to doubt that either and Kas is definitely in his village meta right now :P.


Slight Village:



Thaidakar: Initially I was in the camp of them faking newness, but I... don't think that anymore.Is a tier up

STINK: Similar to Aman/Kas, but on a smaller scale. His ISO of me was good. Thought-out. Accurate in what it was saying, if not in the alignment drawn from it :P. Is a tier up

Ash: This is purely a tone read, and there isn't much to say beyond that :P.

Exp: Confused as to why he's received votes. As I've stated before, I don't think his method of going about the game really comes from an elim.

Striker: Again, same deal. The erratic voting and progression on me drew attention that I don't think e!Striker would have bothered attracting if he didn't need to. I trust the claim

Illwei: Their 123 thing has been really nice, and I have been mindmelding on some things which hasn't happened in a while. I want to go back and look at who was initially pushing her, because I'm pretty sure that's died down and I guess I think an elim would be more likely to drop something like that (it'll be funny once it's one of my village reads)





JNV: Posted once, and I don't remember what exactly, but I do remember that I liked it. Pointedly leaving them here. Don't really agree with the reason for the v read they got

Devo: Kind of just a null read, but she's had some solid points and a good level of activity.





Orlok: Hasn't posted.

TUA: I know he posted, but I don't remember what. Is low activity an elim tell for TUA? I can't remember. Will I go and check? Not this cycle, that's for sure :P. TUA's slot isn't my immediate concern right now. Probably further down since they only came out of inactivity to say that them being inactive isn't e!indicative for them

MintSilverTea: Posted, once, but it was NAI.

Karn: Same as TUA- has posted, but I don't remember what.

Dannnex: Did Dannnex post?

Archer: Feels weird to put Archer here, but I don't have an opinion on him. He's had solid takes, but he always does. The claim... I think makes more sense coming from v!Archer? And yet he claimed Alliance as Reaver that one time. Almost a Null+.

Tani: Low posting plus chaotic voting, which all is fairly NAI for Tani I feel.




Szeth: Pretty darn close to just Null, and probably would be Null if Kas hadn't checked his games and found that, yes, that kind of opening has historically come from e!Szeth. Also not my immediate concern atm though. Wish I had pushed more.

Slight Elim:



Stick: I can see Illwei's interpretation of her slot being true, but foremost to me is the way she's treated my slot. I've had enough attention that I just don't think it's likely that none of it has been from elims. In my opinion, the elims interacting with the suspicion on me are more likely to be found in the peripherals, the ones that were more non-commital and on the side. Stick fits that perfectly.

Araris: In the same vein, Araris initially joined my train but has since found a side option on Experience. I could definitely see this as a preparation for my green flip. Also somewhat agree with Kas' gut but I can't decide if that's some weird form of conf-bais >> I like some of his recent posts, tonally. Idk. Probably a Null- at this point. Had more here but lost it sorry







Not me lol





There's my reads list from before. Italics are new things I added for this post. Do what you want with it, it's what I leave you with if I die. If I had more time I could go back and really look through the votes and probably glean something more from that, but I don't have more time.

Time is an interesting thing, isn't it? Like, I've played SE for almost two years which seems o_0 to me like already almost two years, seems like last month when I signed up for MR42 :P Point in bringing this up is just to say that I regret how I spent my time in this game- I was overly focused on my own survival when my duty is, first and foremost, to the village. I'm just a part of that whole. I think y'all will benefit from my death in that you won't have to focus on me anymore, so there is that. I actually did have fun this game, and it made me think about my playstyle in general which I think is a good thing.

What I don't want to see is anyone turning this into a big meta Discussion (TM) or something after the game, or during the game- it's all good, there's absolutely no need to make this bigger than my exe. I don't know if anyone was planning to, or what that discussion would have looked like, but I figured I'd say this before it happened. What happened in C1 stays in C1 :P Except for votes, reasoning, and hopefully this reads list.

Don't auto-vote Stick tomorrow. That's not helpful for anyone. Don't auto vote tomorrow in general. Also don't spend too much time going through my ISO, as has been pointed out, there's not much in there. If you want to know what I thought, this post is the only one you need. Confirmed good is not confirmed right which is especially true with me so /shrug

Typing this in a separate tab while simultaneously posting in the thread- wanting to post this right at rollover will make it hard to switch my vote if I need to so I might drop it sooner. I guess we'll find out.


The formatting broke ;-; sorry guys xD


will try to add more things before rollover noooo

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Enough push for Matrim that I'm still going to keep my vote on Stick. I don't see a good reason for e!Karnatheon to suddenly show up to vote for Mat unless Mat/Stick are v/e, in which case Stick's still a better choice. E/E suddenly getting derailed onto a third target would be certainly something, and I don't think it's that likely considering Aman's one of those votes and he drove the Mat train. In a v/v train, Karnatheon easily could have sat on Archer, which sometimes gets scrutinized later on but I don't remember whether v!Karnatheon stays on sidetrains.  I don't think Mat's claimed role confirms him as village since role recovery is plenty helpful for the elims even if all Epics were elims which does not seem to be the case. I do see the case For Science!, which would apply if Mat is evil and we learn the elim team isn't exclusively village, but if Mat is village we don't learn a lot about gamestate except to reaffirm Archer's roleclaim. I did want to see whether people would defend Stick and it kind of seems like they have, with extra votes popping up for Matrim and an effort to save him swinging onto a completely different person instead of on Stick.

Edit: @Matrim's Dice I don't see any added italics in your reads list.


Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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I'll be honest.

My first preference is always an Elim, or someone we think more likely to be an Elim. Plus, Axl on D1 votes - as I said, sort of my view anyway, with asterisks. Part of this is me realising that - I just can't on Mat anymore. If it's not obvious, I've been having a hard time disentangling the 'feel' I get from our interactions from the reasons I see in play. I don't know how much of that is me being so hung up on ML guilt from AG8 (sorry STINK) that it's tainting my approach to any contested lynch because I'm dead terrified of MLing even though I know rationally it's highly unavoidable and also necessary.

As I said, I really need to take the time off. I'm aware of that. Until I do, I'm a liability. Because I'm prone to just chasing myself in anxiety and questioning everything :/

Ah soddit.

Mat Karn

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9 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Ngl was definitely expecting more reactions to that claim :P

Anyway I think y’all are making a mistake exing Mat


Turquoise exe is a mistake, Emerald exe is a mistake. If Onyx is Village, that means there hasn't been a single elim on the chopping block this entire game?


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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

what does that mean Tj?

He's complaining we're switching things around too much for him to keep up, which is understandable, so he'll need more time. End-cycle volatility is an important part of the Sacred Burden of GMing and I'm glad we're making TJ work hard :P 

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  • STINK locked this topic

Cycle 2 - The Fault in Our Stars

Eva walked up to Alexis and slowly caressed his arms. “Inconclusive. It was inconclusive, my dear.”

He looked up sharply. “What does that mean?” he asked, voice slightly raised. He’d get like that at times, and she understood him. It was difficult for him, she knew that he’d wanted to get it right. 

“He experimented on Epics! He sent those Motivators to them.” 

“We don’t know that, Alexis. For all we know, he could have sent them to his network of scientists, like he claims.”

“AND he could have supplied it to THEM!” Voice raised even higher. 

Eva sighed, “That is exactly my point, Alexis. We cannot know. We cannot be certain.”

“So we hung him out to die for nothing? We could have killed an innocent man?” 

“It wasn’t for nothing, dear. And he could’ve been genuinely supplying them with these things, as you have said! Now, we learn to be more cautious. We learn to watch our steps carefully and not leap to conclusions. We know they have infiltrated our camp and are spying on us. We need to learn not to be led astray.”

“We need to beat them, Eva. We have to keep moving. And we might have to do this all over again.”

“And we will. And I’ll be right here beside you. And I’ll keep you safe. Now, come. You’ve fretted enough. Let’s take a step back, and go look through the notes Orion left us.”

Matrim's Dice was eliminated. He was a Knighthawk Scientist

Vote Count: 

Matrim's Dice (5): Experience, Ashbringer, Karnatheon, Archer, _Stick_, JNV, Thaidakar the Ghostblood
Karnatheon (2): Kasimir, Araris Valerian, Tani, Amanuensis
_Stick_ (5): Illwei, Matrim's Dice, StrikerEZ, Devotary of Spontaneity


You are the renowned Scientist of the Knighthawk. On the death of an Epic, you can harvest their cell to create a Motivator. You cannot harvest cells of Epics who have died in the previous cycles. You need to give away the Motivator created in the cycle following the death of the Epic. Beyond this cycle, the Motivator’s power decreases exponentially and cannot be used, meaning you cannot stockpile on Motivators. This does not take an action. Motivators are 1-time use items. You cannot give Motivators to the same target in consecutive cycles.

Cycle 2 has begun and will end on February 14, at 22:30 IST [GMT + 05:30]. Please try to bold your votes, and give retractions in green. Let the killing commence!

Player List: 

  1. @Illwei
  2. Matrim's Dice - Orion Knighthawk Scientist
  3. @Experience - Emfatic
  4. @Kasimir - Mordred Kasjek
  5. @StrikerEZ - Nathaniel Walker
  6. @The Unknown Aon - Apocalypse
  7. @Araris Valerian - Spark O'toole
  8. @Ashbringer
  9. @Tani - Ricochet
  10. @Karnatheon
  11. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Sonia Biven
  12. @Archer - Skmurph
  13. @STINK
  14. @_Stick_
  15. @Szeth_Pancakes
  16. @MintSilverTea - Zehpyr
  17. @JNV - Eiro
  18. @Amanuensis - Blink
  19. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood - Endrik
  20. @Orlok Tsubodai - Locke
  21. @Dannnex - Joe
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Only stayed up to drop a meme.





Not perfect, but the point is there :P

9 hours ago, |TJ| said:

Matrim's Dice was eliminated. He was a Knighthawk Scientist




9 hours ago, |TJ| said:

Matrim's Dice (5): Experience, Ashbringer, Karnatheon, Archer, _Stick_, JNV, Thaidakar the Ghostblood
Karnatheon (2): Kasimir, Araris Valerian, Tani, Amanuensis
_Stick_ (5): Illwei, Matrim's Dice, StrikerEZ, Devotary of Spontaneity

That's a whole lot of vote manipulation :wacko:

Devotary. Is anyone reading Devo as Village? If so, why?

Will reply to any posts in the morning. G'night ya'll.

Hoping to see Archer prove he can talk with Mat by then.

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Archer has some talking to do. Also holy chull what, that's a lot of vote manip. 

I'm seeing — I'm not even sure how to make sense of the interactions. Let's model this off Emotional Allomancy first — it may not be right but it's an understood ruleset. 

2 votes missing from Mat, 2 from Karn, and 1 added to Stick. 

So minimally we have one Rioter, and a bunch of Soothers, depending on how you model the interactions. Or may a second Rioter who Rioted to a no vote? 

God, I'm getting Tyrian flashbacks... 

Could be a double vote too for the Stick people, I guess. But damn, that's so many... 

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4 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

@|TJ| How did only Mat die if he and Stick both had 5 votes? Would you tell us if someone was supposed to be exed but survived? Or if they were attacked but survived?

Actually this is a good question. What happened to the Elim kill? 

Edited to add: @Amanuensis — Had her as light Village off that early interaction with Archer. 

Edited by Kasimir
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