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9 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

All I'll say is I haven't used it yet and probably shouldn't until I'm absolutely sure of my convictions xD It's got the potential to go horribly wrong or very right.

That's more detail than I expected, but neat :D hopefully it doesn't go horribly wrong!


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7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

That's more detail than I expected, but neat :D hopefully it doesn't go horribly wrong!


honestly not worried about being NK'd - I feel like it's in the elims' best interests to keep me around for a ML :P 

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Couple of Shower Thoughts:

(Look a guy has got to think about things sometimes when doing the necessities)

  • Low key still tempted to hit Striker with a vote manip since per his claim, it should hit another Villager (well, not helpful to anyone with a low Village credence in me, but good enough for me from my perspective.) If enough people are voting, it might be indicative enough and visible in the result - my expectation is it should change my primary target rather than secondary, and TJ has confirmed this. Might not be singularly useful but might be nice to collect some datapoints and see if it's possible to narrow down a pool/patterns.
  • In connection with the above thought: tempted to keep burning my vote manip each cycle to either hit Striker or to vote manip someone onto the train I'm voting for. (Unless IDK, I feel strongly about someone I guess, in which case I'll pull an Axl and declare it.) This should reduce the impact of my Rioting by turning it into (functionally) a Soothe. But I think it'd be great/helpful due to actions economy (single action slot in normal circumstances) - if I'm doing that, I at least am not NKing :P I'm totally okay with Elims messing with this by choosing not to put in a NK or trying to counter VM me - if they burn actions trying to mess with me, they aren't killing, which I consider to be an acceptable trade-off.
  • Feel like the fact there has been no roleblock claim thus far makes me lean against that possibility. Feels like a Villager who successfully roleblocked a kill should either be more excited about coming forward with it, or quietly vote to see if they can bait a defense. Not really seeing that pop up, though if the latter scenario, I would guess the main candidate for having been roleblocked would potentially be Araris, since everyone knows he likes to put in the kills when Evil whenever possible. (Assess unlikely as only Experience, Araris, and myself have voted so far, and Experience likely would not have asked about attack-survival scenarios if so.)
  • Aman's comment on a single Corrupted Epic deciding to burn their power rather than putting in the kill makes me wonder, in light of:
    11 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

    I finished by voting on Karn, who was a counter-train to Mat. So if I was bussing, I was doing it pretty incompetently. Actually, I'm going to vote Karnatheon again, sort of as a placeholder but not entirely. I don't like that there was vote manip used to save him, given that he was pretty inactive, there wasn't that strong of a case against Mat (basically just standard D1 stuff), and all the votes on him happened near end of cycle. I can see an elim team panicking and throwing out excessive amounts of vote manip because they don't know how many people will follow Aman.

    Just shamelessly cribbing off Aman:
    5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:
    • 2 votes lost on Mat (1 removed by Kasimir, 1 unknown).
    • 2 votes lost on Karn (Kas vote replaced by Karn's, yet 2 are missing nonetheless)
    • 1 vote added to Stick (currently unknown)

    Eyeballing this gives me at least two probable other vote manips who weren't me, but not rigorous because shower thoughts and exam time. Supposing I'm ignoring the conversion possibilities - one hypothesis is that the vote manip actions we can see were people who couldn't have put in the kill (but this becomes less flattering in light of the fact no kill happened!) I'm only interested in this possibility in light of what Araris said about the excessive amounts of vote manip flying around. So let me recap: on this scenario, our Elim team panics about the EoC shenanigans and throws a craptonne of vote manip out, potentially foregoing the kill (why?) What would it take for this to be the case? (So I'm not assessing plausibility here - I'm pathwalking first: plausibility comes later.) 

    Well, the votes would have to be pretty coherent in direction, and I feel like it's not extremely clear this is the case, despite what Araris said. We have one vote added to Stick, and four other votes lost. I think TJ did/does imply that Soothing does exist, and probably one of the lost votes in my view should still be chalked down to a Riot. It's true if we factor my Riot in, it does look like a bit of a movement to save Karn, but IDK (feel like it could go either way - Karn voter who Rioted someone from Mat to Stick wouldn't really be saving Karn, Karn is collateral in this view; on the other hand, absolutely possible for Rioter to be on Mat, and then moving a vote from Karn to Stick. Further/worse permutations if we assume Karn self-pres Rioted in the confusion - because if that's the case, here's how it shakes out:
    • 2 votes lost on Mat (1 Karn self-loss, 1 unknown).
    • gross 3 votes lost on Karn (Kas vote is lost, with an additional 2 missing, requiring us to postulate a +1 in order to balance out the numbers)
    • 1 vote added to Stick (currently unknown)

    Since Rioters cannot Soothe to no-votes, this basically looks like nonsense on stilts because we have 5 lost votes, and only 3 votes added. Karn and myself or myself and another Rioter and Karn cancelling out could make sense, but...again, requires a lot of EoC activity. This is very general too because I don't have the time to sit down and get Tyrian Falls flashbacks by working through potential EA interactions -.- And Awes' comment on learning when to just say there's not enough information to fruitfully work this out comes to mind.

    On this theory though, the team has a lot of Emotional Allomancy which, yeah, no, that's too kayana. I'm discarding this. You're welcome. A weaker version has maybe two of the vote manips at best being Evil (in which case they didn't expect me and maybe someone else coming on in) - but that's too small to make an Elim team unless we're looking at a slightly smaller team because of conversion possibilities. Yikes. Still weird though.
  • Agree on other possibilities advanced by Karn, e.g. kill was put in on Striker. Unclear which did happen. Have asked as well if lynch precedes kill on OoA (got PAFOed) since it's possible that since E!Mat was likely to be lynched anyway, he put in the kill as a freebie since they weren't going to get anything out of his role action given no dead Epic - but that's weird IMO: Mat does have a history of not checking with the GM first (Gnnorrdingadong) but you'd think basic kill OoA they'd absolutely ask about. (Note that if the kill was put in on Striker, seems to suggest Elim team wasn't on around EoD which is directly contradictory to Karn's proposal Mat put that kill in. Unclear why Elim team would antagonise neutral who did them the courtesy of warning them a kill on him would go badly for them.)
  • @Amanuensis, you not worried about getting NKed given your Regular claim?
  • Still no idea what to make of Mat's role as TJ has clarified the stockpile rule applies to recipients as well, just going to shrug and wait for the flip/someone with more bandwidth.
  • @Tani Why swap from Stick to Karn then based on your reasons for going onto Stick in the first place? Have they shifted?
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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

@Amanuensis, you not worried about getting NKed given your Regular claim?

I'm kinda over caring about getting night killed tbh. Part of how I'm keeping chill is constantly reminding myself that this is a game meant for fun :D I can be wrong, and I can die, and that's perfectly fine.

That said, I could be lying about being a Regular ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People look down on vanilla claims for narrowing down the power roles, but that's no longer true if the power roles claim vanilla too :P 

So basically, if they want to kill me, then I'll take it as a compliment and eat popcorn with Mat in the dead doc B)

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1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

That said, I could be lying about being a Regular ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People look down on vanilla claims for narrowing down the power roles, but that's no longer true if the power roles claim vanilla too :P 

Your TUA credences though :P

1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm kinda over caring about getting night killed tbh. Part of how I'm keeping chill is constantly reminding myself that this is a game meant for fun :D I can be wrong, and I can die, and that's perfectly fine.

Fair enough! Need to hit the fun chill space myself; I think I haven't really broken out of the 'stress/guilt don't let the Village down' mentality from the last couple games just yet, though I admit I was asking less from a 'are you chill with getting NKed early' perspective and more tactical since losing engaged!V!you (given current credences) can be rough, though obviously Village just has to put the work in, as we always must. But absolutely more important to hold on to the chill and fun, don't join Orlok and me in overcommitment jail :P

5 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

So basically, if they want to kill me, then I'll take it as a compliment and eat popcorn with Mat in the dead doc B)

Party in the dead doc :eyes:

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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Your TUA credences though :P

I could be exaggerating my confidence as confirmation :P It's kinda like the Archer thing, but different. Only an actual roleless villager would have the gumption in a blackout game to differentiate the two. If an elim did and they guessed wrong, it'd probably not end well.

Oh, speaking of Archer. What do you think the possibility of the Corrupted Epic(s?) starting with a role that specifically interacts with Village Epics is? It's not something I really thought about at first, but could absolutely enable E!Archer to boldly claim Village Epic first to gain some cred.

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Fair enough! Need to hit the fun chill space myself; I think I haven't really broken out of the 'stress/guilt don't let the Village down' mentality from the last couple games just yet, though I admit I was asking less from a 'are you chill with getting NKed early' perspective and more tactical since losing engaged!V!you (given current credences) can be rough, though obviously Village just has to put the work in, as we always must. But absolutely more important to hold on to the chill and fun, don't join Orlok and me in overcommitment jail :P

I probably have the benefit of coming off a stressful elim game, while you are going from one stressful village game to another, so I imagine that might be why I'm coping a lil better. Shame you didn't role elim to shake things up. The village game after would have felt like a relief :ph34r: Though I suppose it's not too late

Tactically, I don't even think I'm that useful. I spent all of the last 48 hours tunneling on Mat and by the end of it I was convinced he was village, only for him to still end up dead. I can't even remember the last time I caught an elim, yet a bunch of the players in this game stomped an entire anon team. At this point, I believe in y'all more than I do in me :D 

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7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I probably have the benefit of coming off a stressful elim game, while you are going from one stressful village game to another, so I imagine that might be why I'm coping a lil better. Shame you didn't role elim to shake things up. The village game after would have felt like a relief :ph34r: Though I suppose it's not too late


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9 hours ago, _Stick_ said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Wheres My Super Suit GIFs | Tenor 


Such an incredible movie.

Oh btw, just throwing this out there in the 0.00000001% case it's right, if there are actually no Village Epics and Archer, Kasimir, and Stick have all deliberately role claimed to make it look more plausible and confuse the Village further, I applaud you and gracefully accept defeat.

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10 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I could be exaggerating my confidence as confirmation :P It's kinda like the Archer thing, but different. Only an actual roleless villager would have the gumption in a blackout game to differentiate the two. If an elim did and they guessed wrong, it'd probably not end well.

Oh, speaking of Archer. What do you think the possibility of the Corrupted Epic(s?) starting with a role that specifically interacts with Village Epics is? It's not something I really thought about at first, but could absolutely enable E!Archer to boldly claim Village Epic first to gain some cred.

Fair enough, yeah.

That's why I have him in my Light Village tier with my strongest Village tier unpopulated - I'm just paranoid enough that I could see this working, especially as a GM who has favoured giving Seeker roles (well, this isn't Seeker but it's an info role) to the Elims in the past. But it's really at the mercy of distro in my view, and possible distros become suddenly a whole lot more - or less - plausible (hi Elan!) when parts of the existing distro come to light. Interested in whether you think that this role in particular might be duplicated, as it seems the sort of thing you might want redundancy for. Does require other Elim roles that imply the existence of Village Epic roles for this to be plausible though, IMO.

Otherwise, I think your earlier point seems fair, which is that to claim it immediately is risky without a sense that Village Epics exist, because each successive lynch flipping Regular or some non-Epic role just looks bad. So this depends on Mat's alignment in part (but then Archer voted on Mat, and yeah, bussing exists, but) and what your credences pertaining to extra Knighthawk Scientist or similar roles are. Tentatively inclined to agree the definite article is rather indicative, but would hate for this to be the one time TJ got careless in phrasing. So not all in I suppose, on my part.

17 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I probably have the benefit of coming off a stressful elim game, while you are going from one stressful village game to another, so I imagine that might be why I'm coping a lil better. Shame you didn't role elim to shake things up. The village game after would have felt like a relief :ph34r: Though I suppose it's not too late

Guessing you're implying that Elim games are much more stressful, which, yeah, I absolutely agree with, based off traumatic memories of MR9 and LG20 and LG5. So I'm definitely grateful I got to spend Tyrian trying to save Tyrian all over again :P Besides, I feel like if they hadn't suppressed the Spiked Coinshot distro, you would be having a much more stressful Elim game, thank you :ph34r:

25 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Tactically, I don't even think I'm that useful. I spent all of the last 48 hours tunneling on Mat and by the end of it I was convinced he was village, only for him to still end up dead. I can't even remember the last time I caught an elim, yet a bunch of the players in this game stomped an entire anon team. At this point, I believe in y'all more than I do in me :D 

Given I joined you in the tunnel and then finally caved at Mat's last post, I'm not really sure I'm one to say anything. I feel like the distance between when you last caught an Elim has more to do with your in-game lifespan and lack of recent play history than anything :P 

But I'm all for the Village putting up together and solving things >:) Together we are stronger >:D !!!

1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh btw, just throwing this out there in the 0.00000001% case it's right, if there are actually no Village Epics and Archer, Kasimir, and Stick have all deliberately role claimed to make it look more plausible and confuse the Village further, I applaud you and gracefully accept defeat.

Won't deny it's a possibility - but then I do expect some of the other non-Epic vote manips to call me out on it since they have vote manip abilities too, as is their sacred duty :eyes: They can't all be Evil, that's way too much firepower for an Elim team without any sign of Smoking or counter-VM at all. Which is probably why you said 0.00000001% case, but hey :P 

P.S. I still maintain anyone who wants to complain about me treating the thread like a casual PM place should take it up with TJ for making PMs be default closed :P 

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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Interested in whether you think that this role in particular might be duplicated, as it seems the sort of thing you might want redundancy for. Does require other Elim roles that imply the existence of Village Epic roles for this to be plausible though, IMO.

I'm not even sure the purpose of Archer's role is to gather information, necessarily. The limitations seem odd for that, based on the context of his post today (hence me asking for specifics now). Originally I thought he'd get dropped in a temporary doc or PM with the deceased, but he @'d Mat with instructions for his questions to determine if lying was possible, which means it's getting filtered through the GM and that's like... kinda kayana. Brings me to the conclusion that the delayed flip thing and his role are only tangentially related. I'm at the point where I either believe he's a Reviver underselling the usefulness of his role to avoid the Corrupted Kill, or he's an elim using prior knowledge of the delayed flip to his advantage, and no one who died could ever accuse him of lying.

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Which is probably why you said 0.00000001% case, but hey :P 

Actually more that I highly doubt e!Kas could (or would) fake shuffling on and off a D1 Mat ML :P 

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

P.S. I still maintain anyone who wants to complain about me treating the thread like a casual PM place should take it up with TJ for making PMs be default closed :P 

This is crazy because I was just thinking about how this back-and-forth had felt like a PM before you posted this :P

Edited by Amanuensis
Too many 'actually's >>
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2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm actually not even sure the purpose of Archer's role is meant to gather information, necessarily. The limitations seem odd for that, based on the context of his post today (hence me asking for specifics now). Originally I thought he'd get dropped in a temporary doc or PM with the deceased, but he @'d Mat with instructions for his questions to determine if lying was possible, which means it's getting filtered through the GM and that's like... kinda kayana. Brings me to the conclusion that the delayed flip thing and his role are only tangentially related. I'm at the point where I either believe he's a Reviver underselling the usefulness of his role to avoid the Corrupted Kill, or he's an elim using prior knowledge of the delayed flip to his advantage, and no one who died could ever accuse him of lying.

Fair, yes, but it was reminding me of the Kholinar dead tweet requirements or Wyrm's Raven role for Sandman, which also had about...I think, 140 characters? as a requirement in terms of how much could be communicated between the Raven and the dead doc. But then, Wyrm created the role in a time where codes were not yet banned. MR4 spanreed PMs had to come through him too. I still feel like it could be useful if you frame your questions wisely, but I'll grant that especially if the GM isn't c/ping, that's going to cause issues.

In what sense is that kayana?

Gonna say that it's not impossible, yeah: revival/Returning could/would be one reason to sit on alignment flips for a cycle, though feels like saying this publicly risks making a target of Archer. Not wrong about the other possibility even if it does ignite paranoia.

I think my current take would be to take the lesson from AG8 again about not subordinating player analysis entirely to role analysis :P No hard roleclearing especially not in a blackout game!

6 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Actually more that I highly doubt e!Kas could (or would) fake shuffling on and off a D1 Mat ML :P 

Not the most reassuring rejoinder from me, but E!Kas would basically have to at some point. (Whether he could do so convincingly would be another issue - my view is no, but I can understand if someone else feels the answer to the question with 'yes.') We just came off AG8 where apart from you and Falcon and Heron, I agonised over every single lynch and have historically had high vote volatility. I must have sent Stick, TJ, and Araris at least fifty PMs between them all going to and fro about whether Elan was Evil or I was complicit in condemning an innocent Villager to a ML. We collectively rethought Flamingo and Albatross at least six times between us. In LG79, Archer woke up to a long string of PMs from me questioning if E!Striker was really Evil as he was up for the lynch. In MR53, I spent most of the last cycle I was alive trying to rethink the lynch all over again and hopping between targets at lylo. Realistically, if I just went through a game without any hesitation or the extreme vacillation I'm known for, it should be odd, and I'm aware of that enough to recognise that E!Kas would probably feel pressure to replicate it.

14 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

This is actually crazy because I was just thinking about how this back-and-forth had felt like a PM before you posted this :P

Sorry :P 

RIP everyone, please blame timezones and the GM's decision :P 

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So stuff.

I am also a Village Rioter *cough* Epic. I was given a specific name, flavored around Hypnotism. I was also not informed of any specific weakness like Kas, and when I asked was told I don't have one. I sacrificed my vote on Mat and successfully Rioted Stick onto Stick which accounts for the 2 missing from Mat and the extra on Stick. Kas moved mine from Mat to me but it was already negated so that accounts for 1 missing on me meaning either someone Soother !notKas or Rioted !notKas onto the train they were voting on.

Given that I knew I was village Epic and people were claiming things I was asking some Conversion questions C1 which were all PAFO'd. I just didn't bring the possibility up till after no NK cause I assumed people would find me suspicious for bringing up the possibility of no Elims. 

On Conversion. I didn't turn, Kas says he didn't turn. So that eliminates(assuming we're being truthful) the possibility that any Epic using their powers is auto converted. It's possible 1 epic who uses their powers each cycle is randomly converted, each Epic who uses their power has a chance to be converted, a certain frequency of use causes conversion I.e. using power multiple turns in a row, or the lone Elim is Calamity and they convert 1/turn.

If Mat flips elim it's pretty safe to throw conversion debates out the door. I think the more Epics there are increases the odds of this being a conversion game.

On the Mat elim death/Striker thing it's possible a different elim submitted the kill or they just didn't believe Striker. Though still unlikely

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2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Further/worse permutations if we assume Karn self-pres Rioted in the confusion - because if that's the case, here's how it shakes out:

Since Rioters cannot Soothe to no-votes, this basically looks like nonsense on stilts because we have 5 lost votes, and only 3 votes added. Karn and myself or myself and another Rioter and Karn cancelling out could make sense, but...again, requires a lot of EoC activity.

Karn, deciding to prove me wrong :P Though I had a feeling.

2 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

I am also a Village Rioter *cough* Epic. I was given a specific name, flavored around Hypnotism. I was also not informed of any specific weakness like Kas, and when I asked was told I don't have one. I sacrificed my vote on Mat and successfully Rioted Stick onto Stick which accounts for the 2 missing from Mat and the extra on Stick. Kas moved mine from Mat to me but it was already negated so that accounts for 1 missing on me meaning either someone Soother !notKas or Rioted !notKas onto the train they were voting on.

Edited to add: @Karnatheon, why'd you slot onto Mat but go for Stick?

Edited by Kasimir
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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Fair, yes, but it was reminding me of the Kholinar dead tweet requirements or Wyrm's Raven role for Sandman, which also had about...I think, 140 characters? as a requirement in terms of how much could be communicated between the Raven and the dead doc. But then, Wyrm created the role in a time where codes were not yet banned. MR4 spanreed PMs had to come through him too. I still feel like it could be useful if you frame your questions wisely, but I'll grant that especially if the GM isn't c/ping, that's going to cause issues.

In what sense is that kayana?

To quote Archer from his reveal post:


Basically I get to ask dead people questions, but only if their alignment hasn't been officially confirmed. Which implies that that's a possibility. Also, it's unclear if they're allowed to lie. 

So like, Mat's role but not alignment was confirmed, right? Which means what's the point of a Medium role? To determine alignment? But Archer says that he can't do that, and that the person he talks to can lie, so what info is there really to gain that can't be left in a sayonara post like Mat did?

Which leaves me thinking he's got something he can do to the recently dead player, but if someone lies about something important, it would end bad. Hence the Reviver conclusion, and a neat little explanation for why the delayed flip might exist.

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Gonna say that it's not impossible, yeah: revival/Returning could/would be one reason to sit on alignment flips for a cycle, though feels like saying this publicly risks making a target of Archer. Not wrong about the other possibility even if it does ignite paranoia.

TBF Archer invited speculation when he claimed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if I can do it, the elims can certainly do it, and they're privy to more info than us so. Worth considering either way.

Edited by Amanuensis
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@Amanuensis To clarify something, I asked TJ about why I was not Evil even though I was an Epic. Because I was wondering how it would work story-wise for my character. And he basically said I have overcome my weakness. I do appreciate that you were willing to look at what I said in my claim and take it to its logical conclusions.

I also have my own specific Epic name like Kas does. As far as I can tell, the name doesn’t relate to my powers, but it sure sounds like an Epic name. :P

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9 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

Given that I knew I was village Epic and people were claiming things I was asking some Conversion questions C1 which were all PAFO'd. I just didn't bring the possibility up till after no NK cause I assumed people would find me suspicious for bringing up the possibility of no Elims. 

Tani, Karn. Why would that be the natural train of thought? Why specifically consider the possibility of no Elims at all? Some conversion games begin with one converter - I know you know this as you and Maili played LG51.

Do you think there are Elims now?

Did this affect your approach to C1, and will this affect your approach to the prospect of a lynch today?

10 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

If Mat flips elim it's pretty safe to throw conversion debates out the door. I think the more Epics there are increases the odds of this being a conversion game.

Why? And why, instead of role madness?

12 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

someone Soother !notKas or Rioted !notKas onto the train they were voting on.

Going to suggest a Soothe instead, because another Rioter requires us to theorise yet another vote manipulator, and more interactions cancelling out, or them also trying to votejack you or me. It's not impossible but dear God would that be one hell of a mess.

9 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

So like, Mat's role but not alignment was confirmed, right? Which means what's the point of a Medium role? To determine alignment? But Archer says that he can't do that, and that  the person he talks to can lie, so what info is there really to gain that can't be left in a sayonara post like Mat did?

Which leaves me thinking he's got something he can do to the recently dead player, but if someone lies about something important, it would end bad. Hence the Reviver conclusion, and a neat little explanation for why the delayed flip might exist.

Fair enough, yeah. The most I can think of are cases where the player got NKed and didn't claim, or didn't say anything, in which case you could maybe get interaction/action/targeting info, if you assume the player is honest but that's not terribly strong either.

10 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

TBF Archer invited speculation when he claimed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if I can do it, the elims can certainly do it, and they're privy to more info than us so. Worth considering either way.

Ah, my favourite line of reasoning, but I don't disagree :P 

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9 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

@Amanuensis To clarify something, I asked TJ about why I was not Evil even though I was an Epic. Because I was wondering how it would work story-wise for my character. And he basically said I have overcome my weakness. I do appreciate that you were willing to look at what I said in my claim and take it to its logical conclusions.

I also have my own specific Epic name like Kas does. As far as I can tell, the name doesn’t relate to my powers, but it sure sounds like an Epic name. :P

Oh. Huh. But he didn't clarify that for the other Epics?

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8 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh. Huh. But he didn't clarify that for the other Epics?

Tbh I didn't ask about weaknesses and it wasn't stated in my GM PM. I've sent a GM PM to TJ about it now, but I was honestly just going to synch it up with my RP and assumed I'd overcome my weakness because it matches part of the arc I had in mind fine. It's the name that's causing me so much grief <_<

Gonna be honest, TJ and I talked ages ago about a Reckoners game - and I'm starting to wonder if this is the same game. My memory got jogged by both Karn and trying to ID where TJ and I had talked about weaknesses. But if this is blackout, then I'm questioning the ethics of bringing that up, since that's technically unfair OOG info and also it might not be the same game, and it could be misleading.

If this is the same game...ugh. My concern levels are rising quite a bit.

@StrikerEZ - Is there anything that suggests you are conversion proof?

Edited to add: He told me I don't have a weakness and swore at me so I think he's very done with me now :P 

Edited by Kasimir
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7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh. Huh. But he didn't clarify that for the other Epics?


That’s what he said for me.

@Kasimir There’s nothing to suggest that. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was possible. Though I do like my current wincon. Simultaneously more and less stressful than being an elim. :P

Also, there is a definite possibility that someone targeted me with vote manipulation before my claim and wasn’t around to see my claim and that messed with the votes.

And I had another thing related to something Kas had said earlier that I wanted to say but I still can’t remember. Dang it

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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

If this is the same game...ugh. My concern levels are rising quite a bit.

Concern? I think you mean fun!

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Edited to add: He told me I don't have a weakness and swore at me so I think he's very done with me now :P 

Swore!? At you!?!?

That's it! TJ.

I'm calling for mutiny.

Earlier today I asked TJ if regulars could do normie actions like search Mat's pockets and look through his phone for alignment clues, and he told me they disposed of Mat's body by throwing it in the ocean, and I nearly lost it right then.

I didn't sign up for polluting the world! I signed up for saving it!

And no one...

I mean NO ONE...

Swears at Kasimir and gets away with it !!!


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I - grrrrr Kas, you get back right here :P. 

Aman, IT'S JUST HIS CLAIM! HE can say whatever he wants here and I can't confirm or deny if I actually said it the GM PM and he's taking ADVANTAGE of it! :P.

Edited by |TJ|
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8 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Concern? I think you mean fun!



It's fine, clarified it's not the same game and he'd appreciate if I memory-holed it, so I'm standing down and getting a drink.

8 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Swears at Kasimir and gets away with it !!!

I do :ph34r:

Just now, |TJ| said:

I - grrrrr Kas, you get back right here :P. 

Smh smh you told me to get a drink and forget that game existed, I'm obeying your orders, do you want me to get a drink or not??!??!?!

9 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Earlier today I asked TJ if regulars could do normie actions like search Mat's pockets and look through his phone for alignment clues, and he told me they disposed of Mat's body by throwing it in the ocean, and I nearly lost it right then.

They did what

He did what

What is this disrespect to my Shuffle Squat Bro I cannot even >:(

TJ!!!!!!! BRO WHAT

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