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9 hours ago, Kasimir said:
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10/10 reference, I heckin love Dark.

9 hours ago, Amanuensis said:


9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Okay, this I do agree with - that it's deeply odd we have exactly one role that interacts with the lack of flips, though I'm more convinced by the point it's either a compensatory alignment scan (in which case, where's the redundancy? And it doesn't make sense) or the dead can lie, in which case I'm wondering what it's meant to do.

Honestly, I don't even want to waste any more time thinking about what it's meant to do. All of it is based on what Archer has told us, and he's not been very forthcoming with the information.

I want to just see his role in tomorrow's write-up, know with absolute certainty that the role he claims is true or not, and move on with our lives.

The game cannot be solved until we all have 100% verified proof that alignment flips can be turned on. Until then we're wasting time going down a million rabbit holes trying to figure out what the heck this game is.

In case it was missed.

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9 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Blink didn't understand why he was still here. He'd slept twice in that dark, unfeeling void only to awaken in the same place he laid his weary head, surrounded by ice and snow and these strange, murderous 'Epics.' It just didn't make sense, and though his imaginary friend assured him there was a good reason, he didn't explain enough. He never explained enough.

'Just watch and listen,' Mr. Aman had told him on the first day. 'Observe them and this world, then tell me what you learn.'

Blink had been observing the best he could without giving himself away. He'd learned so much and so little at once, and it all just left him lost, scared, and confused. But that wasn't exactly new.

Take, for starters, that the others could see and hear Mr. Aman too. The enigmatic, spectacled, gray-haired man with a pair of white eyes and golden pupils that shone like the blazing sun in the blue sky above. He interacted with them frequently, acting both as a voice of reason and a source of levity in this cold, unforgiving wasteland. He'd even become real, as proven by the white cloak he offered the boy, which shaped itself to fit Blink's meager stature and contained the warmth of Summer. Mr. Aman had never been able to give him gifts before.

It was clear this wasn't the same Earth that Blink had been born in. The one he was from didn't have a blue sky anymore, nor a golden sun. Their sun had grown twice its size and turned a deep, bloody shade of red, like an infected blister. The sky itself had been stained black with volcanic ash, thanks to the simultaneous eruption of Yellowstone and its active brethren around the globe. And the people that gained powers in the wake of the devastation - the people like Blink - were known by an entirely different name. Reborn. There was no such thing as Reckoners either, though they were clearly the good guys. Not too unlike the heroes from his world that fought so desperately to preserve the fragmented remnants of human civilization.

I just want to go home, Blink sniffled to himself. I'm too young for this. Too weak for this. Too cowardly for this.

Why can't I ever find my way home?



I'm kind of compelled to let myself die to see if only people with roles flip without alignment. I'd be happy to let Devotary kill me to achieve the same effect, since I'd prefer a more productive exe, but the small number of Regulars is concerning and I really don't understand why myself and TUA exist if more than half the players have roles.

Otherwise, I'd want to kill Archer today. Their role has never really made sense to me due to the number of claimed limitations. I waited this long to kill him to see if we'd ever get an alignment flip, but alas, my suspicions on that front were correct.


Also who's gonna own up to giving me (Araris) a one-time-use Soother role? I'm not even sure I believe Araris, so confirmation from a third party would be stellar.


Amanuensis Regular Reckoner
Illwei Claimed Epic ([Redirector])
Matrim’s Dice Non-Epic Knighthawk Scientist
Experience Claimed Epic (D-coy [Lurcher])
Kasimir Claimed Epic (Inception [Rioter])
StrikerEZ Claimed Neutral Epic (Mimic [Action Doubler)
The Unknown Aon Regular Reckoner
Araris Valerian Claimed Epic (WiMP [Action Swapper])
Ashbringer Claimed Epic ([Fun])
Tani Claimed Epic (Robin Hood [Ability Steal])
Karnatheon Epic (Pendulum [Rioter])
Devotary of Spontaneity Claimed Neutral Non-Epic (Huntress [SK])
Archer Claimed Epic (Medium)
_Stick_ Claimed Epic (Passive Survival + ???)
Thaidakar the Ghostblood Claimed Epic (Unknown)
Orlok Tsubodai Claimed Epic (Lookout)


Lost this once already, with posts coming so quick, so going to break it up a bit.

Fundamentally, I think we need to look at the categories of role claims.

We have village epics with simple, mechanical powers (rioter, lurcher), claimed village epics with non-mechanical powers (Archer), claimed neutrals (Devotary/Striker), non-Epics with powers, and claimed regular reckoners.

For me, I think the simplest explanation is that at least some of these claimed categories just don't exist. @Amanuensis, you've implied in your logic that you're not actually a regular villager - yet didn't act. What is your role?

I think Archer's claim as a village epic D1, yet being the only non-Thaidakar simple mechanical village epic power strikes me as a gambit gone wrong - and I firmly agree with Aman that we need to see about what he got from Matrim's Dice.

I had thoughts on Striker and Devotary related to this as well - and still struggle to reconcile Devotary's claimed role with her reaction to Archer's claim D1, but have lost them to brain fog.

In response to Archer's claim about scanning Thaidakar, my own read is that they chose it because Thaidakar was a very plausible lynch candidate themselves, and so it was more likely to be believed than a claim about e.g. Illwei or myself.

I further think there's  strong case for lynching one of the non-simple mechanical village Epics - if our actions can alter how the game works (e.g. activate PMs, alignments), I strongly suspect it'll come from lynching one of the non-simple roles.

I've read through the whole thread, but have very poor notes. 

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18 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

well, er, that is not my power. I happen to have a different power that I have not used yet and do not intend to actually use for a while, don't worry it won't actually affect any of y'all only elims, so if you are a village you are fine.

Banking on this not being a double post by virtue of thread rate.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood, what are your thoughts on what we should do about Devotary and Striker?

Beyond that, I think an explanation is needed on the above. What about your power means it will only affect eliminators, and if it does, why haven't you used it yet? If you get a different result from using it on villagers to eliminators, it provides us alignment information.

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9 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

For me, I think the simplest explanation is that at least some of these claimed categories just don't exist. @Amanuensis, you've implied in your logic that you're not actually a regular villager - yet didn't act. What is your role?

I am a Regular Reckoner, hence my hard confirming TUA for his post. The post you're probably referring to was half me playing around, half me trying to provide an excuse for what I ultimately deemed an unfair way to Village confirm someone. It happened and I can't change it and I won't pretend like I don't know TUA is Village, but I also didn't feel good about people V!Reading myself or him for that interaction.

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1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

I am a Regular Reckoner, hence my hard confirming TUA for his post. The post you're probably referring to was half me playing around, half me trying to provide an excuse for what I ultimately deemed an unfair way to Village confirm someone. It happened and I can't change it and I won't pretend like I don't know TUA is Village, but I also didn't feel good about people V!Reading myself or him for that interaction.

You do not want to know the number of times we've had GM PM accidents...

Most notably in LG82, which let Illwei and myself hard confirm Szeth and it was so sodding hard trying to unsee what we saw.

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I'm always in favor of activity, I just want to remind everyone that while more posts are great, hyperposters make the game harder to play for everyone else. I just woke up and I'm on page 5 and it's practically all aman and Kas so far.

Activity is great,  nice to see an active game, but when it's just two people it's not good for thread health.

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4 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

You know what? New theory based on an old theory. @Kasimir

Other than Vexcave, there are no other Corrupted Epics. The rest are either "Minions" as Devotary put it D1 or more likely, non-Epic roles like Mat's - which means yes, we were right about Mat D1.

An elim-team with no other Epic but Vexcave would naturally deduce there are Village Epics (especially because of Mat's role), leading to Archer's claim. They would likewise claim Epics themselves to disguise their own roles flavor pointing to their alignment.

In this scenario, Karn is Village and some people came out of the woodwork to vote for him because Devotary is Vexcave. My natural response to the 'I'm angry' vibes comes from me assuming Devotary wouldn't deliberately weaponize emotion to save herself. But it's possible that she was upset for the same reason I was in AG8 - getting caught for things beyond their control, or more specifically for her, getting PoE exed on D2 - and that it wasn't an intentional thing she wrote into her posts. Just a natural reaction.

The reason I'm considering this is because what's the point of a Village Knighthawk Scientist if there's a ton of Epics, very few Regulars, and a single action per cycle??? The items degrade if not used immediately so any Epic that got an item would need to neglect their own role to actually use it, which seems completely bonkers given the huge amount of info roles we've since learned about.

So what's this mean for the team? Mat, Devo, Archer, Araris, maybe Thaid bus for cred.

Why Araris? I have a lot of trouble understanding why he'd risk getting NK'd himself to effectively protect me. There were a dozen better options to use his role on given my insane amount of activity.

We also know a Soother has been active, and since no one has claimed it yet, they are more likely an elim. So the whole "I got a Soothing item" could easily be proven by the elim Soother.

It also reinforces Archer's alignment-scan-item claim in turn.

Am I heckin crazy? Kas, bro. Please tell me I'm crazy.


This team comp assumes that Mat did indeed put the kill in D1 and got OOA'd by the exe.


Further evidence is lack of flips. If we don't get told colors, then what else would give away people's alignments? How about all Epics being Village and all Non-Epic roles being Elim? This assumes that Vexcave is not a role, however, and just how the game works, until the very end, and Archer's claim about alignments flipping eventually was only to give us hope.


+ Araris mistakenly claiming non-Epic when he should have lied and said Epic from the start.


Everyone else at D2 EoD claimed a role and have nearly all verified it. At this point I don't even think it's a Janitor target role anyway. Too much risk given all the chaos. More likely it's a passive thing from a Vexcave role or that it's just never going to change. 

This is the post I was referring to, Aman - where you postulate all-non Epic roles being elim, whilst claiming one yourself.

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Just now, Illwei said:

I'm always in favor of activity, I just want to remind everyone that while more posts are great, hyperposters make the game harder to play for everyone else. I just woke up and I'm on page 5 and it's practically all aman and Kas so far.

Activity is great,  nice to see an active game, but when it's just two people it's not good for thread health.

Yeah but I feel like a lot of the talk is them saying that they have no idea what is going on. I guess for a heads up, nobody really needs to read the back-and-forth between Aman and Kas. 

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9 hours ago, Illwei said:

I'm always in favor of activity, I just want to remind everyone that while more posts are great, hyperposters make the game harder to play for everyone else. I just woke up and I'm on page 5 and it's practically all aman and Kas so far.

Activity is great,  nice to see an active game, but when it's just two people it's not good for thread health.

In my defense I was really banking on getting NK'd last night :( sorry everyone <3

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Yeah but I feel like a lot of the talk is them saying that they have no idea what is going on. I guess for a heads up, nobody really needs to read the back-and-forth between Aman and Kas. 

Whether people "need" to read it is irrelevant.

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1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

In my defense I was really banking on getting NK'd last night :( sorry everyone <3

Same tbf.

Also considering the devastation Illwei and Quinn worked on the LG74 day thread with older players screaming to me in PMs, I'm just gonna shrug and move on.

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9 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

This is the post I was referring to, Aman - where you postulate all-non Epic roles being elim, whilst claiming one yourself.

All Epics = Village =/= All Village = Epics

Was considering the former, not the latter.

I do not consider Regular as a non-Epic role in that regard (or a role at all). I doubt there are "Regular" Corrupted Epics period.

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Same tbf.

Also considering the devastation Illwei and Quinn worked on the LG74 day thread with older players screaming to me in PMs, I'm just gonna shrug and move on.

Noted how you don't respond directly to me.

Noted how I was an Elim in that scenario

And further noted how that was an argument between me and her where she was attacking me and I was defending myself.

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Just now, Illwei said:

Noted how you don't respond directly to me.

Noted how I was an Elim in that scenario

And further noted how that was an argument between me and her where she was attacking me and I was defending myself.

I'm going to say one thing, and then I'm going to stop and @ the IM ( @Elandera)  , because you sound mad, and I'm getting mad at how you're coming across.

Your same accusations apply to you. I was getting PMs from older players about how the thread rate was cutting them out of the game. You can say your content was more valuable and more important. I'd probably agree. But you alienated players. I was talking to players who were actively alienated, and felt shut out by the thread rate and the back-and-forth, and also concerned at the temperature of the thread.

If you think this matters, I think they should too.

I'm not interacting further with you as I don't think this is going to be constructive and I'd prefer not to make Elan put out more fires.

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17 hours ago, Illwei said:

More convinced Aman is village after this. I'm much more tolerable when the person having to tolerate me is an Elim.

Experience is Village
Araris is Village
Archer is Village
Aman is Village


9 hours ago, Illwei said:

Kas, I'm not getting mad. I'm calling you an Elim.




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Anyway, Illwei is basically right, even if tonally in the wrong.

The sheer volume of posts Kas and I (mostly I) have been producing does have potentially detrimental effects on the game that I didn't consider beyond making Orlok's job 500x harder.

Ultimately the issue is we've had more available time, live in time zones where almost no one else is around when we're most active, don't have PMs to bounce ideas off each other in, and are playing a game with so little information and too many possibilities.

Personally, I still don't love PMs. I would rather my braindumps happen in a public space where everyone can read and weigh in on them appropriately.

But I can see it being overwhelming, and I do apologize. Enough to gladly accept a Pinch-Hitter, if anyone is available.

It's been fun <3

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