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8 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

im sorry im sorry

look on the bright side at least we got flips



Why Thaid? Because he shot a Villager?

Seriously, what is the upside of that power? If you’re right, and they are an Elim, do you just learn they’re an Elim and no kills? That’s so much worse than just a Kill. Which Thaid claimed first.


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Actually no Thaid illwei 

makes more sense because logically why would the elims want to kill someone who's claimed neutral unless theyve got an alignment scanner which is unlikely

edit: ninja'd by ash - yeah, I think it was meant to counter the potential lack of flips that archer's power would cause cuz I would get a conf elim

Edited by _Stick_
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13 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

The LG running right now has exactly one neutral in 24 players, which is a counterexample.

And it mentions the Neutral as a third faction.

There isn't a Neutral faction mentioned in this game. Ed1t: iirc.

Edited by Tani
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13 minutes ago, Tani said:

And it mentions the Neutral as a third faction.

There isn't a Neutral faction mentioned in this game. Ed1t: iirc.

Secret Neutrals are decently common.


Illwei Stick

Someone killed Aman, so I’m going with Aman logic on this one. Why would that role even exist???

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1 hour ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

@Illwei, @_Stick_, if I remember correctly both of you claimed roles with two elements, much as Archer did. I think given Archer’s flip, we could do with an explanation of the details of your respective roles.

My role was just what Ash gave me, lol.

Also the only reason I didn't want to kill Archer was because I have a role that lets me post a message like a tineye one cycle after my death, so I was like
Proving or Disproving Archer's claim seems to be my only use
Yeah it was a selfish goal

I'm getting confused so let's consolidate this I suppose.


Amanuensis was killed. He was a Regular Reckoner Ally!
Kasimir was killed. He was the 
Reckoner Ally Epic - Cobb!
Experience was killed. He was the 
Reckoner Ally Epic D-Coy!
StrikerEZ was killed. He was the 
Reckoner Ally Epic Prestige!
Devotary of Spontaneity was attacked, but survived!

Thaid: Striker + 1
Stick: Exp + 1

So can we say that there was an Elim kill this cycle?

I honestly don't know what to think about all the killing claims. I really don't.

1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Secret Neutrals are decently common.


Illwei Stick

Someone killed Aman, so I’m going with Aman logic on this one. Why would that role even exist???

if you follow Aman, who thought that Mat was an Elim, then do you think D1 was e/e?

Edited by Illwei
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7 minutes ago, Illwei said:

if you follow Aman, who thought that Mat was an Elim, then do you think D1 was e/e?

I am but a learner of Aman’s teachings :P

I have honestly no clue. Part of the idea is that Mat may have been Neutral. Or E!Stick was pushed as an option because her real role was less powerful than E!Mat’s. Or we were wrong about everything and everyone.

If you think Stick’s innocent, you’re still next on my list.

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Just now, Ashbringer said:

If you think Stick’s innocent, you’re still next on my list.

Don't be shy, put me first on your list

I still think Mat is village, and if we got an Elim on the first two cycles, which I don't really think we did, that it would be Karn.

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Stealing Aman's table for @Dannnex. You're one of three people without a full claim.

Amanuensis Regular Reckoner
Illwei Claimed Epic ([Delayed Tineye])
Matrim’s Dice Non-Epic Knighthawk Scientist
Experience  Epic (D-coy [Lurcher])
Kasimir  Epic (Inception [Rioter])
StrikerEZ  Epic (Mimic [Action Doubler)
The Unknown Aon Regular Reckoner
Araris Valerian Claimed Epic (WiMP [Action Swapper])
Ashbringer Claimed Epic ([Gifter])
Tani Claimed Epic (Robbin Hood [Ability Steal])
Karnatheon Epic (Pendulum [Rioter])
Devotary of Spontaneity Claimed Neutral Non-Epic (Huntress [SK])
Archer  Epic (Incinerator[Janitor])
_Stick_ Claimed Epic (Passive Survival + Scan/kill)
MintSilverTea Regular Reckoner
JNV Claimed Regular Reckoner
Thaidakar the Ghostblood Claimed Epic (Unknown)
Orlok Tsubodai Claimed Epic (Lookout)

               Claimed "Not Vanilla"

23 minutes ago, The Unknown Aon said:

Devo used her scan, which means you likely learned Illwei's role/if she's an Epic or not, so this is likely put on or your role is fake.

Tani couldn't have stolen my scan since it's not an Epic power.

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Right. Going to look through Devotary's posts, to see whether we can discern anything about their role:


  On 10/02/2022 at 6:22 PM, Kasimir said:

He shot a wary glance at one of their party. Sonia Biven seemed to have been quiet on the helicopter ride, and Mordred wondered.

Sonia heard someone address her and flinched involuntarily, before turning to see who had spoken. He wasn't someone she recognized, which was good. Chances were very low that he knew her from before her Reckoner days. Someone knowing her name was always a potential threat though, someone who might try to keep tabs on her after the job was done. She might have to leave quickly after whoever was behind the earthquake had been taken care of. Speaking of which, she should start looking for a culprit. The Weatherman Ashbringer seemed a likely suspect, as the cold had no visible effect on him. Either he was an Epic and should be taken out on principal, or he had acclimated to the cold from recent presence in Antarctica. Or maybe he just had really good cold weather gear, in which case finding out where it came from would still be a positive.



RP, nothing worth analysing.


  On 10/02/2022 at 7:28 PM, Archer said:

Are you saying you're not an Epic of any kind?

Reckoners: Famously not Epics. Except for the ones that are of course, but it's still quite rare for an Epic to be anything other than self-serving, especially in 1960.


Replies to Archer, making a point about both not being an Epic, and suggesting there aren't village Epics. Worth considering whether this is an RP answer only, but if Devotary's role is as they claim, then this is insincere. Need to consider further why Devotary, knowing about village Epics, would make such a point.


  On 10/02/2022 at 8:39 PM, Archer said:

I do. What I'm trying to figure out is if we all have them, or if there's vanillas like Devo is claiming to be. 

To be clear, Sonia is not an Epic, or at least wouldn't claim to be when she's part of an organization whose whole purpose is killing Epics. It's a bold move for you to claim Epic in a game where the elim team is listed as being (Corrupted) Epics.


Another interaction with Archer. Notably, highlights Archer's gambit, but distances themself from Archer.


  On 10/02/2022 at 9:14 PM, Experience said:

Just going to say, the corrupted part leads me to think that there are at least some vil epics

I'd still expect a higher percentage of Epics than regulars to be elims. People being on the Corrupted Epics team without actually beings Epics would be funny though.


Comments on role distribution. Downplays non-Epic eliminators.


  On 11/02/2022 at 3:00 AM, Kasimir said:

What's the basis for this claim?

Nominally at least all the Corrupted Epics would be Epics which would make the elim Epic/village Epic ratio much higher than the elim Regular/village Regular ratio of 0. In practice it doesn't have to work like that and I wouldn't clear anyone for not being an Epic but I can't see the Corrupted Epics not having Epics. And multiple Epics seems more likely than one stupidly overpowered High Epic + minions, though I guess a blackout would be a good place to throw in something like that.


Claims eliminators more likely to be Epics than regulars. Downplays highly powered Corrupted Epics, & non-Epic eliminators.


On 11/02/2022 at 8:55 AM, _Stick_ said:

If we're dealing with v!Archer, then the elims are probably picking apart your claim right now. So I suppose we should as well. The more I think about this the more I'm convinced that v!Archer does not gain much for the village from false-claiming this way, so you're either a 1.villager telling the truth or 2.an elim telling the truth or 3.an elim lying. In terms of usefulness of use, I'm not too sold on the second possibility because why would an elim talk to the dead? I have already confirmed with TJ that the elim team does not have any hidden secondary wincons/alternative ways to win other than reaching parity. Perhaps it would be useful if they wanna communicate with a dead teammate. Hm. Not impossible. And again, how useful really is this role to villagers anyway because the dead people can maybe just straight-up lie, as you said?

It can be useful for both villagers and elims to talk to dead people, especially in a blackout game. Someone who dies has a chance to spill all the information they know, which could be good or bad depending on Archer's alignment.

It would be risky for E!Archer to claim V!Epic if he didn't know whether V!Epics existed.

The only time Mat was D1'd recently looks to be QF57 as a villager (which did happen to be a game where every villager had a confirmed good role. I don't think role claims will be super helpful in determining alignment in this game unless there's something like a role scanner + all elims are Epics) when both elims voted for him. Harder to tell with that one since those were the only two votes but Mat did push back against the second one and mentioned that he was behaving differently than if he was an elim. He was also willing to die to ensure that somebody got exed.


oncemum 1, 2, 3
harkaqueet 2, 8
labileturninivy 4, 12
interestediga 3, 4, 6


Reinforces value of Archer's claimed role, again reinforces risk of Archer making the claim whilst evil.

More notably, discourages roleclaims - an interesting approach given her claim that she needs to kill Epics.



What has Stick said? I will flag her seeming to have a role (asking questions, although it also seems she was asking questions that she knew wouldn't get answered, e.g. are there neutrals so is potentially roleless) + instinctively assuming all elims are Epics. That's not really provable unless Stick dies though. She believes Archer's claim makes him likely village which does make sense but will be reexamined if he's evil. Much less concerned about the prospect of being exed than Mat is. Let's see if that applies when she's in the lead. Ashbringer, _Stick_.

_Stick_ (5): Illwei, Matrim's Dice, Tani, Striker, Devotary
Matrim (4): Ashbringer, Amanuensis, Thaidakar the Ghostblood, Kasimir
Experience (2): _Stick_, Araris
Illwei (1): Archer
Ash (1): Experience
Archer (1): Karnatheon

I kind of want Mat to claim but that probably not a good idea since it would make v!Mat a target but likely couldn't clear him and E!Mat could just make something up or even be truthful.

@Experience, what about looking at Ash's posts made you vote for him?


Votes on Stick to take Matrim out of the lead. Equivocates a lot - Stick has a role, might be roleless, wants Mat to claim, but that would make him a target etc.


On 12/02/2022 at 5:59 AM, Matrim's Dice said:

When an Epic dies, I can harvest their cells and create a single-use item to pass to someone else. I can't use the items.

That would seem to mesh with Archer's roleclaim if dead players don't have their alignments and/or roles revealed for the cycle when their cells could be harvested. A logical inference from Archer's claimed role even. Thematically a village/neutral role unless the elims aren't all Epics.


More supporting Archer's roleclaim. Defends Matrim. 


On 12/02/2022 at 6:21 AM, _Stick_ said:

devo is exeing me for having a role (? :P).

If you are an Epic on an all-Epic team, it would be easy for you to assume that of course all the elims would be Epics, just look at the name. More that you didn't seem worried about being tied in stark contrast to Mat and wanted to see if adding votes would change that.


"If you are an Epic on an all-Epic team, it would be easy for you to assume that of course all the elims would be Epics"

I'm assuming that you meant here that it would be easy to assume that all epics are eliminators, as if Stick was an Epic on an all-epic elim team, they'd know whether or not all the elims were epics. I'd be grateful for clarity, however.


Was going to carry this on tomorrow, but going to post now given Devotary's latest post, as the point of it was to demonstrate that her actions don't match her purported win condition of killing epics from each side, but she's now admitted to misleading us all regardless.

Devotary, as Calamity, what is your win condition, and why did you claim otherwise for so long? Honestly, I'm not sure I buy this claim - I think it more likely that Devotary and The Unknown Aon are both eliminators, and that this is an attempt to cover inconsistencies in Devotary's actions than it is that Devotary is a neutral Calamity.


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10 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

as Calamity, what is your win condition, and why did you claim otherwise for so long? Honestly, I'm not sure I buy this claim - I think it more likely that Devotary and The Unknown Aon are both eliminators, and that this is an attempt to cover inconsistencies in Devotary's actions than it is that Devotary is a neutral Calamity.

SK, need 3 or fewer players including me left alive. I outed myself last time I was an SK and wanted to try to stay undercover this time, but apparently not. There'd be no reason to  drag TUA into it to protect elim!me.

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