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3 minutes ago, Experience said:


people PM me if you can, I want to talk to ya'll.

no new thoughts, other than mental note to look back at illwei if stick ends up flipping elim. also if dannnex flips elim.

I could see Dannnex but it’s not something I’d immediately think of. Putting Stick there right now is something I disagree with, but a list like that isn’t something I’d make before C2 anyway :P. Assuming neither Stick or Dannnex die today. Having the whole cycle’s vote history is useful whereas right now anything goes.

That being said I’m reading you pretty solidly village, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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I'm an Epic! My name's Ricochet.

3 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

(Mainly just Regular vs Vanilla, but still. Also out of context this sounds like we can’t deduct things about our own alignments. Heh.)

Wait... does that mean that the red highlighted roles could be villagers????

4 hours ago, |TJ| said:

it's close to 4AM

TJ, sleep is a good thing.

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7 minutes ago, Illwei said:

@mat is it useless to ask why you think exp is solidly village? Even if it's a gut read are there any specific posts there that you looked at and made you feel that way?

It’s never useless to ask, even if I might not have an answer.

I think it’s the kind of posts he’s making- A lot of the time, when I’m elim, I avoid posting completely random takes and do less fluff. There is gut involved, but I think e!Exp might be more reserved.

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Many people had hobbies in their spare time. Some played cards. Some stabbed people. Others, like Eiro, had plants. Well, used to have plants. They had joined an expedition to a place with no plants. A terrible decision made in a moment of weakness at the thought of penguins. Penguins. Fluffy penguins. Little feathers. Penguins. But were penguins worth plants? Eiro couldn't decide. Antarctica had no plants. But penguins. But plants. Good thing they still had flowers. They didn't know how they would live without those flowers. The world was frozen, but the flowers weren't. The flowers were still perfectly intact. Eiro loved the flowers. 

In hindsight, how had they gotten on this expedition? Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing. Maybe they had missed a briefing. Or maybe they'd snuck aboard. To be fair, they could see themself doing both of those things. They were very forgetful. At least they had flowers. And maybe penguins! Penguins! Penguins! PENGUINS!!!

The sweet scent of the flowers cut through the penguin daze, and they blinked. Was there something happening? Everyone looked so serious. Had they missed something? Maybe flowers would help.

Eiro walked up to the first solemn person they found and tugged on their sleeve. "Would you like a flower?"

(This is an invitation for anyone who wants to RP! Eiro is a small child with perfectly healthy flowers!)


Hi! Good to be here. I've read through what's there, and I'm a little suspicious of Thaidakar because they seem almost too clueless if that makes sense? Like if they've read the rules at all they'd know some of this stuff and I don't think someone would play without reading the rules? But I guess that could happen so I won't vote them for now. They even say they read the rules and are still confused. I don't remember being that confused my first time. But whatever. Could be a confused rookie (like I'm not a rookie. Ha)

All the stuff so far just seems like shots in the dark and joking and I don't feel anything from that so I'll just post this and see everyone later bye!

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13 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

It’s never useless to ask, even if I might not have an answer.

I think it’s the kind of posts he’s making- A lot of the time, when I’m elim, I avoid posting completely random takes and do less fluff. There is gut involved, but I think e!Exp might be more reserved.

Glad to know that I'm acting like v!Mat :P

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20 minutes ago, JNV said:

I'm a little suspicious of Thaidakar because they seem almost too clueless if that makes sense? Like if they've read the rules at all they'd know some of this stuff and I don't think someone would play without reading the rules? But I guess that could happen so I won't vote them for now. They even say they read the rules and are still confused. I don't remember being that confused my first time. But whatever. Could be a confused rookie (like I'm not a rookie. Ha)

I just thought they didn’t really read the rules :P. I agree that you should probably know what an elim is after reading the main SE introduction page, but that leans into the territory of assuming how someone else understands/learns which is not something I want to do. (I’m not accusing you of doing this, either- your point was different from mine.) So I kind of just put it on the backburner and didn’t mention it.

6 minutes ago, Experience said:

Glad to know that I'm acting like v!Mat :P

Yeahhhh I have a history of disliking people reading me based on their own playstyle so this is a fair callout

But I don’t like when I’m elim read for acting like a different person’s elim meta, and this is the other way around, so it’s alright. Right?

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Ricochet looked down at the small child tugging on his sleeve, too surprised to be annoyed. "Sure?" He reached for the offered flower, then grew suspicious and pulled back his hand. "Why?" he demanded. Why the flower? Why him, out of all these people? Did the child know?

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6 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Sonia heard someone address her and flinched involuntarily, before turning to see who had spoken. He wasn't someone she recognized, which was good. Chances were very low that he knew her from before her Reckoner days. Someone knowing her name was always a potential threat though, someone who might try to keep tabs on her after the job was done. She might have to leave quickly after whoever was behind the earthquake had been taken care of. Speaking of which, she should start looking for a culprit. The Weatherman Ashbringer seemed a likely suspect, as the cold had no visible effect on him. Either he was an Epic and should be taken out on principal, or he had acclimated to the cold from recent presence in Antarctica. Or maybe he just had really good cold weather gear, in which case finding out where it came from would still be a positive.

This is interesting to me, because this just read like an unremarkable RP reason, but then:

6 hours ago, Archer said:

Mist on Wharf actually makes more sense! I like it! But your original name is great, no need to cave to pier pressure. 

Are you saying you're not an Epic of any kind?

hiss   no, I despise puns

interesting take

Archer should be a Coinshot because he pushes on this!

6 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Reckoners: Famously not Epics. Except for the ones that are of course, but it's still quite rare for an Epic to be anything other than self-serving, especially in 1960.

It's interesting to me that this exchange did in fact grow. It feels like Devo and Archer could be talking on two separate levels: I'm reading Devo's comment as being more RP-focused, and Archer is thinking in terms of roles. No real read off of this, but something about it just seems odd to me. 

6 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Spark O'toole was tired.  All day and most of the night he had tried to tell the others that he was not a Baron.  But of course they didn't listen.  Instead they followed him, watching his every move.  For the first time in his life Spark knew what those he followed had felt.  The eyes drilling into the back of his head, shadows lurking just around the corner.  Never seen but always watching.

It was maddening.  
How do people stand this. he thought.  Try as he might, he just couldn't escape from those prying eyes.

It was exhaustion that finally drove him to his cot in the hallway.  Not long after he fell into a restless sleep did a shadow loom above him.

"I won't miss this time."  the figure whispered.

Placing their hand gun against Spark's temple, the shade pulled the trigger.

Spark woke up drenched in a cold sweat. The same nightmare kept haunting him over and again. Each time, they were so close to hunting down the last of the Barrow Barons, and he knew who the last one, Mitosis, was, but nobody would believe him. Each time it ended with that gun against his head, the trigger being pulled.

Spark hated feeling like a wimp, cowering in his sleep each night as he waited to die. He'd hoped that traveling out to Antarctica and away from the city would calm his dreams, but if anything they were becoming more vivid each night. His last idea to stop the dreams was to kill an Epic himself. Maybe that would bring him peace at last. Of course, dying to an Epic would bring relief all the same.

Gonna echo what Archer said to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood; your vote is a tool to kill someone, use it wisely and for it's intended purpose.

Going to assist Kas in the shuffle thingy: Mat

Ah, yes, good to see Spark back after all these years :P And some vintage Araris bloodthirst to go with it!

6 hours ago, Experience said:

Hmm, Archer. Do you have an epic role you want to tell us about? 

I think it's interesting I have a different gut reaction to this than I do to Archer asking Devo if she's saying she isn't an Epic. I feel as though Exp's question seems to come from a "Epics = Elims = Bad" perspective which seems a tad more Village to me, especially since the context of this exchange has Experience reacting to Archer being seemingly thrown about Devo seemingly not being an Epic; I do think that Elims might be a bit more likely to want to steer clear of association with Epics in the first place.

6 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

OH, frick I did not realize most of that. frick. dang I did not understand some things about the game which I do now

Gonna be honest that this and later posts from Thaid just gives me a negative gut read on them. I'm aware that I have certain biases but this is absolutely flipping my LG5 Khas alarms right now. Either way, I am not for kastigating a new player C1, so I am not going to do more than note that I feel Thaid is so lost that it starts to feel like he's playing things up - General Rules & Etiquette, which Thaid says he's read technically does cover the basics.

6 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Or a tool to gauge a new player's reaction to being voted on. That too. (Which, if they didn't understand what a vote was, didn't really work anyway)

Only Kas and I can shuffle, smh. Clearly you don't understand :P 

This is not a bad thought. I approve.

The fourth rule of shuffle squat bros: only one Kas and one Mat to a shuffle squat.

The fifth rule: only one shuffle squat at a time!

The seventh rule: shuffle squats will go on as long as they have to.

The eighth rule: if you haven't yet had a shuffle squat this game, you have to fight :P 


6 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm pretty sure I can shuffle with Kas as well :P. But, failing that, I can kill you :D.

Wait who's the third?

Are you sure about that old dude :eyes:

6 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Yeah it appears that Araris ninja'd me

...and i did forget about your vote soz

I never claimed to be good at counting votes OTL (see: ag8 or any other game)

Ash :P 

I'm confused why/how you forgot about that vote when I don't on a quick glance see you referring to it at any other point.

6 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Oh. Well, the rest of the thread should hurry and catch someone else up then. Can't have people wondering if I'm doing my reverse-psychology D1 anti-bus strategy.

What is that reverse-psychology D1 anti-bus strategy holy chull.

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

If I had a nickel for every time I was the leading train 2 hours into D1

I'd have like... six nickels. At least. If I had a nickel for every time I've died D1, I'd have one nickel.

Do you want two nickels?

5 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Oh, I insist. I haven't been voted out D1 since LG 46, and I'm also in the LG, so this wouldn't be a horrible time for it to happen again. Also, it would put Spark's dreams to a stop.

Gonna be honest this one just gives me a bad feeling about you. Hesitating on voting Araris for now because I want to increase discussion and I see some candidates I want to pressure, but I would not be opposed to hitting up Araris later into the cycle.

5 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

um, I am beginning to think Exp is sus too...

Either I'm tunnelling or this just gives me a bad feeling because it looks like sheeping. Same point about Thaid being new, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, but I do want to note my reaction for my own sake before moving on.

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Quick Gut Takes:

Vil- Stick, TJ, Ash

Null (as opposed to no opinion)- Thaidakar, Araris (+)

Don't have anyone that feels elimmy right now. Kas and Exp both feel normal to me but I don't think that's necessarily the same thing as village. (Well, in Kas' case, maybe it does :P)

Alright, I'll bite, why?

5 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Yeah, not sure this makes me want to move my vote...

I'm aware of your D1 voting philosophy - but why specifically as a reaction to that?

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

It amazes me how from game to game I can get instantly mass-village read in one, mass-elim read in another, and not change my playstyle at all. I don't think I've consciously changed my playstyle... ever xD Unless you count me trying to not tunnel. But it's weird because from my perspective, I'm village in all these games, and don't see a difference in how I'm playing.

I'm trying not to go into this side-tangent because I think it is interesting, but at the same time, it's not directly relevant. I would say though that I think it's not necessarily just about playstyle but about interactions and the context as well. Which is ironic as the next post in my multi-quote is from Illwei where she does pretty much the same thing hoping it'll stick eventually.

5 hours ago, Illwei said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Experience is Village
Araris is Village


  Reveal hidden contents

Mat isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Danex isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Stick isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Experience isn't teamed with Araris
Experience isn't teamed with Archer
Ashbringer isn't teamed with Striker


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Leaning village on ash for prodding striker when striker was viewing the thread. In reality it's pretty NAI but I like it nonetheless. 

Initial obligatory suspicion on Kas for trying to initiate "normalcy" in his play via "shuffle squat" with mat

Stick can be village for now


In the AG8 dead doc, you complained that no one ever asks you about your reads. On one hand, I feel like you could just say it instead of baiting and waiting for people to ask, but okay, I'll bite. Why (to anything.)

5 hours ago, Archer said:

I do. What I'm trying to figure out is if we all have them, or if there's vanillas like Devo is claiming to be. 

Basically I get to ask dead people questions, but only if their alignment hasn't been officially confirmed. Which implies that that's a possibility. Also, it's unclear if they're allowed to lie. 

Is anyone else not an Epic? 

What the

5 hours ago, Illwei said:

No one answer this. 

Thank you.

5 hours ago, The Unknown Aon said:

I can confirm there aren't vanillas. Unless TJ has both a Regular role and a Vanilla role, which would be weird.


5 hours ago, STINK said:

Is it worth me reading the last 4 (4????????) pages? Like I could but can I just mostly assume it's D1 fluff and get on with getting back to pyre orrr

From my point of view, it should be set on fire. I think you're better off playing Pyre. Wyrm's told me it's good, how's your game going?

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I don't see how you can confirm there being no vanillas unless you have access to the player list, or something. You can assume that, but not confirm.

Will be very curious to come back to this page post-game and see how many of those IllweiTakes are right xD

I can assure you there's already one that's unsurprisingly wrong :P 

4 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

To be clear, Sonia is not an Epic, or at least wouldn't claim to be when she's part of an organization whose whole purpose is killing Epics. It's a bold move for you to claim Epic in a game where the elim team is listed as being (Corrupted) Epics.

Yeah, it reads like Archer and Devo had crossed wires up there. Slight positive on Devo for that bolded bit because I agree with that reasoning. But this is also Archer so.

4 hours ago, Experience said:

Just going to say, the corrupted part leads me to think that there are at least some vil epics

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's not the intuitive thing for an Elim to try to advance, at the very least.

4 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

The elims specifically being Corrupted Epics, instead of just Epics, and the villagers being Reckoner Allies, instead of just Reckoners, does imply village Epics to me. 

Ninja'd by Exp :P.

Same deal as with Experience. Mat, I guess our first shuffle squat has temporarily ended :P 

4 hours ago, The Unknown Aon said:

I'm claiming Regular. It was a joke.


4 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I'd still expect a higher percentage of Epics than regulars to be elims. People being on the Corrupted Epics team without actually beings Epics would be funny though.

What's the basis for this claim?

4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:


why would u do this lol? xD we arent even 24 hours in

if you arent bluffing, you mightve just set yourself up for the NK

hmm. i will admit i am confused as to what youre implying. but um also dont elaborate if it gives too much away

but i mean we probably should not be mass claiming yk :P 

Thank you.

As I'm apparently a late adopter of Fifth's multi-quote style (blame it on me discovering how to do this without c/p via the AG8 aftermath - and wait for Fifth to yell about blatant Orlok erasure!) - I'm just gonna sigh and shake my fist and complain about the Thread Unsafety generation.

At least Araris is-

Right, crap, I don't have good vibes from him and might wanna final vote him. Urgh.

4 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

All this talk of Villagers claiming Epics when we really need Elims to claim Reckoners.

Or what Devo said.

This doesn't feel exactly like what Devo said. What are you saying?

4 hours ago, Archer said:

I'm waffling between this being e!you doubling down or this being the type of guess a vanillager would make. 

Since it's a blackout game, I believe we need some level of claiming to get a sense of what the catch is (coughalsoMat'sgamewasverymechanicallysolvablecough). My initial assumption was that it was everyone had Epic powers, but TUA's defence of Devo was so indirect that it felt genuine. (Village points to them, by the way.)
If the elims want to kill me, go right ahead, but I was treating my role as basically an over-glorified vanilla. There's not much practical use for it besides keeping everyone honest in PMs and checking actions. I was going to have to reveal it eventually anyway if I was told something important.

So, first, this is very classic Archer - Archer loves his big YMMV D1 plans. No particular read for this.

At the same time, I feel as though there's a clear difference between claiming more or less off the bat, and claiming when you have information and are thus forced to out yourself. I'm not really a fan of Archer's move here, and I think I'm hesitant about whether this is Villager strategic conflict or just Evil.

Disagree on Mat's game being very mechanically solvable - I think the weaker point stands, which is that once we knew everyone seemed to have a one-shot kill, it was kayana to expect the Elims not to have any form of survivability at all. And that's precisely the point of the % mechanic - both to protect them, and throw a wrench into any Village plans to mechanically solve the game. We would have gotten hurt very badly if we assumed Mage's survival made him Village. It just so happened that it didn't fundamentally matter because lylo.

Anyway I guess it could be my biases on unwarranted threadclaiming - just don't really see how we need that at this point. At the very least, one flip should be helpful and give us a bit more context to work out the catch so I'm not really sure why you feel the need to do that right now. You can't unsay what has been said.

4 hours ago, Illwei said:

Just because the blackout of it all favors the elims compared to a standard game doesn't mean that being absolutely open about everything favors the village. Those aren't solutions for the other.

Confirming that there /are/ vanillas isn't the problem, the problem is that confirming who the vanillas/regulars are narrows down nk possibility for the Elims.

Any further regular claims will be treated as Elim claims from me.


And one of the goals when making a game should be that if everyone roleclaims it can't be instantly locked into a solve. If it is, on the other hand, it's not really in the spirit of the game imo to try and solve it that way.

I continue to marvel at how these days I can agree so much with half of what Illwei says and feel eh about the rest of what she says. But the bolded bits I absolutely agree with.

Ish? I don't know. I think knowing about Szeth and Archer helped us in LG82. But I also think our hand was forced in that situation, in a way that it wasn't necessarily forced here and I'm not sure that saying it before the crunch point is really worth it but. Anyway, okay, if Archer is truthful, he's claiming that at we have at least one Village Epic. (I guess if he wants to claim Evil Epic he can do that too :P )

Which is consistent with Mat and Exp, and puts him slightly at odds with Devo.

3 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

I’d be a little cautious nitpicking GM PMs. One, GMs are falliable, and Two, we’re not supposed to do that anymore :P

(Mainly just Regular vs Vanilla, but still. Also out of context this sounds like we can’t deduct things about our own alignments. Heh.)

Point of order - we were never supposed to do that anyway, they made it more clear in the rules, that's all.

But you know, there were El's glorious memes and Ruining of the write-up to make it very clear Regular v. Roleless v. Vanilla was a potayto/potahto difference in AG8. Maybe it's time to see how creative TJ can get :P (Don't yell at me please Elan :P I just want to troll my bro!)

2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Are there neutral roles? The only reason I’m even bothering asking this is because of the ‘factions’ section in the known rules being somewhat definite.

And seconded. Watching LG82 was my favorite GM for sure :P Archer said it was mechanically solvable but clearly the elims could survive attacks too, smh


You thrived on the suffering, didn't you.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

And it wasn't a knock on your game. Technically both sides had the same abilities. But because they were all identical, there was potential for some clearing based on even general descriptions and people claiming their kills. This game is probably different, but that begs the question: what did TJ do that made this need to be blackout? 

Did he though? And is that something we can work out right now in our current informational state?

MR43 didn't need to be partial blackout. And Elan's MR37/AN6 didn't even need to be blackout but was just kind of blackout out of inertia. LG28 though absolutely had to be blackout. But the point is, not all blackout games fulfill strict blackout conditions such that secrecy is required. I'm not really sure we have enough information right now to work out which way this one swings.

1 hour ago, Illwei said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Experience is Village
Araris is Village
Archer is Village

Stick is an Elim


  Reveal hidden contents

Mat isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Danex isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Stick isn't teamed with Thaidikar
Experience isn't teamed with Araris
Experience isn't teamed with Archer
Ashbringer isn't teamed with Striker


  Reveal hidden contents

Leaning village on ash for prodding striker when striker was viewing the thread. In reality it's pretty NAI but I like it nonetheless. 

Initial obligatory suspicion on Kas for trying to initiate "normalcy" in his play via "shuffle squat" with mat

Stick can be village for now

Stick is an Elim because her posts, despite interacting with people, don't seem to have any sort of thoughts behind them. A kind of idle banter that isn't idle banter at first glance but still is. Speaking without saying anything.

Regardless of if Archer's point on Mat is true, (I think it's not), I think the perspective he used in explaining his bizarre read comes from a good perspective.

You can't read into Stink wanting PMs, but it makes me wonder. If Stink is an elim I'd guess about how many elims had checked in by then, because I would assume maybe a team of 5, which is people to talk to a bit.

Thank you.

1 hour ago, STINK said:

Ok but why is this in box 3

What kinda game show is this

Because it's Newcomb's paradox smh.

Which boxer are you.

Asking the important questions on my mind, my dude :P Stay frosty.

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Ah come on, surely you know that e!me doesn’t think things like that through and also doesn’t care too much about wordings like that

Tbh I think v!me would be more likely to reword something because it looks elimmy than e!me but that’s a weird piece of self meta from someone who’s bad at self meta, take that with a grain of salt if you take it at all xD

I know it wasn’t a knock at my game, and get what you’re saying.

I don’t necessarily think there has to be something that makes it be mandatory that it’s blackout, though there probably is. 

Yeah MTE.

5 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Why is your first thought that I would immediately vote my teammates right off the bat on d1?

Right off the bat is strong, but you have in fact voted your teammates D1 before, with LG78 and LG74 coming right off the top of my head as examples, so it's interesting to me that you're defensive about this.

This is take #2 as I lost my first multi-quote. I now understand why LG74 drove Fifth kayana :|

I also see a lot of people making posts I continuously miss and am just going to post this and regret trying to multi-quote. I don't think the multi-quote life is for me :|

Karnatheon for the moment. Would like to hear more from JNV as well, but Karn, I'm pretty sure I saw you looking at the thread at one point. Thoughts?

@Orlok Tsubodai @Amanuensis @Karnatheon @MintSilverTea 

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16 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Yeahhhh I have a history of disliking people reading me based on their own playstyle so this is a fair callout

But I don’t like when I’m elim read for acting like a different person’s elim meta, and this is the other way around, so it’s alright. Right?

I mean, I'm not complaining :p. 

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Hello! Just stopping by to remind you that I am your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-IM this game. Please message me if you have any concerns, questions, or just need to rant for a minute. I'll be watching the thread, but unlike Spider-Man, I do not have spidey sense. If you see something might need some mediation, please bring it to my attention and I'll respond as quickly as I can. Thank you!

Edited by Elandera
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18 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I'm aware of your D1 voting philosophy - but why specifically as a reaction to that?

It seemed really insincere. I could take it either way, but it made me think of the whole list as a sham. The counterpoint is that elims want to look like they are trying to help, not fool around, but I’m sticking with my gut for now.

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5 minutes ago, Elandera said:
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Hello! Just stopping by to remind you that I am your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-IM this game. Please message me if you have any concerns, questions, or just need to rant for a minute. I'll be watching the thread, but unlike Spider-Man, I do not have spidey sense. If you see something might need some mediation, please bring it to my attention and I'll respond as quickly as I can. Thank you!

Alright, I'm impressed, you have my sword as Tineye :P

Sweet Photoshop skills right there.

2 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

It seemed really insincere. I could take it either way, but it made me think of the whole list as a sham. The counterpoint is that elims want to look like they are trying to help, not fool around, but I’m sticking with my gut for now.

As I'm currently nursing a terrible bad no good gut on you and on Thaid, I feel like it'd be hypocritical to push you on your gut while sticking to mine...

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23 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

What's the basis for this claim?

Nominally at least all the Corrupted Epics would be Epics which would make the elim Epic/village Epic ratio much higher than the elim Regular/village Regular ratio of 0. In practice it doesn't have to work like that and I wouldn't clear anyone for not being an Epic but I can't see the Corrupted Epics not having Epics. And multiple Epics seems more likely than one stupidly overpowered High Epic + minions, though I guess a blackout would be a good place to throw in something like that.


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32 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Right off the bat is strong, but you have in fact voted your teammates D1 before, with LG78 and LG74 coming right off the top of my head as examples, so it's interesting to me that you're defensive about this.

I'll get to more later, but specifically coming from exp (sorry vapor) who was on the team with me where I bussed (sorry vapor >>) vapor (sorry) and then won the game. So specifically was looking for an answer from exp around that.

I just think it's an odd thing for exp to say, it being one of the first things he's said that was a read of sorts. 

There is a part of me that wonders if people commenting on epics being bad, moreso shading those they "think are epics" is an elim slip in a way, not realizing that the epics aren't just evil. 

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Hi Kas :P 

20 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

It's interesting to me that this exchange did in fact grow. It feels like Devo and Archer could be talking on two separate levels: I'm reading Devo's comment as being more RP-focused, and Archer is thinking in terms of roles. No real read off of this, but something about it just seems odd to me. 

Do you have an opinion on whether the exchange in question is e/e or not? I ask because I specifically don't.

22 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Gonna be honest that this and later posts from Thaid just gives me a negative gut read on them. I'm aware that I have certain biases but this is absolutely flipping my LG5 Khas alarms right now. Either way, I am not for kastigating a new player C1, so I am not going to do more than note that I feel Thaid is so lost that it starts to feel like he's playing things up - General Rules & Etiquette, which Thaid says he's read technically does cover the basics.

Yeah, this. It's basically what JNV said, and I agreed. Also agree with not actually wanting to kill them (hense the line in my opening post)

23 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

This is not a bad thought. I approve.

The fourth rule of shuffle squat bros: only one Kas and one Mat to a shuffle squat.

The fifth rule: only one shuffle squat at a time!

The seventh rule: shuffle squats will go on as long as they have to.

The eighth rule: if you haven't yet had a shuffle squat this game, you have to fight :P

It's one of my favorite ways to use D1 votes, new players or otherwise. 

So true. I'm interested in the first, second, third, sixth, and any that may extend beyond eight :P

25 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Do you want two nickels?

I already have 6, thank you :ph34r: (7 if you count this game). I think that'll suffice for the time being.

27 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Gonna be honest this one just gives me a bad feeling about you. Hesitating on voting Araris for now because I want to increase discussion and I see some candidates I want to pressure, but I would not be opposed to hitting up Araris later into the cycle.

Either I'm tunnelling or this just gives me a bad feeling because it looks like sheeping. Same point about Thaid being new, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, but I do want to note my reaction for my own sake before moving on.

I want to sheep these reads :).

28 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Alright, I'll bite, why?

That list doesn't really look the same anymore, but I had/still have Stick there for... basically the opposite read that Illwei gave. I liked how Stick was interacting with the thread and how specific they were in some of the small questions they had. Adding to the saga of me disagreeing with Illwei, woo

32 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I'm trying not to go into this side-tangent because I think it is interesting, but at the same time, it's not directly relevant. I would say though that I think it's not necessarily just about playstyle but about interactions and the context as well. Which is ironic as the next post in my multi-quote is from Illwei where she does pretty much the same thing hoping it'll stick eventually.

Yeah, context is important. It's harder for me to see that because I'm clouded by my TMI, but hey, at least I'm self aware :P

32 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Same deal as with Experience. Mat, I guess our first shuffle squat has temporarily ended :P 

May our next one be... in the upcoming LG xD I doubt I'll ever seriously elim read you based on what I've seen, you're just too villagery... but hey, fake self-condemning Seeker scans delivered via Tineye message happen, so we'll see.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

I continue to marvel at how these days I can agree so much with half of what Illwei says and feel eh about the rest of what she says. 

This so much xD

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

You thrived on the suffering, didn't you.

This is like, rule one of GMing. Besides running the game I guess.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Karnatheon for the moment. Would like to hear more from JNV as well, but Karn, I'm pretty sure I saw you looking at the thread at one point. Thoughts?

No I didn't forget Karn was playing, what are you talking about

Remind me to run a game next year after the AG

57 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

It seemed really insincere. I could take it either way, but it made me think of the whole list as a sham. The counterpoint is that elims want to look like they are trying to help, not fool around, but I’m sticking with my gut for now.

I mean. The rest of the list was sincere, that was a joke inspired by the 2-3 other people also making a similar joke :P.

44 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I'll get to more later, but specifically coming from exp (sorry vapor) who was on the team with me where I bussed (sorry vapor >>) vapor (sorry) and then won the game. So specifically was looking for an answer from exp around that.

I love that you still reference this :P.

44 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I just think it's an odd thing for exp to say, it being one of the first things he's said that was a read of sorts. 

I mean. That's kind of why I liked it.

Also Striker is village thank you have a nice day

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

This doesn't feel exactly like what Devo said. What are you saying?

Idk. That idea about alignments lying to us got stuck in my head, particularly with Archer's claim. Can't really ask if a Vanilla/Roleless TUA is an Epic or not. So why not have the villagers be all Epics and the Elims be all not?

Answer: it would fall apart almost immediately because people claim, and enough people claim we hit a Tineye critical mass. But it's fun to think about, and I like people thinking.

Also, an Elim claiming they're a Reckoner would make my life a lot easier.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Point of order - we were never supposed to do that anyway, they made it more clear in the rules, that's all.

Oops. Guess we've got no idea who we are, do we?

I'm gonna post this so I can see the next page but I'm probably going to go anyway.

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12 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Answer: it would fall apart almost immediately because people claim, and enough people claim we hit a Tineye critical mass. But it's fun to think about, and I like people thinking.

Well, in Mat's blackout with Allomancers v Feruchemists, it never got to the point where the village all having identical roles different from the elims was enough for them to solve things. I think we are paranoid enough to allow our illustrious GM some liberties with the distro.

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8 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Nathan shivered as the cold bit into his too thin clothing. Or well, it was definitely thick enough for the location he was in. He was just a weakling and could hardly stand even the lightest of winds back home. 

How did I manage to get myself dragged into this mission? Nathan thought to himself. This is like my worst nightmare.

One thing that was distracting him from the cold was the fact there was an Epic amongst them. Maybe even multiple. Hard to remember that the cold is a thing when there is someone hiding among you that could kill you all. He looked around at those near him. That Orion guy seemed really fishy. Something about how he was avoiding talking to anyone and was acting all menacing was making Nathan suspicious.

Hello everyone! I am here now. How are there already three pages? Anyway, Matrim's Dice. Mostly because surely one of these times when he ends up as the D1 exe within a few hours has to be right. Also because I got a bad vibe from him as I was reading the thread. Though what's new there?

Also hello Ash. I will once again disappear for a while after this. Hopefully you guys don't make as many pages before I come back next time. :P

Also also anyone got a VC yet?


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1 hour ago, Illwei said:

I'll get to more later, but specifically coming from exp (sorry vapor) who was on the team with me where I bussed (sorry vapor >>) vapor (sorry) and then won the game. So specifically was looking for an answer from exp around that.

Oh yeah, that happened. Maybe a part of me thinks you might do that because it was what you did the only time I played elim with you?

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Sadly, Blink is shy, so he and I will be chilling out and observing from the periphery. I'm trying to convince him that you're nice people and won't try to hurt him because of his... you know. Condition. But for some reason, the boy has a history of being hunted and kidnapped, so it may take some time for him to gather the courage to introduce himself. In the meantime, I'll mostly be watching rather than talking while I keep him company. I'll gladly respond to direct questions though.

Here's my vote and a vote count.

  • (3) Matrim: AshbringerArarisAmanuensis
  • (2) Illwei: StrikerArcher
  • (2) Archer: ThaidakarKarnatheon
  • (1) Dannnex: Matrim
  • (1) Ashbringer: Devotary
  • (1) TaniStick
  • (1) ArarisExperience
  • (1) Stick: Illwei,
  • (1) Karnatheon: Kasimir
Edited by Amanuensis
Corrected (ty TJ)
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Ya I was reading the thread earlier but unfortunately rollover is in the middle of my workday so I probably won't be very active before or after rollover. Then I just needed some time to catch up cause you all posted 6 pages in less than 12 hours. 

Archer claiming Epic is interesting, and whether it's alignment indicative or not it would be some information for us in a situation where we currently have no information. 

4 hours ago, Tani said:

I'm an Epic! My name's Ricochet.

Also @Tani is this you claiming you're an Epic too or was that you establishing an RP character I'm kind of confused.

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3 hours ago, Elandera said:
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Hello! Just stopping by to remind you that I am your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-IM this game. Please message me if you have any concerns, questions, or just need to rant for a minute. I'll be watching the thread, but unlike Spider-Man, I do not have spidey sense. If you see something might need some mediation, please bring it to my attention and I'll respond as quickly as I can. Thank you!

Hmmmm sus. Sounds eerily similar to those evil Fused flying around in Roshar. spider-im, like... mavset-im :P

@Amanuensis, Archer shifted to Illwei. Other than that, we tally. 

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