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12 hours ago, strmblsd said:



Shyoild I ask her if she likes me? I want to but am scared...


What if she says no...

Don't invite troubles that don't exist. Take a moment before jumping to presume the worst. If I had done so two years ago I would not have started dating my wife and best friend. If you feel that it is something that you must know then ask her. Be honest that you are curious as to what she feels for you. Tell her that you value her opinion of you and you can take it from there.

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She has known for a couple months that you have a crush on her, so she probably does already know if she likes you too. I would guess that she doesn't dislike you, if that makes any sense, because she knew you liked her and she hasn't said anything about it or, I'm assuming, tried to cut or limit contact.

(and no, "doesn't dislike" isn't the same as "does like," because ambivalence (example - normal people don't randomly dislike strangers for no reason) and not-being-sure are things.)

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20 hours ago, strmblsd said:

Shyoild I ask her if she likes me? I want to but am scared...

I know I’m a bit late to the party, but I recommend having that conversation in person, especially because of how everything’s gone so far. I know it can be scary, but it’s even scarier to see texts like that (in either way she could respond). It’s hard to convey proper emotion over text, and in my experience it works out over a FaceTime or just face time lol. Don’t feel nervous, since she knows you've liked her for a while and keeps talking to you without bringing it up, it’s clear she at least likes you as a person, if not romantically. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

Call me selfish and overinvested, but got any updates @strmblsd?

Nothing much happened.. but idk she doesn't respond super well so idk.. but nothing happened reallly..

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