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22 hours ago, Ookla the Monk said:

Domestic life, was never quite my style

"When you smile... you knock me out, I fall apart..."


Sorry fellas, "Dear Theodosia" is 100 times better than "My Shot"!


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41 minutes ago, Sequence said:

"When you smile... you knock me out, I fall apart..."

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Sorry fellas, "Dear Theodosia" is 100 times better than "My Shot"!


Bruv we’re not even

singing “My Shot.” We’re singing

”Yorktown.” Disagree.

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52 minutes ago, Sequence said:

"When you smile... you knock me out, I fall apart..."

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Sorry fellas, "Dear Theodosia" is 100 times better than "My Shot"!


That's not even what we're singing. Besides im pretty sure we're going in order. Both my shot and yorktown are way better anyway lol

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10 hours ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:



9 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

That's not even what we're singing. Besides im pretty sure we're going in order. Both my shot and yorktown are way better anyway lol

... I cannot believe I mixed that up.

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