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The magic system of Trune(my world/book)


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This is going to be a description of the magic system in my book, names are welcome, and constructive comments. It is under revision.


All the magic is primarily guided by imagination and will, So if you are strong enough in the magic, and your will is strong enough, and you can imagine a way for it to work within the parameters of your limitations, you can probably get it to work. Elemental magics each have a specific elemental language that is used to do magic them, and when used can greatly enhance the effects of your will in making the magic work.

Two main categories, Elemental and Standard

  • Standard
    • Everyone can learn at least the basics to the standard, which is simple things like water purification and fire starting, some telekinesis. People often have specific Standard talents, like hiding or finding things, and develop them a great deal, to the point where they are as easy as thought.
    • Essentially comes in two flavors, level one and level two
      • Level one - these magics are the ones represented before, and are essentially low power elemental magics, able to cause small and non-drastic changes.
      • Level two - This includes two main groups, including the talents that many have, and Changing
        • Talents - these are magical specialties that people can have, and they can be anything from low-level shape shifting, with only one other form, to being a polyglot, able to speak all languages.
        • Changing - Changing is the method of changing one substance into another, essentially Alchemy. It is further divided into three main groups, ranked by approximate difficulty and danger
          • Changing 1 - Changing one nonliving substance to another, similar rules apply to this as in fabrial soulcasting. The more matter you change, the more energy it uses, and the more different the matter is from what it is and what you wish to change it into, the more energy required.
          • Changing 2 - Changing a living substance into a nonliving substance, and reverse. This is sometimes manifested in talents as petrification, and some creatures innately have this as well. Requires a great deal more energy per mass changed than normal in Changing 1, though a small portion of this energy is recovered if the change is reversed, which can only be done safely by the one who initiated it. Technically, this magic could be used to animate statues, turning them into creatures, but that would require orders of magnitude more knowledge and ability than the normal.
          • Changing 3 - Changing a living substance to another living substance. This allows for some interesting effects, and is most commonly used to heal small wounds. It can be used by a master to heal larger and more serious wounds, and can allow for shape-shifting into various creatures smaller than oneself. The shapeshifting converts excess mass into energy woven into the very fabric of the being, sustaining the spell, and allowing for recovery of the energy to undo the spell and shape-shift.
  • Elemental
    • takes up most of the magics, and many of the standard magics are technically classified under this. Is further divided into your base groups, with two higher groups
      • Fire-things to do with heat(heating and removing heat) and flame - paired w/ light
      • Ice(water)-Things to do with water and Ice(i.e. can change the two between the states)
      • Air - wind, sound, and storm calling(weather patterns) - paired w/ earth(technically)
      • Earth - Stone and mineral identification/manipulation, forging metals into having strange properties - paired w/ air(technically)
      • Light - manipulation of light, not creating mental illusions, but can create actual illusions by bending light, cause things to be carried by light from one place to another. - Paired w/ fire
      • Darkness - Manipulation of shadows, able to move them around, detach them from the objects that cast them, then later cause the object to reunite with the shadow, wherever you moved it. - paired w/ ice
    • A person can have access to all of them, but it is much more common to just have access to one, or one and its pair.
      • Higher elements:
        • Energy - Can imitate and replicate all base elemental magics, and do further things that are specific to it, like calling lightning - paired w/ air
        • Life - Can imitate and replicate all base elemental magics, though not as well as energy. Can also control living things - most often plants, and as a general rule of thumb, the higher the sapience of the being, the harder it is to manipulate(regarded generally as a species)
Edited by EmulatonStromenkiin
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  • 3 months later...

Eflings - Trunian elf-like creatures. these have magic, but I'm not sure how I want that represented at the moment. their arms and legs look like they were put on backwards

Giant-born Creatures - Term used for creatures released by the storm giant either purposefully or because of his death. this is a whole classification of creatures that are either corrupted and bent natural animals, or condensed energy given a bit of will. Some include Shifter, shaker, shaither(not sure if I'm going to keep this one), and wraiths

Shifter -  grotesque face that seems to be a mishmash of many different creatures, short and somewhat twisted body. Can change between any shape of animal it has seen, but cannot mimic humans, the best it can do is a humanoid and then cover itself with clothes. Hoards treasures it has stolen, is something of a collector.

Shaker - scaled body shaped like a squat cylinder turned on its side, with one end being taken up almost entirely by an enormous toothed mouth, the other ends in a long rudderlike tail.(think thunder-drum) They have four short but powerful legs ending in clawed feet that were vaguely reminiscent of a dragon’s foot, and vestigial wings that it uses to glide at the top of its jumps. Primarily jumps, which it can go incredibly far with, especially with its gliding wings. Cannot be damaged from falling as long as it has control, but likes to land heavily, shaking the ground, hence the name. When killed, can have a forfeit in form of its scaled hide forming some article of clothing.

Wraiths - many types, very diverse. To an extent, personifications of certain types of energy. Range between nuisances(snow-wraith) and actually evil (Bone-wraiths). Weaker and more specifically varied versions of skeins. bone- and shadow-wraiths are capable of possessing a creature or human, but if they stay in possession for too long they are unable to leave or be removed, and the form of the creature starts to twist and deform. Any offspring a permanently possessed creature has will also carry the mutations, regardless of whom the offspring was with.

Wyrms - dragon-like, are about three feet long and are essentially winged snakes. are capable of short-range shifts through use of what has been dubbed wyrm-holes, letting them to seemingly phase through objects.

Skeins - Essentially personified elemental energy. Six main types, though there is sometimes mixing, producing strange effects. Some have easier times interacting with the rest of the world. Types are:

Spectra (Plural, Spectras) - light
Gemler (Plural, Gemlers) - earth/plant life
Derka (Plural, Derkas) - shadows/darkness
Anem (Plural, Anemas) - air/wind
Igneate (Plural, Igneates) - fire/heat
Ordyhq (Plural, Ordyhquas) - water/ice

Dragons - these are the classic dragons, most similar to a combination of those in Eragon and Elvenbane. Strong magic, can do almost anything a human can and many things they do not know how to.

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Love it! I have two main questions:

1. How deep does specialization go? Is there a system where you have control over water and air, so you get ice magic, so you specialize in conjuring weapons out of ice, etc, or is it just that you can do whatever with the magic that you have?
2. The ultimate fantasy macguffin: how do people become mages?


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9 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Love it! I have two main questions:

1. How deep does specialization go? Is there a system where you have control over water and air, so you get ice magic, so you specialize in conjuring weapons out of ice, etc, or is it just that you can do whatever with the magic that you have?
2. The ultimate fantasy macguffin: how do people become mages?


Almost everyone is born with a specific standard talent, which is a very specific effect, so with practice one would be able to conjure weapons out of ice if they had the right basic talent. You can do much with the magic you have, to an extent it is bound by your imagination, along with some energy restrictions. This takes a great deal of practice. It is possible for someone to not know what their talent is, that is especially common with mages who were trained young. The most common talents are along the lines of smedry talents(only more controllable), enhancing normal functions. Changing is a very rare talent, and if someone does have that it is very limited, both in mass that can be changed, and in what can be changed. Effects similar to other brandon magics are also possible (I really like the idea of Feruchemy, and want to do something along that line) Ice magic is part of Water magic, but it is normally seen the other way around, as Water magic being part of Ice magic.

Mages actually have less of a standard talent, traded off with the ability to learn more and expand their natural talents with proper training. They are both more and less limited than others, as many can do similar things, but how they do them is very diverse. There are several schools for training, but the best one is called the School of Dragons.

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14 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Almost everyone is born with a specific standard talent, which is a very specific effect, so with practice one would be able to conjure weapons out of ice if they had the right basic talent. You can do much with the magic you have, to an extent it is bound by your imagination, along with some energy restrictions. This takes a great deal of practice. It is possible for someone to not know what their talent is, that is especially common with mages who were trained young. The most common talents are along the lines of smedry talents(only more controllable), enhancing normal functions. Changing is a very rare talent, and if someone does have that it is very limited, both in mass that can be changed, and in what can be changed. Effects similar to other brandon magics are also possible (I really like the idea of Feruchemy, and want to do something along that line) Ice magic is part of Water magic, but it is normally seen the other way around, as Water magic being part of Ice magic.

Mages actually have less of a standard talent, traded off with the ability to learn more and expand their natural talents with proper training. They are both more and less limited than others, as many can do similar things, but how they do them is very diverse. There are several schools for training, but the best one is called the School of Dragons.

Thanks for the clarification! I like that system.

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honing talents vary based on each person, though general timelines can be figured out based on previous similar people. It is not possible to have more than one talent, but it is possible to not know what your talent is, or not have one at all. honing them is not necessary, but it is common, and often done unconsciously. many full honing effects could be considered a form of savantism

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So some families might be better at honing because they have had the power for generations? Do families members have to have the same power? Do two people with different powers that marry will that affect what powers their children can have? I have lots of questions and your answers just spawn more questions, I hope these questions help you build your magic system and improve it.

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

So some families might be better at honing because they have had the power for generations? Do families members have to have the same power? Do two people with different powers that marry will that affect what powers their children can have? I have lots of questions and your answers just spawn more questions, I hope these questions help you build your magic system and improve it.

the talent type power - the one that you hone - is to an extent random, think smedry talents, without the family restriction. Honing is also something that varies from person to person, and it mostly happens through natural use of the talent. Elemental power types run in families, but those are clan related and not relevant to the current questions. The talents of the parents have little to do with the talents of the children, though the children's often run in a similar vein. Base strength of talent can be affected by the parents base strength, but not necessarily, think human magic in Elvenbane. I welcome all questions, they help a lot, though answers might eventually change some.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/3/2022 at 9:54 PM, Gregorio said:

I don't know if anyone's said this yet, but it's like green lantern, but cooler? With deeper depth to it. It sounds pretty cool to me. 

I don't know enough about green lantern to understand that statement, but thank you for the compliment?

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