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Xenoblade Chronicles 3


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Last night in the 45 minutes I was able to play, I finally met Alexandria. Ethel may have my heart, but Alexandria is definitely one of the characters I've been looking forward to meeting the most. (Other than Ashera, who also has my heart. I haven't met her yet though.) 

Anyways, when I get some time (maybe a few hours this weekend, and then probably not a lot until Labor Day), I'll try to do some damage to Chapter 4, as the first cutscene during that chapter is the last thing I was able to get through last night. 

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I beat the game a few days ago. (It's kind of scary how much of my time that game ate up....)

The story is incredible. I don't feel like going very in depth, but it was incredibly well written, definitely on par with the rest of the Xenoblade series, while still achieving a perfect sense of originality.

The gameplay is also incredible. The combat is smooth and fun. The world is breathtaking, and huge. I'm still finding hidden side areas that I completely missed.

And.... (Spoilers for the epilogue and stuff that's unlocked after the game, so don't read the spoilered stuff below unless you've done those.)


The easter eggs!

I love connected universes (Brandon Sanderson's fault), and so getting to see honest and unmistakable relics and connections from XC1 and XC2 to this game had me geeking out.

Melia with Shulk's replica Monado and Nia with Poppi (where the heck did Dromarch go?) and the photograph of the XC2 party were both things that I enjoyed seeing greatly. 

And then, when you get Melia and Nia as heroes, I also had way too much fun doing their quests and catching every possible reference they gave. (Though most of them were fairly obvious.) I kind of feel sorry for Nia....how in Alrest did she become a queen, anyway?

But I digress. I love connections, and this game has definitely satisfied me on that front.

(Also the comment Melia makes during the final battle about them fighting for a "future connected" gave me goosebumps.)

The characters in this game are very relatable. They're deep, and they change and grow just like normal people. I found myself attached to some of these characters more than I had in any other ones. Taion is probably my favorite; I relate a lot to him in many ways. I still need to get to know most of the Heroes better, though I have unlocked all of them.

This is probably my favorite Xenoblade Chronicles game. It was incredible, and perfectly ties up the two worlds represented in the previous two games.

Though..... (Epilogue spoilers)


The ending was a little sad for my tastes. Parts of me wanted a more "happily ever after" ending, an ending where they got to live together in a new world. So I was disappointed because I had my hopes set too hard on something else. The ending was still very good, though, despite parts of my mind protesting.

However, it does seem to me like they're setting up for a Xenoblade Chronicles 4. Even though the two worlds are drifting apart again, based on comments made by Noah and Mio, I think they're inevitably going to drift back together. And when they do.....well, that's what the next story's going to be about.

At least that's what I think.

Also, the post credits scene was confusing. I need to go watch it again.

EDIT: And, uh, @Shard of Reading? I rescind my prior statement. You're actually going to want to play them in chronological order. You will completely see why by the time you finish all of them.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Isolating due to COVID, but it's given me a LOT of time to play Xenoblade 3! I'm already on Chapter 6 and am loving it all. Chapter 5, while having some of the best moments and acting in the game so far, does introduce some tropes that I was hoping the game would avoid. It makes sense, given the game's setting, mechanics, and core themes, but I was happier when they weren't brought to this conclusion. 

Other than that, this will probably be my GOTY (Game of the year) unless something else can come out and stop it. It's that good. And while this surprising to me given that Three Hopes came out this year, it's good to have a new game or franchise come knock the older ones off their pedestals every now and then. (Also, expectations, or lack thereof, can do wonder on one's enjoyment of a game.)

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On 8/19/2022 at 6:29 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

Ah well. You'll still have a ton of fun.

Tell us what you think when you finish! (Or even before then.)


So I just beat the game, I’m actually typing this out during the end credits so sorry if my thoughts aren’t fully fleshed out. 
Gameplay wise this game was pretty good. The combat isn’t my favorite, and I started to get bored of it around chapter 6 but when Noah puss lucky 7 and you get to spam arts, that’s fun. During the fight with Z I felt so smart when I lined up infinity blade, a smash combo and an oroborus order. It completely deleted him. 
On another note I’ve heard people complaining about being over leveled and I didn’t feel that. I was about on the same level of most of the bosses even a bit lower towards the end. That’s probably because I didn’t do all the side quests, but it was fine. 
What I really loved about this game was the story. It was really interesting and I really like all the characters and the way that they interacted. My only complaint was that Eunie and Tiaon went from not being able to stand each other to being chums and I didn’t see any in between which was kind of annoying. 
I’m definitely going to play the first and second game ASAP. I just need to do the rest of the hero quest. (Probably going to need to look up a guide on where to find them but whatever)


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22 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

So I just beat the game, I’m actually typing this out during the end credits so sorry if my thoughts aren’t fully fleshed out. 
Gameplay wise this game was pretty good. The combat isn’t my favorite, and I started to get bored of it around chapter 6 but when Noah puss lucky 7 and you get to spam arts, that’s fun. During the fight with Z I felt so smart when I lined up infinity blade, a smash combo and an oroborus order. It completely deleted him. 
On another note I’ve heard people complaining about being over leveled and I didn’t feel that. I was about on the same level of most of the bosses even a bit lower towards the end. That’s probably because I didn’t do all the side quests, but it was fine. 
What I really loved about this game was the story. It was really interesting and I really like all the characters and the way that they interacted. My only complaint was that Eunie and Tiaon went from not being able to stand each other to being chums and I didn’t see any in between which was kind of annoying. 
I’m definitely going to play the first and second game ASAP. I just need to do the rest of the hero quest. (Probably going to need to look up a guide on where to find them but whatever)


Spoiler tag please~

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Figured I should bump this because:

I am so excited! Rex and Shulk look amazing! And there's Pyra's daughter Glimmer, and Nikol who is most likely Shulk and Fiora's son. 

Main cast:

















And '?' Who looks like Alvis but with a lighter skin tone.


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Played a bit of Future Redeemed last night and it's living up to the hype so far. Just got Rex and Shulk and I can't wait to see what's next! I really like the new combat mechanics like Ouroborus Arts and the mix and match combos you can do with each character. And the Collectopedia is back!

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1 hour ago, Zurvanite said:

Played a bit of Future Redeemed last night and it's living up to the hype so far. Just got Rex and Shulk and I can't wait to see what's next! I really like the new combat mechanics like Ouroborus Arts and the mix and match combos you can do with each character. And the Collectopedia is back!

That's as far as I got too. Except I died to the subsequent boss so now I have to grind, and they're just here. Its funny as hell that Rex comes with Pandoria'a kid but she wasn't in the cutscene, so she's just HERE now lmao.

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*skipping thread

I saw that the last dlc is out and when I was loading it it saw something about it taking place within the main game if I read the little thing right. So I guess I’d like to know if it’s best played along side the main game point to point or afterwards. I ll look forward to a spoiler free answer in a few days after people begin to beat it.

If anyone in here answers tag me. 


Cold Steel 4 ending in sight I do believe then it’s Xeno time again from where I left off on Ch 4 to wait on all dlc to drop. Looking forward to it.

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  • 9 months later...

Beat 3 a few hours ago. 302 hours 58 minutes. I think I can say confidently this was the hardest hitting of 1-3 on emo lvls. Rust it could be deep at times. Though I am confused about how the ending plays out where certain things are supposed to go with the others going here and there. Fantastic game and my favorite of the 3. I have watched Future Redeemed trailer since and while I’m probably jumping into Crossbell 1 next not hitting start on FR is going to be hard. Wow that looks sick!

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  • 4 months later...

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