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On 6/29/2022 at 7:16 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Do you think Shagaru magala or Malzeno sounds more dangerous?

Malzeno sounds more dangerous because it sounds like the word 'malicious.'

On 7/5/2022 at 3:53 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

What's something that you find interesting to think about?

What's your favorite thing that you've written?

Jazz or Classical?

General opinion on life?

Our place in this vast universe as insignificant blips.

*cough* Uh, yes.

Oh Gods. I have to pick which is better? I hate both soooooo.

Changes depending on the day. Today, life is good.

On 7/5/2022 at 6:13 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

When are you going to be back and why have you been gone, if you want to answer this?

Edit: Also how many notifications did you have when you came back?

I am back!!!! My apologies, I went to Utah for two weeks. But I'm back now and will be active again!!!


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  • 1 month later...
30 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What's your favorite thread?

Best moment on the shard?

Favorite piece of writing?

Hmm. Favorite thread.... either my writing thread or (more recently) TLT.

Best moment?? When I created my writing thread. And when my gf joined. And when Insanity Clinic reached 100 pages. There's too many good moments!!

By anyone, or by me?

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What is kelsiers last name

Would you be a Mistborn or a knight radiant? 

Why are people who show fake modesty so daaaamn annoying?

If you had a choice to either go to war and fight for your life (and have lots of people die cause, yk, it's WAR)  or accept death but your death meant that the lives of thousands of people would be saved, what would you do?

Edited by Elf
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Kelsier has a last name????

Radiant!!!! Specifically Lightweaver, because that's my order and it's cool.

Um, because they think they're correct but in fact are not and they're annoying and dumb.

Die so thousands of others could live. That isn't even a choice!

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I am Indian, pray tell what is your favourite Indian food? 

*Rests chin on hand and looks expectantly*

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9 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

(you're indian?? cool!)

my mom makes this really REALLY good lentil curry, but it's never super spicy so i sprinkle some cayenne on it to give it a nice warm kick. It's sooo goood.

Yes i am :))  

Ah lentil curry. That is spectacularly vauge as you could be talking about... literally anything because we use lentils a LOT and frankly most American's defination of curry is different than Indian definition of curry 

Cultural exchange! 

But i think you might be talking about what we call Dal. (Come here, i will show you the best spots to eat authentic Indian food)

I don't like much Indian food but i like the kind you get from the street vendors like bhel and pav bhaji and Vada pav and oh a good falooda is just *chef's kiss* i like a nice, spicy Sev Puri too. 

Do you think flaming hot Cheetos are spicy?

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Which author do you think has the most beautiful prose?

Which three Sharders would you want to meet IRL? (excluding me)

Which of those Sharders would be most likely to get you all arrested?

Favourite snack?

Why is the imperial system of measurement so complicated?

Edited by Robin Sedai
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