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On 9/25/2022 at 7:41 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Whose body did you eat most recently?

What was your worst crash in kerbal space?


33 minutes ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Why do we steep red books with willow?

Also how do you scrub Nartic slime off of silver?

10 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Do you know the true name of quicksilver? 

Do you own any pets?

I ate the body of a cauliflower named Teddy.

When I activated my thrusters too late and crashed into the surface of the Mun at 237 m/s (really fu**ing fast)

I dunno. Seems kinda witchy (i'm getting a little into witchcraft...)

Nartic slime tf- *turns to google* wtf is nartic slime... bro what is this what.

no, no i don't.

SNAKE! Alex, my 2 year old female fancy corn snake, my beloved child and if anything happened to her i would kill everyone and then myself.

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

no, no i don't.




Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

SNAKE! Alex, my 2 year old female fancy corn snake, my beloved child and if anything happened to her i would kill everyone and then myself.

SNAKE! I love snakes, in my animal biology class we have a ball python. Reptiles are the best, tied with cats.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:


good name

Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

SNAKE! I love snakes, in my animal biology class we have a ball python. Reptiles are the best, tied with cats.

ball python im jealousss i want a ball python they'd be so cool to have. reptiles are super cool i agree, but dogs are cool as well (cats are mid sorry bro)

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4 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

yes i do have early morning seminary.


How early do you have to get up? I have to get up at 5:00 AM 

Oh yeah, do you know the pig's ears that owners sometimes give to their dogs? Well I got one for free from a field trip and I gave it to my cat.

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

i wake up at 6 am. take 30 minutes to get ready, drive ten minutes to seminary, seminary for an hour, drive 15-20 minutes to school after hugging my girlfriend goodbye, then school for the day.

You have school at 9 and seminary at 7? That must be nice, we to get ready and eat some food in 30 mintues, drive to seminary 20-25 minutes, seminary from 6-6:50 and then drive to school 20 minutes.

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On 9/30/2022 at 7:12 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

i wake up at 6 am. take 30 minutes to get ready, drive ten minutes to seminary, seminary for an hour, drive 15-20 minutes to school after hugging my girlfriend goodbye, then school for the day.

I wake up at 5:20 and have seminary at 6:30

Why do I need all that time?

Cuz I’m Haly. Don’t question it.

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southern food? (hey google, whats a southern food... oh ok) uhhh chicken pot pie. my mom used to make that it was glorious.

also im from the south, Texas to be specific. central texas. but im uneducated about our foods :3

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  • 1 month later...

My most beloved girlfriend of almost 7 months, whom I adore and love very much.


No, but I'm told I do a pretty good old man accent. I am also quite proud of my Australian, Russian, and Gay accents.

I love fire.

7. Exactly 7.

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