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Hunger Games Simulator RP


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13 minutes ago, Tani said:

Sooo I found this thing where I can kill off tributes and bring them back to life...

Do you want me to bring Star back to life or do you want to name Extra2 something?



Ok my minipanic moment is over now


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1 hour ago, Tani said:

Szeth's Facepalm grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes.

The toll sounded. Facepalm stood there, still horrified that this was her reality now. She was the district eight girl they saw on tv every year. She had been the girl on the train, the girl on the chariot, and now, she was the girl in the arena. The girl that was either killed or killed until she had killed everyone. This was something that happened to someone else. Rarely anyone she knew. And definitly not her.

no... NO! there isn't time for this, you idiot philosopher! Get supplies and GO! In a burst of adrenaline, Facpalm sprinted for the cornucopia. To her right, she spied one of the district three tributes- Fadran, had it been?- grabbing some of the farthest supplies and running away. But to her horror, as she was looking away, she tripped over something heavy on the ground. A hammer. She scrambled to her feet, but valuable seconds had been lost. The supplies around the cornucopia was diminishing. She saw the district nine girl collapse with blood streaming down her face. Fifty feet away, Star, the district seven who had been nice to her, was hacked to death by her own district-mate.

This was not what they were going to reduce Facepalm to. She was not going to die by someone else's hand. She was not going to murder for food like an animal. Facepalm was going to survive, and she was going to do something meaningful. The logical part of her brain told her how idealistic and unrealistic she was being. The rest of her did not care.

She grabbed a small tarp and scooped everything in reach into it. There was nothing good, she was far away from the arena and there was no chance she was getting closer. But she acquired a few packets of dried fruit and nuts, a tiny container of antiseptic, the hammer she had tripped over, a hat, and a small bottle of water. Then she slung the tarp as a makeshift sack over her shoulder and sprinted into the arena.


I may have gone a little overboard...

Tbh i'd just die before i even got to the arena if i was selected for the hunger games >.>


Also if anyone wanted to give any feedback on my writing style i would not complain:D


Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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Coming back to life would be brutal; I'd totally seek revenge on Xino. He's my best friend, being killed by him would... mmm. I love the drama. 

In other words, yes please, bring me back.

Star ran towards the cornucopia. She knew it could mean her death, but adrenaline pushed her forward, her feet thumping against the grass. She grinned, feeling the wind on her short blonde hair, finding joy in the intensity of it all. If she could just get something, maybe she could help protect her and Xino from the other tributes... Visions of her and him valiantly fighting back the rest of them before dying heroically beside each other swam in the back of her mind. It was easy to forget, now, that only one of them could survive. Easy not to think on, to instead focus on the task at hand. She had a simple plan in mind; gather weapons so that she could keep her timid companion safe. Beyond that... Well, they'd find a way. She trusted in that.

While it was tragic that both her and Xino had been chosen, it would have been more tragic if only one of them had been. Having to live without him, or worse, forcing him to live without her... it was too much to even think of.  They'd survive together long enough. Maybe make a suicide pact if it came to it. But that wasn't worth thinking on yet. 

She was one of the first to arrive. Her eyes darted about the wealth of weapons, picking out a hatchet, which she handed to Xino. "Here, take it. You defend me while I get as much as I can carry..."

Star left her back exposed to her friend. It would be her last mistake.

Edited by Zephrun's Imperium
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There wasn't a moment to lose. Everyone was running--sprinting for their supplies. 

This was a game of assertion. Why wasn't he asserting?

Fadran started running. Nobody had gone for that one backpack: he grabbed it, slinging one strap over his shoulder. People were already fighting--he had to go.

Without a moment's hesitation, Fadran sprinted away.

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Experience sprinted towards the pile of stuff, and went to grab some bread. 

"No!" the voice in his head said.

Experience grolwed ever so slightly and then went for a backpack instead. Once he got a safe distance from everyone else, he opened it quickly to find that it was filled with camping supplies.

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2 hours ago, Tani said:

Napollo grabs a shield from the ground.

Napollo's darted around, scanning the arena, there, most of the tributes would go for the bag and leave of course. They were cowards. The gong sounded, and Napollo ran forward, straight for the Cornucopia, he grabbed a shield, holding it aloft for the crowd watching, for his family, for all the districts of Panem. He then brought it back in front of him in a defensive stance, no attacks came as of yet.




I'm asking. 


Edited by The Unknown Novel
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1 hour ago, Experience said:

Experience sprinted towards the pile of stuff, and went to grab some bread. 

"No!" the voice in his head said.

Experience grolwed ever so slightly and then went for a backpack instead. Once he got a safe distance from everyone else, he opened it quickly to find that it was filled with camping supplies.

this... this is a true masterpiece

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3 hours ago, Tani said:

Eluviani runs away with a sword and some rope.

Eluviani was frozen for a moment. Everything had started moving so fast, his mind couldn't catch up. But he had to move.

His training, if it could be called that, all the lessons he had endured over the past few days told him he needed supplies, water, food, that kind of thing. But Eluviani was scared. Scared that one of the other tributes would find him and kill him, without so much as a fight. His mind clouded with fear, he ignored logic and ran straight for the glint of a sword laying on the ground, far enough from the fighting to be considered somewhat safe, but still closer than he would have liked.

There was also some rope nearby. It wasn't food but rope was good, right? What could you do with that? He tried to remember what it was useful for but he couldn't think straight and didn't have time either so he just took it and ran, straight for the woods as fast as his legs would carry him. He needed to escape, planning could come later.

It was only when he was hidden and panting behind a tree that he took a moment to think about Facepalm. He hadn't even looked for her back there. Shame started filling him quickly as he walked out of his hiding spot and turned back towards the cornucopia, tributes from the same district had to help each other, right? But he couldn't take the first step. He could still hear some noise from back there, the fighting, the bloodbath. Eluviani had survived, why should he put himself into danger again? He immediately regretted the thought, but turned back to the forest regardless and started walking, without looking back.

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Morningtide bolted straight for the Cornucopia. She was fast, it was her greatest strength. Morningtide risked a glance back over her shoulder at Exp, just to make sure he wasn't dead. Idiot! Why do you care. You might have to kill him! Morningtide grabbed a thin sword, great for stabbing, and a long coil of rope. The rope was a reflex, she hoped it would come in handy. 

Morningtide started to run for the marsh, but faltered. Was she wasting an opportunity to get rid of some competition? She had the sword and the advantage of speed on her side.... Morningtide shook off the impulsivity and continued into the marsh to hide. 

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25 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

are allowed to do more than one perspective per rp day? or only one?


As many as you like in a segment of the RP day.

This is just the bloodbath though. The actual day comes after the bloodbath, and the bloodbath is only as long as it takes for everyone to complete their thing (running and hiding, grabbing stuff and hiding, all that stuff.) I'd recommend only one RP post during the bloodbath, but it's entirely up to you.


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I have decided.

If everyone posts an RP post, the game progresses. If three quarters of the people post and I sleep, the game progresses. If half the people post and I sleep twice, the game progresses. If fewer than half the people post and I sleep thrice, the game progresses. The game will not progress on Sunday, and I will not count Sunday night as a time that I sleep.

Are there any objections?


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1 minute ago, Mystic Syn said:

What happens if someone doesn’t sock me in the nose and steal the bread I wanted? :ph34r:


You can do your RP and make Taln fit his to match yours if he's not getting on. You can also bug him until he posts.

He visited last three hours ago, so he's probably seen this. I'd say at this point go ahead and post your side, but it's entirely your call.

@#1 Taln Fan

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4 hours ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

Star ran towards the cornucopia. She knew it could mean her death, but adrenaline pushed her forward, her feet thumping against the grass. She grinned, feeling the wind on her short blonde hair, finding joy in the intensity of it all. If she could just get something, maybe she could help protect her and Xino from the other tributes... Visions of her and him valiantly fighting back the rest of them before dying heroically beside each other swam in the back of her mind. It was easy to forget, now, that only one of them could survive. Easy not to think on, to instead focus on the task at hand. She had a simple plan in mind; gather weapons so that she could keep her timid companion safe. Beyond that... Well, they'd find a way. She trusted in that.

While it was tragic that both her and Xino had been chosen, it would have been more tragic if only one of them had been. Having to live without him, or worse, forcing him to live without her... it was too much to even think of.  They'd survive together long enough. Maybe make a suicide pact if it came to it. But that wasn't worth thinking on yet. 

She was one of the first to arrive. Her eyes darted about the wealth of weapons, picking out a hatchet, which she handed to Xino. "Here, take it. You defend me while I get as much as I can carry..."

Star left her back exposed to her friend. It would be her last mistake.

There was a loud screech.  A... thing descended from the sky, too fast for Xino to catch it. He shouted, flailing his hatchet about, trying desperately to get a hit in as he was sent tumbling across the ground.

He felt the hatchet connect and felt a surge of triumph. The beast let out an alien cry and took off back into the air. Xino frowned as he watched it fly off. It didn't seem injured- but he was sure he'd hit something.


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Star felt a stab of pain in her back just as she grabbed a pack of something or other. She gasped, her senses all dimming at once, her whole body in more shock than pain. The edges of her vision dimmed, smells dampened, and the pack fell from her fingers. The world went quiet, save for her breath pulsing quickly in her ears. What.. what was that awful sensation? 

She turned around, though the motion made her feel dizzy. "Xino, what-" 

Her eyes widened. The hatchet was bloody. Her back...

Star started to shake just as her legs gave out from under her. "Xino..." How could you...

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Vapor ran to the Cornucopia and grabbed the nearest weapon before sprinting away. She’d focus on fighting later. Right now, she wanted to set up a base to live from. If Mat wanted to follow her, he could.

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9 hours ago, Tani said:

Fadran grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes.

Queen takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.

Knowing she was far to slow and weak to survive getting too close to the Cornucopia, Queen grabbed one of the first things she saw, glanced around, then headed as far away from the other tributes as she possibly could. Once she reached a space she deemed...at least fairly safe, she looked over her loot. 

Explosives. Thank goodness. Hand-to-hand combat just might be avoidable.

Now that she wasn't overly concerned for her own well-being, she started worrying about Fadran. She hadn't seen where he had gone...for all she knew he could already be dead. Oh, gods...please don't let him be dead.

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@2EmLee2 @Channelknight Fadran @Voidspawn @#1 Taln Fan @Mystic Syn @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Robin Sedai @Dannnex


I will be going to sleep in about one and a half hours. Tomorrow, as soon as seventeen total people have posted RP, the game will move on.

Fair warning: currently fourteen people have posted RP.


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Currently typing up my post, and have been for the last ten minutes. I'm a little nervous about this, I haven't written fiction for years.


Edited by Robin Sedai
Edit 1 - put it in quotes.
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