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Transfering conciousness



if you have a sentient awakened object, like nightblood (i know its awakening was possibly interfered with by other shards like ruin and had more of a personal hand by endowment but that aside). would it be possible for them to gain a body at some point?

here me out

a persons mind and soul are i believe what makes them 'inately invested'. thats why you cant push on the metal in someones bloodstream via steel (/ pull with iron). if you had a dead body, like the corpse of a lifeless before it was awakened. would it be possible to transfer that investiture over and thus give the awakened object a body?

or failing that, using some spiritweb and hemalurgy shenanigans (like kelsier) be able to do the same?

failing that would it be possible for a shard to seeing as harmony offered to put vin and elend back into their bodies after the final battle in HoA (which they just refused is the only reason it didnt happen, and harmony also lied to kelsier after being asked about the same)

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Such an awakened object has a cognitive aspect, a Self.  The rest is just Investiture and Connection shenanigans to get them a body in the Physical Realm.  Spren do this with Bonds, Kelsier apparently did it with Hemalurgy.  Stapling to a recently dead body may or may not be any easier than other options.  A Mistwraith was tossed around a lot as a "blank" body kelsier might have used, for example.  


A Shard can do just about anything if they want to, and if they are not opposed by another Shard.  

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Hemalurgically taking out the entire Spiritweb and grafting it on someone else?! How Orochimaru! Sounds like possession. It might be possible, and what a fascinating idea. Hey, with the Feruchemical Spiritual quadrant - that stores Identity, Investiture - maybe it's possible to create a literal Metalmind and transfer your mind into the Metalmind. But all of this is probably era 4 stuff!

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42 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Hemalurgically taking out the entire Spiritweb and grafting it on someone else?! How Orochimaru!

The things we do for a Sharingan...

42 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Sounds like possession. It might be possible, and what a fascinating idea. Hey, with the Feruchemical Spiritual quadrant - that stores Identity, Investiture - maybe it's possible to create a literal Metalmind and transfer your mind into the Metalmind. But all of this is probably era 4 stuff!

Isn't that what a Lerasium spike would do? It transfers everything.

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