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Words that could be in the Stormlight 5 Title


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For first 5 Stormlight Archive titles to match the ketek poetic structure, the 5th book's title must be able to be abbreviated K. o. W. T.

So what are some words that start with K, O, W, and T that you think are good potential title words? Not just any words, but words that you think might work well as words in a Stormlight Archive title.

Here are a few of mine:

Knight, Key, Keep, Keeper, Kill, Killing, Kiss, Kin, Keening

Of, Out, Outward, Other, Outer, Over, On

Wind, Winding, Withered, Wise, Wisdom, With, Whistling, Winter, Winged, Wishes, Walled, Wife, Wicker, Winking, Whips, Will, Willing, World

Time, Trails, Tamed, Tear (as in, crying tears), Torn, Tare (meaning weed), Tired, Track, Traveler, Temper, Table, Teeth, Tap(ping), Travail, Taker, Taken, Tinder, Tether, Twice, Thrice


Write your own words, and feel free to combine mine and others' words into whole titles that you think are cool and/or viable.

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Oh, I just thought of a bad one. What if book 5 sees the reforging of the Oathpact?

Knights of Willing Torture.


Or, maybe we finally find out some about Feverstone Keep - Keep of Watery ???

Edited by Bort
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We know a few specific things:

  • It needs to be an in-world Work.
  • Per this WOB, as of 2020 he was undecided if the T would need to be included to mirror "THE Way of Kings".
  • At one point the planned title was Stones Unhallowed, so I suspect it would be thematically similar.
  • It will feature the big Final Fight of the first half, after Ten Days of suspense building, so reasonable chance it will be an in-world tale about that Fight or the Refounded Knights arc as a whole.


Since we have a pair of ancient books and a modern book for Humans and Singers, Im hoping for a book written by a Spren.  And that introduces a lot of novel grammar possibilities the same way a Rhythm makes sense for a Singer record.  






What percent confident are you that Mistborn 2.4 will be named The Lost Metal? In that same vein, what percent confident are you that Stormlight 5 will be named Stones Unhallowed? (I think that's a fantastic title btw and you should definitely keep it.)

Brandon Sanderson

I'm probably around 95% on Lost Metal and 70% on Stones Unhallowed.

Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 29, 2018)







So far, the Stormlight Archive's book titles have the abbreviations: WoK, WoR, O, and RoW. Will Book Five's abbreviation be KoW, making the complete ketek?

Brandon Sanderson

Great question. Way back when I started working on the Stormlight Archive, I wanted to do this. And then I just didn't think it would work out, for various reasons, and I backed away from it, coming up with my kind of working titles that were not a ketek. After I changed Book Two to Words of Radiance, I realized I might have a chance to do this, and it started to kind of get in my head, that maybe I do it, maybe I wouldn't. I waited to see if Book Three would work as a single-word title, which it did. And so I am intending to do this.

The question we have internally is where we put the "T." Because Way of Kings actually has a "the" in it, where Words of Radiance and Oathbringer do not, and neither does Rhythm of War. So, is it going to have a T at the end, or not? That is subject to debate, even internally, right now.

YouTube Livestream 5 (March 16, 2020)


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Okay, i guess this might be a very unpopular opinion since nobody seems to be thinking about this, but pleeeease can we drop the 'T' from KOWT??? 'The' is a silent word in the the English language. It was there in tWoK because to make grammatical sense and just 'way of kings' doesn't sound as well. Grammatically it should be 'the words of radiance' and 'the rhythm of war' but Brandon did not go there.

Every title(except OB) has the form x of y. He really doesn't need to add and extra word because of a missing T. All options with a t word at the end are just bulky and aesthetically very bad.

Knights of woeful truth just won't have the same nice ring as RoW or WoR. That's a fact. In fact I definitely believe there is no version of KoWT that will sound good at all. Fight me.

There is a better title, 'Knights of Woe' simple and good. Just drop the T. 

<insert 'the' social network meme>

Let's give Brandon's team less of a marketing headache

Infact I will be even more controversial now by suggesting we don't really need the 'W' either. Careful fans know that in vorinism 'h' is a letter used as a wild card to make palindromes. This is why 'Nohadon' , 'Pailiah', 'Honor' are considered palindromes on Roshar. What if Brandon made the title 'Knights of Honor'? It would be a great injoke for attentive fans and is way more eye-catching than other suggestions ( 'keepers of withered truths' vomits)

tldr: Drop the T and the W , make it Knights of Honor

Also: Did anyone notice I put 2 'the' s in a row in the first para? If you didn't, i prove my point about it being an invisible word. If you did, please rub it my face.

Also I mean no disrespect to the guys who came up with the ideas, this is just something that really irks me and I just let it out after seeing the twentieth thread about KoWT.


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Here is my two cents:

Keepers of Winds Tethered 

The story will dig into Shinovar with Szeth's quest there, and we are going to find out a lot about their history and lore. We know they have certain historical knowledge that the rest of Roshar doesn't. 

I think this has a lot to do with the oath pact, the origin of surgebinders, and perhaps the history of the human migration from Ashyn. 

In light of this - they are the keepers of winds tethered - tethered by oaths and by Honor. Focus on wind's tethered due to Jezrien being the leader and the windrunner. They are also the keepers of this knowledge. 

Let me know what you all think!


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I like Keepers of Wisdom, Knight of Wisdom Triumphant, Knight of Wailing Tears, King of Wisdom (probably in reference to Taravangian or Dalinar), or Keys of Wind. 

19 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Careful fans know that in vorinism 'h' is a letter used as a wild card to make palindromes.

This is true, but it seems unlikely that Brandon would use and H instead of another letter, especially since this probably isn't a well known fact. 

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1 hour ago, Morningtide said:

This is true, but it seems unlikely that Brandon would use and H instead of another letter, especially since this probably isn't a well known fact. 

How is it not well known?

A ven diagram of fans who care enough to notice a palindrome and those who know about the Vorin H is almost a circle.

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1 hour ago, Frustration said:

How is it not well known?

A ven diagram of fans who care enough to notice a palindrome and those who know about the Vorin H is almost a circle.

Apparently I am that fan that was making it not a circle.

Edited by HSuperLee
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4 hours ago, Morningtide said:

This is true, but it seems unlikely that Brandon would use and H instead of another letter, especially since this probably isn't a well known fact. 

Ya, but even for the fans who know about the fact that the titles could make a palindrome but never caught the wierd detail about 'H' being a wildcard, there won't be a lot of anger over it, you know? In the end, people will want a good title more.

Infact if we completely ditched the palindrome buisness, I want book 5 to be called Night of Sorrows. It would be such a coool name!! (Only if the event night of Sorrows happens in the book, of course). But Brandon seems to be interested in palindromes, so this won't happen

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On 3/15/2022 at 1:46 PM, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Okay, i guess this might be a very unpopular opinion since nobody seems to be thinking about this, but pleeeease can we drop the 'T' from KOWT??? 'The' is a silent word in the the English language.

We don't necessarily need to include "O" either. It just stands for "of." The abbreviations can still make a palindrome as WK WR O RW KW.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Bort said:

A travel documentary about Kaladin? :D

The last word is flexible, but it's the first thing that came to mind.  I'm thinking that Kaladin needs to do something similar to Dalinar and have a book written about him, and everything he's been through.

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