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Alright bois!!!!


Some of you saw the post I made about the plant based magic system, which will be the magic system of this book, but I hid that post to post the final ideas here.

I will put everything contained in the old post in a spoiler right here.


Alrighty! I recently finished my first writing project, and I have more ideas. This one I came up with a few ideas for magic systems (because magic duh)

I haven't come up with a name, I'd like help with that, but here's the gist of it.

Actual origins of the magic system: Some thing with the souls of plants, more later.

According to Sanderson's First Law Of Magic: This law states that 'An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic.' It also goes over soft and hard magic. The soft magic part will be presented in the beginning and be explained throughout. The hard magic part will be the key to fixing it, and I'm still working on the details. 

According to Sanderson's Second Law Of Magic: This law states that 'Limitations > Power.' What this is specifying is that what the power CANNOT do is more interesting. Weaknesses and prices on how the magic can be used offer a sense of danger to the magic, as well as it not being super overpowered. Since this is a plant based magic system, I thought it made sense for, whenever someone uses the magic, it uses up some of the moisture in their body. (Think Taldain's magic system, in terms of cost. It costs water.)

According to Sanderson's Third Law Of Magic: This law states that 'Expand on what you have already, before you add something new.' What this is specifying is don't make the magic annoying and overcomplicated. Have fun with it, and make it more in depth and detailed. This will be accomplished by splitting the power into Branches, with different members of each Branch being able to manipulate different types of plant. This will be unchanging, and more details will be forthcoming.


The Magic Itself:

Name: Verdur

Name Of People Who Use It: Chlor (Singular) or Chlors (Plural). Based off the word Chlorophyll, the part of a plant cell used to create oxygen, and what makes plants green.

Non-Chlors are known as Wilts, or Wilt, as they are called singularly.

The 5 Branches: Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Creepers, and Climbers.

What The 5 Branches Can Accomplish:

Herbs: Members of the Herb Branch are typically healers, and use their power to grow herbs, which they can mix into a poultice to heal wounds and the like

Shrubs: Members of the Shrub Branch are typically farmers, and can grow shrubs and bushes that harbor fruit. They can also grow gourd type plants (i.e. watermelons, cucumbers, and the like)

Trees: Members of the Tree Branch are typically in the defensive part of the military, as their ability to grow trees and large bushes is useful in creating living buildings, and walls.

Creepers: Members of the Creeper Branch are typically in the offensive part of the military, as their ability to grow vines and other similar plants with rapid speed is useful in fighting enemies.

Climbers: Members of the Climber Branch are typically multi-profession people. That is to say, there is not a majority of them in one certain profession. Their ability to grow plants similar to those of the Creeper Branch, but at a much slower speed, and far more sturdy and durable, makes them useful in getting to high places, and creating temporary structures.

The 6th Branch: The 6th Branch occupies the gray area in what is classified as 'plant.' (i.e. algae, mushrooms, etc.). The rarest Branch, very few people are part of this Branch, and can grow algae, mushrooms, and other similar organisms. Not much is known about where this puts them in society.

Cost: Since plants need water to live, Chlors will lose moisture content, and must drink water to replenish it. Because of this, and the rarity level of the powers (falls between uncommon and rare), demand is high, and sometimes, water can be difficult to come by, and is reserved for military and important organizations.

Point out any errors or ideas, help and advice are greatly appreciated!!!!

Hope you like the magic system!!


Name: Gliivurnii (Glee-ver-nee)

Technological Prowess: 1800s level tech.

Geology. Two supercontinents, separated by the Great Sea, an ocean composed entirely of freshwater.

The first continent is known as Glii, and is covered in plains and forests. The climate is warm year round. The second continent is known as Vurnii. Vurnii is covered in mountains and tundras. The climate year round is cold. Within the mountains of Vurnii is a hot spring, which, according to all the cultures on Gliivurnii, is holy. The planet’s axial tilt is strange. The north pole is always tilted towards the sun, leaving Glii in an eternal spring/summer, and Vurnii in an eternal winter. The northern tip of the axis always tilts towards the sun, as it revolves around said sun. Idk how else to explain this.

Planetwide Lore: I will write this in a scripture format because it’ll be cool, but for now it’ll just be an explanation.

The world was created through unknown ways by an unknown force, but everyone agrees that before life, the world was barren, devoid of plants and animals. The land mass was there, but it was boring.

All the cultures of Gliivurnii agree that the spring in the mountains of Vurnii is where life first emerged. The spring was dubbed the Holy Spring of Life, and is taken care of by a village nearby.

When life first emerged, it was a human, with plant-like patterns along his skin. This human was the first Chlor. In coming years, he would be called the Verdurian, the founder of Verdur. The next life to emerge from the Spring would be a normal human, the first Wilt. The next life to emerge from the Spring would be the animals of the world. They shot out of the Spring and over the world before landing in the places they would live in forever. The next life to emerge from the Spring would be the plant life. When they came out of the Spring, they noticed the Verdurian, and their strange plant-like patterns. The plants decided that he was one of their own, and gave him power. He would be able to manipulate all the plant life in the world. In exchange for moisture from the Verdurian. The Verdurian accepted, and the plant life spread all over the world, giving it life.

The first Wilt became jealous and went to the coast of Vurnii, to attempt to cross the Great Sea, into the continent that would become known as Glii. Another Wilt crawled out of the Spring and chased after the first Wilt. The Verdurian went to the coast after them, and spoke with the first Wilt. The Verdurian said they would construct a way for the pair of Wilts to cross the Great Sea, so long as the Verdurian could go with them, and they could be friends. Besides, the southern hemisphere was too cold. The first Chlor had access to the power of all 5 Branches, and created a bridge out of sturdy vines and trees. The trio crossed the sea, and started a civilization in what would become Glii, meaning Second Life in their language. They dubbed the land they came from Vurnii, meaning First Life. The descendants of the first Chlor weren’t able to manipulate all plant life, like their forefather, but specific parts of plant life. They classified the power into the five Branches and named the power Verdur, meaning Power Over Life.

Now. This info will be crucial to the book, and the lore surrounding the Verdurian I plan to write into a prelude short story. 

But I spent two hours last night planning out a rough draft of the plot of book 1. It's going to be totally dope.

Some basic info:

Book 1 will be titled Verdur, and will mostly be character and world development, with some plot development towards the end and middle.

Book 2 will be titled Sanctum, and will follow our main characters on a journey that can be most similarly compared to the journey made by Wax and Wayne (and co) to the bands of mourning place.

Book 3 will be titled Pandura, and will follow the culmination of several lost-to-time prophecies in-world, discovered by main crew at the Sanctum.

I'm very excited to write this, and I will dedicate the rest of this post to explaining the politics, countries, and other misc details.

The continent Glii is also one country, split into 6 provinces. There are technically 7 provinces, but the 7th is just the northern 1/3 of the continent, known simply as The Forest. The 6 provinces hold a host of humans, and every province has a different culture, but they all share the same ideas regarding how they came to be and Verdur. People from the western provinces look Asian, and people from the eastern provinces look Caucasian. As I come up with reasons the Provinces are important, I'll add it.

The 6 Provinces (West to East):







All 6 Provinces are run by an Elected, who deals with law inside the province. The Presidents are under the Hiprime and Shiprime of Glii, who deal with affairs that span the whole country. The Elected are voted in by popular vote by the people. The entire country takes democracy and feudalism, and mushes it together into something I call Feumocracy. (patent pending jk( yes i created a political system)) Feumocracy is interesting, because we have voting, and court, but we also have nobility. the nobility are crucial as they hold a lot of sway in the provinces and the country as a whole. When an Elected is running for office as a Candidate, it's a good idea to have some nobles on their side, as people will listen more.

The southern continent, Vurnii, is cold and kinda dark (see my solar explanation (ima explain that more in a bit)) with one solitary village near the Holy Spring.

Now let me attempt to re-explain the thing with the planet. So Glii is in permanent Summer/Spring and Vurnii is in permanent Winter because of how the orbit around the sun works. The axis works like a wobbly top going around an object. Except there's a pattern. The thing you hold to spin the top, the handle, is always leaning towards the center object. in this case, the "handle" of Gliivurnii is always leaning towards the sun, as the planet rotates around the sun, thus keeping Glii in Summer/Spring and Vurnii in Winter. I hope that makes sense.

Now i think that's everything, so I'm gonna post this. K great. Cool.


Edited by CalanoCorvus
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THIS POST WILL BE EDITED WITH THE PROLOGUE, BUT: This story is told as if someone is telling it to someone else, a method I am dubbing the Hoid Method (because thats how Hoid do it)

So yeah!!!

Prologue coming soon besties!!

Ok I'm posting the first bit of the Prologue, it isn't finished yet, but it almost is. @Elf this is mostly your fault, so I'm mentioning you so you can read it.


The Elections in Galur were always more chaotic than the other provinces. But of course it was, as the best politicians always came from Galur. The citizens of Galur took The Elections just a bit more seriously than, say, those in Thalo. They celebrated, debated, and argued. The Chlors created large platforms out of wood and plants to stage debates and to voice their opinion. The taverns became packed with people, day and night. Ironically, the weather seemed to mimic the tension of the towns.

The rainstorms blew in from the Great Sea and smothered the Western Provinces, making everything damp and dark, for about a month. But this story begins in the city of Fulna, in south eastern Galur, on the West of the continent. 

In a tavern in the city center, at a table in the corner, away from the bar itself, sat a cloaked figure. The figure had a name, but everyone called him Vengeance. Well, almost everyone.

We’re going to be calling him Cheen. As that was the name he was born with, and the name he saw himself as. I think that, for most people, especially Cheen, a name is like an identity. It helps us know who we are. Without a name, we’re just another face in the crowd. Another body in the ground. Another soul in the afterlife. Without a name, we have no purpose, no intent. Without a name, we are not ourselves. Our name is our title, our purpose, our intent, our identity, ourself.

Cheen frequented this tavern in particular for one reason. Gossip. This tavern, which, oddly enough, had no name. It was just the tavern. It was the most popular tavern in all of Fulna, so I guess it didn’t really matter if it had a name. But yes, gossip. The gossip here was the best in the city. 

Cheen’s ears scanned the barroom, listening for news of a murder, a kidnapping, any crime. You would call Cheen a vigilante, but the people of Galur just called him Vengeance. And when Vengeance blocked your path, you’d never pass him. Ever again.

A few tables away, there were some men, as there usually were in a tavern. They were discussing the Ripper, an infamous murderer who kept massacaring small villages.

Tonight, the men were discussing his most recent attack, on a village about 4 miles from Fulna.

“The Ripper’s at it again,” One said in a gruff voice. Gruff Voice had a scruffy beard, and looked like he’d been in a war. 

His friend, Baby Face, looked like he was just old enough to be able to go to a bar. “Who’d he kill this time?” He asked.

“Small village 4 miles northeast of here,” Said the third and final man, Oldy, and old man who kept smacking his lips.

“That’s the third time this year alone! We aren’t even halfway through the year!” Baby Face said exasperatedly. He glanced at the corner where Vengeance had been sitting.

But Vengeance was not there.

No, our friend Cheen was already on horseback, in the rain and cold, towards the village that no longer existed. The sun had already set, and the rain only made it worse. But his horse knew the way, and he could make minor corrections. So he rode on into the night.

He made it there within the hour, and dismounted.

Cheen, Vengeance, both the same person, walked through the front gate, and drew his Ly, a long, thin sword not so common as it once was.

He found The Ripper sitting exactly where he expected him to be sitting.

The central Trough, full of water and wet dirt. A Trough is something found in most towns and cities. It holds a small reservoir of fresh water, as well as a circular trough of dirt, to be used by Chlors, people who, in this world, could manipulate plant life itself. The water gave them the payment required by the plants. The dirt allowed them to produce the aforementioned plants.

The Ripper was sat back against the Trough, looking up at the rain. Well, not looking. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling.

“Welcome,” The Ripper said, his face unmoving.

Cheen said nothing. He simply continued to walk towards The Ripper.

“I’ve been expecting you for some time now. I’m surprised, to be honest, that you didn’t come sooner,” said The Ripper, his voice muffled slightly by the rain.

“You’re a slippery fish, Perka.” Cheen responded slowly.

The Ripper smiled, and said, “Perka… That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”

“And soon, the person attached to that name will no longer exist.”

The rain was gently pinging off of Cheen’s Ly, and lightning flashed across the clouds above, as if the sky were apprehensive.

“You’re dramatic,” Said the Ripper matter-of-factly, “But saying that makes me a hypocrite. You see, what you don’t understand, what no one understands, is that everyone I’ve killed, I’ve killed them with mercy. I’m performing a great task. Pandura’s Coming approaches, and she will raze this world. I’m simply helping others avoid that fate.”

The name Pandura was unfamiliar to Cheen, but the name still sent a chill through his body.

“You don’t know what you speak of,” Cheen said, “You’re making it up.”

The Ripper opened his eyes, meeting Cheen’s own iron gaze.

“Am I?” He asked, smiling.

Cheen ran him through with his Ly, even though it was less than what The Ripper deserved. I guess you could call it mercy, which is ironic, considering that what The Ripper did, he considered a mercy.

The Ripper coughed, still smiling. “So it begins…” He said, and then he and his voice were gone.

As soon as he was dead, the sound of a crying child echoed across the town square. Even the rain did nothing to muffle the high pitched screaming.

Cheen immediately rushed towards the sound, ignoring the plant that had coiled around his arm, the Ripper’s final attempt to kill him. A survivor. A child, definitely, but a survivor nonetheless. He smashed through the front door of one of the nearby homes, and a cold wind filled the home. The child's screaming only grew louder.

He reached the child’s room, and when he was standing over the child, he wondered why he had rushed towards the sound.

He’d encountered children before. Yes, they had been dead, but he had not mourned for them. Yet for some reason, when he heard this child cry out, he knew he would not let this child die. This child had to live.

He did not know why he knew, but he knew.

As Cheen gently picked up the child, who was not a toddler, but also not a newborn, his fingers brushed the vine slowly uncurling from around the child's neck.

The vine wrapped tightly around Cheen’s finger, and in the five seconds it was there until it fell away, Cheen had a thought.

A single Thought.

This boy must live. It is imperative that he survive.

Take him.

Flee east.

Ensure he lives.

The vine fell to the bed, and the Thought ended. The urge to flee east, raise this boy, and abandon his whole lifestyle overpowered Cheen.

He wrapped the still screaming child into a blanket found in his bed, and rushed back to his horse.

He mounted, and rode east, trying his best to make the ride as comfortable and warm for the child as he could.

He would make sure the boy lived.

hm yes narration storytelling go brrrr.


EDIT 3: added the reworked bit of the prologue.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Wow! That was amazing! Where's Vengeance gone? I'm really excited to see what's next. 

(And if this beauty is the result I definitely do not mind it being my fault :D)

I really like this style. Makes me feel like Hoid is telling me a story :D

Also this part 

13 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:


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I think that, for most people, especially Cheen, a name is like an identity. It helps us know who we are. Without a name, we’re just another face in the crowd. Another body in the ground. Another soul in the afterlife. Without a name, we have no purpose, no intent. Without a name, we are not ourselves. Our name is our title, our purpose, our intent, our identity, ourself.


Is just sooooo good and deep and you've written it sooo well :D

Edited by Elf
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On 3/21/2022 at 5:02 PM, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

THIS POST WILL BE EDITED WITH THE PROLOGUE, BUT: This story is told as if someone is telling it to someone else, a method I am dubbing the Hoid Method (because thats how Hoid do it)

So yeah!!!

Prologue coming soon besties!!

Ok I'm posting the first bit of the Prologue, it isn't finished yet, but it almost is. @Elf this is mostly your fault, so I'm mentioning you so you can read it.

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The Elections in Galur were always more chaotic than the other provinces. But of course it was, as the best politicians always came from Galur. The citizens of Galur took The Elections just a bit more seriously than, say, those in Thalo. They celebrated, debated, and argued. The Chlors created large platforms out of wood and plants to stage debates and to voice their opinion. The taverns became packed with people, day and night. Ironically, the weather seemed to mimic the tension of the towns.

The rainstorms blew in from the Great Sea and smothered the Western Provinces, making everything damp and dark, for about a month. But this story begins in the city of Fulna, in south eastern Galur, on the West of the continent. 

In a tavern in the city center, at a table in the corner, away from the bar itself, sat a cloaked figure. The figure had a name, but everyone called him Vengeance. Well, almost everyone.

We’re going to be calling him Cheen. As that was the name he was born with, and the name he saw himself as. I think that, for most people, especially Cheen, a name is like an identity. It helps us know who we are. Without a name, we’re just another face in the crowd. Another body in the ground. Another soul in the afterlife. Without a name, we have no purpose, no intent. Without a name, we are not ourselves. Our name is our title, our purpose, our intent, our identity, ourself.

Cheen frequented this tavern in particular for one reason. Gossip. This tavern, which, oddly enough, had no name. It was just the tavern. It was the most popular tavern in all of Fulna, so I guess it didn’t really matter if it had a name. But yes, gossip. The gossip here was the best in the city. 

Cheen’s ears scanned the barroom, listening for news of a murder, a kidnapping, any crime. You would call Cheen a vigilante, but the people of Galur just called him Vengeance. And when Vengeance blocked your path, you’d never pass him. Ever again.

A few tables away, there were some men, as there usually were in a tavern. They were discussing the Ripper, an infamous murderer who kept massacaring small villages.

Tonight, the men were discussing his most recent attack, on a village about 4 miles from Fulna.

“The Ripper’s at it again,” One said in a gruff voice. Gruff Voice had a scruffy beard, and looked like he’d been in a war. 

His friend, Baby Face, looked like he was just old enough to be able to go to a bar. “Who’d he kill this time?” He asked.

“Small village 4 miles northeast of here,” Said the third and final man, Oldy, and old man who kept smacking his lips.

“That’s the third time this year alone! We aren’t even halfway through the year!” Baby Face said exasperatedly. He glanced at the corner where Vengeance had been sitting.

But Vengeance was not there.

No, our friend Cheen was already on horseback, in the rain and cold, towards the village that no longer existed. The sun had already set, and the rain only made it worse. But his horse knew the way, and he could make minor corrections. So he rode on into the night.

He made it there within the hour, and dismounted.

Cheen, Vengeance, both the same person, walked through the front gate, and drew his Ly, a long, thin sword not so common as it once was.

He found The Ripper sitting exactly where he expected him to be sitting.

The central Trough, full of water and wet dirt. A Trough is something found in most towns and cities. It holds a small reservoir of fresh water, as well as a circular trough of dirt, to be used by Chlors, people who, in this world, could manipulate plant life itself. The water gave them the payment required by the plants. The dirt allowed them to produce the aforementioned plants.

The Ripper was sat back against the Trough, looking up at the rain. Well, not looking. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling.

“Welcome,” The Ripper said, his face unmoving.

Cheen said nothing. He simply continued to walk towards The Ripper.

“I’ve been expecting you for some time now. I’m surprised, to be honest, that you didn’t come sooner,” said The Ripper, his voice muffled slightly by the rain.

“You’re a slippery fish, Perka.” Cheen responded slowly.

The Ripper smiled, and said, “Perka… That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”

“And soon, the person attached to that name will no longer exist.”

The rain was gently pinging off of Cheen’s Ly, and lightning flashed across the clouds above, as if the sky were apprehensive.

“You’re dramatic,” Said the Ripper matter-of-factly, “But saying that makes me a hypocrite. You see, what you don’t understand, what no one understands, is that everyone I’ve killed, I’ve killed them with mercy. I’m performing a great task. Pandura’s Coming approaches, and she will raze this world. I’m simply helping others avoid that fate.”

The name Pandura was unfamiliar to Cheen, but the name still sent a chill through his body.

“You don’t know what you speak of,” Cheen said, “You’re making it up.”

The Ripper opened his eyes, meeting Cheen’s own iron gaze.

“Am I?” He asked, smiling.

Cheen ran him through with his Ly, even though it was less than what The Ripper deserved. I guess you could call it mercy, which is ironic, considering that what The Ripper did, he considered a mercy.

The Ripper coughed, still smiling. “So it begins…” He said, and then he died.

As soon as he was dead, the sound of a crying child echoed across the town square. Even the rain did nothing to muffle the high pitched screaming.

Cheen immediately rushed towards the sound. A survivor. A child, definitely, but a survivor nonetheless. He smashed through the front door of one of the nearby homes, and a cold wind filled the home. The child's screaming only grew louder.

He reached the child’s room, and when he was standing over the child, he wondered why he had rushed towards the sound.

He’d encountered children before. Yes, they had been dead, but he had not mourned for them. Yet for some reason, when he heard this child cry out, he knew he would not let this child die. This child had to live.

He did not know why he knew, but he knew.

As Cheen gently picked up the child, who was not a toddler, but also not a newborn, he noticed the vine slowly uncurling from around his neck. 

Ah. The Ripper had tried to kill the child, but had failed. The vine fell back into the small bed, which was ornately crafted from plants and vines. It was as if the bed itself, certainly a sanctuary for the young boy, had tried to kill him. Betrayal. How sad.

But the child was alive, and Cheen somehow knew this child was special. This child had a destiny, a destiny so important, Cheen could never comprehend it.

Thunder cracked outside, and it reflected Cheen’s decision. Like thunder cracking, Cheen made a decision to change his life. To forego his ways of death and justice.

To just live.

And raise this boy.

He did not know, even with the strange revelations that had come to him, that he was effectively raising this boy as a farmer raises a pig.

For slaughter.

hm yes narration storytelling go brrrr.


I LOVE IT. GIVE ME MORE. It only needs a little more detail. but not that much. only a smidge. Also a few more scenes before he comes to the village, it feels a little rushed to me. but other than that, I love it!

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  • 2 months later...

reviving this to say im getting back into this, and some lore bits have been reworked, and I'm reworking the last bit of the prologue as well, and then writing will begin.

figuring it out as I go, it's happening people!

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double posting because i reworked the origins of Verdur and the lore of the Planet in general. it has also been renamed to Glivurni, the planet, and the two continents Gli and Vurni.

here is the updated lore:


MOST IMPORTANT: MAJOR LORE CHANGES: so instead of the previous lore of life, what happened was plant life had been around for years, and had begun to gain sentience, becoming a hive mind and referring to itself as The Thought.

The Thought was highly advanced, and after much thought, decided to create a life form other than Itself.

And so, The Thought created The Spring, and brought forth another life form, Humans. Two humans came from The Spring, a man and a woman. The Thought greeted the pair, and explained that they wanted to help the pair survive. They would allow the pair to use the plants using their mind, and the pair of humans would build a world.

The man accepted gladly, and took upon himself the name Ortheus. The woman reluctantly accepted as well, and took on the name Pandura.

They created the first city in what would become Vurni. The city was crafted of wood and of stone and of plant, and even though it was practically an utopia, Pandura grew jealous. She grew jealous of the power The Thought held, and by day, put on an act of joy and gratitude, but by night, fueled her jealousy by practicing her powers with plants.

After building up her abilities, Pandura attacked. She ferociously destroyed the city, but Ortheus and The Thought fought back, and The Thought trapped her in a tree next to The Spring. 

The Thought said that as long as They received water, humans could continue to manipulate them, and Pandura would remain trapped.

They also said that any large use of plant magic would free her.

Over time, Vurni got colder and colder as cosmic forces (mentioned in later books because i'm making a connected universe heehee) made the axis of Glivurni shift, putting Vurni in eternal winter. The shifting of the axis, and the cosmic occurrence that caused it weakened The Thought severely, meaning it could now only communicate with humans and control itself only slightly. A slight movement here and there, a twitch of a vine there. If a human touched a vine, The Thought could communicate with them. The closer the human was to The Spring, the easier communication was between the two organisms. The humans migrated to Gli, in what would come to be known as The Exodus. Years passed, and history was rewritten, in cooperation between humans and The Thought, to make sure Pandura was forgotten about and stayed trapped. Although, somewhere, there is still stuff written about Vurni, and the story of Pandura.

After about a thousand years, someone wandered to the Spring and almost freed Pandura. This person, who became known as The Jailer, was a very powerful chlor, and constructed the Sanctum out of plants, using his powers. He lost too much water, and gave himself up to keep Pandura trapped for a long time afterwards.

Edit: Added some info about The Thought weakening.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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i have been working on this trilogy for almost three months now.

all i have is final human/magic lore, the prologue for the first book, a basic plot for all three books, and the main cast of characters.

just think on it, give it time.

time is writing.

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hey nerds, I have some Connected Universe data that I came up with last night.

I present to you, the planet names, statistics, realm names, name of the universe, for my connected universe.


Name: Koverse



High - The physical realm, the realm you and I are in.

Higher - The mind-centric realm, the realm where thoughts and ideas culminate. Souls are visible from this realm.

Highest - The highest realm, where peoples souls come from and where all Highest beings reside. For example, the Thought, which currently resides on the plant Glivurni, of the Vurnish system, is a Highest being. Humans, as seen on Glivurni for now, are High beings with the potential to be a Higher being.




The Vurnish System

- [ ] Glivurni, a planet in the habitable zone of this systems star, home to The Thought, and humans, as well as the demigoddess Pandura, and a couple for now unnamed Koversal beings.

- [ ] Qovurni, a planet with an orbit twice the diameter of Glivurnis orbit. A gas giant, typically regarded as a higher being by humans on Glivurni. In the sky of Glivurni, it shines a gentle cyan.

Moons of The Vurnish System:

- [ ] Around the planet Glivurni, we have the moons Nruv and Lii, which shine deep green and blazing yellow, respectively.

- [ ] Around the planet Qovurni, we have one moon. Named simply Ae, this moon shines a deep red as seen from Glivurni, a stark contrast to the plant it orbits.

Statistics of the Vurnish system:

- [ ] The planet Glivurni has a gravity of 0.7 Koverse standard, with 1 Koverse standard being the same as 1 Earth standard in our own universe. It has a circumference of 30,272 miles, larger than earth, and the moons are 7,399 miles in circumference for Nruv, and 5,271 miles for Lii.

- [ ] The planet Qovurni has a circumference of 52,624 miles, being nearly double the size of earth, but only about 1.6x the mass, resulting in a gravity of 1.75 Koverse standard. The moon Ae is small, at 2,371 miles circumference, with a gravity of 0.3 Koverse standard.

TL;DR The Vurnish system contains 2 planets, and three moons, each quite different but resulting in a small yet mighty system.

Welcome to the Koverse!!!

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  • 1 month later...


Finally figured out a way to start this dang book!!!

Chapter 1 of Verdur, and a first look at the personalities of Kie and Tessa (and a special new character)


Years have passed since Vengeance’s nighttime ride. After naming the boy Kieron and purchasing a small apartment on the outskirts of a city in Rekni, called Ilnor, he settled his affairs and made sure his enemies, of which there were many, could not find him.

Since then, Kie has taken it upon himself to live up to the image of Cheen, and tries to be fair, kind, and firm. He spends his days wandering around Ilnor with his best friend Tessa, messing with shopkeepers, or just buying from them. The mischief usually occurs when Tessa’s around. When she isn’t around, Kie is his normal self. Tessa brings out his rebellious side, and he doesn't know how he feels about that.

On this particular day, Kie is by himself for once, so he peruses the shops in the city center. He likes it here, with the hustle and bustle of business, and he always makes sure to carry a decent amount of Koin on him, in case he finds something he likes. It might seem dangerous, carrying that much money around with him, and he’s aware of that. This is why he’s taught himself basic self-defense. He stops by a vendor selling naturally grown apples, a rare commodity in this part of the country, due to the way Verdur is used agriculturally.

“How much for one?” He asks the shopkeeper, a wizened old lady with calluses on her hands. She is probably also the caretaker of the trees these fruits hail from.

“2 Noi,” She says with a smile, “But for a handsome young lad such as yourself, I’ll drop it down to 1 Noi.”

Kie laughs and says, “Thank you,” But still hands the shopkeeper 2 silvery coins. She hands him a shiny red apple, and he smiles gratefully and continues on his way. He takes a bite of his apple, and turns left, out away from the city center. He’s still in the business sector, so there’s still shops here, just less so than the center. He finishes his apple- it tasted delicious- and drops it into a Trough that sits in front of a building.

Kie walks for a bit longer, before someone emerges from an alley next to him.

She catches up to him and matches his pace.

“Hey, Tess. What’d you do this time?” He asks, glancing at her.

“What do you mean?” She asks calmly.

“There’s a bright red flower in your hair.” He says, grinning.

“Thank you for noticing. It’s pretty, isn’t it?” She moves a hand up to brush the flower, which gleams in the sunlight.

“Very,” Says Kie, “Now who’d you steal it from?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tessa says matter-of-factly.

“Hey!” Shouts someone behind them. “Thief! There’s a thief here! She stole one of my flowers!”

“‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’” Mocks Kie.

“Shut up,” Tessa says, grabbing his hand, “And let's have a chase, shall we?”

She starts sprinting, dragging Kie with her. He regains his footing and glances over his shoulder. The old man who shouted gives chase. He’s quite spry, and begins gaining, shouting as he goes.

“Tessa,” Kie says worriedly, “He’s gaining on us.”

“Then we’ll lose him,” She says, and ducks into an alleyway. Kie is yanked to the side, and he curses as he almost collides with a wall.

“Warn me next time!” He shouts.

“Sorry!” Responds Tessa.

The old man's shouts are magnified in the alleyway, and they burst out the other side onto a street where traffic is heavy. Carriages and riders pass back and forth on the cobblestone streets, and the walkways of plants climb up the sides of buildings, people walking up and down them. The pair dash into traffic, running alongside a mailman and his horse. The old man appears behind them.

Tessa curses and speeds up, passing the mailman and dragging Kie back to the walkway. They dart between people, who shout and grip the wooden railing as they are shoved to the side. The old man shoves past the shocked civilians, and begins gaining on them.

“Don’t worry,” Tessa shouts over the hubbub of the street, “We can lose hi-Oof!”

She suddenly stops, and Kie’s momentum shoves him into the person who Tessa ran into.

He looks down at them, then glances up at the old shopkeeper, who runs up to them, panting. People begin walking again, and go around them.

“What’s the problem?” He asks, and his voice is quiet, but Kie can hear it just fine.

“This one,” The old man says bitterly, gesturing at Tessa, “Stole some of my merchandise, and had the audacity to show it off.”

The man they ran into plucks the flower out of Tessa’s hair, resulting in a grunt of frustration from her, and studies it.

“This flower?” He asks.

“Yes,” Responds the shopkeeper, whose hands show he’s been working with dirt most of his life. Kie notices his hands are almost permanently stained brown. The shopkeeper must be a skilled Chlor, capable of creating plant life at the flick of a wrist. Based on the fact that he must have made this flower, he is probably of the Herb Branch, a classification of Chlor’s who make herbs, flowers, and small plants.

“How much would it cost?” Asks the man, who puts a hand on Tessa’s shoulder. Kie glances at Tessa, and notes that she was ready to bolt at any moment. Tessa glances at him, and grins. Kie rolls his eyes.

“It normally costs half a Noi, but because of the trouble she gave me, I’m raising it to one Noi. Better pay up, young lady,” He says, folding his arms and glaring at Tessa.

Kie glares at the man, but he doesn’t notice.

“Calm yourself,” The man says, and draws a coin from his pocket, “I’ll pay for your trouble. And here’s a bit extra, just in case.” He draws a couple smaller bronze colored coins from his pocket, and places all three coins in the outstretched hand of the shopkeeper, who Hmph’s and walks off.

Tessa turns to look up at the man, giving him a grin, “Thanks for that, sir. What's your name?”

“You may call me Aymar,” He says simply.

With the shopkeeper gone, Kie gets a good look at this Aymar. He wears a deep green cloak around his shoulders, with a loose brown tunic, and loose black trousers tied with a sash around the waist. His hood is down, revealing a soft face, with short dark hair, and eyes that seemed as if they had seen everything and more.

“Aymar,” Tessa says, “You going to give me my flower back?”

Aymar laughs lightly, and tucks the flower back into her hair.

“Would the pair of you walk with me?” He asks, glancing at Kie as he says it.

“Why?” Asks Kie.

“I’d like to share a story with you.”

Kie isn’t sure what to think of this… Aymar. But he does like stories, and he doesn’t hear enough of them in this economy driven city. So he agrees, and he, Tessa, and Aymar, walk along the path. Aymar speaks quietly, but Kie can hear him just fine.

“Let me tell you a story about a fish named Ora. Ora was a mischievous young fish who lived by himself at the bottom of the sea. In his neighborhood of fish, he only knew one of them, his next door neighbor, an old fish who had a name, but Ora hadn’t bothered to learn it. Ora would constantly steal food from his neighbor, and the old fish would never know where his food went. He always attributed it to shrimp, or some other deep sea creature.

“Eventually, when Ora went over to steal more food, the old neighbor caught him in the act, and confronted Ora about it. When asked why he was always stealing food, Ora could not come up with a reason why. “The old fish, in his age, had gained much wisdom, and imparted some to Ora. He said, ‘It must be easy to come over here and steal food when you need it, isn’t it?’ To which Ora replied, ‘Yes, it is.’ The old fish continued, saying ‘And it must be even easier when paired with the fact that I am not at home.’ To which Ora replied, ‘Yes, it is.’

“The old fish explained that he was not home most of the time because he was out in the wild, gathering food. That was why there was so much of it, and why he hadn’t confronted Ora about it for some time. ‘Would you like some advice, Ora?’ The old fish asked. When Ora didn’t respond, the old fish continued, “When faced with taking the easy route or the hard route, you should take the hard route. The easy route will leave you with nothing but temporary joy, and permanent guilt. The hard route will leave you with no guilt, and much more joy, and food, than you could need.’ Ora asked what he should do, and the old fish told him to go out into the wild every day with him, and gather food for the both of them. Eventually, they would both have enough that they wouldn’t need to go out to gather food, and would just be able to sit and enjoy their lives.”

Kie blinks, realizing that Aymar has not finished the story. He opens his mouth to speak, but Tessa beats him to it.

“Well?” She asks, “Did Ora go out with the old fish and gather food?”

“I don’t know,” Aymar replies, smiling, “Are you going to stop stealing things and pay for it instead?”

Tessa blushes as she realizes the implications of the whole story.

Aymar glances at her, smiling, and laughs at her expression.

“Food for thought,” He says. “Be safe, you two.”

He turns sharply and walks into an alleyway. Kie looks in after him, but can’t see him. It’s like he’s disappeared. 

Tessa huffs, and splits off from the walkway into another alleyway further down. Kie follows, smiling.

“He got you pretty good,” He says, chuckling softly.

“Oh, shut up.” She says, but she was grinning.

“It was funny!”

Tessa bends down and picks up a small pot of dirt. Tessa is of the Shrub Branch of Verdur, and can grow small vegetables, fruits, and flowering plants. It’s similar to the Herb Branch, but still has its differences.

They emerge from the alleyway onto a less busy street and turn right, walking towards the outskirts of the city.

“Do you think he was right?” Tessa asks softly, concentrating on making a small strawberry plant appear. “Do I steal too much? Should I reign myself in?”

“Hmm,” Kie says thoughtfully, “I don’t know. It puts a smile on your face, so that’s nice. And you do end up paying for it, one way or another, so I’d say it’s just harmless fun.”

Tessa glances up from her pot, which has grown a small plant, not big enough to grow a single strawberry. Tessa isn’t a very powerful Chlor.

“Good point,” She says, and they walk in silence a ways before Kie’s apartment building comes into view.

“Alright, this is my stop. See you tomorrow?” He asks, putting an elbow out.

Tessa bumps her elbow with his, and nods, still concentrating on the pot of dirt.

He watches her walk off, and she eventually sets down the pot in indignation and stalks off.

He chuckles and walks into his apartment, where a familiar man is sitting on the sofa.

“Hello,” Says Aymar jovially.

yoink yoink chapter 1 get boinked

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Bloodmelon is a sweet fruit, about the size of a cantaloupe, which commonly grows in the Forest on the north side of the continent. One of the few plants that can't be Speedgrown using Verdur, it has the texture of a jackfruit, but dark red on the outside, and a bright blood red on the inside, giving it its name. It tastes like a cherry and strawberry combined. That is to say, quite sweet.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everybody!

It's been a while, and y'all haven't heard much about the trilogy.

I've mostly been ignoring the project, because I didn't like how it was going, and I was experiencing heavy writer's block. But we all experience that at one time or another, so I wasn't worried. I remained patient, and thought up many ideas, which I wrote down and sorted through to find the gems.

I've made some major changes to the way it's organized, the way the plot will form and go, as well as geological, political, and social norm changes to the in-world environment.

I've also decided that the currently posted works are now considered "Drafts" and are not canon, nor accurate, according to the updated terms.

I will not be posting any works made after this post, regardless of how cool they are. Any other posts of anything will be at solely my own discretion.

I hope all of you are still as excited for the Verdur Trilogy as I am, and it's already been a hell of a journey creating a good environment to craft my stories.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all in the next update, which will probably be around when I've written 1/3 of the book.


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  • 2 months later...

how does the day/night cycle work?

Is it always day in glii, or do they experience a day/night cycle, but the actual tilt is just larger than on earth, and Glii just has longer days and shorter nights, while Vernii has shorter days and longer nights?

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Hmm. This is something I hadn't thought about, but you raise a good question.

The whole 'seperate continents' idea is far outdated, I've now simplified it into one large continent. But, had I not, I imagine Vernii would have had much less sunlight, and Glii would have had much more sunlight because of the worlds tilt. Vernii would still get sunlight, but probably not for very long, think Arctic daylight cycles, and Glii would be lucky to get a glimpse of the moons.

But as I said, I've reworked the geological placements of the continent, and done away with the Vernii continent.

What I now have is the main Glivurni continent, and off to the east, the Great Mangrove, a large forest of Mangrove trees. Very important to the plot.

Thanks for the question though!

And I'd say that current day/night cycle is quite similar to Earths now.

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