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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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SA2 ch3, Shallan: Pattern is cuter than Syl, fight me :P

Okay, so I know Kaladin is a windrunner, so Szeth is whatever's adjacent to that, kinda like Jasnah and Shallan are adjacent? So Kal's never walking on walls, huh? Straight to flying? But Szeth can sorta fly, by Lashing himself upward, then making himself weightless.

Will we find out why it was important that Shallan drew Pattern?

By the way, I finished the 2nd draft of my latest novel. Any advice where to find betas?

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30 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2 ch3, Shallan: Pattern is cuter than Syl, fight me :P

Okay, so I know Kaladin is a windrunner, so Szeth is whatever's adjacent to that, kinda like Jasnah and Shallan are adjacent? So Kal's never walking on walls, huh? Straight to flying? But Szeth can sorta fly, by Lashing himself upward, then making himself weightless.

Interesting theory


Will we find out why it was important that Shallan drew Pattern?

You will get more information here. . .


By the way, I finished the 2nd draft of my latest novel. Any advice where to find betas?

If you don't have a writer's group, or just want an expanded circle, you could try here on the Forums. The Reading Excuses section summary:

A writing support group where you can trade critiques with other writers who intend their work for publication. All genres and skill levels welcome. Beginners encouraged.

I have used Fanstory (external link) for a number of years for my short fiction. I know they accept novels (usually chapter-by-chapter) and you can trade giving reviews to make member dollars instead of it being an all-paid service.


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11 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2 ch3, Shallan: Pattern is cuter than Syl, fight me :P

Syl has that "little sister" vibe hitting my protective instincts in all the right spots. if she was my spren, I'd hug her all the time, no matter that she's incorporeal.

I'd probably get along better with pattern, though. i like the kind of conversations he has

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On 9/7/2022 at 5:18 PM, Amira said:

Will there be a chapter named Bridge Four in all the Stormlight books?

I don't think so, sadly. I checked the Oathbringer chapter summary, and it didn't have one.

On 9/7/2022 at 5:18 PM, Amira said:

I agree that it was important to explain why Kaladin wants to keep Dalinar alive and that he isn't playing along just because, but I didn't feel like it was very realistic that the other bridgemen started doubting Dalinar. They were the ones who believed he was a good guy all along, and he only proved them right tenfold by freeing them.

Well, the bridgemen kinda-sorta hero-worship Kaladin and whatever he says they're inclined to believe. Kaladin tends to have that effect on people, and I feel like they all dislike lighteyes more than they would otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I feel like they all dislike lighteyes more than they would otherwise

Well, to be fair - look at how most of them ended up in Bridge Four. Many do have their own reasons to distrust the Lighteyes. Though all involved need to learn the lesson that stereotypes are an average - while each person is unique and should be judged for themselves (not the average).

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On 9/8/2022 at 8:55 PM, Treamayne said:

Interesting theory

Which part? I mean, I know Kaladin learns to fly at some point... I seem to be bad at staying away from spoilers completely :(

SA2 ch4, Dalinar: Interesting that Dalinar still has the visions even though the last one in WoK seemed like a wrap-up. It sounds like Dalinar believes he wrote the words on the wall himself, in his sleep (as in, the same force that sends him the visions made him write the message for himself). So I was thinking, Shallan + Jasnah are traveling to the Shattered Plains from Karbranth, and Szeth I assume set off on the same journey at roughly the same time. So my theory is that they all arrive at the Shattered Plains at once!

Next chapter is Kaladin YAY


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16 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2 ch4, Dalinar: Interesting that Dalinar still has the visions even though the last one in WoK seemed like a wrap-up. It sounds like Dalinar believes he wrote the words on the wall himself, in his sleep (as in, the same force that sends him the visions made him write the message for himself). So I was thinking, Shallan + Jasnah are traveling to the Shattered Plains from Karbranth, and Szeth I assume set off on the same journey at roughly the same time. So my theory is that they all arrive at the Shattered Plains at once!

Next chapter is Kaladin YAY

Hope you had a great weekend and glad to see you back at it. Keep in mind that the Interludes are not necessarily lock-stepped chronologically when you read them. For example, back in TWoK - you read about Szeth's attack on the King of Jah Kaved in Interlude 9, but it happened concurrent with Ch 46 when Kaladin sees the start of the attack while riding the Storm in the dream.


Which part? I mean, I know Kaladin learns to fly at some point... I seem to be bad at staying away from spoilers completely

I'm not sure you really want that answer so I'll say first that there is information you do not have yet (but get in this book) that clarifies Kaladin/Szeth. If you really need a slight-spoiler peak/fft:


Yes, Kaladin and Szeth are using the same lashings (so Szeth is not a different Order), and they have the same abilities; but you may have noticed something missing in Szeth's scenes that are present in Kaladin's scenes. Any explanation more than that would be a full Spoiler


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On 9/13/2022 at 9:47 PM, Treamayne said:

there is information you do not have yet (but get in this book) that clarifies Kaladin/Szeth.

Good, I hope there's lots of stuff I don't know yet so I can discover it at the appropriate time :)

SA2, Chapter 5, Kaladin: I'm glad Sigzil brought up testing Kaladin's powers again. I'm really looking forward to that. Things are moving slowly as this is the beginning of the book, but I hope I don't have to wait until the end of the book for Szeth to arrive on the Shattered Plains and make an attempt on Dalinar's life. Though if it's going to be a quality Szeth vs Kaladin fight, Kaladin does have some catching up to do.

Also, my theory is that Syl and Pattern will hate each other, at least at first, because their spren types are enemies, right?

Edited by Amira
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10 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

rest assured, it will happen well before the end of the book.


One more thing I forgot to say about chapter 5 is that I'm very interested in seeing Shen's development. Can't wait to see where that goes. 

SA2, ch6, Shallan: Pattern is starting to talk, nice. So, um, Szeth has abilities too, but he doesn't seem to have a spren. I wonder what's up with that. Meanwhile Jasnah talks to Sallan about saving the world. Characters in books when civilization is in danger of collapse: let's save the world! Real people when civilization is in danger of collapse: oh well, it sucks. This is why I like books. 

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23 hours ago, Amira said:

Characters in books when civilization is in danger of collapse: let's save the world! Real people when civilization is in danger of collapse: oh well, it sucks.

real people have a whole range from "someone else should really save the world" to "let's blame the government" to "let's deny that there is any risk" to "we're all screwed anyway, I may as well have some fun before the end".

and then there's all the people who want to do something, but they end up doing the wrong things, or they are ineffective.

then again, so far the world hasn't ended yet, so it means that someone - many someones - are actually saving the world, and succeeding. books simply are about those people. if shallan hadn't agreed to help jasnah save the world, she wouldn't be a main character.

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On 9/15/2022 at 5:35 PM, Amira said:

I wonder what's up with that. Meanwhile Jasnah talks to Sallan about saving the world. Characters in books when civilization is in danger of collapse: let's save the world! Real people when civilization is in danger of collapse: oh well, it sucks. This is why I like books. 

I wouldn't mind having a real-life Jasnah and Shallan on the scene. Or Kaladin, or Dalinar. Also, I'd like to be a Lightweaver, as long as we're wishing for things...

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SA2, ch7, Shallan: Shallan Soulcast the entire ship?! I have to say, I'm not sure why this was a good plan. Isn't land kinda far away? Jasnah is apparently dead, but here's the problem. Jasnah is on the cover of book 3. So she can't be dead. Maybe her appearing dead has to do with her other ability which we know nothing about? But I thought Shallan was the one who could create illusions... hm... Trying to guess what pulled Shallan deeper into the water at the end:
The Santhid?
Jasnah's spren?
Jasnah who's (surprise, surprise) actually alive?
Something else entirely?

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32 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, ch7, Shallan: Shallan Soulcast the entire ship?! I have to say, I'm not sure why this was a good plan. Isn't land kinda far away? Jasnah is apparently dead, but here's the problem.

Soulcasting the ship may not have been the best of ideas. As for Jasnah, you should enough information to reason it out - but it's also not very relevant until you RAFO (so I wouldn;t recommend spending too many brain cycles on it, unless you really want to do so).


The Santhid?
Jasnah's spren?
Jasnah who's (surprise, surprise) actually alive?

Yes. One of those

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@BinarySecond see WoR ch 11.

Its here under spoiler tag


Shallan awoke mostly dry, lying on an uneven rock that rose from the ocean. Waves lapped at her toes, though she could barely feel them through the numbness. She groaned, lifting her cheek from the wet granite. There was land nearby, and the surf sounded against it with a low roar. In the other direction stretched only the endless blue sea. She was cold and her head throbbed as if she’d banged it repeatedly against a wall, but she was alive. Somehow. She raised her hand—rubbing at the itchy dried salt on her forehead—and hacked out a ragged cough. Her hair stuck to the sides of her face, and her dress was stained from the water and the seaweed on the rock. How . . . ? Then she saw it, a large brown shell in the water, almost invisible as it moved toward the horizon. The santhid


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SA2 ch8, Dalinar: I feel like the plateau assault with Aladar was a success. Aladar joined Dalinar as instructed, and even decided to follow Dalinar's advice when it came to tactics even though Dalinar made it clear that it was Aladar's own choice. The only reason I have to say things are *not* going well is because of the impossible deadline of (now) 60 days. So they're going in the right direction, just not fast enough. Kaladin faced similar deadlines in book 1. I guess now it's Dalinar's turn. I've said this before, but Dalinar should ask Kaladin for leadership advice :)

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On 9/21/2022 at 9:13 PM, Cash67 said:

The Kholin chapters are one of the reasons that WoR is my favorite Sanderson book. I’ve loved reading your reactions, and you are in for a ride with book two!!

Thank you, and I look forward to this ride!!

I got a little distracted reading Alcatraz 6, but now back to Kaladin.

SA2, ch9: I like the idea of going down to train in the chasms being like an initiation. Sounds like Syl is pushing Kaladin to reveal his powers to Dalinar. I hope he does, because I can't wait to see Dalinar's reaction! Most importantly, Kaladin and Sigzil are finally going to do their experimentation!... and then the chapter ends. Of course.

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