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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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On 1/16/2023 at 5:49 PM, Amira said:

Other thoughts about previous chapters/interludes: So both Dalinar and Lift have sought the old magic. We know what Dalinar lost (his memory), but not what he gained, and we know what Lift gained (the ability to turn her body's normal energy into Stormlight and "touch" the cognitive realm) but we don't know what she lost.

You got more info on Dalinar's experience in Book 3. There is a hint at both sides of Lift's bargain in that interlude. The other half of the bargain is implied much earlier than her ability to metabolize food into light. Spoiler (WoR I-9) in case you would rather not go look for it yourself:


“She’s just a child!”

“She’s a youth. She’s at least twelve.”

“I ain’t twelve,” Lift snapped, looming over them.

They turned up toward her.

“I ain’t,” she said. “Twelve’s an unlucky number.” She held up her hands. “I’m only this many.”

“. . . Ten?” Tigzikk asked.

“Is that how many that is? Sure, then. Ten.” She lowered her hands. “If I can’t count it on my fingers, it’s unlucky.” And she’d been that many for three years now. So there.

Further Spoiler for partial explanation


Lift asked to "not grow up, not to change."



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34 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 59, Kaladin: The reason I don't like Wit so much is that he always seems to stall the plot in favor of dumb jokes and vague hints :/

I'm guessing this was the Fleet chapter.

Fleet (and the Wandersail in TWoK) might seem inconsequential; but there are usually some nuggets to be mined. Also, forewarning, Wit's first story was worldbuilding, two might be coincidence, but three would be a pattern. . .

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9 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 59, Kaladin: The reason I don't like Wit so much is that he always seems to stall the plot in favor of dumb jokes and vague hints :/

Stories that Wit tells are there for a reason. They're there to reflect on the character, help him a bit. They're for character development.

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7 hours ago, BinarySecond said:

Don't worry, I HATED Lift the first time I encountered her.

I disliked the way she talked and thought about stuff and was generally just childish.

I do not dislike her anymore.

Once I read Edgedancer it changed how I thought of her. It developed her character and created a more fun one. RoW also nicely develops her and so now I like her a lot more.

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SA2, chapter 60: Shallan learning to use her powers doesn't excite me as much as Kaladin learning to use his, partly because I like Kaladin more, partly because I like his powers more, and partly because right now I'm dying to find out what happens with him!

My rep claims I'm a Svrakiss. I'm guessing that's something from Stormlight, with all the consonants smashed together?

Chapter 61: Shallan's past continues to be depressing. Next chapter is Kaladin!

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14 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 62: Oh no, Kaladin is agreeing with Moash!

Yeah. . . that can't end well. Good catch.

What I was hoping for was, at this point:


“You saw this Roshone punished?” Kaladin asked, voice soft, feeling numb.

“Exiled,” Dalinar said, nodding. “Elhokar moved the man to a place where he couldn’t do any more harm.”

A place he couldn’t do any more harm. Kaladin almost laughed.

Kaladin should have laughed (in a bleak and pained way) and told Dalinar right then what "couldn’t do any more harm" looked like. 

I'll circle back to this later in WoR, when the rest of my comment won't need spoilers.

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SA2, chapter 63: Shallan's storyline is really interesting in this book; way more than in TWoK. And now she's trapped in a room with Taln when Amaram is about to walk in, yikes!

Chapter 64: Kaladin managed to get some Stormlight, nice. And Shallan was offered a place with the Ghostbloods, yikes! I assume she can use lightweaving to fake their tattoo. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 6:17 PM, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 59, Kaladin: The reason I don't like Wit so much is that he always seems to stall the plot in favor of dumb jokes and vague hints :/

I’d say the peak of his story telling comes in RoW.  And his insult game.

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11 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 62: Oh no, Kaladin is agreeing with Moash!

Well, you should see this coming after his imprisonment :( 

10 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 63: Shallan's storyline is really interesting in this book; way more than in TWoK. And now she's trapped in a room with Taln when Amaram is about to walk in, yikes!

Yes, Shallan's story is much better in this one, more action, mysteries, training. This chapter is great example of this.

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SA2, chapter 65, Shallan's past: I wonder why Malise feels that Shallan deserves her father's wrath. I feel a lot like past Shallan today. The people in power never seem to realize how they're destroying the lives of people under their power, and some of us are broken beyond repair because of it...

A couple things I forgot to mention:

1) One could technically argue that Alodin's one against four duel was actually a five against four. There was Adolin, Renarin, Kaladin, we know Pattern also helped, and since Kaladin used Surgebinding, you could technically argue that Syl helped too...

2) I liked how Kaladin thought that he'd actually be happy if Adolin became a Surgebinder.

Chapter 66: Loved Adolin in this chapter! So nice to see Adolin and Kaladin starting to become friends. Adolin (1) went to prison as a gesture to Kaladin, (2) gave Kaladin Shards, and (3) believed Kaladin about Amaram (go Adolin!!). Meanwhile, Kaladin... did WHAT? No... Kaladin... I expected better from you... You don't just decide to kill a man because "it will be better for the world". That's not how it works! I assume Kaladin eventually comes to his senses, seeing as everyone in this forum still loves him. I just hope it's soon. Gosh, the characters in Stormlight are so stupid sometimes...

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 65, Shallan's past: I wonder why Malise feels that Shallan deserves her father's wrath. I feel a lot like past Shallan today. The people in power never seem to realize how they're destroying the lives of people under their power, and some of us are broken beyond repair because of it...

There's much more gong on here. . . 


Chapter 66: Loved Adolin in this chapter! So nice to see Adolin and Kaladin starting to become friends. Adolin (1) went to prison as a gesture to Kaladin, (2) gave Kaladin Shards, 

This is what I was looking forward to you finding way back on Page 14, Glad you liked it as much as I had hoped.

On 12/17/2022 at 5:18 PM, Treamayne said:
On 12/17/2022 at 3:20 PM, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 29:Meanwhile Adolin is rocking it, I'm starting to like his character more. 

Adolin certainly received some much-needed character development in WoR. For me the highpoint is Ch 66 (spoiler - so you may want to wait and come back to read this when you get that far):


Kaladin frowned. “Wait. Are you wearing cologne? In prison?”

“Well, there was no need to be barbaric, just because I was incarcerated.”

“Storms, you’re spoiled,” Kaladin said, smiling.

“I’m refined, you insolent farmer,” Adolin said. Then he grinned. 

Not only is Adolin finally able to get passed his bruised ego from their meeting on the Tower in WOK; but Kaladin is finally able to accept that a Lighteyes can be a good person (or more-accurately that people being decent or horrible is not a factor of social station or importance).

It's the start of a lot of healing for both of them


(3) believed Kaladin about Amaram (go Adolin!!). Meanwhile, Kaladin... did WHAT? No... Kaladin... I expected better from you... You don't just decide to kill a man because "it will be better for the world". That's not how it works! I assume Kaladin eventually comes to his senses, seeing as everyone in this forum still loves him. I just hope it's soon. Gosh, the characters in Stormlight are so stupid sometimes...

This ties into some of the Epigraphs and a comment from Syl in Ch 22


Kaladin turned and walked back toward Dalinar’s warcamp. Syl flitted up and landed on his shoulder. “See,” she said. “He listened.”

“No he didn’t, Syl.”

“What? He replied and said—”

“I told him something he didn’t want to hear,” Kaladin said. “Even if he does look into it, he’ll find plenty of reasons to dismiss what I said. In the end, it will be my word against Amaram’s. Stormfather! I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“You’d let it go, then?”

“Storms, no,” Kaladin said. “I’d find my own justice.”

“Oh . . .” Syl settled on his shoulder.

They walked for a long while, eventually approaching the warcamp.

“You’re not a Skybreaker, Kaladin,” Syl finally said. “You’re not supposed to be like this.”

“A what?” he asked


Gosh, the characters in Stormlight are so stupid sometimes...

Kinda like people IRL?

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17 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Kinda like people IRL?


1 minute ago, king of nowhere said:

I like your reasoning here :D

Either that or he's bluffing, but I feel like that's giving him too much credit...

SA2, chapter 67, Dalinar: Ugh, it's the start of part 4, and everything has slowed down again. I want the action back! Give me Kaladin! Surgebinding! Flying! Dalinar and Adolin finding out! Kaladin vs Szeth! Although now Kaladin is conspiring to commit murder, so do I still want to hear about him?

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1 hour ago, Erklitt said:

Yes, you definitely do! 

I'll take your word for it.

SA2, chapter 68, Kaladin:


"It was a man, a glowing one, who flew around in the sky back and forth over the Plains"

LOL this cracked me up, not even sure why. Okay, so the problem is Kaladin made two conflicting promises. That makes things a little better I guess, though I still don't like how Surgebinding doesn't work if you don't follow the right morals. I'm never going to like that. Glad to see all the main characters together again though - Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, and Dalinar. And now someone's trying to throw Dalinar into the chasm; yikes! I'd better read the next chapter!

Chapter 69: Very cool twist of events! Kaladin and Shallan are down in the chasms! Of course they could both survive the fall with Stormlight. I wonder if they'll end up finding out about each other! I hope Kaladin's warning led to Adolin saving Dalinar. Pretty cool how Kaladin keeps saving Dalinar over and over. Doing his job.

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

though I still don't like how Surgebinding doesn't work if you don't follow the right morals.

Keep in mind the morals and precepts aren't the same for every order. You can even take an official quiz.

(Quiz results may have more information that you want at this point - but are not spoilers for the actual stories)

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

I'll take your word for it.

SA2, chapter 68, Kaladin:

LOL this cracked me up, not even sure why. Okay, so the problem is Kaladin made two conflicting promises. That makes things a little better I guess, though I still don't like how Surgebinding doesn't work if you don't follow the right morals. I'm never going to like that. Glad to see all the main characters together again though - Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, and Dalinar. And now someone's trying to throw Dalinar into the chasm; yikes! I'd better read the next chapter!

Chapter 69: Very cool twist of events! Kaladin and Shallan are down in the chasms! Of course they could both survive the fall with Stormlight. I wonder if they'll end up finding out about each other! I hope Kaladin's warning led to Adolin saving Dalinar. Pretty cool how Kaladin keeps saving Dalinar over and over. Doing his job.

Fair Warning, Knights needing to live up to the ideals they speak to get their powers is integral to this series, especially in this book.

Sanderson believes that powers are only as interesting as their limitations.  Surgebinders are some of the most powerful he’s made.  As such, he’s devised a particular limitation for them.

EDIT: not sure how much you’ll like why the powers have a moral requirement.

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12 minutes ago, Elder said:

Not sure how much you’ll like why the powers have a moral requirement.

I won't, but that's fine. This is my personal preference.

SA2, chapter 70: wow, Kaladin and Shallan walking through the chasms is taking its sweet time and nothing seems to happen. I want them to find out about each other's surgebinding already!

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